extension ExtPose

Tab Suspender by Workona

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Suspend your browser tabs to save memory.

Image from store Tab Suspender by Workona
Description from store Keep your computer running quickly with the Workona Tab Suspender. You can choose to suspend tabs automatically or on demand with one click. Either way, you’ll dramatically reduce your browser’s memory usage. Now you can keep all your tabs open without getting slowed down. Learn more about Workona: https://workona.com ______________________________________________ 2/5/2021 UPDATE: Need to restore lost tabs from The Great Suspender? Workona Tab Suspender will automatically repair any broken Great Suspender tabs we find in order to restore the tabs you lost when the extension was disabled. Visit this article for instructions on how to restore these tabs: https://workona.com/pages/the-great-suspender-malicious-chrome-extension/ ______________________________________________ FEATURES Save memory Dramatically reduce memory usage and keep your computer running quickly, just by adding the Workona Tab Suspender. Suspended tabs are just like normal tabs, except they don’t use memory. Keep more tabs open Tabs are where modern work gets done. Now you can work on multiple projects and keep those tabs open, all without impacting the performance of your computer. Auto-suspend tabs Choose automatic tab suspension based on how many active tabs you have or how much time has elapsed. You can rest easy knowing that suspension is working behind the scenes to free up resources. Never lose tabs Unlike other tab suspenders, you never have to worry about being locked into our system or losing your suspended tabs if you decide to stop using the Workona Tab Suspender. From a company you can trust More than 175,000 people trust Workona to keep their browser’s memory under control. Our company is venture-backed and built to last. Learn more at workona.com PRIVACY & SECURITY We believe that great software shouldn't come at a cost to privacy. Workona Tab Suspender does not store your browser data, use it for advertising, or share it with third parties. Your suspended tabs are 100% private to you, and we request the minimum permissions needed to suspend your tabs. If you ever have questions about Workona’s privacy practices, reach out to us at [email protected]. SUPPORT Feel free to contact support at [email protected] and we'll reply as soon as possible. MORE INFORMATION By installing the extension, you agree to Workona’s Terms of Service (workona.com/policies/terms) and Privacy Policy (workona.com/policies/privacy).

Latest reviews

  • (2024-09-10) lytaiji Dai: Why a Tab Suspend plugin needs register a account? And it collects unnecessary privacy data.
  • (2023-12-15) Auzuru: There is a weird bug right now that instantly suspends an unused tab even though I set it at 30 minutes, and this causes immense lag because of how many tabs I have open. Edit 20.08.23: "Never suspend tabs that are playing audio or video" Suspends tabs that are playing audio or video... Edit 17.10.23: Login is broken since an entire week. You can login but once you try to change settings you're already logged out again. Edit 15.12.23: Pretty sure this kind of turned into a bitcoin miner, it spikes my CPU from 3-10% to nearly 75% for around 10-20 seconds each few minutes, either that or it is very badly programmed.
  • (2023-11-27) Антон Саминский: Really glad I found this tool! Completely forgot about the mess in tabs! Thanks to developers!
  • (2023-11-14) Cosima Shing: 非常好用,减轻负担。 Super useful, ease the workload.
  • (2023-10-20) Joe Deville: Solid extension, does exactly what it says it does. That's rare in the 2023 SAAS space! Stay organized treat your machine like a vehicle.
