Description from extension meta
Merges your tabs into one location to save memory usage and increase your productivity.
Image from store

Description from store
Tired of searching through squished tab icons to find that one tab you are sure is there?
With TabMerger you can simplify this clutter while greatly increasing productivity in a highly organized and customizable fashion!
With a single click, you can have all your tabs in a single place, where you can then re-arrange them into appropriate groups, delete extra/unwanted tabs, customize group colors, and so much more. All merged items are stored internally for you to use at a later time, even when you close the browser window. Lots of analytics are provided to keep you informed about the state of your tabs.
In addition to reducing the heavy tab clutter, TabMerger significantly reduces the memory usage of your machine as on average each chrome tab can use 25MB-100MB of RAM. These add up quickly if left open and can significantly slow down your machine, but with TabMerger you simply have a list of items which can be re-opened when you really need them.
Being Open Source (, under GPLv3 license, with a growing community of passionate users who aim to make the product better every day, guarantees that TabMerger is safe, secure, and up to par with user's recommendations/needs.
✅ Global
🔹 Walkthrough Tutorial: Helps users who need details clarified.
🔹 Filters: Allows users to search through items using "smart" filters to quickly find that buried tab. Can be used to search by group name for groups or directly for a tab using its title.
🔹 Dark Mode: Toggle switch to active/deactivate dark mode. In dark mode all text is light and background is dark providing high contrast.
🔹 Print PDF: Generates a print friendly PDF document consisting of basic information and hyperlinks to the user's item. This is great when the user simply wants to share their accumulated tab links with others who might not have the extension installed.
🔹 Open All: Opens every tab from every group in the order that they appear.
🔹 Delete All: Deletes all items from every group (also, deletes all the groups leaving only one default group).
🔹 Export/Import JSON: Saves current configuration as a JSON file. This is useful to restore information directly into the extension page (using "Import JSON") or sharing with others so that they can be on the same page.
🔹 Syncing: Ability to use the extension across your devices by uploading its configuration using the browser's built in "sync" mechanism.
🔹 Undo Action: Accidently deleted a group or tab? No worries, you have a chance to undo that mishap.
🔹 Add Group: Allows the user to add groups where merged items can be sorted accordingly.
❕ Note that the total number of items merged into the extension page are displayed at the top of the sidebar and in the extension icon (if enabled in settings).
✅ Groups
🔹 Move Group: Provides drag and drop operation on a group-level. This allows the user to quickly sort based on which groups they are in.
🔹 Lock/Unlock Group: Locked groups will never be deleted/removed to prevent unwanted data loss. You can always unlock a group by clicking on the lock again.
🔹 Star/Unstar Group: Have a group which you really like? Star them to automatically move them to the top and lock them. This group can then be unstarred at any time.
🔹 Edit Group Title: Allows the user to edit the group's title. This is useful to name groups meaningful names according to the items inside.
🔹 Pick Group Color: Provides customization for the background color of the group through an easy and intuitive color picker. Additionally, preset colors are provided to ease the color picking process.
🔹 Merge ALL: Merges all the items in your current window into the corresponding group.
🔹 Merge LEFT: Merges all the items in your current window to the left of the current active tab into the corresponding group.
🔹 Merge RIGHT: Merges all the items in your current window to the right of the current active tab into the corresponding group.
🔹 Hide: Hides every tab in the given group, these are still tallied and "visible" to the extension (just not to the user). Useful when you want to save space for less relevant groups.
🔹 Open Group: Opens all the items in the corresponding group ordered as they appear.
🔹 Delete Group: Deletes all the items in the corresponding group, along with the group item itself - as long as the group is not locked.
❕ Note that each group has a "Created" timestamp to let users know how old each group is.
Additionally, each group title has a counter indicating the number of items in the group.
✅ Tabs
Each tab is moveable within its own group and can:
🔹 Drag & drop from the URL address bar lock icon directly.
🔹 Deleted via the "x" button.
🔹 Be moved from one group to another using the "grid" icon.
🔹 Opened by LEFT clicking on the title.
🔹 Edited by MIDDLE clicking on the title.
🔹 Pinned/unpinned inside directly inside the extension which persists when the tab is restored.
✅ Settings
Here users can do the following:
🔹 Change the default group title and color.
🔹 Include a list of websites which they prefer not to have merged.
🔹 Decide if they want the extension badge icon to display relevant group/tab information.
🔹 Enable merging when the extension is opened.
🔹 Have merged items remain open or close them.
🔹 Set merging behavior for pinned items.
