extension ExtPose

Imgflip Quick Create

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Instantly create memes from images and create GIFs from videos on the web

Image from store Imgflip Quick Create
Description from store This addon simply adds a button to the context menu for images and videos on websites you visit. If you right click (or tap and hold) on an image or video, you will be able to click "Create a meme from this image" or "Create a GIF from this video". This will open the Imgflip Meme Generator or GIF Maker with the image or video automatically uploaded so you can jump right into creating your image.

Latest reviews

  • (2022-02-28) C. S.: It's really good. I only made two memes with it, but it is very quick and easy to use. I recommend if you get memes from non-preset templates.
  • (2022-01-27) a z: Why not
  • (2021-11-18) Ethan Love: very useful! I love creating memes! My imgflip username is Minecraftgamer526
  • (2021-01-21) Rens Swinnen: Echt een top ding!!! Groetjes van de mannen. Thomas(@papa.fitch), Birger,(birger_dk) Rens en de gememede Wies (@wiesbrone)
  • (2020-10-28) iamgameing: Really easy tp use! I had so many images that needed to be turned into a meme, but I couldn't find an extension to do so. ImgFlip made a REALLY good call with this! I hope to see an extension that could save an image, then turn it into a template!
  • (2020-09-27) Emily Welsch: Super easy to use! Makes making memes even more convenient. Good luck getting anything productive done ever again!

Latest issues

  • (2023-04-01, v:0.1.0) david summerlin: HOW DO I USE THIS?????
  • (2022-03-28, v:0.1.0) comrade doggo: not acive
    after i installed the extension, it has become grey and i cant access it no more it only takes me back to the extension download page which is here in the overview please fix


1,000 history
5.0 (10 votes)
Last update / version
2020-09-25 / 0.1.0
Listing languages
