Description from extension meta
Type simple commands in your browser address bar to improve your web search
Image from store
Description from store
Type commands in the address bar of your browser and expand your browsing experience:
-- sfl find [keyword] with [provider] --
Replace [keyword] with any word or phrase that you want to search for and replace [provider] with a search provider of your choosing, such as Google, Ecosia, Amazon or DuckDuckGo.
When the command is entered, SFL opens the webpage of your chosen provider with the direct search of your keyword or phrase.
-- sfl open [provider] --
Replace [provider] with a search provider of you choosing.
When the command is entered, SFL opens the main webpage of the chosen search provider.
-- sfl set default to [provider] --
Replace [provider] with a search provider of you choosing.
When the command is entered, SFL sets your default provider to the specified search provider meaning that all your address bar searches will be redirected to the preferred provider.
-- sfl delete all cookies --
When the command is entered, SFL deletes all cookies from your browser.
-- sfl open user manual --
When the command is entered, SFL opens the user manual for further help.
Latest reviews
- (2021-02-19) Gina Bunn: fan der ersten Stunde! Allerdings find ich den Namen komisch.
- (2021-02-17) Elizabeth Rowan: die anleitung könnt besser sein, aber trotzdem prima!
- (2021-02-16) Kunz Mannheim: Nie wieder ohne - spart mir den Griff zur Maus beim Surfen. Nur die Optik ist schlecht.
- (2021-02-16) Gunda Wimmer: Praktisch und einfach, wenn mans mal verstanden hat, wie man es benutzt.
- (2021-02-15) Kennedy Gutmann: Geniales Tool, spart viel Zeit, weil man schnell beim richtigen Anbieter ist