🔹 Choose whether restored items are kept or not.
✅ Context Menu
If you right click anywhere on an active tab's page, you can access extra functionality. These include the Merge ALL, Merge LEFT, and Merge RIGHT features described above, as well as the following.
🔹 Open: In case you want to simply open the extension page without merging into the current window.
🔹 Merge ONLY: to simply merge the current active tab, without touching the rest.
🔹 Merge EXCLUDING: to merge all other than the current active tab.
🔹 Exclude site from visibility: Updates the appropriate settings field with this tab's link. This can be seen as a shortcut to avoid having to type the link from memory (or copy/pasting) if the tab is already open.
🔹 Instructions: Direct link to instructions page (this one).
🔹 Contact Us: Direct link to contact page, incase a user has any questions or inquiries.
✅ Keyboard Shortcuts
Each important feature also provides keyboard shortcuts. For example, to merge all, a user can simply press "Alt + A" on any window. Each user can manually set these shortcuts at chrome://extensions/shortcuts.
🌟 There are many more features that we plan to implement and we would love to incorporate any feedback provided by our users.
Your privacy and security is of utmost concern for us. For this reason, we vow to never share your merged items with anyone without your consent. This means that any information that you store is only visible to you - nobody else.
📝 Disclaimer: we provide the ability to share the extension page (via JSON format & PDF). The user should only share these files with trusted sources at their discretion.
🔸 v2.0.0:
● Automatic backup for JSON & Sync.
● Group color randomizer.
● Text style now adjusts for all text in the extension page.
● Tooltips can be hidden/shown in settings.
● SaveAs menu for JSON Export to allow you to pick location. Can be turned off in settings.
● Fix for Firefox external (Keyboard Shortcuts / Right Click Menu) merging.
● Replaced many confirmation boxes with sleek notification menus.
● Improved settings page design with extra convenient functionality.
● Extra details on main page that are relevant to each user.
🔸 v1.6.2:
● Tab title weight & font can be adjusted in settings.
● Improved right click menu & keyboard shortcut merging logic.
● Hovering over a tab title shows it's URL (popup beside mouse pointer).
● Search filter can now also use "@" to search for groups.
● Improved merge button icons to remove confusion on direction of merging and popup text.
● Better button popup placement to avoid obstruction of other buttons.
🔸 v1.6.1:
● Removed hidden/empty (no tab) groups from the print friendly PDF.
● Bug fixes for tutorial/walkthrough.
🔸 v1.6.0:
● Undo a destructive action.
● Delete All & Open All action confirmation.
● Badge icon information (configurable in settings).
● Walkthrough/tour.
● Group Drag & Drop.
● Persistent hiding/showing of group.
● Group locking/unlocking.
● Group starring/unstarring.
● Much longer group titles.
● Color picker has preset colors and positioned better.
● Better background & text contrast (automatically adjusting).
● Drag & Drop from URL address bar lock icon directly into the extension page.
● Edit tab title (with Middle click).
● Tab pin/unpin directly from inside the extension page.
● Pin tab(s) merging behavior.
● Merge behavior setting (keep tab open or close it).
● Better UI in setting page.
● Page UI improvements.
● Fail safe JSON property names to allow better imports from similarly structured JSON files generated by other applications.
🔸 v1.5.0:
● Better and cleaner User Interface.
● Responsive design for smaller devices across all browsers.
● User friendly PDF generation via a print button
● Scroll to bottom upon adding group.
● New homepage website which loads much faster, providing better User Experience.
🔸 v1.4.1 - v1.4.3:
● Fixed bugs in sync & incognito operation (stable as of v1.4.3).
🔸 v1.4.0:
● Better & more compact user interface.
● Search filter combined into 1 Regular Expression based filter.
● Improved merge on open functionality.
● Deprecated PDF Export. Will be added back when formatting logic is improved.
🔸 v1.3.0:
● You can now sync configuration across devices!
● Works in incognito (private) browser mode.
● Improved merging & restoring logic to avoid duplicates.
● Better drag and drop functionality scrolls the page while dragging.
● Can restore settings back to default.
● Cleaner & more readable Export JSON output.
🔸 v1.2.1:
● Ability to Import & Export JSON version and Export PDF of current extension page.
● Improvements in logic to reduce redundant page reloads.
● Better UI for both FireFox and Chrome versions.
● Addition of keyboard shortcut commands.
● Further support for languages added.
● Added extension to Microsoft Edge.
🔸 v1.2.0:
● New tab merging functionality allows user to merge within each group directly.
