extension ExtPose

Mark tab manager

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Description from extension meta

Automatically group tabs by domain

Image from store Mark tab manager
Description from store Mark is a minimalist tab manager that organizes tabs as you browse. With Mark, tabs are automatically grouped by domain and sorted alphabetically so you can easily find them later. Mark uses the native tab groups feature of Chrome, meaning there’s no learning curve to get started. Simply install Mark and any open and newly created tabs will be grouped and sorted. Mark can be configured to only group tabs or only sort tabs depending on how you like to browse. Additionally, you can enable Mark to consolidate tabs across windows - meaning you won’t lose a tab because it’s hiding in its own window. You can pin the extension to your browser toolbar by clicking the puzzle looking icon located in the top right of your toolbar, scrolling down to Mark, and clicking the “Pin” icon. Pinning the icon makes it easily accessible for clicking to manually organize tabs in cleanup mode, which will collapse any open groups. Change one of the configuration settings by right clicking on the Mark extension icon, navigating to the “Settings” menu, and toggling one of the settings. Depending on the way you would like to browse, customizing some things could make for an even better experience. If you find yourself more curious about how Mark works or what other options and functionality are available, visit the “Resources” menu at any time by right clicking the Mark extension icon.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-08) Gary Morris: Seemed promising but didn't work for me. The tabs kept moving out of tab groups I made and no matter what the settings were nothing would stop it. I created new groups and added tabs to those groups. Clicked the save the group toggle. And when I would click on another tab in a different group or outside of any group it would remove the tabs from the previous group and set them outside of all groups. I changed the settings to not auto group and that didn't help. To make matters extremely worse, I can not remove it from Brave now. I am stuck with this nonfunctional plugin for life, I guess. I have installed it and tried to remove it multiple times now and it shows to be removed but the tabs are still like they were when it was installed. I restarted my browser and my computer and it is still installed (even though it doesn't show up in my list of plugins now). So, yeah, not happy with this plugin.
  • (2023-09-29) P_nutsK: Legendary I can't live without this
  • (2023-06-16) Toby Motteram: Great app
  • (2023-06-03) Samuele gg: Non è la migliore, preferisco usare l'estensione "Auto Group Tabs" di qiangbo.xu It's not the best, I prefer to use qiangbo.xu "Auto Group Tabs" extension
  • (2023-05-16) Dale Brodie: Really like this, but it tends to get stuck. Noticed I had it open a few days opened some new tabs from the same domain and it never grouped them. Also when I closed a few tabs in a group the number stayed the same. Toggling it on and off on the extension manager seemed to fix it. Otherwise its awesome!
  • (2022-12-04) Ashraful Islam Paran: Best
  • (2022-09-29) Kim Schulz: Very nice extension and the auto grouping is great. I dont like that it sorts the tabs as it makes everything jump around. It is supposed to be configurable but nothing happens when I select "settings" for the extension. from time to time the groups are jumping around when I open a new tab. Not sure if this is the sorting that causes it as I cannot turn this off. Would be great if it could be configured so groups are sorted but tabs are not.
  • (2022-04-08) Heath “rolltidehero” B.: Unfortunately, this doesn't work in Vivaldi, which is a Chromium browser. It will only sort the tabs alphabetically. It doesn't group them. I can not get the Settings page to load either. Please look into making this work for all Chromium-based browsers. Thank you.
  • (2022-03-02) benjamin957957: I am looking for an extension that will bring back the way Chrome's old "Tab Groups Auto Create" flag works. This extension comes closest to that and responds to feedback, but it doesn't quite meet my expectations. I would like this extension to automatically group tabs based on a tab being opened from an existing tab, so that I can have a tab group based on one google search topic, so if I open several tabs from that one google search tab, it will group all these tabs as one tab group. This extension can only currently "Group tabs automatically" based on tabs sharing a subdomain or second level domain. Overall, it is an interesting extension, but, again, I am looking for an extension that will bring back the way Chrome's old "Tab Groups Auto Create" flag worked. Regardless, thank you for giving me hope towards finding an extension that will bring these old features back. I hope to see these features implemented in the future.
  • (2022-02-05) Ekrem Koz: when i run the plugin again the groups i created are deleted
  • (2022-01-02) Haxwell: Finally the extension i was looking for. Even downloaded the canary to only find out they removed the auto group flag for some reason?! By the way Is there a way to stop media from pausing when collapsing the group? In youtube it works but for example in Twitch it pauses.
  • (2021-12-15) Bradford Le: Very powerful and fast, but it could really use some more documentation on HOW exactly it behaves - I'm having trouble getting it to play nice with other tab extensions, specifically ones that modify tab opening/closing positions. Looking forward to seeing improvements here, thanks!
  • (2021-10-04) Hoang-Phuc Tran: Really a revolutionary but as a user who pin Youtube window on my taskbar it's really unnecessary for me to have it on that window. ⭐ [Feature Request]: 1. We should have an ignored websites list for your extension. 2. Should have an option to apply group name on single-domain/newtab tab 3. When a tab in a group change its domain (e.g open google search result in the the new tab), the group tags flickering to change tab's number which is annoying.
  • (2021-08-05) Ashton: This has truly changed my workflow! I feel more optimized just installing it. Highly recommended!
  • (2021-06-04) Graham Shorr: This is a really useful tab manager that has helped me stay organized and improve my work flow. I'd recommend to anyone with too many tabs in their browser or looking for a more organized experience.
  • (2021-06-04) Craig Jack: This changed my life.
  • (2021-05-29) Hare Menjou: Splendid ! Best of all the group-related extensions. And the developer is very kind and making this better and better.
  • (2021-05-13) Claribel Sanchez: FEATURE REQUEST: 1*Hide Tally/Tab Counter and 2*Group MISC Tabs ... ie = ( Group All Tabs In This Window Alphabetically or Group Tabs with 2+ or More Siblings or Group Rogue Tabs )
  • (2021-05-03) Jarrod Brandreth: Great extension! Helps to keep my browser workflow organized by predictably grouping and sectioning off related tabs as i browse.
  • (2021-04-26) Adam Drici: Auto-groups and reorders tabs, so that you don't have to think, just flow. Tabs are grouped by domain. A nice enhancement would be to auto-group all tabs that are orphans (e.g., name it "orphans" or "TBD"), so that you can collapse them while working with another group. Once you have two tabs from the same domain w/in "orphans" group, split them out into their own group.
  • (2021-04-13) Eric Lee: So great app. thank you.
  • (2021-04-03) Shaurabh Nandy: Very useful. Nicely done!
  • (2021-04-02) Vishal Patel: If you've ever experienced an overwhelming amount of tabs, you might want to give this extension a try. Really helps keep focused by automatically grouping tabs and alphabetically sorting them as you browse so you don't get overwhelmed.
  • (2021-03-03) Stan Kocken: This extension should be the default behavior of Chrome!! It's a must have


10,000 history
4.4062 (32 votes)
Last update / version
2023-08-14 / 0.1.46
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