extension ExtPose

Simple Assistant

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Quality of life SimpleMMO tweaks

Image from store Simple Assistant
Description from store This plugin aims to improve quality of life on multiple aspects of Simple MMO while breaking no Terms of Service. As such, this plugin has no automation and never will have, however it does have a bunch of features you might fancy The most important features include but are not limited to: * Main action auto focus - just hit enter or space to step / attack / perform quest * Chrome notifications (safe mode expired, world boss attackable, job completed) * Daily tasks trackers - see just how many more of which quests you have left to perform * Daily and monthly rewards notifications - forget free rewards no more Many more small QoL tweaks are waiting for you to be discovered Full list of features, changelogs and source code can be found here: https://github.com/SugarF0x/simple-assistant All the features are optional and are disabled by default - tailor your own experience

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-10) Y0mu: “The software itself is fine - it just adds a few quality-of-life features. However, some of those features may be used in a way that is indistinguishable to bots thus why it's easy for players to get banned using it. It's pretty much a "use at your own risk" situation. I do not accept appeals to any account banned due to this because I cannot independently verify that this software was actually used before the ban happened.” - Mike (the developer of the game)
  • (2023-06-29) Killerking 666: Well, as far as i'm concerned this plugin isn't worth using. I've talked to a few mods and they all say the same thing about the fact that people's accounts have indeed been suspended for using this chrome extention. It is against the rules and it's not tolerated by the mods. I wouldn't trust using this one bit.
  • (2023-05-26) Ictoaun: it is functional so credit where credit is due but don't let it mislead you like it did to me. I got locked for using it luckily for me it seems the mods have been more than understanding and I might still get unlocked but this extension is not allowed.
  • (2023-05-20) Dylan Snyder: For anyone thinking of using this, it does violate the terms of service. Using this can/will result in your account being locked or banned.
  • (2023-03-13) 张狂: You have been banned for the following reason: Automation/scripting This is NOT disputable. Please do not attempt to contact us as no further information will be given.
  • (2023-02-09) Sidomire Apex: Thank you! Still compatible with V0.12?!
  • (2022-04-29) Vladislav Dunaev: Хотел бы я похвалить разработчика приложения за проделанную работу - игровой процесс действительно преобразился и теперь я могу играть в SMMO пока течёт мой любимый кетчуп. Но всегда найдётся "НО". Дело в том, что мне представилась возможность пообщаться с разработчиком ещё до создания расширения и вам, уважаемые игроки, я бы не советовал пережить этот опыт. Автор расширения, именуемый себя Sugar Fox, на самом деле ничто иное, как сыр. Да-да, вы не ослышались! Наша история знакомства началась ещё в прошлом десятилетии. Несмотря на то, что изначально данный пищевой продукт казался вполне аппетитным, он оказался самой настоящей "просрочкой". Срок годности не соответствовал действительности и был неоднократно изменён. И плесень, как оказалось, была клеймом времени, а не признаком благородного происхождения. Вы не подумайте, я не сырофоб и не пропагандирую ненависть к сыру, просто в мире есть вещи неподвластные осмыслению. Да и сыром, строго говоря, я назвать его не могу. Напоследок, я хотел бы процитировать стих за авторством Оксаны Трушкиной: «‎Дружба – это плавленый сырок В пластике людских коммуникаций. Есть в ней свой период дегустаций И употребленья крайний срок.»
  • (2022-04-21) Animosity: All of the features work just as described so as far as that goes I can't fault it. As far as the use and utility of this extension it makes playing on webapp much more palatable, which is why I started to use it (for the hold your horses bs that occurs on webapp). However mind the disclaimer, and use at your own risk. I used this for a little over 3 days while stepping constantly and it ended up with my account getting banned for 'automation/macroing.'
  • (2020-10-11) Manses: This extension is really good in terms of functionality, and it is really nice to have. The one thing I think could be changed/added is some kind of delay between actions, because whenever I come back to my PC the page is just stuck reloading, trying to click attack on the travel tab. Other than that I think its great.


383 history
3.5556 (9 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-16 / 3.9.4
Listing languages
