An extension that provides immersive reading to make you fall in love with reading on the web
The best free reading assistant (reader mode) that enhances the web page reading experience.
Ads are too distracting, the colors are too ugly, the fonts are too small to see clearly, the typography is too messy to find the text, does it really need to be so difficult to read the web? With just one click, Circle gives you the purest reading experience, escorting you to better reading.
Circle reading assistant can extract the content of the webpage and rearrange the layout into a more suitable interface for reading. Using self-developed analysis engine and typesetting engine, the recognition effect and typesetting ability are smarter, faster and more friendly. If you are looking for a lightweight and intelligent reading aid product, you might as well try Circle Reading Assistant-the best reading aid of its kind!
The reading assistant browser extension Circle, which is more powerful than the Safari reading mode, is an extension and improvement of the browser's own reading mode; it is the only magical tool for computers to read web pages, read novels, and watch news; it has shortcut key support, custom styles, Custom fonts, custom themes, automatic scrolling, automatic loading of the next page, reading aloud, article outline (outline), back to the top, reading by column, printing the formatted webpage in reading mode, supporting browser translation, etc. Reading auxiliary functions.
The self-developed analysis engine provides faster analysis and smarter analysis capabilities. The self-developed typesetting engine automatically blocks advertisements and noise on html, and says goodbye to the format escape. The Circle reading assistant browser extension developed by pure js has been launched on Google Chrome browser, Firefox browser, Edge browser, 360 browser, Opera browser, etc.
★ Several distinctive functions of Circle Reading Assistant:
➤ Self-developed recognition engine: With the help of self-developed recognition engine, Circle's recognition effect is smarter and the recognition speed is faster.
➤ Self-developed typesetting engine: With the help of self-developed typesetting engine, Circle's typesetting effect is more friendly and the typesetting speed is faster.
➤ Letter paper effect: a reading experience like reading a letter.
➤ Multi-page analysis: On a page with a link to the next page, the content of the next page is automatically parsed and displayed on the current page.
➤ Reading by column: Originally read the webpage by column, the welfare of large-screen users, without wasting every inch of screen space.
➤ Read aloud: Tired of reading? Why not try the content! Free your hands to do other things. With the help of "multi-page analysis", what kind of bicycle is needed for listening to novels?
➤ Preset 5 colorful themes: simple white, eye-protecting green, elegant dark gray, and deep dark. Circle has always been what you like.
➤ Custom gradient background or picture background: The preset theme is not on your aesthetic point? It's ok! Customize themes as you splash ink.
➤ Customize various styles: Just reading is not possible, I have the final say on the style of the web page! The font size is bigger, the font is thicker, and the line spacing is higher. Circle does everything for you to read.
➤ Follow the system to switch themes: only support custom themes? nonexistent. How about switching different themes at different times? .
➤ Custom css: You don't have the effect I want, you are awesome ugly! Customize css to help you, understand that css Circle is your person.
More details 👉🏻
★ Keep abreast of the trends of Circle's reading assistant
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★ Description of required permissions
➤ contextMenus: Use this permission to implement the right-click menu module, you can quickly access the function of Circle in the right-click menu
➤ <all_urls>: This permission allows Circle to access webpages, thereby realizing the recognition and layout of webpage content, as well as access to screenshots and exporting as pictures and other functions
★ Help support
➤ See FAQ 👉🏻
➤ Suggestions and bug feedback 👉🏻
★ Contact and discussion
➤ Contact me by email 👉🏻 [email protected]
➤ QQ discussion group 👉🏻 605710052
If you approve of my work, please have a cup of coffee to show encouragement and support 👉🏻
The source code is hosted on github 👉🏻
Installing Circle means you accept our user agreement ( and privacy policy (
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-13) raisin: 你好,开发者,我目前遇到一个问题: 在选择Circle 阅读助手 --〉选项 --〉偏好设置 --〉样式里面可以选择的中文字体数量要比从“阅读模式 --〉偏好设置” 里面的字体数量要更多。 比如霞鹜文楷这款字体在选项 --〉偏好设置里面可以看到并预览(设置后不生效),但是从 “阅读模式” --〉偏好设置 的样式-字体就看不到这款字体,在选项中设置了,进入阅读模式时也不生效。 我使用的Brave浏览器,测试的字体是霞鹜文楷,如果需要更多信息,请联系我。
- (2023-08-28) zheming shi: 很喜欢,但说个BUG 在全屏模式阅读后,再退出全屏模式,会出现窗口大小出问题的BUG,甚至导致浏览器没有地址和标签栏的问题。希望修复完美!
