Description from extension meta
ቪዲዮዎችን ፣ ጂአይኤፎችን ፣ የትዊተር ፎቶዎችን ፣ የመገለጫ ሥዕሎችን ፣ የራስጌ ባነሮችን ፣ ድንክዬዎችን ፣ የትርጉም ጽሑፎችን ፣ የቀለም ንጣፎችን ፣ መለያዎችን ከ Twitter ያውርዱ ፡፡
Image from store
Description from store
After you open this tool, a piece of code will be executed in the current tab. This code is responsible for analyzing the json code and find the id of the tweet currently showing on the screen. Tweets that do not appear in the screen frame are ignored.
After finding the video id, the tool continues to send a request to Twitter to get the json data. The download button will then show up below each tweet and inside the tools window.
Things you can download from each tweet include videos, gifs, every image in the tweet, detachable subtitles. You can view and enlarge avatars and banners with the highest quality. Easily copy palettes and tags in tweets.
Note: This tool only supports downloading files hosted by Twitter. This extension does not grant access to every website, so users cannot download videos from tweets embedded on other websites.
☀ Download Twitter video with caption.
☀ Download Twitter gif, profile picture, thumbnails and images from Twitter.
☀ Automatically download and save the file according to the title of the video and the selected quality.
☀ Multi language.
☀ Optimized for Android.
☀ Suggest queries.
☀ Generate random keywords.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-06) Аптека Любви: Замечательно, особенно хорошо, что можно скопировать ссылку, а не только сразу сохранять
- (2023-07-12) Ramy B.M: en la ultima actualizacin empezo a dar error, cada vez que abro twitter me pide que desinstale la extencion por un tema de permisos; "has cambiado los permisos de esta aplicación. Para que el software funcione correctamente, debe hacer clic en el botón de abajo para desinstalar y luego reinstalar esta aplicación en su navegador.."
- (2023-06-19) 平井伸治: ダウンロードボタンをクリックすると別サイトに遷移するのでNG.
- (2023-06-03) Shambo: Все работает, великолепно.
- (2022-11-28) DAV Mini: finally can download the twitter ad video now
- (2022-08-12) James Lynch: It works, which is good, but when I have it installed and browse Twitter it displays the "Download" bar beneath every single tweet. Every single one. Not just ones containing videos, but also those containing pictures or even just text. It is very obtrusive and makes Twitter difficult to navigate and read. What I end up having to do is, when I occasionally wish to download a video, install this extension, download the video, and then immediately uninstall it again. Otherwise I am bedeviled by those Download bars. It works better than any similar program I've found, it's just so intrusive. If they could make it so that it only displayed the Download bar when the user wanted it to, or even only displayed it underneath tweets containing videos, it would be 5 stars for sure, but as it is I have to knock a star off for the hassle of having to repeatedly install, uninstall, and reinstall.
- (2022-02-18) Maria Cotabato: i can download private video now wow thank you very much for this i hope you wont change any features of this !!!love this app so much thank you developer will never forget your kindness i hope this app will ge recognized by some people cause this is very helpful if you want to download a video but the user is in private mode i can now downlaod private video thank you!!!! i hope this app will forever be free!!!!!
- (2021-12-06) 陈允之: 下载视频很好用,下载glf有时候会闪退,一直重开那个页面,不太懂。。
- (2021-11-29) Trazen4: Just links you to a site that does the downloading, doesn't download by itself.
- (2021-11-21) José Alvarado: Funciona
- (2021-09-24) thitiphong phumarat: เป็นส่วนขยายที่โคตรดีขอให้พัฒนาต่อไปให้ดียิ่งขึ้นนะครับ
- (2021-04-17) john smith: works really well. very easy to use. the best chrome extension i used for twitter. this downloads the media directly without any hassle
- (2021-02-10) Alper896: It would be better if i only have to click on the extension to download the video instead of a download button loading in the page. It's annoying
- (2021-01-26) Pilar Mueckay: Luego de instalarlo, cerrar y volver a abrir Chrome, quise usarlo teniendo abierto Twitter, pero se despliega un menú y se vuelve loco ese menú. Desinstalando.
- (2021-01-16) Charles Cheng: You have changed the permissions of this app. For the software to work properly, you need to click on the button below to uninstall then reinstall this application into your browser.
- (2020-12-29) K2OP Gaming: its working good... hope works for all other out there.
- (2020-12-03) Dot: " This extension may have been corrupted." whenever installed.
- (2020-11-04) elpablo forgames: This extension was the only one so far that managed to download a private video. I have also tried other methods without success (,, It saves "live" videos (1080, 720, as you wish) with .ts extension, easily readable with Windows media player or MPC-HT. Perfect! Thank you very much!