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Afmelden voor e-maillijsten met slechts 1 klik met Trimbox voor Gmail. De snelste manier om spam-e-mails te stoppen en uw inbox te…
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Description from store
✅ Visueel identificeren mailinglijst e-mails.
✅ Afmelden in een enkele klik.
✅ Verwijder duizenden e-mails met één klik.
✅ Persoonlijke gegevens worden alleen veilig op uw computer opgeslagen.
✅ Verbind onbeperkt Gmail-accounts.
Binnenkort beschikbaar!
✅ Extra browserondersteuning (Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera).
✅ Extra ondersteuning voor e-mailproviders (Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, Proton Mail).
We begrijpen hoe het is om constant afgeleid te worden door ongewenste e-mails. Je inbox is je persoonlijke ruimte. We kunnen je helpen het terug te krijgen.
⭐️ 50+ 5-sterrenrecensies.
🚀 3000+ gebruikers.
🤙🏾 100.000+ afmeldingen.
✉️ 3.000.000+ e-mails opgeschoond.
Aan de slag gaan is eenvoudig!
1️⃣ Download de extensie gratis.
2️⃣ Verbind uw Gmail-accounts.
3️⃣ Klik om uit te schrijven.
Probeer het vandaag nog gratis!
Copyright © Trimbox
Gmail is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van Google Inc. Trimbox is niet gelieerd aan Google.
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-28) Dorothy Dang: Great for cleaning my inbox
- (2024-01-25) Robert Robinson: AWESOME! QUICK AND EASY.
- (2024-01-24) Karen Awe: So useful so far!!!
- (2024-01-23) Abigail Denise: literally the best. cleaned out 13,000+ emails in 15 mins
- (2024-01-21) Eric: very effective and easy to use. lifesaver!
- (2024-01-15) D L: Works excellently!!! Has EASILY cleaned up my inbox tremendously!
- (2024-01-14) Jenivieve Elly: It works well and i am happy but i am leaving this review out of being forced from all the pop ups. Super frustrating when you pay for a subscription to fix an issue and your trying to solve it and keep getting a pop up to review.
- (2024-01-13) Em T: It's great - well done team for creating something that knows how the world is today, and solves a problem in the easiest way!
- (2024-01-09) Max S: If I don't have this tool, I don't have a usable inbox. My only complaint is how it seems to sometimes rely on adding filters to your existing Gmail filter list, for what I can only assume are some of the more pesky unsubscribe procedures. Suggestion for dev: I'd rather be given a 2nd momentary pop-up button to block the sender. I need to keep my filters clean and minimal for work purposes, but my block list can get as big and ugly as it wants, since it stays sight unseen. THANK YOU TRIMBOX!!
- (2024-01-08) Madeline Maxwell: Trimbox is completely worth the hype! I cleaned up an inbox total of 7,000 emails in under 10 minutes!
- (2024-01-06) Chris Koppel: Trimbox has been working well the only complaint I have is there are some companies I know I have used it to unsubscribe that are still showing up in my email even after I used the mass delete and unsubscribe. Not sure why that is happening will keep using and watch for them to come back again. It is fantastic for mass cleaning up my cluttered email.
- (2024-01-04) Cortney Harkin: Trimbox has been working great so far at cleaning my inbox. We'll see if it continues to work well, but so far it's exactly what I needed, and simple to install!
- (2024-01-01) Max Ucros: Instant gratification and relief seeing "259 emails removed from ...". It's not perfect, but they're constantly improving so, I 100% would recommend & would be very interested in a mobile app - great job, y'all!
- (2024-01-01) Amber Lyda: OBSESSED!! Seeing hundreds of unwanted emails disappear in a click??? YES, please!!!! This is an awesome extension. Highly recommend!
- (2023-12-31) Matt Aslin: Finally able to remove subscriptions with 1-click and then delete the messages.
- (2023-12-31) Nathan Williams: Taking back control of my inbox. Love it
- (2023-12-31) Stephen Cree: The most useful Chrome extension
- (2023-12-30) Ahmad Hamed SAMADI: Very usefull, love it
- (2023-12-29) Avery De Ruyter: super easy to use...keeps all my accounts with businesses, just get rid of the annoying email clutter! worth the upgrade!
- (2023-12-28) Halee Croquer: I felt overwhelmed by how much spam was in my inbox. Trimbox made the cleanup process quick and easy. Definitely recommend!
- (2023-12-26) Jacqueline Druga: Really is amazingly easy!!!
- (2023-12-21) Kush Rustagi: I paid for the full version but the unsubscribe doesn't work for many emails (for eg NextDoor emails keep coming)
- (2023-12-20) Maya Delic: Just super easy!
- (2023-12-19) omar chalakani: La mejor herramienta que he encontrado para limpiar mi correo de basura.
- (2023-12-18) Avasa Sherman: Concept is great, user friendly, and seems accurate in finding the mailing list emails, but to have to click the icon next to every single email individually is very time consuming. It would be an AMAZING app if you could select all of the emails in groups to unsubscribe all and then delete all.