- (2023-06-26) Micro soft: 特别好用,还能智能识别页面,可设置的选项也非常多。实在是阅读利器,相见恨晚
- (2023-04-22) hlc lll: 神中神!
- (2023-03-21) Re7ry: 已付费 希望会有 打开/关闭字数显示 打开/关闭阅读所需时间 的选项
- (2023-03-14) 普拉搭斯: 看繁體小說會自動切換成簡體,有切換繁體的功能嗎?
- (2023-03-14) angin 2: Very Good
- (2023-02-14) James Bond: 我斑愿称你为最强阅读插件。
- (2023-02-11) 1 1: 比隔壁Clearly好太多了,Clearly干啥都要会员(调个字体大小都要)
- (2022-11-17) QiQi Zhao: 深色模式推出设置后就会失效,跟随系统也不起作用。其他都挺好的
- (2022-11-12) 沐星塵: 只要是更新到最新的版本就不能使用現在在網路上找到舊的版本Circle_V2.4.0可以正常使用只是他會自動更新到最新的版本
- (2022-11-09) 看风: 非常不错的小插件,升级高级会员了,鼓励一下作者
- (2022-11-07) hy w (why-here): 很棒,界面美观,而且有快捷键用起来很方便。
- (2022-11-02) 山姆蜀黍大灰狼: 超好用
- (2022-10-18) Yu kun: 如果你在任意网页打字都出现 “仅支持在阅读模式下运行” 这个提示。可以看看这个插件的设置界面的快捷键。保证让你大开眼界。
- (2022-10-16) 刘晓: Strongly recommended! I have removed all other Reader View extensions from the browser and get a premium version of this. Loving it.
- (2022-10-12) 施董: 這個擴展會使開啟網頁變慢轉圈圈
- (2022-08-20) HannahHannah Hannah: 今日才知這個擴展功能, 很好用!! 讓文章畫面非常簡潔, 而且還有很多可自定義的版面功能設定, 很人性化. 推薦!!
- (2022-07-25) LaForria King: 没有在右键菜单里出现,开关是开着的
- (2022-07-05) 方先生: 一言难尽……
- (2022-05-30) Bill Ng: 此擴展令Edge (Win11 Edge 最新版)自帶的朗讀功能失效! 無法選段朗讀, 只能從最開始的地方往下朗讀. 懇請作者改進一下, 謝謝.
- (2022-05-29) WAAAGH HO: 非常實用
- (2022-05-15) Pat MySecret: Automatic start feature is great! This is one of the most reliable readers!... and I have tried many! Many great features! .. including compatibility with my word filter extension unlike my other favorite Reader Viewer which allows webpage editing.. More people should give praises to this GREAT program! 5/15 And thank you to the makers for offering extra help :)
- (2022-05-11) omly J: 非常好的插件,我用的应该是最新的版本把,但是最新版,有一个很严重的问题,我两台电脑都一样。就是用着用着就失效了。点击无效,有时要点击几次才有效。感觉老版本更稳定些。不知道是不是只有我一个人有这个问题。chrome浏览器。
- (2022-04-07) Yu. Dou: 其他很好,但是有一个缺点,让我不怎么想使用这个软件。就是一旦使用之后,我发现长截图功能就失效了,我用的是Fireshot的长截图功能
- (2022-03-29) Sam Song: 这个网站不适配 只能识别文章上方和下方的信息 请问能解决下吗?怀疑可能是因为正文内容有防复制
- (2022-03-17) 2 33: 和【哔哩哔哩助手】插件冲突,一旦开启【Circle 阅读助手】,【哔哩哔哩助手】的视频嗅探下载会失效,无法嗅探到视频。希望立即更新改进。
- (2022-02-13) Elsa Siddiqui: Wow, this reader is amazing, it's so smooth and compact. Loved the design!
- (2022-01-05) Zheng Zhou: 无限好评,最好用的阅读插件,看到这儿下载就完了,不用犹豫!
- (2022-01-01) stesta: 如果能给几天高级账户的试用就好了
- (2021-12-26) 周立新: 很不错的插件,谢谢作者的开发
- (2021-12-02) Jixiang Pan: 很完美 就想找一个能自定义字体的轻量阅读模式扩展 总算找到啦
- (2021-11-19) Rick Don: 超棒的啦!
