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Bookmark Sidebar - ChatGPT Everywhere

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🚀 Get organized with ChatGPT! Manage bookmarks, favorite websites, apps and ChatGPT with ease and access them from anywhere.…

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Description from store የጎን አሞሌን ማስተዋወቅ-ምርታማነትዎን ለማሻሻል እና የማሰስ ተሞክሮዎን ለማሻሻል የመጨረሻው የ Chrome ቅጥያ! ከጎን አሞሌ ጋር, የአሳሽዎን ዕልባቶች, ቻትንት እና ጉግል መተግበሪያዎች ሁሉንም ከጭስ ቂጣ የሆነ ቂጣ የሆነ የጎን አሞሌ ፓነል ማግኘት ይችላሉ. የጎን አሞሌ ሊያቀርበው ከሚያስደንቁ አስገራሚ ባህሪዎች መካከል አንዳንዶቹ እዚህ አሉ- << << <CRABS >> አንድ ጠቅ ማድረግ ሁሉንም ዕልባቶችዎን በቀጥታ ከጎን አሞሌ ፓነል ውስጥ መድረስ ይችላሉ. በአስተዋሪዎችዎ መሠረት ዕልባቶችዎን በመቀጠል ዕልባቶችዎን በመጎተት እና ዕልባቶችን በመጎተት እና ዕልባቶችን መጎተት እና ዕልባቶችን መጣል ይችላሉ. ወይም የጥያቄ እና የእውነተኛ ጊዜ ምላሽ መቀበል. ቻትፊው የተፈጥሮ ቋንቋን የመረዳት ችሎታ ያለው ሲሆን ለድርጊቶችዎ ትክክለኛ እና ተገቢ መልሶች ማቅረብ, ጉግል ድራይቭ, ጉግል ሰነዶች, ጉግል ሉሆች እና Google ተንሸራታችዎችን በቀጥታ ከጎን አሞሌ ፓነል በቀጥታ ማሰስ. በብዙ ትሮች እና መስኮቶች በኩል. በተለይም ባህሪይ በተወሰነ ጊዜ ውስጥ የ Google መተግበሪያዎችን የሚጠቀምበት ለማንኛውም ሰው በመደበኛነት ጠቃሚ ነው. <bra> የጽሑፉን መጠን, ቅርጸ-ቁምፊ, ቅርጸ-ቁምፊ እና ቀለም መለወጥ, እንዲሁም የውይይት ፍጥነት እና ምላሽ ሰጪነትን ማስተካከል ምርጫዎችዎን ለማገጣጠም. በተጨማሪም ቅጥያው የበለጠ ምቹ የሆነ የንባብ ተሞክሮ ለሚመርጡ ተጠቃሚዎች የጨለማ ሞድ አማራጭን ይሰጣል. << << << << << <Crac >> የአሰሳ ተሞክሮዎን ለማስተናገድ, ጊዜዎን ይቆጥቡ እና ለማሻሻል የሚረዳዎት ከጎን አሞሌው ኃይለኛ እና ተጣጣፊ የ Chrome ቅጥያ ነው ምርታማነትዎ. ተማሪ, ጸሐፊ, ተመራማሪ ወይም ባለሙያ መሆንዎ አንድ ነገር የሚያቀርበው ነገር አለው. ውይይት 💬 የውይይት አስተያየቶች: - የውይይት ታሪክዎን እና የምርምር ሥራዎችን ከአሳማው ጋር አስተያየት ይስጡ. የአሰሳ ታሪክ አስተዳዳሪዎን በቀላሉ ያስተዳድሩ. 🚀 ዥሪያዎ አስጀማሪ: የጉግል መተግበሪያዎችን በፍጥነት እና በቀላሉ ከጎን አሞሌው በፍጥነት ይጀምራል . 🌐 🌐 ለ Google Wathation ከውይይት ውስጥ ፈጣን ድጋፍን ያግኙ. 🔍 የውስጥ ወሳቢነት ያለው የቋንቋ ፍሳሽ ማስወገጃ: - በቃላት ትርጉም: - ለቃላቶች ትርጓሜዎች እና ተመሳሳይ ቃላት ያግኙ የ Watggt aleedy Ai- ኃይልን በመጠቀም የ Waterget chat-Cramware ቼክ በመጠቀም ከ Windgtys Ai-ኃይል ማረጋገጫ የፊደል ቼክ ጋር ጽሑፍዎን ያሻሽሉ. <ብራ > እዚህ የውይይት የጎን አሞሌ 10 ምርጥ ጥቅሞች እዚህ አሉ- 1 ኃይለኛ የጎን አሞሌ: ከውይይት ጋር ተርጓሚ, መዝገበ ቃላት, ሰዋስው ቼክ እና ሊበጁ የሚችሉ ጥያቄዎችን ጨምሮ የተለያዩ ኃይለኛ ባህሪያትን ያገኛሉ. ይህ ማለት ድረ ገጾችን በቀላሉ መተርጎም, ትርጓሜዎችን መፈለግ እና ሰዋስውዎን ይፈትሹ, ሁሉም ድር ጣቢያውን ሳይተዉዎት ሁሉም ነዎት. 2. ፈጣን የመፈለግ መስኮት: - ፈጣን የመፈለጊያ መስኮት የተመረጠውን ጽሑፍ ፍቺ በፍጥነት, ለ TTS እና በቀላሉ በቀላሉ የሚሽከረከሩ / ች. . የተሻሻለ የፍለጋ ገጽ: - ጉግል, Bing እና Duckuckockocko ጨምሮ ሁሉንም ተወዳጅ የፍለጋ ፕሮግራሞችን የሚደግፍ የውስጥ የፍለጋ ገጽን ይሰጣል. በተጨማሪም, የፍለጋ ገጽ ፓነልን በቀላሉ እና እንደፈለጉት በቀላሉ ማዞር ይችላሉ. 4. ቻትፕቲፕት ለመድረስ ቀላል-ለፒ.ሲ.ፒ.ፒ.ፒ. (አዲስ ኤፒ.አይ.ፒ.) 3.5 APP-4 ለተጨማሪ መረጃዎች (አዲስ!) ጭብጥ ለጨለማ እና ለብርሃን ሁነታ Patgog ለሁለቱም የጨለማ እና ቀላል ሁነታ ድጋፍ ይሰጣል, ስለሆነም በዓይኖችዎ ላይ ቀላሉን ጭብጥ መምረጥ ይችላሉ. የውይይት ምላሽ ገጽ: የወጭነት ምላሽ ገጽ የፕሪምፕ ድምቀትን, የኮድ ማጽጃ እና ወደ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳዎ የመግዛት ችሎታ ያቀርባል. . ንባቦችዎን ለማጎልበት ብዙ ባህሪዎች-ከ Watcht ጋር መጣጥፎችን, ተመሳሳይ ገጾችን ማስረዳት, ጽንሰ-ሀሳቦችን ያብራሩ እና ለፕሮግራም ያብራሩ. በተጨማሪም, ድረ ገጾችን በማንኛውም ቋንቋ መተርጎም ይችላሉ. 8. ጽሑፍዎን ለማጎልበት ብዙ ባህሪያት: - የወላጅ አማራቂዎች, ይዘቶች, ይዘቶች, ይዘቶች, ይዘቶች