extension ExtPose

IG történetek alkalmazás Instagram számára

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Nézze meg az Instagram Lives and Stories névtelenül. Töltse le az IGTV -t és a történeteket. Életek rögzítése és mentése. Töltsön…

Image from store IG történetek alkalmazás Instagram számára
Description from store Telepítse vadonatúj alkalmazását, és élvezze a kibővített Instagram funkciókat. Bővítményünk ingyenes és abszolút megbízható eszköz azok számára, akik hozzáférést szeretnének kapni az Instagram rejtett funkcióihoz, például: - Nézze meg az Életeket és történeteket névtelenül. Mostantól bármilyen élő adást vagy történetet nézhet, és a tulajdonos soha nem fogja tudni, hogy ezt megtette. - Töltse le az IGTV -t és a történeteket a számítógépére egyetlen kattintással. Szeretné menteni a számítógépére a kívánt IGTV -t vagy történetet? Most ez egy darab torta. Kattintson a gombra, és kész. - ÚJ! Abszolút új és egyedi funkció. Rögzítsen bármilyen élő adást, amire szüksége van, és töltse le bármikor, amikor leállítja. Nem kell állandóan PC -n maradnia, amikor élő közvetítést kell néznie. Bővítményünk értesíti Önt, ha letöltheti. Rögzítse, töltse le és élvezze, amikor csak akarja. - Töltsön fel bármilyen fényképet vagy videót a számítógépről a Stories -ba. Csak egy kattintás, és a fotó/videó feltöltődik. - Töltsön fel bármilyen fényképet bármely webhelyről a történeteibe. Találtál valahol szép vagy hasznos fotót? Szeretné közzétenni Gyorsak a történetek mentés és újraküldés nélkül? Most két kattintással megteheti. Soha nem volt könnyebb. Használati útmutató: Kérjük, tekintse meg az Ön számára készített képernyőképet. Annak ellenére, hogy alkalmazásunk nagyon felhasználóbarát, néhány utasítást tettünk annak érdekében, hogy a telepítés után egy másodperc múlva teljes egészében elkezdhesse használni.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-18) M Yusuf: best
  • (2024-06-09) Kerem Suna: Kolay kullanım ve rahat tavsiye ederim
  • (2024-06-04) Sucessox Robdelrio: Olá, muito bom, para quem deseja ver no computador com aúdio e vídeo...
  • (2024-05-22) Cassiano: Muito top
  • (2024-05-15) M S: É excelente, mas na página de stories, poderia ter um jeito de saber quais usuários nós já visualizamos todos os stories disponíveis. Assim a gente saberia facilmente quais usuários faltam pra gente visualizar os stories
  • (2024-05-05) Emmanuel Pimentel: best
  • (2024-04-26) Umer Khan: Amazing❤😍😍
  • (2024-04-26) Luiz Claudio Gonzaga: muito bom top demais!
  • (2024-04-14) tutito hernandez: muy buena sigan haci les deseo suerte
  • (2024-04-11) ibrahim ağar: iyi uygulama
  • (2024-04-01) rosleen sriternak: Easy for social media manager uploading from laptop
  • (2024-03-08) Mouka: حلو
  • (2024-03-07) Harshit Kumar: amazing
  • (2024-01-26) Nestor Vega: muy recomendada y practica
  • (2024-01-21) Gayone Joaquin: Muy útil para ver los vivos en la PC
  • (2024-01-21) Abolfazl Mousavi: عالی
  • (2024-01-12) Farzin Farad: پسندم بود
  • (2024-01-12) mamadou diallo: fosho
  • (2024-01-07) Cliff Chen: 原本真的非常好用,但近期一用就會被官方秒鎖了,能否做出對應處理,謝謝
  • (2023-12-31) monther topz: nice
  • (2023-12-30) Agung Raharjo: this is ultimate app
  • (2023-11-28) Desy: ini bisa kepo story mantan tanpa follow ga sih tanya aja hehe
  • (2023-11-23) Ali Bashiri: This is the best at market
  • (2023-11-16) thuthukani mthethwa: This was very helpful when I needed to watch lives and post stories for Computer Instagram! super amazing...
