EndOfLife - uninstall - https://discuss.dev.twitch.tv/t/eol-legacy-chat-embed/14667 - Restores Legacy Chat by loading a popout-chat.
EndOfLife - please uninstall
As of now, Twitch has fully removed legacy chat,
this extension will and can no longer work =(
Time to press F...
Restores Twitch legacy chat by loading popout-chat in place of the normal chat.
Allows all your loved FFZ, BTTV and whatanot to work.
This version works with all sort of URLs, as well as hosting, raids and so on =)
0.2.6 - fixed dashboard chat
0.2.5 - fixed "riot games"
0.2.4 - added dashboard chat
0.3.0 - 23April - unlisted&purged as twitch killed legacyPopout https://discuss.dev.twitch.tv/t/eol-legacy-chat-embed/14667
Latest reviews
- (2018-05-22) Bre: Still works for me POGGERS
- (2018-02-10) Terence Tsui: This is the best!
- (2018-02-10) maxorko: Thank you for this extension <3.
- (2018-02-09) blue622: Much better than the original twitch legacy chat extension!