ወይም የማስታወቂያ ስክሪፕቶችን ወይም የማስታወቂያ ስክሪፕቶችን ማመንጨት, እና የማስታገስ እና የማስታወቂያ ስክሪፕቶችን ማመንጨት. ለመጠቀም ቀላል: - ቻትሩፕ ለመጠቀም ቀላል እንዲሆን የተቀየሰ ነው, ለድርጅቶችዎ የተመቻቸ. በተጨማሪም, የሚወዱትን ማንኛውንም ሰው ማከል እና በማንኛውም ድህረ ገጽ ላይ ሊጠቀሙበት ይችላሉ. 10. ከሁሉም በላይ የድምፅዎ ጉዳዮች! እኛ የውስጠኝነት ውይይትዎን በተከታታይ እንሰራለን, እናም የአሰሳ ተሞክሮዎን እንዲያሻሽሉ የሚረዳዎት የውይይት ማጉያ የጎን አሞሌ ነው. ከተለያዩ ኃይለኛ ባህሪዎች እና ሊበጁ ከሚያዳኑ ማበረታቻዎች ጋር ማንኛውንም ድር ጣቢያ እያሰሱ ሳሉ ጊንት ረዳትዎ ነው. የ Openaa ምርት, የ Opengown ስለ ዎርክኛ እናመሰግናለን. የጎንጎር ባርባር - የውይይት ማቋረጫ, ዕልባቶች, መተግበሪያዎች እና ተጨማሪ: - የአሰሳ ተሞክሮዎን ለማሻሻል እና የማሰስ ተሞክሮዎን ለማሻሻል የመጨረሻው የ Chrome ቅጥያ! ከጎን ባርባራ ጋር የአሳሽዎን, ቻትንት እና ጉግል መተግበሪያዎች ሁሉንም ከጭስ ግን ኃይለኛ የፀሐይ አሞሌ ፓነል ማግኘት ይችላሉ. ከጎንጎሩ አሰባር ከሚያቀርቡት አስገራሚ አስገራሚ ባህሪዎች መካከል አንዳንዶቹ እዚህ አሉ- <ዕልባት አስተላልፉ> በአንድ ጠቅታ ያዘጋጁ እና ዕልባቶችዎን በቀላሉ ያደራጁ እና ይመድቡ. በአቃፊዎች መካከል ለማንቀሳቀስ አቃፊዎችን እና ንዑስ-ነጥቦችን እና ንዑስ እጢዎችን እና መጣል ዕልባቶችን ይፍጠሩ. 💬 Watch 💬 ቻትፕቲፕት ለጥያቄዎችዎ ወይም ለጽሑፍዎ በተፈጥሮ ቋንቋዎ እውነተኛ ጊዜ መልሶችን ለማግኘት ከጎን አሞሌው ጋር በቀጥታ ይገናኙ. 📝 ጉግል Apps: Google Drive, Google ሰነዶች, ጉግል ሉሆች እና Google መስኮቶች ማሰስ ከሌለ በቀላሉ ይንዱ. 🔧 🔧 🔧 🔧 🔧 🔧 🔧 🔧 ሊባል የሚችል በይነገጽ, የጽሑፉ ቅርጸ-ቁምፊ, ቀለም, የቀለም ቀለም እና የውይይት ፍጥነት እና ምላሽን ለማስተካከል የጎን አሞሌው ፓነልን መልካምና ባህሪን ያስተካክሉ. በተጨማሪም, ምቹ የሆነ የንባብ ተሞክሮ በጨለማ ሞድ ወይም ቀላል ሁኔታ መካከል ይምረጡ. 💻 ምርታማነት ከፍ እንዲል ያድርጉ-የአሰሳ ተሞክሮዎን ያሳድጉ, ጊዜዎን ይቆጥቡ እና እንደ የቅድመ-አቦር አስተዳዳሪ, የታሪክ አስተዳዳሪዎች, የመዝገቢያዎች እና የፊደል አመልካች ያሉ ምርታማነት ያላቸውን ምርታማነት. ረዳት ረዳት GPT ይበልጥ ቀላል ያደርገዋል! ማጠቃለያ, የጎንቦሩ አቦርቦር-ፕሪፕት, የውስጣዊ አስተያየቶች, የታሪክ ሥራ አስኪያጅ, የመተግበሪያዎች ሥራ አስኪያጅ, የመተግበሪያዎች ሥራ አስኪያጅ, የውይይት አስጀማሪ, የውይይት መድረኮች, የውይይት ዝርዝር ቼክ & Ai ረዳት ረዳት gpp. ምቹ በሆነ የንባብ ተሞክሮ ውስጥ ሊበጁ የሚችሉ ማበረታቻዎች እና ጥቁር ወይም ቀላል ሁኔታን ያቀርባል. ከግምት ውስጥ ከሚገቡት የአጎራባች እና ከአስተያየት ጥቆማዎች ጋር በተከታታይ የምንሰራበት የጎን ጎድጓዳዎች እና የአጎት አሰራር ከጎደለው የአጎት ጎድጓዳዎች (ኢንተርቦርሪፕት) ኦፊናይ ኦፊናን ስለማስብ እናመሰግናለን! የጎን አሠራር ማስተዋወቅ - ምርታማነትዎን ለማሻሻል እና የማሰስ ተሞክሮዎን ለማሻሻል የመጨረሻው የ Chrome ቅጥያ! ከጎን ባርባራ ጋር የአሳሽዎን, ቻትንት እና ጉግል መተግበሪያዎች ሁሉንም ከጭስ ግን ኃይለኛ የፀሐይ አሞሌ ፓነል ማግኘት ይችላሉ. ይህ አስደናቂ ቅጥያ የአሰሳ ተሞክሮዎን የሚያሻሽሉ እና ምርታማነትዎን የሚያሻሽሉ የተለያዩ ባህሪያትን ያቀርባል. ዕልባቶችዎን በተገቢው እና በብቃት ለማቀናበር ያስችልዎታል. በአስተያየቶችዎ መሠረት ዕልባቶችዎን በመደናቀቁ ውስጥ ዕልባቶችዎን ይጎትቱ እና ዕልባቶችን በመጎተት እና ዕልባቶችን መጎተት እና ዕልባቶችን መጣል ይችላሉ. በቀጥታ ከጎን አሞሌ ፓነል ጋር ለመግባባት ያስችልዎታል. ጽሑፍዎን ወይም ጥያቄዎን ማስገባት እና የእውነተኛ ጊዜ ምላሽ ማግኘት ይችላሉ. ቻትፊው የተፈጥሮ ቋንቋን የመረዳት ችሎታ ያለው እና ለጥያቄዎችዎ ትክክለኛ እና ተገቢ መልሶች ማቅረብ ይችላል. በብዙ ትሮች እና መስኮቶች ውስጥ ማሰስ ይህ ባህሪ በተለይ የ Google መተግበሪያዎችን በመቆጣጠር ላይ ነው. ምርጫዎችዎን የሚስማማ የጎን አሞሌ ፓነል. የጽሑፉን መጠን, ቅርጸ-ቁምፊ, ቅርጸ-ቁምፊ እና ቀለም መለወጥ, እንዲሁም የውይይት ፍጥነት እና ምላሽ ሰጪነት ማስተካከል ይችላሉ. በተጨማሪም ቅጥያው የበለጠ ምቹ የሆኑ የንባብ ተሞክሮ ለሚመርጡ ተጠቃሚዎች የጨለማ ሞድ አማራጭን ይሰጣል. እና በቀላሉ ከጎን አሞሌው, ለጉግል ተግባሮች, የወሊድ ህብረት የንግግር ኃይልን በመጠቀም ለጉግል ተግባሮች, የውይይት ሪቨር ትሪፕት ዋልፕቲክ ሪቪክሪንግስ, ሰዋሰው በ WatGGTER AI-ኃይል ባለ ሰዋስ ሰዋሰው ሰዋስው ቼክ ጋር ጽሑፍን ለማሻሻል እና ከቻንግፕቲንግ ኤፕሪንግ ቼክ ጋር መልሶ ለማሻሻል ያረጋግጡ. የጎን አሞሌው 10 ምርጥ የሆኑ ጥቅሞች አሉት እንደ ተመረጠው