  • (2023-11-09) nikhil prakash: good working
  • (2023-11-07) Brahym Bouchaala: Nice
  • (2023-11-04) Nancy Cabeza: Muy buena app
  • (2023-10-28) Kain Ts: La sto testando da qualche minuto e tutto veloce e funzionante.
  • (2023-10-26) Bibi: Nose si solo me pasa a mi pero osea escucho el audio normal pero la pantalla esta negro no hay nada
  • (2023-10-25) Fernando Gutierrez: Me aparece mensaje: "Algo salió mal" Solicito solucion al error que persiste en la extensión. No funciona la busqueda por lugares ni por hashtags
  • (2023-10-20) سبرايز A: goooooood
  • (2023-10-19) Miss Rostami: great.
  • (2023-10-18) MAFIA GAMING: Thank you storie hub now i can upload instagram story from my laptop
  • (2023-10-16) Guilherme Marques: Parou de funcionar, só fica carregando
  • (2023-10-15) ThaS: It is not possible to create stories with videos from desktop.
  • (2023-09-28) Max Kulikov: A nice app for downloading and watching, but need to look at the screenshots for everything to be clear
  • (2023-09-28) Musfikur Rahman Nirab: Nice work
  • (2023-09-16) Minato Uzumaki: nao esta mas aparecendo a opçao de gravar live para mais alguem esta assim
  • (2023-09-16) Alvaro Vadhir Santos Fierro: Es muy Util encerio
  • (2023-09-10) REN SAIKA: これを使うとインスタ側から「不審なアクティビティ」として難癖付けられ、パスワード変更をさせられる。もう何十回もやらされた。対策して欲しい。
  • (2023-09-09) obito ovo: 10/10
  • (2023-09-02) Glauber Amaral: gostei
  • (2023-08-31) Innocent Wearer: please keep it free and i will use this for years! really helpful
  • (2023-08-28) Jonathan: It works!! But please make it so that we can upload a 1 minute Instagram Story video.
  • (2023-08-27) Jefferson V: cumple su funcion a la perfeccion, 20/10 y god.
  • (2023-08-27) LetsSmackZak: always been a good extension but seems it is bugged out now. hope there is an update soon
  • (2023-08-25) Josthyn Espinoa: Nah amigo re good
  • (2023-08-25) Joshua H: can't record live anymore please fix it
  • (2023-08-25) Maria Silva: já tentei baixar duas vezes, mas não consigo assistir as lives, ao vivo..

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-11, v:1.3.1) Fernando Gutierrez: Error en la extension
    Me aparece mensaje: "No hay historias Algo salió mal" Solicito solucion al error que persiste en la extensión. No funciona la busqueda por lugares ni por hashtags.
  • (2023-11-06, v:1.3.1) Júnior Carvalho: ig stories for instagram
    Não consigo assistir lives pelo instagram?
  • (2023-10-18, v:1.3.1) ドンピエール: Live collaboration partners
    It would be even better if I know the account name of the collaboration partners.
  • (2023-10-05, v:1.3.1) Mrdavidlinbar: 下載相片的限動會與原尺寸不符
    某些限時動態為.jpg,但下載下來的檔案,打開後,顯示比例與原限動不符 會有部分會被截掉
  • (2023-09-29, v:1.3.1) Karl Regelfild: Extension Purchase Offer
    Hi, my name is Carl. I like your extension and I would like to develop it. I'd like to buy it from you. Could we talk about it?
  • (2023-09-10, v:1.3.1) REN SAIKA: 不審なアクティビティとされる
  • (2023-08-25, v:1.3.1) domenica Barbaruolo: non funziona piu
    non funziona come prima non fa vedere le storie e poi ti disconnette da telefono
  • (2023-08-19, v:1.3.1) Dayana Ribeiro: Não mostra as imagens das lives...
    continua saindo somente o som, sem mostrar as imagens das lives...