● Better logic for merging prevents extension page from "moving around".
● Added filters to quickly find items within a given group.
🔸 v1.1.3:
● Fixed issue where extension icon click caused items to close without being merged in FireFox.
● Fixed group title change persistence.
🔸 v1.1.2:
● Introducing Dark Mode.
● Added extension to FireFox.
🔸 v1.0.1:
● Added demo video and improved UI.
● Broader language support.
🔸 v1.0.0:
● Initial release includes core merging, grouping, restoring functionality.
Made with 💖 by Lior Bragilevsky.
Latest reviews
- (2021-10-20) Lee Velez: Very impressed, this takes away many of my frustrations with having multiple browsers and hundreds of tabs all over the place without knowing what is what. Absolutely love on how I can group also. Nice job!!
- (2021-10-01) Shubham Joshi: It's nearly perfect. I don't know how your extension has not become #1 in the Productivity category! This is probably an extension that everyone should consider when using their browser often. With that said, there is a lack of shortcuts available to the user. Should consider it as another feature to your subscription users at least. Ex: Hitting Home Key will direct me to the TabMerger Home Page.
- (2021-05-14) Pat MySecret: Later: Ok.. I finally get it.. add tabs by clicking icons to the right I'm not ready to change stars cause I'm still annoyed that I struggled -- I bet this is a great extension, and I will update my review as I get to know the extension better, but I want to state right off, that it lacks instant intuitiveness. There's a zillion extensions out there, and most people don't want to fumble long with the unproven. I hastily clicked out the tutorial popup wanting to look things over, and it was a while before I found it again. Even when I found it, it proved to be slow and often not well-pointed. The first thing people want to do is add their bookmarks and the method to do so is not easily apparent. The demo seemed slow and not to-the-point. I saw what appeared to be a drag arrow on the upper right of the intro page. I fumbled with that to add my sites to no avail, I saw "Instructions", and though it doesn't show as an readily discernable link (no underlining) I gamble clicked it and found it to work. The demo seemed to ramble on about everything else than I wanted to know, which was how to add a site.
- (2021-03-08) Oray Colak: Good looking, and helps with productivity. 10/10
- (2021-03-08) Okyanus Colak: Why do I love this app so much? It makes me organized. Most of my time is spent online: on browser. Work, hobbies, interests, stocks, entertainment... When organized, the tabs can get out of control. I really love the ability to group tabs to categorize them, and to access all of them within a click, while also making my browser 100% clear all the time. Since I discovered this app, it became an indispensable tool for my workflow. If you are experiencing the same thing, I recommend you give this app a try.
- (2021-03-07) g g: 2021.03.07 Chromium browser is automatically upgraded to the new version, showing that a new permission has been added. After clicking accept, click on tabmerger to display a blank page that disappears in a flash, and 0 tabs are displayed at the moment of refresh. All data of the previous version is lost
- (2021-03-01) Bilal Ma: I came here to find a replacement for Tabs Outliner since the freemium version lacks easy syncing across devices and the premium one feels a bit too greedy (costs more than a video game). Anyway, this extension is great! It's much more easy to use, and looks good. I don't have to worry about making mistakes and losing my tabs. The syncing works well. It's not failsafe for browser crashes but I just installed another extension for that. Some recommendations for improvement: 1. I liked having the tree structure that Tabs Outliner had where you can kind of create bullets and sub-bullets. It's helpful when you're doing a search. 2. Have a redo button in case the undo button is clicked by mistake. 3. Starred groups return to where they used to be once unstarred (not too important). 4. Ability to hide creation date and time (not useful to see all the time) 5. Being able to add some notes for each link. 6. Please price reasonably if you want to make money off of this :) I'd like to keep using this extension! Best of luck!
- (2021-02-15) E. P.: Just a great extension! I especially liked the ability to set group colors and the ability to sort groups manually. Very fast and convenient backup of all tabs in json. There is a lack of a button for sorting tabs in a group alphabetically ("Sort by Title"), choosing a font in options and an option / button for showing the URL (preferably under the title). And the 'Merge left' and 'Merge right' buttons - in my opinion, it is better to remove it, this is already superfluous.