ጽሑፍ, ትርጓሜ, ሁሉንም ታዋቂ የፍለጋ መስኮት, ለሁሉም ተወዳጅ የፍለጋ መሳሪያዎች, ለጎን አቦር ቁልፍ ወይም GP-4 ለተጨማሪ መረጃዎች (አዲስ!), ለሁለቱም የጨለማ ወይም ቀላል ሁነታን ድጋፍ, የኮድ ማጽጃ, የኮድ ማጽደቅ, እና ለክሊፕቦርድ ማቅረቢያ የማድረግ ምላሽ, የመሳሰሉ ገጾችን ማጎልበት, ተመሳሳይ ገጾችን ማጎልበት, ፅንሰ-ሀሳቦችን ማብራራት. ለፕሮግራም ማብራሪያ እንኳን, እንደ ሰዋስው ምግቦች, ይዘቶች, ይዘትን ማጎልበት, ይዘትን ማጎልበት, እና የአድራክ እስክሪፕቶችን ማጎልበት, ለአጠቃቀም የቀደመ ሞኝነት አብራሪዎች, ለማመንጨት ለአካባቢያዊ ጥቅምና የቪዲዮ አዘጋጅነት ያላቸው በየትኛውም ድረ-ገጽ ላይ ሊጠቀሙበት የሚችሉት, እና ከሁሉም በላይ ደግሞ የድምፅ ጉዳዮችዎ! በቁም ነገር ከግምት ውስጥ ከሚገቡ ተጠቃሚዎች ቅጥያ ቅጥያውን በማሻሻል የጎን አጥንት ቡድን ቅጥያ, የአጎራባ athrgright የአንድ ሰው የአሰሳ ልምድ ካለው ክልል ጋር የሚያሻሽል የመጨረሻ Chrome ቅጥያ ሆኖ ያገለግላል. በተጠቃሚዎች ቁጥጥር ውስጥ ያሉ ኃይለኛ ባህሪዎች እና ሊበጁ የሚችሉ ጥያቄዎች. ይህን በሚያደርጉበት ጊዜ ማንኛውንም ምቾት እና ማበረታቻ እያሰሱ እያለ እንደ አዲስ ረዳት ሆኖ ያገለግላል. ከጂፒኤችፒተር ጋር ከ GPT ጋር ከግምት ውስጥ በማስገባት እናመሰግናለን! የጎን አሠራር ማስተዋወቅ - ምርታማነት እና ለቅቋል የአሰሳ ተሞክሮ የመጨረሻው የ Chrome ቅጥያ! ከጎን ባርባራ ጋር የአሳሽዎን, ቻትንት እና ጉግል መተግበሪያዎች ሁሉንም ከጭስ ግን ኃይለኛ የፀሐይ አሞሌ ፓነል ማግኘት ይችላሉ. ይህ ቅጥያ ድርን እያሰሱ ሳሉ ጊዜ እና ጉልበትዎን ለመቆጠብ የሚረዱበትን ጊዜ እና ጥረትዎን ለመቆጠብ የተለያዩ ባህሪያትን ያቀርባል. በመጀመሪያ, ዕልባቶችዎን በበቂነት እና በብቃት ለማቀናበር ያስችልዎታል. በአንድ ጠቅታ ብቻ ከጎን አሞሌ ፓነል በቀጥታ መድረስ ይችላሉ. በአቃፊዎችዎ መሠረት አቃፊዎችን እና ንዑስ ሠራተኞችን በመፍጠር ዕልባቶችዎን በቀላሉ መደርደር እና ዕልባቶችዎን ሊጎትቱ እና እልባቶችን መጣል ይችላሉ. ለጽሑፍ ወይም ለምርምር ተግባሮቻቸው ጥቆማዎች. ጽሑፍዎን ወይም ጥያቄዎን ከመግባት እና የእውነተኛ ጊዜ ምላሽ ከመቀበሉ ከጎን አሞሌው ፓነል በቀጥታ ከጎን አሞሌው ጋር ይገናኙ. ውይይት ለአስተማሪዎ ተፈጥሮአዊ ቋንቋን የመረዳት ችሎታ እና ተገቢ መልሶች ማቅረብ ይችላል. ሦስተኛ, የአሰሳ ታሪክዎን እና የፍለጋ ታሪክዎን በቀላሉ ለማስተዳደር ያስችልዎታል. ያደረጉትን ጥያቄዎች የጎበኙትን ድረ-ገጾችን በፍጥነት መድረስ ይችላሉ. ይህ ባህሪ በተለይ የ Google መተግበሪያዎችን እና ጥረትዎን ሊያስቀምጥዎት ስለሚችል የ Google መተግበሪያዎችን በመደበኛነት ለሚጠቀም ለማንኛውም ሰው ጠቃሚ ነው. ጉግል ተግባሮችዎ. እንዲሁም የውይይት ቋንቋ የተጋለጡ የቋንቋ ኃይልን እንዴት በመጠቀም ወደፊት በፍጥነት መተርጎም ይችላሉ. በተጨማሪም, ከውይይት መዝገበ-ቃላት ባህሪ ጋር የውይይት ምዝገባን በመጠቀም የ Watgogt ዎሪ-ኃይልን የሚጠቀሙ ቃላቶች ትርጓሜዎች እና ተመሳሳይ ቃላቶችን ያግኙ, ከዚህም በላይ ከግርሙ ቼክ ባህሪ ጋር በ Watggtnt's Ai ሰዋስኛ ቼክ ጋር ይፃፉ. እና የፊልም ቼክ ቼክ ቼክ ቼክ ቼክ ቼክ ቼክዎን ከፊደል ማረጋገጫ አመልካች ጋር የፕሪፖች እና የፊደል አመልካች ቼክዎን ያስወግዱ. የአሰሳ ተሞክሮዎን ለማስተናገድ, ጊዜዎን ለማስቆጠብ እና ምርታማነትዎን ለማሻሻል የሚረዳ ኃይለኛ እና ተለዋዋጭ Chrome ቅጥያ ነው. ተማሪው, ጸሐፊ, ተመራማሪ ወይም ባለሙያ መሆንዎ አንድ የሚያቀርበው ነገር አለው. በማካተት የአሰሳ ተሞክሮዎን ለማጎልበት የተቀየረ የመጨረሻው የ Chrome ቅጥያ እና ተጨማሪዎች ናቸው በተጠቃሚዎች ተጠቃሚዎች በሚገኙበት ኃይለኛ ባህሪያት እና ሊበጁ ከሚችሉ ጥያቄዎች ጋር. ይህን በሚያደርጉበት ጊዜ ማንኛውንም ምቾት እና ማበረታቻ እያሰሱ እያለ እንደ አዲስ ረዳት ሆኖ ያገለግላል. በዛሬው ጊዜ የጎን አጥፋውን ይሞክሩ እና ብዙ ጥቅሞቹን ይጠቀሙ! Bookmark Sidebar, Bookmark Manager, Bookmark, Sidebar, ChatGPT, ChatGPT sidebar, ChatGPT for Google, ChatGPT, everywhere, Dictionary, Spell check, Translator, AI assistant, GPTBookmark Sidebar, Bookmark Manager, Bookmark, Sidebar, ChatGPT, ChatGPT sidebar, ChatGPT for Google, ChatGPT, everywhere, Dictionary, Spell check, Translator, AI assistant, GPTBookmark Sidebar, Bookmark Manager, Bookmark, Sidebar, ChatGPT, ChatGPT sidebar, ChatGPT for Google, ChatGPT, everywhere, Dictionary, Spell