  • (2023-08-02, v:1.3.1) Sasha Lukaszczyk: Extension not working
    Hello, I downloaded your extension to my google chrome and click on it in the toolbar to take me to instagram but once I'm there, new options for downloading stories or videos never come up. I don't know how to download from there, it doesn't seem to be working
  • (2023-07-04, v:1.3.1) Souhail EDDAHBI: Location stories
    Hi i wanna say thank you for the amazing extension lately im facing a huge problem with the location i cant find stories from the location please can you fix it please and thank you
  • (2023-06-17, v:1.3.1) Мóлодец Молоде́ц: Здравствуйте !
    почему то пропала верхняя полоска сторисов для анонимного просмотра - (как показанно на картинке),как ее включить ?
  • (2023-06-07, v:1.3.1) Alyson Ramos Alyson: stories instagram
    so aparece o audio, nada de imagem. meus sistea operacional é windows 7, como fao pra visualizar?
  • (2023-06-06, v:1.3.1) Christian Kirsch: Story läd nicht mehr
    Story läd nicht mehr
  • (2023-04-22, v:1.3.1) Legales Bella Vista: No veo imagen
    Estimado. No veo imagen, solo escucho la voz.
  • (2023-04-16, v:1.3.1) kk q: Search function
    The "Search" function doesn't work after numbers of search were performed. Meanwhile, the "Friend" search function still work. I have tired to clear the cache and cookie of the browser and the "Search" still not working.
  • (2023-04-06, v:1.3.1) moozanna: Search - Tags
    Hi! I LOVE THIS EXTENTION!!! It's amazing and SO GOOD! It's been so useful and absolutely helpful. However since of recent (very recent), when I search for particular tags, the stories don't show. I thought maybe stories weren't been uploaded but then I uploaded and added a # and then searched under tags but the stories don't appear. Hoping this can be resolved soon. Thank you for your amazing efforts in creating and running this extension.
  • (2023-03-17, v:1.3.1) Pedro Marquez Garcia: no me deja
    no me sale el simbolo
  • (2023-03-14, v:1.3.1) Milagros Sotelo: xq no me aparece añadir a chrome'?
    me dise disponible ahora
  • (2023-02-19, v:1.3.1) Javier Alexis Ojeda Lara: port extension to firefox?
    port extension to firefox?
  • (2023-01-28, v:1.3.1) REN SAIKA: 普通の動画
  • (2023-01-15, v:1.3.1) ドンピエール: Live ends soon
    Even if I open Live, it may end in a few seconds.
  • (2023-01-11, v:1.3.1) 19221428: consulta
    Hasta hace una semana funcionaba bien, pero ahora me pide que inicie sesion y se me cierra en el movil, y viceversa. No lo puedo sincronizar. Que debo hacer?
  • (2022-12-31, v:1.3.1) Rishu Devi: not work
    not work
  • (2022-03-22, v:1.2.5) Rocco Alberto Lerna: STORIE NON FUNZIOENA
  • (2022-03-19, v:1.2.5) kou kane: unusual activity error
    This extensions is very good. But, my account gets an "unusual activity" error for 24 hours recently. I would be happy if you could fix it. I support you in the future.
  • (2022-03-07, v:1.2.5) Svyatoslav197: help
    cant find ended lives to download its just missing
  • (2022-01-11, v:1.2.5) Авторская стоматология iP Clinic: голосование или опрос в сториз
    Добрый день. ПОльзуюсь расширением. Я случайно проголосовал в сториз человека. Видно ли будет меня?
  • (2022-01-04, v:1.2.5) kou kane: Live record in high quality
    Can I record in high quality without comment?
  • (2021-12-29, v:1.2.5) kou kane: Lives disappears
    When reloading, Lives concerts may disappear. After that, reload it several times, it will be restored.
  • (2021-11-27, v:1.2.3) Олег Хусаинов: Нет звука.
    Нет звука при записи прямой трансляции.
  • (2021-11-06, v:1.2.3) Kros Gaming: Function (Instagram Live Automaticly Save)
    Should have a function that automaticly save a person live you select. So if you select a person, and you left the computer, and the person starts living, it automaticly starts recording it, and you miss nothing. I think it would be a very great useful function.