- (2023-12-02) Mihkel Raud: Great app, easy to use!
- (2023-11-18) Dan Hahn: Was looking for a simple solution to clean up my Gmail inbox. I have had my address for 20 years, there are so many subscriptions. It takes a while, but I can click through for 30 minutes while Im in a meeting and remove thousands of emails and unsubscribe from dozens of lists. Totally worth the unlimited annual price.
- (2023-11-13) Arianna Brander: Highly recommend for students with edu accounts!
- (2023-11-11) Freddie DeVeyra: If your email is flooded with junk and you need to clean up your inbox and clear up some space, this is the best tool ever!
- (2023-11-03) Remy Fortier: Its great
- (2023-11-03) Liesel Madrian: If you want to clean out your inbox - GET THIS!! So easy and quick to use! They truly set up this extension up well. Absolutely worth the price to clean out my inbox so easily!
- (2023-11-02) Jessica Agudelo: Amazing extension, been looking for a way to unsubscribe and delete that is within the gmail app! Love it, works as promised!
- (2023-11-01) Liz Blais: My inbox was so overwhelming with junk mail/newsletters. I had tens of thousands of unread emails and was close to maxing out my Gmail storage (I didn't even know that was possible?!?!?) I had tried another app to unsubscribe/delete but it just didn't work for me. This was well worth the expense!!! I deleted more than 19,000 emails in less than 3 minutes. Highly highly recommend!!!
- (2023-10-27) Caroline Kopp: I am so exhausted of having to search for important email amongst truckloads of unwanted mailing lists. I just downloaded this and am on a rampage removing mailing lists from my email. This app definitely streamlines the process of unsubscribing and makes it more ... fun??? Very clean, fast, and simple. Also cheaper than others I have tried. Would be nice if Google had this built in as I find their unsubscribe not as good and the rules and filters also, not good. I am looking forward to a future where all the emails I get are from actual people
- (2023-10-24) Jessica Adams: Brilliant. Worth every penny. A small blue circle appears next to annoying junk mail. You click on the circle and it vanishes. They block or subscribe for you, so you never again have to hear the ping of another newsletter you never knew you signed up for, when you bought a jar of jam. I used the free trial then signed up.
- (2023-10-19) Alexa Graziani: I had been putting off unsubscribing from emails. Finally, it felt like all I was doing each morning and night was archiving or deleting emails from email subscriptions I didn't care about. I used the free trail to unsubscribe from 10 and then promptly paid for one month because it made my life so much easier. I couldn't be happier! I think my mind will feel so much better now that it doesn't have to deal with so much clutter!
- (2023-10-18) Austin Decker: Cleaned up years worth of clutter in a reasonably short time. Seems to work as advertised.
- (2023-10-10) Glenn Campbell: I don't know how this extension actually works. My inbox is clean, but after using Trimbox emails in my Spam folder has increased greatly. Before Trimbox I would just get a few, now I get 100 emails a day and Trimbox will not clean these.
- (2023-10-09) Afiyin Fambegbe: I great product that I am starting to fall in love with, the relief seeing my total inbox number going down is priceless! Keep up the good work
- (2023-10-05) Peter Moolhuizen: This is a great product and has removed 10's of thousands of emails from my in boxes. Only two things, the first is the pops to unsubscribe and delete slow the process down, and the pop to review to their product otherewise I would give it 5 out of 5!
- (2023-10-02) Dr. Jim Emerson: I love how simple it is to unsubscribe and delete emails with this extension. GENIUS!!
- (2023-10-02) Scott Hochman: The product itself is great and was well-worth the money. Two things stop me from giving it five stars: 1. When you're mass-unsubscribing and deleting emails, the popups that tell you what was deleted often interfere with your ability to click on the next set you'd like to delete in GMail, which slows you down. On top of this, it also includes 2. Promo popups telling you to write a review or share your experience on social media. This could be remediated if the extension allowed you to opt-out of these. Sincerely hoping leaving a review will negate at least one of them, since they do really get in the way.
- (2023-10-01) Andy Schwartz: Made a huge difference in my lazy inbox world. Trying to get it bac in order and this really did a quick job so far.
- (2023-10-01) James D: Too expensive and suddenly it becomes cheaper when I want to uninstall. No thanks
- (2023-09-28) Supriya Gurbaxani: Worth the mind and inbox feel uncluttered
- (2023-09-27) Chayene Marques: Really delivers what it promises. The trial version lets you use it unsubscribe tool 10 times, after that you have to upgrade. But even if you dont upgrade, still useful to delete bulk emails from a single list. Worth paying if you can. Kudos for the developers for also worrying about the users privacy.
- (2023-09-25) Peter Sorensen: Only let me unsubscribe from a few, then popped up and said I could pay to continue using it. Deceptive.
- (2023-09-24) Leeanna Cota: Love it - so easy to use. Worth the price for the unlimited version.
- (2023-09-22) Vítek Švejda: only allows you to unsuscribe from +- 10 lists, then you need to buy premium
- (2023-09-21) Dave: works great!