extension ExtPose

Google Timer za upoznavanje

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Description from extension meta

Prikaži vrijeme za google susret

Image from store Google Timer za upoznavanje
Description from store Ovo proširenje dodaje tajmer u vaše pozive na Google Meet. call timers Omogućuje vam provjeru koliko dugo ste na Google Meet pozivu call timer in android. Da biste započeli koristiti softversko proširenje, jednostavno instalirajte softversko proširenje i otvorite Google susret lg floating call timer. Da biste započeli tempiranje Google Meet Call-a, kliknite ikonu proširenja nakon što ste na web stranici Google Meet auto redial call timer pro apk. Razlog za to je potrebno da se naš prošireni kôd pokreće samo kad pritisnete ikonu softvera phone call timer zbog novih sigurnosnih ograničenja u Chrome trgovini. Google Chrome trgovina danas je stroža i tražimo manje dozvola na ovaj način za naše proširenje kada korisnici trebaju kliknuti na ikonu proširenja zoom drive thru timer. Izvinjavamo se zbog mogućih neugodnosti i nadamo se da ćete uživati uz to proširenje za snimanje dužine poziva na Google Meet auto call timer.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-04-12) Susan Cummings ARNP, PMHNP-BC: Would help if timer could be moved around in Chrome window. Right now it is blocking some text I need to read. I can't move the text, resize the window so the text behind it is visible or read the text another way.
  • (2024-03-18) María Isabel Gonzalez Ruiz: No se puede programar en forma descendente
  • (2023-10-18) Luis Felipe Santillán Mondragón: It is useful but limited, I think adding two or more extra features will complement the extension very well and will take it to the next level. Like being able to restart the timer and register (flag) events that happen inside a meeting. For example when multiple people is going to present or interact and time needs to be assigned for each one.
  • (2023-09-27) Necip Yolcu: great extension
  • (2022-12-11) Julia Socorro: Maravilloso poder contar con un temporizador. Me funciona a la perfección.
  • (2021-03-03) Pierpaolo Robert: Attualmente non si sincronizza con altri membri del meet
  • (2020-10-31) BUDUT TV: Coba dulu
  • (2020-08-23) Piervito Creanza: Duplicate of https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-meet-timer/dpdgjbnanmmlikideilnpfjjdbmneanf. If you want to receive the latest updates download the original extension!


10,000 history
3.6471 (17 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-24 / 3.0.2
Listing languages