check, Translator, AI assistant, GPTBookmark Sidebar, Bookmark Manager, Bookmark, Sidebar, ChatGPT, ChatGPT sidebar, ChatGPT for Google, ChatGPT, everywhere, Dictionary, Spell check, Translator, AI assistant, GPTBookmark Sidebar, Bookmark Manager, Bookmark, Sidebar, ChatGPT, ChatGPT sidebar, ChatGPT for Google, ChatGPT, everywhere, Dictionary, Spell check, Translator, AI assistant, GPTBookmark Sidebar, Bookmark Manager, Bookmark, Sidebar, ChatGPT, ChatGPT sidebar, ChatGPT for Google, ChatGPT, everywhere, Dictionary, Spell check, Translator, AI assistant, GPTBookmark Sidebar, Bookmark Manager, Bookmark, Sidebar, ChatGPT, ChatGPT sidebar, ChatGPT for Google, ChatGPT, everywhere, Dictionary, Spell check, Translator, AI assistant, GPTBookmark Sidebar, Bookmark Manager, Bookmark, Sidebar, ChatGPT, ChatGPT sidebar, ChatGPT for Google, ChatGPT, everywhere, Dictionary, Spell check, Translator, AI assistant, GPTBookmark Sidebar, Bookmark Manager, Bookmark, Sidebar, ChatGPT, ChatGPT sidebar, ChatGPT for Google, ChatGPT, everywhere, Dictionary, Spell check, Translator, AI assistant, GPTIntroducing Sidebar: the ultimate Chrome extension for improving your productivity and streamlining your browsing experience! With Sidebar, you can access your browser bookmarks, ChatGPT, and Google apps all from a stylish yet powerful sidebar panel. Here are some of the amazing features that Sidebar has to offer: 📑 Bookmark Management: With just one click, you can access all of your bookmarks directly from the sidebar panel. You can easily sort and categorize your bookmarks according to your preferences, create folders and subfolders, and drag and drop bookmarks to move them between folders. 💬 ChatGPT: Interact with ChatGPT directly from the sidebar panel, entering your text or question and receiving a real-time response. ChatGPT is capable of understanding natural language and providing accurate and relevant answers to your queries. 📝 Google Apps: Access Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides directly from the sidebar panel, without having to navigate through multiple tabs and windows. This feature is particularly useful for anyone who uses Google apps on a regular basis, as it can save you a significant amount of time and effort. 🔧 Customizable Interface: You can adjust the appearance and behavior of the sidebar panel to suit your preferences, including changing the size, font, and color of the text, as well as adjusting the speed and responsiveness of ChatGPT. The extension also offers a dark mode option for users who prefer a more comfortable reading experience. 