Odmah pročitajte naglas web sadržaj uz pretvaranje teksta u govor. Gledaj i slušaj.
Slušajte trenutni članak na web-stranici jednim klikom, koristeći tekst u govor (TTS). Trubadur je namijenjen svima koji više vole slušati nego čitati. Djeluje na različitim web mjestima, uključujući web stranice s vijestima, blogove, fantastiku i mnoge druge.
Instaliranjem proširenja pristajete na Trubadurove Uvjete i odredbe (https://troubadour.ai/legal/) i potvrđujete da ste pročitali Trubadurova pravila o privatnosti (https://troubadour.ai/privacy/).
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-05) Chris Vydas: Doesn't work. Extensions homepage domain for sale. Abandoned
- (2023-04-12) James Sinni: It was great until I can't edit and change the voice options anymore it just loads forever and even deleting and redownloading didn't fix it, other than that works great.
- (2021-12-04) John Doe: It works for a bit, but then will stop reading or skip a paragraph entirely. I am using the free version due to needing it only for a few days, but this is making it hard to do any from of homework. past that small complaint, it works better than most of the other TTS extensions here but I would like for it to read the full paragraph instead of half.
- (2021-06-30) Serena Bouvier: Fast loading time and able to increase reading speed. Lots of free voice options
- (2021-06-24) Benedikt Groever: I designed Troubadour, because all the existing text-to-speech extensions didn't work for me, if you have any questions, comments or feedback, please feel free to reach out at [email protected]