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Google Meet 어두운 모드로 눈을 편안하게하세요.
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Google Meet ™ 용 무료 다크 모드를 사용하면 회의에 대해 다크 모드를 빠르게 활성화 / 비활성화 할 수 있습니다.
더 편안하게 Google Meet를 사용하세요!
야간에 Google Meet 통화를하는 동안 다크 모드를 사용할 때 눈을 쉴 수 있습니다.
★ 주요 특징 :
✔ 다크 모드
Google Meet의 어두운 모드 켜기
Latest reviews
- (2023-02-21) Gabriel Fernandez: sometimes it works, sometimes not i have to reload the page which makes me look like i left and rejoined again
- (2022-12-21) Gerald Harp: Google meet sucks, but this plug-in works well for me. The trick is that you have to install a chrome "theme" that is dark mode (settings/appearance/theme) from the chome webstore. Then fiddle with the screen zoom to enlarge the image. I can pretty much make the screen reflection in my glasses disappear. But! Zoom is so much better. There are better choices & better functioning for zoom themes. And one feature I really like is that you can touch up your face, removing wrinkles and blemishes. My recommendation is to dump google meet.
- (2022-11-02) Alex Alarcon: Excelente aplicación! Totalmente recomendada
- (2022-05-10) Dan Cassidy: Works decently except for one thing: The main Meet home screen is still blindingly white.
- (2022-01-13) Tamás Varga: Overall very good, but for me the most important feature is missing. The google meet home screen, where I see all my google meet calls for the day, is fully white. This is more important than the actual meeting itself, because people have their video on, so during the meeting the 90% of the screen is video from the participants. Would be nice to have an update of the extension. Thanks
- (2022-01-10) very good ngầu VL
- (2021-12-07) Neehar Sheth: Its ok, but the text is black making it unreadable
- (2021-11-30) 이영구: 굿
- (2021-10-12) Gabriel Alejandro Coello Jiménez: ta buenisimo soy el mismo alejoestuvoaqui5478 sino que ahorita deben arreglar lo del chat con el modo oscuro ya en meet y uno le pone donde dice hacer que meet este en modo oscuro mientras uno escribe las letras no se ve eso es todo el resto excelente
- (2021-07-06) GuimaGamesXD: Deviam atualizar, já que o Meet mudou de aparência. Agora não dá para ver o que você está digitando pois o botão de escrever tem fundo branco.
- (2021-06-17) Anurag Sharma: Very good It was very relaxing
- (2021-06-11) Ranjini Jayadev: ITS AWESOME. one thing though. the people list is white when you click on it
- (2021-06-04) Muhammed Salaar: The extension is great, but I would appreciate if u did the people list black instead of white
- (2021-05-27) cheska magdame: its cool i recommend it lolll
- (2021-05-26) Om Mehta: Absolutely awesome, just one thing the thing on top left is still white so can you please make it black to make it moore cool. Otherwise 5 stars deserved!
- (2021-05-25) Mateo Cortes Correa: Es muy buena para descansar los ojos de todo lo blanco y me sirve muy bien
- (2021-05-22) Guevara Rios Alexia Xiomara: Es super bueno
- (2021-05-22) Ahmed Faizan: Thank you! This is the best, I had trouble with the light mode.
- (2021-05-20) Pingom: A extensão é realmente útil, mas poderia ser melhor. Em certos lugares do Google Meet essa extensão não funciona.
- (2021-05-18) David Plesa: 5 stars but only one thing: the people list is white if you can make that dark too, that would be AWESOME :D
- (2021-05-15) Yimmi Ruano: Muy buena, pero me gustaria poder mover de lugar los iconos de la extension.
- (2021-05-13) addamyx: best!! but some bugs...
- (2021-05-12) Ved Pranay Angara: very nice extension
- (2021-05-11) Yesha Jain: the text is not ok rest everything is ok nothing gr8 but this invention was needed
- (2021-05-10) isatothetop: amazing the only problem is the people tab is still white and the puzzle section thing's text is black so its hard to see
- (2021-04-25) Yasrib: Good extension! but the text is too dark for me.
- (2021-04-22) Tymek Nowak: chciałbym zeby to narzedzie w rogu zniknelo dla estetyki
- (2021-04-20) Roberto Carlos: es lo mejor
- (2021-04-20) HarshOmg: XD
- (2021-04-15) vroom vroom trakdur hur hur: dark mode go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
- (2021-04-08) testing5: my eyes wont suffer anymore
- (2021-04-07) HaiShyGuy: A must have, I recommend everyone that uses Google Meet to get this!
- (2021-04-06) Jet: JUST AMAZING
- (2021-04-05) kyle mendoza: NOICE
- (2021-03-30) Koa Hosoi: exactly what i expected.
- (2021-03-19) Américo Estrada Sánchez: Todo espectacular solo la barra de la extensión que aparece en la esquina superior izquierda debería ser negra, por lo demás es un éxito
- (2021-03-18) Dani Britex: Muito bom e faz o que é proposto, mas todas as fontes poderiam ser brancas e algumas linhas no site poderiam ser cinzas, e o widget da extensão deixa o ícone de "Gravando" oculto, e é branco, que poderia mudar quando o modo escuro fosse ativo, a página de Pessoas continua branca.
- (2021-03-18) Alex Gajda: Thank you!
- (2021-03-17) ZSombo12: Amazing but as said in tohers comment the list of people and the icon in the right up is still white also the menu that it ads is white as well
- (2021-03-17) Jay Mann Misola: helps my soar eyes
- (2021-03-15) feeteoee: my eyes really kill me, this is the best extension!!!
- (2021-03-15) Sandrowss1: Funciona muito bem
- (2021-03-12) Andres Felipe Gaona Toledo: Me gusto pero en la lista de participantes no esta en modo oscuro
- (2021-03-08) Saahib Sidhu: doesnt work, everythinf is the same
- (2021-03-08) SAI HITHEESH: nice extension
- (2021-03-05) Spyar: Me gustaría que no tapara la barra que dice "Grabando", mi única queja.
- (2021-03-03) Mohammad Zariwala: Very nice, really relieved my eye strain.
- (2021-02-27) Powel P Parakkal: This is the best darkmode extension I've ever used for google meet.But still it can be improved by making the people's section also black.
- (2021-02-25) XxDEVILPLAYxX: la mejor apk para pc , antes me dolian los ojos de solo ver blanco en meet pero ahora puedo estar toda la clase sin dolor , 5 estrellas recomendado