💻 Productivity Boost: Sidebar is a powerful and flexible Chrome extension that can help you streamline your browsing experience, save time, and improve your productivity. Whether you're a student, writer, researcher, or professional, this extension has something to offer. Even more in short words: 🔖 Bookmark Manager: Manage your bookmarks conveniently and efficiently. 💬 ChatGPT Suggestions: Get suggestions for your writing and research tasks from ChatGPT. 👀 History Manager: Manage your browsing history and search history easily. 🚀 Apps Launcher: Launch Google apps quickly and easily from the sidebar. 🌐 ChatGPT for Google: Get instant support from ChatGPT for your Google tasks. 🔍 ChatGPT Translator: Translate text instantly using ChatGPT's AI-powered language translation. 📖 ChatGPT Dictionary: Get definitions and synonyms for words using ChatGPT's AI-powered dictionary. ✍️ Grammar Check: Improve your writing with ChatGPT's AI-powered grammar checker. ✏️ Spell Check: Avoid typos and spelling mistakes with ChatGPT's AI-powered spell checker. Here are the top 10 benefits of ChatGPT Sidebar: 1. Powerful Sidebar: With ChatGPT, you get access to a range of powerful features, including a translator, dictionary, grammar check, and customizable prompts. This means you can easily translate web pages, look up definitions, and check your grammar, all without leaving the website you're on. 2. Quick Lookup Window: The quick lookup window allows you to access the definition of selected text quickly, with support for TTS and easy toggling on/off. 3. Enhanced Search Page: ChatGPT offers a customizable search page that supports all popular search engines, including Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Plus, you can easily turn the search page panel on and off as needed. 4. Easy to Access ChatGPT: With support for both ChatGPT-3.5 API key and GPT-4 for Plus Users (New!), it's easy to access ChatGPT and use its powerful features. 5. Theme: ChatGPT offers support for both dark and light mode, so you can choose the theme that's easiest on your eyes. 6. ChatGPT Response Page: ChatGPT's response page offers markdown rendering, code highlighting, and the ability to stop generating a response or copy it to your clipboard. 7. Many Features to Enhance Your Reading: With ChatGPT, you can summarize articles, find similar pages, explain concepts, and even explain code for programmers. Plus, you can translate web pages into any language. 8. Many Features to Enhance Your Writing: ChatGPT also serves as a writing assistant, offering features like grammar correction, rephrasing content, expanding content, and even generating ad scripts or video scripts. 9. Easy to Use: ChatGPT is designed to be easy to use, with preset prompt templates optimized for your web activities. Plus, you can add any prompt template you like and use it on any webpage. 