  • (2023-10-15) Draz Reckned: Honestly... I gotta say, Workona is like the superhero of Chrome extensions, heck, even Chrome itself! Like, where have you been all my life? I mean, I've got 3 screens, and each screen usually has at least ONE window in them. In each window are usually between 3-45 tabs, + per, + window(s) *(times) screens! I installed Workona and; BAM, organized, streamlined, and sooOOoOooO fast! It's not even a pain anymore to suffer with Chrome's memory issues(memory leaks) because Workona is just magic and fixed it all! Honestly, the first time I really dug into it and started to understand and learn how amazing it is, was going to be, and now, even more-so will be; I was like, "This is unreal". ALL OF CHROME isn't a pain anymore for me, not thanks to the Workona's Suite of Extensions. The battle for supremacy in the war on Browsers in my head went juuuuust abouuuuuut, like this: *(Before Workona) "Uhhghhh, Chrome froze again. Guess I'm using FireFox for the moment." *(After Workona!)"Wow, I can just uninstall FireFox now!, 0% CPU Usage Chrom'ona, here IIiii coME!" And, btw I did end up keeping FireFox installed...well, cuz, you know... someone's gotta be backup when Chrome as an entirety of a browser crashes! Right!? I find it quite humorous that the, "understand and learn how amazing it is, was going to be, and now, even more-so will be -- became the; even more so, will, now, be, amazing! to learn and understand!" For me, it's an experience akin to playing a video game and finding an epic loot chest/monster that drops an end-game super-rare *insert quality type here* item. That's Workona and Suite. Adding more extensions to it... It can level UP!? That's Workona and Suite! I know it's sad, and whatever, but, I spent 20 whole minutes telling my Dad about it inside and out...for 20 minutes! But that was because it takes a LOT longer to explain all of Workona/Suite's features than just 20 minutes! He's even tech-literate!! and even he was impressed by my latest "haul of gems" find(regarding awesome chrome extensions). My close friend Jared? Five minutes into my word-regurgitating of basically the same material and he told me to "stop" ("Stop. Just.... stop. Please.)! LMAO! He stopped me because he didnt need any more details, since he already had his laptop open by that point and was reading the extension page about Workona for himself! Lololol. So...... yeah. If you're like me, or most/even some of this clicked with you while read my wall of text/life-story on the Workona Suite (Workona + Workona's Add-On Extensions) -- because of the Chrome Memory Leak issue OR/AND the eventual crash from having a gazillion tabs open like I like to have quick access to OR/AND are needing some order in your digital chaos?... Yeeeep: "Workona and Suite". Plus, the extensions would be like a cherry on top of your cold-*consumable* treat/substitute the cherry with whatever you like on top of those kinds of treats, lol Ok, ok, what I'm getting at here is that if the rating score for Chrome Extensions and what-not goes off of a 5/5 star rating then I'm "staking" my "stake" on the conviction I have that this is 6/5 stars. For me; I've been looking a very long time for this level, quality, detail, resource GIVING friendly extension(s!!), and MUCH more -- to solve all of the built up Chrome doubts I was gathering inside. So for me, at least: Finding a Unicorn, Seeing an Angel, Swimming with a Mermaid, Pulling a Magical Sword from a stone altar... all of these things **Combined** is equivalent to = Workona (And Suite of Extensions). Now, 'Side Note' for "some people": I don't care whomever says that AI wrote this review, because I typed it all up - backspaced a lot while typing it, and MAN...my "mm" key does that double press and I have to delete that everytime I press the letter (m). Which is ironic, because the double letter 'm' one sentence before in "quotes" was actually, purely-legit. Anyone that has a chance to read this, "*FEEL* the truth and conviction in how it's written and conveyed". It's not mistaken for AI. Final Letters: "Workona's Extension Suite is Fan-tab-u-la-mazing! Liek, go git it!, before the virtual quantity runs out!!(It Won't, so don't worry 😆) ~ Peace! 🕊
  • (2023-10-03) Tomáš Gregor: This extension does just what I needed. Manages tabs and synchronizes between devices. - Android is not supported. Once I click the Workona sidebar in Android Chrome, and want to see the tabs, it redirect me to the Workona tab extension page, but it is not possible to install it. - Sometimes moving the tabs to another folder is not reliable. The tabs are moved, but appear again in the original folder - adding little icon for each folder would be nice. the letter and color does its job, but icon would be better. - synchronization of Google Chrome tab groups would be great. - It would be great, if Workona manages to put MOVE TO Workona option into the context menu of each Chrome tab + keyboard shortcut. This way one could move tabs more easily. Typically I open the tab in my default folder and then realize, that I want to keep it elsewhere. Now I need to go to workona tab and manage there. - in the move to dropdown, the folders shall have the same order as in the sidebar except for the recently used folders.
