Description from extension meta
Enregistrer vos mots de passe, adresses et informations de paiement, puis remplissez-les automatiquement sur les sites que vous…
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Description from store
Le remplissage auto Microsoft vous permet d’enregistrer vos mots de passe, adresses et informations de paiement. Vous pouvez les renseigner automatiquement sur tous vos appareils : Windows, macOS, Android et iOS.
La fonctionnalité de remplissage automatique de Microsoft vous permet :
– d’éviter les problèmes d’oubli de mots de passe et d’autres données en les enregistrant en ligne
– de gagner du temps en remplissant automatiquement vos mots de passe, adresses et informations de paiement sur les sites que vous visitez
– d’accéder à vos mots de passe et adresses enregistrés sur tous vos appareils
Cette extension est destinée à Google Chrome. Si vous utilisez Microsoft Edge, vous disposez déjà du remplissage auto Microsoft : il vous suffit d’accéder à Paramètres et plus (...) > Paramètres > Profils > Mots de passe.
Pour remplir automatiquement les mots de passe sur Android et iOS, téléchargez l’application Microsoft Authenticator.
Latest reviews
- (2024-11-19) Bomo Koung: 想藉由停止支援強迫人使用EDGE? 我只會更反感使用EDGE!對了,我也會順便移除Microsoft Authenticator
- (2024-11-15) Gerold Russello: Best MFA and password app. Hands down! EDIT: Now the worst since I can no longer use it. MS is forcing everyone to use their Edge browser on December 14 2024 which is a money maker for MS and tracks our browsing activity. I prefer Brave browser thank you very much!
- (2024-11-15) Leela Sankhar Mogillapalli: discontinuing this extension is a stupid move for real!
- (2024-08-22) Shay Dabush: Password sync stopped working. It seems to be a known issue and Microsoft isn't fixing it. Completely useless.
- (2024-05-15) Barbara Adamczyk: ok
- (2024-02-08) Vladimir Simakovich: последние обновления испортили расширение. как только включаешь плагин - начинают жрать память вся вкладки. и в итоге хром падает.
- (2023-12-05) Minh Chủ Nguyễn: Good
- (2023-11-23) Colin JACQUES: Worked very well and seemed secure. When you want to auto-fill a password, you need to enter your PC password or use windows hello (flike fingerprint)
- (2023-11-22) Shahriar Rahman: Awesome
- (2023-11-20) Robert Holland: fantastic time saver
- (2023-11-19) Radek Holeček (Holda): Great app from Microsoft. I can only recommend.
- (2023-11-18) Jeff Lau: So Far So Good
- (2023-11-17) Adam Karcher: OK
- (2023-11-17) Jason Deckbar: My favorite password manager
- (2023-11-14) Jhonatan Restrepo: Muy bueno para administrar tus contraseñas y accesos 2fa
- (2023-11-14) G: The best
- (2023-11-11) DR Acteck: beast
- (2023-11-10) Daniel Hilario: Great option if you want to use a consistent password manager across browsers and devices.
- (2023-11-08) Tihes Tehis: TOP
- (2023-11-08) PH Saurav: Great app. Only an option to search from extension popup will make it perfect.
- (2023-11-08) Bandith Khorn: Nice, Working so well
- (2023-11-07) George Perez: Muy útil, creo que es perfectible, pero van por muy buen camino
- (2023-11-07) Javier CURTO Brull: Sencilla de usar y eficaz, no se puede pedir mucho más.
- (2023-11-05) Rodolfo Oliveira: almost perfect, need some folders for organization and the safety is a little wierd at the moment
- (2023-11-05) Michele Pipitone: Funziona, ma ha un piccolo impatto sulle performance del browser che andrebbe risolto.
- (2023-11-04) Opemipo Adebanjo: I love how easy it is to find my passwords. It really good when it comes to syncing across devices. Highly recommend if you need an all in one password manager
- (2023-11-04) Eli Block: So good
- (2023-11-03) Daniel Malkafly: Best free password vault service. I used others paid for years and this from microsoft is neat and a fresh free option. The password generation could be improved, sometimes its generate but dont save on right account.
- (2023-11-01) 晓新(蜡笔): 希望添加一个备注的功能,可以为每个网站添加备注,方便搜索
- (2023-10-30) Arthur Azevedo: É util, mas precisa melhorar. Por exemplo as senhas precisam ser sincronizada automaticamente. Não tem cofre para guardar informações simples. Tem potencial para ser melhor ainda
- (2023-10-28) Rogério Casari: Muito bom !!!
- (2023-10-28) Juuso Herranen: Works as intended. Nice to sync passwords to multiple devices. Password generator could be more accessible when creating new accounts.
- (2023-10-22) Jose Luis Beras: Helpful!
- (2023-10-22) Heinz Heller: Top, machtt genau was es soll und wofür ich es brauche.
- (2023-10-21) William “GUNSHOW” Walker: Very useful application.
- (2023-10-21) 许多: 希望增加备注字段,因为同一个网站有多个用户名,没备注的话,一段时间后我分不清或者忘记。(I hope to add a note field, because there are multiple user names on the same website, if there is no note, I can't distinguish or forget it after a period of time.)
- (2023-10-20) Steve Plyler: Easy to set up, quick conversion - SUGGESTION, option on download to save as jpg, not zipped file.
- (2023-10-17) Nguyen Duc: Tiện ích ,tích hợp trên cả điện thoại, phù hợp cá nhân lưu trữ mật khẩu
- (2023-10-17) Muhammad Laraib Khan: Using it regularly, has exceptional security, offers MDA on both laptop and mobile which is great!
- (2023-10-17) Jacques Bester: Good work, keep it going.
- (2023-10-17) David Sun: 全平台免费使用
- (2023-10-16) Matteo Creati: Eventually an integrate capability and easy way to carry on my secrets.
- (2023-10-16) Ionuț Iulian Tudorache: Nice and v good!
- (2023-10-14) Aleksandar Ivanov: Перфектно е.
- (2023-10-14) Fernando Lozinski: Le pongo 3 estrellas porque aun le falta mas funciones para que pueda ser igual o mejor que lastpass 1- Falta que tenga la funcion de activar o desactivar la opcion de login al abrir y cerrar el navegador o al pasar varios minutos... Por cuestion de seguridad 2- El autorellenado no funciona en varias paginas que ya estan salvadas... Un ejemplo ingresar a un NAS via web como synology Mejoro muchisimo desde de 1 año ahora si excelente
- (2023-10-13) xixi lu (草儿): chrome无痕模式下加载成功,但是保存的密码没了。非无痕模式又能正常使用,搜了全网也没找到解决方法
- (2023-10-13) Henrik Flück: No problems
- (2023-10-12) Salauddin Ahamed: This services is wonderful.
- (2023-10-12) Toxicated Soul: so good
- (2023-10-11) Jabarti Mohamed (Hashi): [email protected]