10. Most Importantly, Your Voice Matters! We are constantly working on improving ChatGPT, and we value your feedback and suggestions. In conclusion, the ChatGPT Sidebar is the perfect browser extension to help you enhance your browsing experience. With a range of powerful features and customizable prompts, ChatGPT is your ultimate AI assistant while browsing any website. Thank you for considering ChatGPT, a product of OpenAI. Introducing Sidebarr - ChatGPT, bookmarks, apps and more: the ultimate Chrome extension for improving your productivity and streamlining your browsing experience! With Sidebarr, you can access your browser bookmarks, ChatGPT, and Google apps all from a stylish yet powerful sidebar panel. Here are some of the amazing features that Sidebarr has to offer: 📑 Bookmark Management: Easily organize and categorize your bookmarks with just one click. Create folders and subfolders and drag-and-drop bookmarks to move them between folders. 💬 ChatGPT: Interact with ChatGPT directly from the sidebar panel to get real-time answers to your questions or text in natural language. 📝 Google Apps: Access Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides quickly and easily without having to navigate through multiple tabs and windows. 🔧 Customizable Interface: Adjust the appearance and behavior of the sidebar panel to suit your preferences including changing the size, font, color of the text as well as adjusting the speed and responsiveness of ChatGPT. Plus, choose between dark mode or light mode for a comfortable reading experience. 💻 Productivity Boost: Streamline your browsing experience, save time and improve productivity with Sidebarr's powerful features like bookmark manager, ChatGPT suggestions, history manager, apps launcher, ChatGPT for Google translator, dictionary and spell checker. AI assistant GPT makes it even easier! In conclusion, Sidebarr -ChatGPT is an ultimate Chrome Extension that helps enhance your browsing experience with its range of powerful features like bookmark manager ,ChatGPT suggestions ,history manager ,apps launcher ,ChatGPT for Google translator ,dictionary ,spell checker & AI assistant GPT . It offers customizable prompts & dark or light mode support for a comfortable reading experience . Your voice matters as we are constantly working on improving Sidebarr -ChatGPT with feedbacks & suggestions from our users being taken into consideration seriously .. Thank you for considering Sidebarr -ChatGPTwith OpenAI being its product !Introducing Sidebarr - the ultimate Chrome extension for improving your productivity and streamlining your browsing experience!