- (2021-11-14) 番茄: 问题反馈:百度经验不显示图片
- (2021-10-15) b b: 很實用,在發現此app,我將之前用的app卸載了,只因此較能符合個人使用.....謝謝..
- (2021-09-01) SHENG ZHOU: 很棒的阅读插件,在看文章时再也不用担心无关内容的打扰了。希望能有一些标准模板使用,类似于看文章,新闻时可以优化文字显示,看代码可以高亮 复制等等的模板可供选择快捷调整。
- (2021-07-25) 故郷の桜が咲いた: 东西是不错,就是保存PDF的时候右侧那几个设置按键不能去除导致显示在PDF中
- (2021-07-11) Liuxnatu: 提个建议 图片请多加一个以原本大小紧跟文字 嵌在文本当中的排列模式 除了这个问题之外体验都还不错
- (2021-07-05) Ta T: 船新的2.0版本阅读页面好像退化了?样式比1.x 版本更原始了
- (2021-07-05) Glan Wu: 突然weixin的公众号的网页文章怎么都无法使用了,其他网站都还算正常
- (2021-07-01) 徐临源: 之前觉得挺好用。但为什么 2.0.0 版本会要求获取管理下载内容的权限?
- (2021-06-16) Nnn Sin: 超棒的阅读模式插件!只是更新后启用阅读模式,网页任何内容无法选择,就是左击没反应,而且右上角的扩展设置也没法选择,望作者帮忙看下什么问题哈!
- (2021-06-02) 七叔Uncle 7: 真心不错,比很多阅读软件好用了! 再增加一个关键字屏蔽,屏蔽掉很多网站的文字广告,就完美了!
- (2021-05-23) 唐佳怡: 很好用的一块插件,用起来感觉比其他阅读插件都好用,功能简洁,使用方便,渲染美观,非常感谢作者能带来一块这么好的插件。 另外想建议一个功能:目前插件会把代码块也渲染成文本,导致代码块阅读不方便,不知道能不能对代码块的阅读进行一下优化呢? 如果作者大大能考虑这个功能的话,真的是感激涕零啊,现在看代码的时候都需要从阅读模式中退出去(哭
- (2021-05-15) Anthony Liber: 是针不戳!
- (2021-05-12) Lll Xox: 请增加txt/pdf导出,或语音什么的
- (2021-04-27) 杜桓闕: 赞!
- (2021-04-26) Jerry Qing: 简洁美观~
- (2021-04-24) li feng: 开发者你好,感谢你的辛勤劳动,为我这个喜欢在电脑面前看书的人提供一款方便的插件,有几个地方希望改进或者调整,一是能否开启书页模式,也就是和实体书一样,左边一页,右边一页,看完之后再空格调制下2页,二是你的页面宽度设计是针对16:9的,我的21:9的显示器即使调到最大,左右仍然有极大的空白,非常浪费空间,可否改为以21:9为最大值。如能实现,必将把贵插件进一步完善,希望早日看到成果,多谢!
- (2021-04-24) 赵昊: 比简悦更优秀!!!
Latest issues
- (2023-08-25, v:2.8.1) 咪雅: 無法下載
套件無效,詳細資料:Variable $PLUGIN$ used but not defined.。 - (2021-12-01, v:2.2.2) Kevin Middleton: Automatic Page Loading Not Working
Can't get the "automatic loading of the next page" feature mentioned in the extension description to work. For my test, I'm trying to use Circle Reader with this webnovel: The page doesn't automatically load the next page (at least on this site) and I have to exit reader view to click the next chapter button on the website to load the next page. Hopefully you can help with this, or fix the extension to automatically load if there is a problem with it. I'm specifically trying to use this as an extension on Android as no Android browsers have built-in automatic loading of the next page. - (2021-06-02, v:1.2.1) zichong “mzc” Ma: 知识星球网站适配
「知识星球」开启阅读模式时不能匹配内容的格式,会错乱,比如一些大标题、换行在阅读模式下会「消失」。 网站链接: - (2021-03-05, v:1.0.0) 沙鲸: 希望可以增加启动快捷键
现在只能点击启动,或者自动启动。 前者只能鼠标点击很麻烦,后者有些时候并不需要的页面也会启动。 所以希望能够增加一个启动的快捷键。简悦有类似的功能。