Description from extension meta
Traduza e salve palavras de navegador usando DuoCards!
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Description from store
Traduza e salve palavras de navegador usando DuoCards!
Selecione qualquer texto em seu navegador ou clique com o botão direito numa palavra desconhecida, traduza a palavra e a salve em seu baralho de DuoCards.
Eventualmente você pode clicar no ícone “D” desta extensão no canto superior direito, traduzir e salvar qualquer frase que você precisar.
Posteriormente, você o poderá usar para aprender no aplicativo de seu telefone.
* Requisitos
Se certifique de ter DuoCards instalado em seu telefone e de ter concluído o registro antes de começar a usar esta extensão.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-27) Shohjahon: Спасибо разработчикам, мне "Duocards" очень нравитья...
- (2023-10-19) Kodola Andrii: Does what's expected!
- (2023-10-05) Ievgen Kulykov: The extension has stopped working. It responds with "You are now logged in Chrome extension, you can close this window." message on the page
- (2023-09-14) Sergey Novik: This extension doesn't work. Please, fix it
- (2023-07-07) Artem Gennadievich: 1. After closing duocards widget, it resets all fields with filled texts 2. U cannot add a word and translation of it with simple Paste (Word and translation is allready at buffer), or it's very unclear to how to do it right 3. Extension will give Connection Error if u not oppened duocards site before
- (2023-07-07) Юлия Абрамова: Отличная идея с расширением: переводить и сохранять слова, но она будет работать только в мобильном браузере, поэтому 5 звезд никак не могу поставить. С остальным попробую поработать и обновлю позже отзыв
- (2023-05-07) Сергей Василенко: Ограничение в 30 огоньков просто бредовое. Разве недостаточно для бесплатной версии того, что реклама ползет каждую минуту? Это ограничение просто делает невозможным добавлять и учить новые слова. Только у тех, кто начинает пользоваться приложением, получится добавить около сотни слов, а потом и они зациклятся на повторении и не смогут добраться до нуля во вкладке "Учить". И на этом образовательный процесс заканчивается. Мне кажется, жадность разработчика сыграет им во вред. Ведь капали им деньги с кликов по рекламе, а теперь этих кликов поубавится просто потому, что сами разработчики ограничили время пользования их приложением. И вряд ли получится заставить такими ограничениями подписаться на приложение, ведь альтернативных бесплатных приложений с меньшими ограничениями хватает в сети.
- (2023-03-28) Polina Prykhodchenko: not working
- (2023-02-02) Yi Yang: this extension always reloading again and again
- (2023-02-01) Bohdan Yalovskyi: localhost refused to connect.
- (2023-01-31) Muhammad Ridwan: localhost refused to connect.
- (2023-01-31) jeniffer silva: I like the extetnsion, but after the last update it's not working anymore, I can't use it in the browser.
- (2023-01-31) Oleksii Ody: Not working. Just says "localhost refused to connect."
- (2023-01-26) H N: Doesn't work on kindle cloud reader, so didn't even get a chance to encounter the bugs others mention
- (2022-12-19) Alex P: I use it to add words in my dictionary. Works fine for me.
- (2022-10-25) Sergey Pobedin: Офигительное приложение. Лучшее из лучших! Спасибо вам большое. Это именно то что я искал. Особенно радует возможность добавлять слова из видео и из любого текста. так же круто что карточки со словами можно создавать самому и добавлять к ним картинки. Класс. Выше всех похвал!
- (2022-10-19) Ryan Boyle: I have found the exstension to be very useful. It's great to be able to add new words to my collection directly from Chrome. This is a great feature to have with the Duocards App. Thank you very much to the developer for working to make the program work with so many different apps and formats. It is really a great study aid!
- (2022-09-30) Rinat Khaibullin: Its doesnt work with browsers on laptop. only with mobile browsers
- (2022-08-09) Karen H: You should really do something about the browser edition of DuoCards. It keeps asking me to log in on to the app version, which gets annoying real fast. I prefer to use the browser version at work because it's easier, but I guess that's impossible now.
- (2022-07-20) Antony Filyk: Every time I try to save a word, new page opens up saying "now open the app". lol
- (2022-05-30) Valery Yudin: doesn't work any more. Just opens the main page
- (2022-05-29) Сергей Малых: Almost useless. I don't add new words using context menu. I select a new word, click right mouse button, click on DuoCards menu item, a new tab is opened on just main page of Nothing added
- (2021-11-28) Daniel Bastos: The DuoCards app is really incredible but this extension should be better with a feature really important for me, that are present in other similar extensions. Because when you select a text in a web page, you need to copy the text, then click in the "D" icon on top, to then paste the text. There is another way, but you are taken to another tab, which is not at all convenient. The selected text should be copy and paste automatically when you click on "D" icon on top. This will help me a lot. The usability related to this can be improved. See similar extensions like Rememberry, Google Translate, Mate Translate... Thank you. I hope this gets better and better.
- (2021-01-16) Petr Heralecký: The new words you translate using this translator won't away slip away from your head thanks to this extension :)