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-07) ninclub (bee): did not work!!!! >:(
  • (2023-12-12) Denise: not working
  • (2023-11-12) 鲰昇: I can't find the bookmarks sync button so that I have to reintall this extension to sync it. Give me a hand if you know how to sync bookmarks simply. 我找不到书签同步按钮,必须重装才能同步浏览器自带的书签。有谁能告诉我怎么快速同步吗?
  • (2023-11-09) 方-Rodriguez-Parera杉帝-Santi: It does not make any sense that you add a right side panel to the existing right side panel of google chrome, make your extension an additional panel of the regular one. You can take a good example at the Raindrop.io side panel, they did a great job integrating it. By the way, don't take the best spot with your big icon at the top of the icons bar, allow the user to choose what to put in that particular screen real state. Otherwise, you are just trying to get in the way of the user's attention forcefully and no one appreciates that.
  • (2023-11-01) Tyler Read: I love the responsiveness and default settings. But it will not let me add any custom bookmark or any of the preset ones to the side bar. I've tried dragging and dropping. Simply clicking on the right click. None of the options work to actually get the Shortcuts in the sidebar. Once this is fixed, I will update the review.
  • (2023-10-21) Benny muñoz: La app esta bien, claro si vienes de otro navegador (Opera GX) no es lo mismo hay mucho que mejorar en primera diría que lo que esta en la barra lateral no te debe redirigir a una pagina sino abrirse en un costadito Sobre ChatGPT igual y demás de app
  • (2023-10-18) Maik Janke: wird leider nicht angezeigt
  • (2023-10-03) Samuli Valtonen: good idea but.. its not work. you can add bookmarks etc. when you close it you can't open it anymore....
  • (2023-09-29) _ Nhat: Trash software, fake, and poor feature
  • (2023-09-13) Chinese Food Delicious: 那个自定义咋用的?怎么整理bookmark没看明白。gpt登陆了也不能用。
  • (2023-09-07) Felicia Doty: One, can't find anywhere on the actual website (or on here) on how to ACTUALLY use it. Here's the link to see: https://sidebar.li/how-it-work#pin-extension-to-the-dashboard It says "How to open sidebar application The sidebar can be opened in two ways - click the extension logo or move the cursor to the left of the screen" but I've tried both and neither work. Settings Right-click on the extension logo > Options doesnt work either. I really wanted to try this out, it seemed super cool and useful
  • (2023-08-27) Farid Mammadov: its crashes some websites because of error in script.js file. for me crashed https://developer.mozilla.org/. Now i must remove extension for opening all websites
  • (2023-08-25) Harry Stranger: Wonderful idea. Could be much better if it didn't cover the section of the page it's on, but pushed the page to the side. Looking forward to updates!
  • (2023-08-15) Oleh Koropenko: I just installed it and I like it in general. Idea is great! But ChatGPT doesn't work for me - answers never come back. And google search may not work at all websites - github codespace in my case
  • (2023-08-03) Nathan Lucas: Praticamente inútil, os atalhos pre-configurados da extensão abrem guias de páginas como se fosse atalhos com um click, o que é otimo mas, POR QUE NÃO DA ESCOLHER O SITE QUE EU QUERO COLOCAR COMO NO BRAVE ? Pra que serve as "Custon folders" se não da pra adiconar nada na pasta ? Se tem como colocar alguma coisa lá não é pratico, nem intuitivo. Não tem nada, não tem botão ou qualquer indicação, o botão direito não faz nada. Enfim, quero algo como o Brave para o chrome mas parece ser impossivel. Ponto positivo é o atalho para os serviços do google, nada mais
  • (2023-07-30) Truth In Me Enterprise: great
  • (2023-07-29) Anushtabh Pateria (Mishu): The sidebar doesn't even open!!!!! Talk about scamming.... Anyways, @Team Google, I don't even think that you will listen to me! But, If you are listening to my feedback, Then please remove sus extensions like this. These "sidebar extensions" don't deserve to be on Chrome Web Store.....!!!! And for the others, Please stay safe and check the reviews of the extension you're downloading before doing anything. The photos and videos they pin can also be fake. Even if it seems legit, Just check the reviews. Downloading this was my biggest mistake of all time.. Stay safe from fake apps and/or extensions, Look out for fake apps and/or extensions.