  • (2021-10-03, v:1.2.2) povo povo: live
    I can no longer get a new live without reloading chrome. Until then, when a friend's live was started, it would appear automatically. Is there a solution?
  • (2021-09-02, v:1.2.2) Farhad Aryan: New update doesn't work
    I don't know if it's only for me or not. But from today the live videos doesn't appear above the stories
  • (2021-09-02, v:1.2.1) Kiara Tokumei: Question on story preview
    May I ask if adding the username to the story preview is possible? I want to use the extension to help me with harassment, and was hoping the username can be added above the story preview.
  • (2021-07-12, v:1.1.7) siyamak atash: The vertical image is on the desktop
    Hello Is it possible to change the image from vertical to horizontal in live broadcast
  • (2021-07-01, v:1.1.6) Андрей Паршин: Истории
    После просмотра анонимно сториз в инстаграмм, на сутки ограничивает мне его действия и я ничего сделать не могу, из за чего это происходит и как исправить
  • (2021-06-24, v:1.1.6) REN SAIKA: 不審なアクセス扱いになるようになった
    相変わらずSTORYの動画も写真も、拡張機能のSTORYボタンから出ないとダウンロードできないが、何回か使っているとインスタ側から「不審なアクセスがありました・アプリを立ち上げて本人確認してください」と出るようになって、インスタ側に送る証明動画を取らされた。2回も起きた。 どうやらアクセスに問題が出るようになったらしい。
  • (2021-06-18, v:1.1.05) REN SAIKA: ERROR
    また、STORYがダウンロードできなくなりました。 今回は写真も動画もです。おそらくインスタ側が何かしたのしょう。 対応をお願いします。
  • (2021-04-28, v:1.0.95) Andrea Russo: Uploaded Time of the stories
    Hello, it would be really useful if somewhere it's showed the uploaded time of the story, like 3 hours ago or 16hrs ago etcc. Thanks
  • (2021-04-27, v:1.0.95) tomo gom: Images frequently not loading (and suggestion)
    When I press the icon of this extension and the small menu appears where the "Go to Stories" appears, and I push "Go to Stories" another page opens where a preview of the lives should appear and a thumbnail of the people whom I follow. Frequently, the images do not appear correctly often for a day or more but then the images seem to re-appear later. I believe that this may be due to submitting too many requests to Instagram. I'd like to know if the maker of this extension can make it so that when we push "Go to Stories" only the live videos appear and the associated images and not all of the images including the small live stories. Since I suspect that the extension is sending too many requests to Instagram, by only showing the images associated with the live streaming videos and not the stories, it may remove all of the problems associated with wanting to watch the lives through this extension. I hope that the maker of this extension will take my suggestion seriously as I think it will benefit this extension greatly.
  • (2021-04-26, v:1.0.95) Gabriel: Stories not loading
    The photos and videos are not loading, including profile photos as well.
  • (2021-04-06, v:1.0.92) Олег Буртовой: Почему еще вчера была возможность просматривать и скачивать сториз человека, а сегодня уже нет. Может он вычислил как-то ограничил к нему доступ?
    Почему еще вчера была возможность просматривать и скачивать сториз человека, а сегодня уже нет. Может он вычислил как-то ограничил к нему доступ?
  • (2021-03-31, v:1.0.9) S1KRR: Comments do not show when watching lives, only the pin comment shows.
    Comments do not show when watching lives, only the pin comment shows.
  • (2021-03-26, v:1.0.9) Andy Ormsby: broken?
    Not working stories not in same order as actual stories
  • (2021-01-18, v:1.0.1) REN SAIKA: 質問があります。
    以前の「Stories for Instagram 」を作成されてた作成者様の拡張機能ですか? 拡張機能名が以前使っていたけど、GOOGLEの規定調査で削除されてしまった拡張機能名と同じなもので気になります。


100,000 history
4.4329 (529 votes)
Last update / version
2022-11-05 / 1.3.1
Listing languages