- (2021-02-15) Ben Rashkovich: I installed this extension to replace OneTab, which I had for a short time since the Great Suspender was removed from the app store. I searched for an alternative to OneTab because it did not have a dark mode and TabMerger does. I have now used TabMerger for a week and have been evangelizing it to, basically, anyone in earshot. It's useful in reducing my amount of open tabs and keeping my computer running fast, but it's also got all sorts of settings, options, and smart functions - I can easily use a set of keyboard commands to "merge" a bunch of tabs into groups that I can label, star, lock, search, and color-code. It has not only saved my computer's memory, but improved my browsing organization for work and personal matters. Furthermore, I submitted a set of feedback suggestions to the developer after using the application for a few hours, and much to my surprise he responded to me almost immediately with an actual personalized message. Since then, I've submitted other suggestions, including a feature request for a pretty specific use case, and he let me know he has come up with some ideas and will try to incorporate them into the next build! I am beyond impressed that this application has ongoing and attentive support from a thoughtful developer. In sum: this is one of the best Chrome Extensions I use and I cannot recommend it more highly! Even if you don't think you need it, I suggest you try it out and see what a difference it can make.
- (2021-02-09) Silky Way: This extension is a lifesaver. I have a lot of tabs open due to work and it annoys me when I don't know where what is open. With this tool I can see everything in one tab and can read and continue my work easily without having to search.
- (2021-01-27) Abdullah: This is really helpful. thank you for making it.
- (2021-01-15) William Dahms: ***** Really useful extension. Sometimes I'd go on digital projects such as looking up car repairs, or taxes and tax laws, all ending in 20-30 tabs. Since I don't want to bookmark each one individually, nor lose them, I use this plug-in. I hit merge all and its done. I can close chrome and later click on TabMerger and restore all and its there! super quick and a lifesaver! Will really recommend to my elderly folks with hundreds of tabs. Thanks whoever made this! Hope you see it *****
- (2021-01-10) Félix Paradis: Been using it for less than an hour, but already loving it. I've seen similar extensions before but they never felt right for some reason. This is the first of its kind that makes me want to give it a proper try.
- (2021-01-08) ziyad s: Useful tab management extension to organize many open tabs.
- (2021-01-08) Shubham Negi: TabMerger is a fantastic solution to a problem every internet user faces - over crowded tabs in your browser. The extension solves this brilliantly by allowing the user to group their tabs together and color code them. I would try to improve the user experience by allowing the user to select which tabs to merge without having to use 'merge left' and 'merge right' as that adds one extra step. However that aside, its brilliant!
- (2020-12-29) moi lois: It is very nice software but it take too much room on the page.
- (2020-12-27) Dan Brag: Love the tool. Makes my computer work faster as less tabs are open!
- (2020-12-26) Phan Ba Thuy: This extension really helps me organizing tabs into groups in a controlled manner. Highly recommended!!!
- (2020-12-19) Al Noname: Nice idea and useful tool. Keeps all your URLs on one page, stores them and allows to open from any device rather than searching in your history (if exists). Also reduces start up time and memory usage. Improvements can be done but overall it is convenient to automatically keep all your important links in one place.
- (2020-12-13) adam smith: This should be a feature on any browser considering how much memory is hogged with only a few tabs open. Great extension and saves a lot of time.
- (2020-12-02) Philip Leblanc: Super useful, and increases productivity for me. Is there a way to select multiple tabs in a group to move to another group? That would be a feature I think is missing, otherwise very user friendly design and impressive extension.
- (2020-11-29) Anat Barkov: I am so happy that I installed and used this extension. Yesterday, my laptop crashed and I had many important tabs saved in TabMerger. I was very relieved to see that all my tabs were stored in TabMerger when I reopened it. Big thanks to the developer.
- (2020-11-23) Arbaz Ahmed: This extension improved my productivity and my tabs now look organized! Good job.
- (2020-11-23) H G: reviewed it. i think it is neat, you can definitely organize your tabs better without scrambling to find the "stackoverflow page that was previously opened". It is definitely a great tool for a developer to have. However i do think it does come at a cost when you have to reopen/load pages again because at the end of the day it's only a link. I think it would be much better if when you click on a link it would jump to the page if it is already opened, instead of reloading the page in a new tab again. And also if you are opening a group of pages and 99/100 pages are already opened then you can optimize it to only load the one page that isnt opened yet. But those are some of the nitty-gritties i found that can be improved on, overall the project is solid.
- (2020-11-21) Brag Deal: Absolutely amazing. Saves so much time searching for tabs!!
- (2020-11-21) Denise Fila: This extension is super useful and well made. I especially enjoy being able to customize the groups according to my liking. Thank you for publishing this, I would highly recommend TabMeger to anyone!!!
- (2020-11-18) Salman Imtiaz: The idea and functionality is excellent. It can group my many tabs together and it gives me freedom to work around many opened tabs at once. Great extension.