  • (2023-07-21) Moon Knight: não funfa
  • (2023-07-19) Stephen Boyd: I really like this extension, I've only been using it for a week, and so far the only problem is needing to click on the extension multiple times. Otherwise, so far so good.
  • (2023-07-19) Denis Lavoie: Cette extension ne fonctionne pas: après une très brève apparition lors de l'installation/activation, la barre annoncée n'apparaît même pas sur la page d'accueil de Chrome.
  • (2023-07-18) Puinkie: Das Tool war eig. ganz praktisch lässt sich aber mittlerweile leider nicht mehr öffnen.
  • (2023-07-18) Ken Chapman: It didn't even work at first. Only after reading other reviews did I find out that I had to visit https://sidebar.li/ to get it to show. Why isn't this shown anywhere?????? Unfortunately it is just too clunky and doesn't always appear and often covers part of the web page.
  • (2023-07-18) Zhang hahei: The appearance is beautiful, and wouldn't it be better for bookmarks to be displayed in a list? Because i can't know all the content of the bookmark!
  • (2023-07-12) Uzair Haider: I see its a great potential. but its not working on most of the sites. I think you have to fix it. I can guarantee you will be getting a lot of userbase.
  • (2023-07-11) Nadia Giampaolo: Works 1 out 10 instances...really disappointed. This would have been a game changer for me.
  • (2023-07-11) James Porter: Sidebar doesn't open when clicking the extension icon.
  • (2023-07-11) Chris: Clunky and basically useless. You can't add websites to the sidebar, you can't really customize anything worthwhile. Will be removing and not using ever again. Waste of time.
  • (2023-07-09) Jamie Mack: It didn't show anything initially, found I had to visit https://sidebar.li/ to see the sidebar, but it seems cool once I do that.
  • (2023-07-03) Pete Ratcliffe: Doesn't work and, judging by the comments, hasn't worked for a while. Avoid.
  • (2023-07-01) Abhishek Kumar: idk why not working for so many people, worked for me and i liked it gonna keep for some days to see how much it adds to my productivity.
  • (2023-07-01) Igor Mitrović: What happened here, not working at all
  • (2023-06-24) Goo Zhen Jie: Doesn't work at all.
  • (2023-06-24) 杨鑫鑫: 以前很好用,而且我记得以前可以自己定义显示的标签顺序和界面的,但是现在我却找不到自定义的界面了,个人自定义还是很必要的
  • (2023-06-23) Mike O'Leary: This doesn't work at all.
  • (2023-06-22) Kea JuKu: Doesn't work!
  • (2023-06-20) Audrey Leroy: 三颗星全是给设计的,很好看。最大的缺陷是新标签页直接不显示,chrome的应用商店也不显示,必须进入一个网站后才显示。不知道开发人员怎么想的。
  • (2023-06-19) Nad Maz: doesn't work.
  • (2023-06-15) Atharva Srivastava: Didnt open when clicked, just took up space
  • (2023-06-14) Marc Kluijtmans: It does not work at all. Sidebar not loading. Chrome 114.0.5735.111
  • (2023-06-14) Zhihong Wang (Katerina): not working at all
  • (2023-06-13) Martin Android: Doesn't work
  • (2023-06-12) M K (M_M): 구글 검색 후 이미지 클릭 시 화면에 ...만 나온다면 이 앱이 원인.
  • (2023-06-08) chengliang shi: 不支持中文,还是英文界面
  • (2023-06-08) Tal N: Doesn't work at all
  • (2023-06-07) Emir Kacan: It's a nice plugin, but with this plugin enabled, I can't log in to pages that are human protected by Cloudflare. It creates an infinite loop on all pages protected by Cloudflare :(
  • (2023-06-03) Dylan Gregori Singer: Man, I wanted to like this. The design is really clean. But the backend is... ugly. It lags on my PC. It is unresponsive. It has very few features & options. And worst of all, it uses an iPhone user agent for Google. Ew.
  • (2023-06-03) Диггер Шрю: ChatGTP НЕ РАБОТАЕТ. Лучше бы подцепили бота из Telegram! У меня VPNа нет, я Wi-Fi и не отвечаю за его прокси. Sorry, you have been blocked If you are using a VPN В остальном интересно, но без бота не очень и нужная штука. Плагины с калькуляторами и сылками и так кругом.
  • (2023-05-29) José Ignacio Santa Cruz: La idea es buena, pero hay demasiado que mejorar. Se superpone sobre el contenido de las páginas. Cualquier error hace que ciertas secciones se vuelvan inutilizables (ejemplo el agregar nuevos enlaces). No hay detección "inteligente" si ya existe una pestaña abierta desde alguno de los botones internos (puedes abrir 1000 GMails). Quizás hacerla open source sería una buena opción para lograr un producto más acabado.
  • (2023-05-29) James: As other people have mentioned, this doesn't work with the latest Brave (1.51.118). Would be useful if said reviewers would give it less than 5 stars though!


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2023-08-04 / 2.0.5
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