  • (2023-09-27) dobcrypto: Шляпа редкосная, чтобы работала, нужна регистрация в их сервесе с кучей ненужного, настройки через сайт, никаких бэкапов... В топку. The Great Suspender Original 7.2.6 самый топ, только гугл бесится, задрал...
  • (2023-09-24) Michael Nikitenko (m4dn355): I use Workona products for managing my tabs, suspend tabs, automatic suspend tabs and making notes for tabs in research tasks in my job. Very useful thing.
  • (2023-09-15) Eilian Noyes: Not sure why the account needed - a tad sketchy, or maybe not - would be nice to get a clear communique from Workona on the set-up. Fantastic CPU usage reduction. Weird to need it - would think the browser's creators not so lame.Thanks!
  • (2023-09-08) Madeline Dubas: Obsessed. I've never written an app or extension review, but this... this is just. that. good. I'd give 10 stars if I could. I want to invite these developers to my home for an intimate candle light dinner where we can discuss how to solve the remaining problems in the world. If I was a gazillionaire, I would fly this team to my private yacht and offer to fund all of their other ideas, pay for their children's college education, and cover the cost of their pet's healthcare. Never again will I not have this extension on my browser. Can't see what the future holds. Be well. Signed, your biggest fan
  • (2023-08-10) Diego Villamil: The first 10 minutes of using this extension have been great! In spite of the prematurity to be writing this review, I feel very enthusiastic about finding such extension. I also found a oportunistic feature that the developers may want to consider adding. With the option of using tab groups, perhaps you'd like to add a "Suspend Group" (of tabs). Thank you for a great extension, and thank you for making a better world.
  • (2023-07-21) John: Not making an account or signing in, fortunately it still seems to work without one.
  • (2023-07-08) Emanuele Campora: L'estensione non funziona Quando sospendo una scheda, questa viene ricaricata all'istante e se è un video di youtube, inizia la riproduzione del video Se sospendo tutte le altre schede, queste non vengono mai sospese Ho provato anche a modificare le impostazioni dell'estensione ma senza successo Evitate di installarla, si perde solo del tempo
  • (2023-07-06) Guilherme Gurian Dariani: Ótimo, principalmente quando você pesquisa sobre mais de um assunto.
  • (2023-07-05) Francisco Guzmán: orces you to log in
  • (2023-06-21) Marcelo Filho: Very bad XP on macbook m2 chrome. Just does not work with groups
  • (2023-06-16) Nate W: Perfect except for the fact that it doesn't integrate native Chrome Groups yet (but I've been told they're working on it, which is exciting!) Would reccommend!
  • (2023-06-01) Juan Straat: Crashes and closes the entire browser for some reason
  • (2023-06-01) m m: works fine but the only problem is that most times the youtube videos start over from the beginning , is there a solution for this?
  • (2023-04-30) Александър Чеширов: The extension is not bad but I noticed that when some tab is suspended, it redirects to their website: https://workona.com/suspended/ instead of using a local copy of the page That means they can track every single user and which website (URL) is suspended. I'm actually worried about my privacy, so yup, instantly removed from my browser.
  • (2023-04-24) peisen zhang: 没有中国服务器
  • (2023-04-07) Asylum: Please add short-cut key for suspending tab. 탭을 즉시 중지시켜주는 단축키가 있다면 더욱 좋았을 것 같네요
  • (2023-04-06) Aina Cui Andrade: It's so useful for someone like me that has a lot of tabs open needed for work and online classes. I can organize them and just continue where I left off.
  • (2023-03-28) Josh McFarlane: Requires an account to function where other suspenders do not.
  • (2023-03-21) Kelly K: My new fave work suite!
  • (2023-03-12) qt pie: Been using it, and one of the best utility extension yet
  • (2023-03-11) Cătălin George Feștilă: This is a great tool for working! Also this can be improved with calendar google sync or import ics file. Maybe export task to doc files and more. Thank you.
