Description from extension meta
Aggiungi una tastiera virtuale a schermo intero sicura per i dispositivi touch screen. Rendi privata la tua digitazione.
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Description from store
Virtual Keyboard è un'applicazione online per inserire la password con l'aiuto di un mouse. La tastiera virtuale è progettata per proteggere la password da "spyware" e "programmi trojan" dannosi. L'uso della tastiera virtuale ridurrà il rischio di furto della password.
Cos'è una tastiera virtuale online?
Una tastiera virtuale in linea è un software che consente agli utenti di digitare i caratteri. Normalmente una tastiera in linea fornisce tastiere sullo schermo con pulsanti cliccabili per digitare i caratteri. In questo caso, la digitazione viene eseguita utilizzando un mouse o un dito sui touch screen.
Una tastiera in linea può anche utilizzare una tastiera fisica per digitare i caratteri. Ad esempio, puoi utilizzare una tastiera inglese per digitare caratteri russi e il software della tastiera virtuale converte automaticamente le lettere inglesi in quelle russe.
Perché utilizzare una tastiera online?
Il computer o il dispositivo che stai utilizzando non supporta la tua lingua
Stai usando un computer in un bar in un paese straniero
Sei multilingue e non vuoi o non sai come modificare le impostazioni del tuo computer
I caratteri che vuoi digitare mancano dalla tua tastiera fisica
Vuoi bypassare un key logger su un computer compromesso
Tastiere in linea supportate
Tastiere in linea per inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, coreano, magiare, norvegese, polacco, russo, sloveno, spagnolo, svedese.
Utilizzare la tabella Unicode per selezionare caratteri speciali che non possono essere inseriti utilizzando una delle tastiere in linea disponibili. Converti i caratteri ASCII nelle loro rappresentazioni esadecimali, decimali e binarie e viceversa con il convertitore ASCII. E converti i caratteri Unicode nel loro Unicode e le rappresentazioni decimali e viceversa con il convertitore Unicode. Inoltre, trova suggerimenti e spiegazioni sulla codifica dei caratteri.
Usa il traduttore braille per convertire il testo inglese in braille e il testo braille in inglese.
Stupisci i tuoi amici scrivendo un testo capovolto utilizzando la tastiera capovolta o scrivendo lettere racchiuse utilizzando la tastiera inclusa.
On Screen Virtual Keyboard is an online application to enter password with the help of a mouse. The Virtual Keyboard is designed to protect your password from malicious “Spyware” and “Trojan Programs”. Use of the extension will reduce the risk of password theft.
What is an Online Virtual Keyboard?
You are installing software that allows users to type characters. Normally an online key pad provides on screen keyboards with clickable buttons to type characters. In this case, the typing is done using a mouse or a finger on touch screens.
An online keyboard can also use a physical keypad to type characters. For example, you can use an English keypad to type Russian characters and the virtual keyboard software automatically converts the English letters to that of Russian.
Why use an Online Keyboard?
The computer or device you are using does not support your language
You are using a computer in a café in a foreign country
You are multilingual and you do not want or know how to change your computer settings
The characters you want to type are missing from your physical keys
You want to bypass a key logger on a compromised computer
Supported Online Keyboards
Online key pad for English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Magyar, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish.
Use the Unicode Table to select special characters that can not be entered using one of the available online keypads. Convert ASCII characters to their hex, decimal, and binary representations and vice versa with ASCII converter. And convert Unicode characters to their unicode, and decimal representations and vice versa with Unicode converter. In addition, find tips and explanations about Character Encoding.
Latest reviews
- (2021-12-29) TankGuy: when i tried to make the keyboard pop out nothing happened
- (2021-10-29) Владимир Рашов: при наличие мыши расширение работает. если же меж мыши и клавиатуры, но при наличие сенсорного экрана, срабатывают только кнопки переключения языка и функциональные клавиши. Клавиши алфавита и цифры не реагируют на нажатие сенсора экрана.
- (2021-10-06) Kamil Zaczek: Nie mam pojęcia co w tej aplikacji jest takiego nadzwyczajnego tak szybko jak pobrałem to też tak szybko usuwam i nie polecam.!
- (2021-09-30) Отличная клавиатура! Рекомендую тем, кому лень вставать с дивана ))))
- (2021-09-24) Anadeli Urrea: doesn't work. I did everything in the video (which is not helpful at all) and still couldn't get it to work no matter what I tried.
- (2021-08-11) Maddie plays roblox: this is a total scam like it wont even work for me how do i get the keyboard to pop up
- (2021-08-11) Lili Bess: This was a horrible extension it didn´t even work
- (2021-06-22) Muhammad Hamdan Afridi: But How It's not working...
- (2021-05-23) Hut 37: How do you access this dam keyboard and see it on the screen , for goodness sake. Not clear instruction !
- (2021-05-08) Soroush K: new update is fantastic!
- (2021-03-26) Tri Quach: Great virtual onscreen keyboard! Since the keyboard pops up from the bottom of the screen, it can block textbox/inputs, so you do not know if you are making a mistake while typing. Would be great if we could adjust opacity, auto change location of keyboard layout if it's on top of a textbox, or has a built-in textbox that shows you what you're typing in (shows *** if sensitive data).
- (2021-01-26) Yoyok Setiawan: Not working with twitter. Can't type anything in tweet box
- (2020-11-13) Jason Nation: I extend my laptop's screen on a TV so instead of having a laptop on my lap, I just use the keyboard to browse the Internet. It works perfect with a mouse!
- (2020-11-11) Ulises Acevedo: foarte buna recomand
- (2020-11-10) Ornelas: awesome app!!
- (2020-11-04) Luis Donovan: best virtual keyboard for chrome
- (2020-11-03) Katrin Truong: 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
- (2020-11-02) Jean Perrin: Great Aap. Would like it even better if the little keyboard was to the side of the text box (or disappears when you are typing) instead, as it sometimes covers the text in the text box while you are typing. It's a UI improvement but functionally it works great.
- (2020-11-02) Just Bill: Takes a little getting used to, but I do see how this can be an additional layer against spyware.
- (2020-10-30) Wayne Dier: I extend my laptop's screen on a TV so instead of having a laptop on my lap, I just use the keyboard to browse the Internet. It works perfect with a mouse!
- (2020-10-25) Som eone: cool pas mal