extension ExtPose

Batman Wallpapers Batman New Tab HD (delisted)

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Description from extension meta

Batman New Tab. HD Batman wallpapers with useful utilities for New Tab

Image from store Batman Wallpapers Batman New Tab HD
Description from store We`ve collected these Batman Wallpapers to bring an amazing atmosphere to your everyday browsing. Batman 4k New Tab has only the best and the brightest wallpapers from the whole web. New Tab with Batman Wallpapers is pretty cool combination of the best high quality wallpapers for new tab and number of useful features. We bet your chrome browser will transform in something cool with our new New Tab with Batman Full HD Wallpapers. Let`s bring something special to your everyday browsing with Batman HD Theme. Batman Backgrounds are definitely what you was looking for. Features of Batman New Tab: The best High-quality wallpapers for new tab that will change automatically every time you open new page Set one favorite wallpaper from the list as a background User-friendly interface Extension doesn`t weigh a lot and easy to work with Create your personal to do list right on the new tab Option of creating sticky notes App show local date and time wherever you are List of favorite websites, list of pretty useful apps and services. There is option, which will hide signs, inscriptions and all the elements of new tab When you get Batman Theme you`ll see amazing wallpaper every time you open New Tab. So just click on install button to get stunning Batman HD New Tab and you`ll never regret it! 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  • (2020-09-01) Raanjha Ali: i loved it


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Last update / version
2020-07-13 / 1.0
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