  • (2023-03-09) Alex D: This is the only easy-to-use tab suspension extension that does not read your data on websites.
  • (2023-03-08) Michael Chernetsky: This is a game changer. The browser company is doing this exact same thing but the beauty of Workona is it's an extension. This extension has single handedly let me stay focused and switch tasks properly. If you struggle with focusing on a task because of too many tabs, this will change your life.
  • (2023-03-06) Joseph Mickel: Makes it easier to work in Chrome with a lot of windows/tabs open.
  • (2023-03-04) Erick: Does not work for me
  • (2023-03-01) C.J. Perron: Allen Ding is Correct. You have to signup for an account and they do sell your BROWSING INFORMATION. NO THANK YOU!
  • (2023-03-01) Andrea Dell'Aquia: Very useful mainly if you manage many tabs with different projects
  • (2023-02-04) Steve Martin: I remember when tabs got introduced to Browsers years ago. It was a game changer. However, like most people I soon discovered that I had so many tabs open I couldn't keep everything sorted. I had work, entertainment and home related stuff all mixed together. Workona has completely changed that. Now I can keep many different subjects and projects separated. It makes finding things easier, and focusing on a task is so much more intuitive. Must have extension.
  • (2023-01-10) Nik Gordon: Workona is absolutely one of, if not the best productivity and tab manager for Chrome I feel like my efficiency increases immensely once it has been fully set-up. The only problem - the cost. There are not very many tiers of membership, so with the basic plan you're still pretty much all in at $7/month. The development quality is definitely worth this price, but I wish there was a lower cost option because some of the features are nice but not necessary. Other downside is the data use for advertisers, but this is pretty normal for the web these days. Overall still a great extension, and a great suite of extensions, but I bet there will be a browser that integrates these features and design language soon free of charge. I really like chrome right now, so I'm using it
  • (2023-01-10) Herb from TUS: does what it says on the box
  • (2022-12-31) עמית דולב: Great extension Please add app for Android users
  • (2022-12-26) Allen Ding: Requires you to sign up for an account for no reason. They also sell your data to advertisers, according to their privacy policy.
  • (2022-12-24) BatMan The: BEST: 37.55KiB size app is very very good! WORST: can't optimize, configuration option. Maintain current appsize and improve to set various options. Make it possible to set the shortcut so that you can manually suspend it even when it is automatic. Improve your algorithm to run faster with less appsize.
  • (2022-12-22) Alexander Baygeldin: The extra window sometimes gets in the way, but this is the only way to implement tab suspension currently AFAIK. So, all things considered, it's pretty good.
  • (2022-12-22) Diego Cantarero: Love it!!! Its so incredible that I pay the premium version.
  • (2022-12-20) George “Wingman”: Absolutely love the workona apps they have been a game changer for the way I use chrome.
  • (2022-12-17) Auzuru: Reloads all the suspended pages like every 10 minutes for no reason, also the suspended tab is still a normal website with nearly nothing on it rather than actually being suspended.
  • (2022-12-08) M M: All my tabs and workspaces suddenly dissapeared. This ruined my workflow. Can't reach support due to server errors on their website.
  • (2022-03-20) SOFEK91: So so good. I can't imagine doing work without this. It is a must have extension.
  • (2022-03-14) José Antonio López Hernández: Me encantó, 100% recomendable, gracias.
  • (2022-03-11) Fabian Bach: "SIGN UP" LOL NO
  • (2022-02-28) olyn: The regular Workona extension is brilliant but unforunately I cannot continue using it because the 'suspender' extension makes me lose my tabs instead. It would suspend and unsuspend perfectly fine in the first few minutes but then if you leave it too long and go to unsuspend your tabs, it will not allow your tab to load and loose it. Very disappointed because I really wanted to continue using this extension but all my tabs were lost because of this extension.
  • (2022-02-10) Arpad Orfi: It shouldn't require an account to suspend tabs - immediate uninstall. Use Tab Suspender instead. It has amazing feature set.


30,000 history
4.1284 (296 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-18 / 3.1.0
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