Description from extension meta
Buy resource from market using premium points
Image from store
Description from store
Buy resources from tribalwars market as fast as possible!
1. Open "Premium Exchange" page.
2. Select resources that you want to buy.
3. Select refresh period in milliseconds.
4. Click Start!
5. Click stop or close the tab to stop buying resources.
**I ask browser permission in order to make script work in the background.
tribalwars tribal wars
Latest reviews
- (2021-09-09) Michal HolĂk: Very cool addon , but can the game read that i use the script so i get banned ? If yes what is the safest way to use it
- (2021-07-31) react go: AUTOMATIC ban, DON'T use it
- (2021-07-23) Stella K: DO NOT USE: Got banned from world 121 using this extension. Reason: "Scripts that interact in any way with the premium exchange" result in a permanent ban. I notified the developer of this extension, but he has not responded. Here's a paste from Innogames about my permanent ban... Scripts that are not allowed include, but are not limited to: Scripts that send automated attacks or farms Scripts that focus or click the 'attack' or 'support' button >>Scripts that interact in any way with the premium exchange<< Scripts that perform multiple actions in one click, unless specifically approved by the support team Scripts that performs automated reactions to certain ingame actions or events Using cookie editors to have coplayers login on the account as this circumvents technical blocks Automatic minting Automatic trading on the market Regards, Jirki88 Co-Community Manager InnoGames GmbH
- (2021-05-16) method: Its good, but it doesn't actually click the "Confirm" button after clicking "calculate best offer" You need to sit at the screen and click confirm yourself to actually buy the resources, but I find myself missing the resources cause I'm too slow. Good otherwise though
- (2021-01-16) Edel Weis: not working on new server 2. Select resources that you want to buy. ( nothing this step )