extension ExtPose

Tab Suspender

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Suspend tabs you are not using to save memory usage and make your computer run faster. Reduce the load on your device, and battery.

Image from store Tab Suspender
Description from store Automatically suspend tabs that aren’t used at the moment. It has been actually developed to manage utilized tabs that lead to saving memory usage and faster machine working. Reducing CPU usage by suspending inactive tabs makes the computer run faster, smoother, and generally better and at the same time, you can simply restore them at once you need to review them. The flexible setting makes it advanced in managing websites. You can quickly add a whitelisted domain to keep the website active or select a category that shouldn’t be suspended among others. Some useful features: - set the time for an automatic suspending - hotkeys are available - website manager for fast navigating - simply refresh the website to activate Built-in tabs manager is opened by hotkeys and shows you a dashboard that you can easily navigate using the in-house search. Make your computer run smoothly by suspending the tabs you aren't using.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-16) Vincent De Cat: was trying to suspend it temporarily but no, the app continues to suspend tabs. so uninstalling
  • (2024-03-04) Ахмет Салимов: Работает хорошо !
  • (2024-03-04) Pranav Pagar: Great product, I really liked the Keyboard key mapping functionality
  • (2024-03-01) Peter Wolfe: New-to-me tab suspender extension. LOVE it. I had it set too fast. I went to change that and found I can set "never suspend with unsaved inputs"?! You mean that YT comment I lost not 15 minutes ago could've been saved without sacrificing the automatic tab suspending necessary on such a low resource (<GB RAM with Win11) employer's machine?! Sign me up! Automatic disabling any kind of tracking? Hell yes!
  • (2024-01-21) John Pezzuti: Prevents me from accessing Amazon. I have tried making changes to settings and permissions and still won't work. " www.amazon.com is blocked This page has been blocked by an extension Try disabling your extensions." I will be deleting this extension.
  • (2024-01-06) Ceanes: Excelente o melhor gerenciador de tabs até agora , consigo abrir mais de 50 tabs ao mesmo tempo sem travar
  • (2023-11-10) Carlos Tarantino: Super App
  • (2023-11-06) Leo RP: pra mim ta perfeito até agora. eu sempre deixo umas 30 abas abertos de tanta coisa pra fazer kkkkk e o chrome consumia quase 4 GB de memoria. com essa extensão, a memoria caiu pra 1.8 GB
  • (2023-10-28) Lucas Pardi: Não recarrega as páginas depois de suspensas e fica reabrindo todas as tabs numa nova janela.
  • (2023-10-17) Alexandre Palma: Still needs some fixing and improving, but I really like it! It really help to manage memory problems with my many openned tabs! Thank you.
  • (2023-10-14) Phone Phone: duplicates basically everything after a crash or computer reset. 2 power outages and you're left with 200 tabs to sort through. barely worth more than not having it, maybe half a star out of 5.
  • (2023-09-11) 雅野奏汰: すぐにクラッシュします。 修復すると、タブが複製され、タブの数が2倍になります。 修復すると、複数開いていたウィンドウが1つにされます。
  • (2023-08-30) Alessandra: It's ok, it suspends unused tabs. Yet, what does "Automatically unsuspend tab when it is viewed" exaxtly mean? Because it never does what I think it means
  • (2023-08-27) Eu: Worst extension ever, block and destroy setting, not recomanded.
  • (2023-08-27) agostino bano: molto buona
  • (2023-08-25) Shawn: One problem. Even if I marked the "Never suspend active tab in each window" the tab that I'm on is suspended.
  • (2023-08-23) Selim Çetin: it keeps reopening my tabs how can i disable it?
  • (2023-08-21) Frank Rios: Vuelvo a utilizarla. estaba fallando.
  • (2023-08-15) Adam Culpepper: I found this extension was blocking github.com! I get this message when trying to go there: "github.com is blocked This page has been blocked by an extension" I went through all my extensions and when I disabled this one, not only did it unblock github.com, but it duplicated ALL my open tabs from ALL my windows into one window.
  • (2023-08-10) Дмитрий Голубев: slowed down browser work with 200+ open tabs After remove this extemsion my tabs disappear!.
  • (2023-08-09) chengliang shi: 不好用,关闭浏览器过段时间再打开,它会把所有的标签页复制一份,太混乱了
  • (2023-08-07) feras alnifawe: ممتاز جدا، ويقلل من استخدام الرام ويحافظ على سرعة الجهاز
  • (2023-08-03) Max Lambie: Tiene un bug horrible que duplica las pestañas cuando abres el navegador de nuevo teniendo grupos de pestañas. Interfaz es fea, innecesariamente contando el tiempo que las pestañas llevan suspendidas. No lo recomiendo.
  • (2023-07-28) Flamingo: ça serait bien que pour youtube, l'extension se souvienne où on a arrêté la vidéo it would be nice if, for youtube, the extension remembered where you stopped the video and automatically go to that moment
  • (2023-07-27) Valentin Degenne: It just duplicates tab and is messing everything up
  • (2023-07-13) Guy Cutting: Excellent extension. In combination with Toby, I've finally found a good system for managing my proliferation of tabs. Has a lot of helpful options to help you control exactly how you want your tabs to be managed (timeout, don't suspend audio player, context menu, etc.). Using Tab Suspender helps me save almost 3GB of system memory in my typical Chrome setup - I'm a writer/researcher and often have 100+ tabs in play at any given time, which balloons Chrome memory usage beyond all reasonable bounds. But this extension helps keep it well under control.
  • (2023-07-06) Max Hordiichuk: В один прекрасний момент, тупо підвішує браузер. Ядиний вихід, видалення розширення.
  • (2023-07-04) Matt D: Liked it when it worked. But then it stopped working and would repeatedly open copies of the same suspended tab. Once this happened, I went through all my suspended tabs and discovered that they all linked to ONE page that I had suspended - the others disappeared. I have no confidence that this extension will save the suspended tabs and hence am removing it now.
  • (2023-06-26) Helder Lima: Facil de usar. Funciona muito bem. Salvou mais de 3GB de memoria.
  • (2023-06-24) rudy giovany: Do what it is suppose to do but also duplicate tabs randomly, you can be surprised that a tab group that contained 8 tabs now have 64 tabs.
  • (2023-06-22) Super Ice Distribuidora: Intuitivo e funciona bem, salva mais da metade da memória ram.
  • (2023-06-21) Multidisciplinary IT and CS (Alfba): super
  • (2023-06-16) Yaxin Chll: Worst tab suspender I've ever used
  • (2023-05-21) KupoMoogleRU: Неработоспособно. Тормозит браузер.
  • (2023-05-05) Valdenio Marinho: This feature should be included permanently to Chrome based browsers. My system's RAM also thanked.
  • (2023-04-27) Francisco Moix: I like it for the most part. But the issue with tab duplication is annoying. Anything you can do to fix this?
  • (2023-04-16) Sarra M. Belili: The worst extension ever
  • (2023-04-09) Sandy Shores: What a PATHETIC extension. Works well after you install it. But close the browser & open it again & it opens all your tabs TWO TIMES IN ONE WINDOW, DUPLICATING THE SAME TABS. WOW. WHAT A GREAT EXTENSION!!! 5 STARS FOR THIS GARBAGE!!!
  • (2023-04-08) Cold Void: I honestly love this extension :) Works like a charm.
  • (2023-04-01) Egor Zolotov: РАБОТАЕТ
  • (2023-03-28) Joshua McFarlane: The suspending works well but this thing completely destroys your tab groups and open tabs when you restart the browser. I really can't afford to use it as it is.
  • (2023-02-19) JACK LV: Ne faites pas ce que vous ne devriez pas faire.
  • (2023-02-19) Sunday: bad!
  • (2023-02-19) Alex: make me lost tabs!
  • (2023-01-24) Matt Shalvatis: If I close the browser and/or shut off the computer, when I start the browser the next day, all tabs from the previous session open in one window. I'm not sure why anyone would want that to happen. If I have 100 tabs on 20 different windows, I really need it to open the next day in 20 different windows, not one.
  • (2023-01-15) VINCE KONG (TadeTade Blend): like it
  • (2022-12-13) Julieta Perez: I have an issue, suspended tabs are removed from tab list, please how do i get them back?
  • (2022-12-12) Sebastian Carcamo: Its a great extension for all the high end computing users. You can save a lot of computer resources for some great tasks. Just love it. Thanks to all the developers.
  • (2022-12-11) Ma Carolyn P Calderon: This is really great extension. I m lovin it
  • (2022-12-01) Gsn Enrique: Easy to use, dependable, useful plug-in. Highly recommended!


100,000 history
3.801 (206 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-22 / 1.0.4
Listing languages
