extension ExtPose

Renewed Tab

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Description from extension meta


Image from store Renewed Tab
Description from store ## Features ## - Powerful Widgets System: you can add, move, resize, and configure widgets on a grid using intuitive controls. - Beautiful Backgrounds: see a random curated background every 15 minutes. You can also choose a solid color, an Unsplash collection, an RSS/Atom feed, or a custom background image. - Customisable: change the background, the theme, and configure each widget independently. - Multi-lingual. Translations are community-maintained, allowing users to contribute support for their language. https://renewedtab.com/translations/ ## Widgets ## - RSS and Atom feeds: can be used to see the news or follow a website. - Weather - To do: track things you need to do. - Quick Links: show links, with optional icons and subheadings. - Top Sites: shows your most frequent websites. - Daily Goals: enter a daily goal. - Bookmarks: shows your bookmarks toolbar. - Greeting: be greeted based on the time of day. - Quotes: shows a random quote, with categories. - Clock: show the current time, choose between 12 and 24 hours. - Notes: jot down notes in a freeform text area. - Age: shows your current age with way too much precision. - Search: a search bar with support for most search engines. - Currencies: shows exchange rates, supporting forex currencies and crypto. - Web Comics: show the most recent panel from a web comic. - Year Progress: shows the progress through the year as a progress bar. - Upcoming Space Flights - and more: buttons, images, HTML, and IFrames. ## Privacy Orientated ## We design with privacy in mind! We require only minimal permissions: to store data on your computer, and see the default search engine. Other permissions are optional and are requested at runtime, when needed. All your data is stored in your browser, not on our servers. For more information, see the Privacy Policy. ## Support ## Need help? Found a bug, or have a request? See: https://renewedtab.com/help/

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-10) Zed TheMasterOfShadows: not bad, not bad. does what it's supposed to.
  • (2023-10-25) Ashutosh Shinde: Looks good and is functional. Very good.
  • (2023-10-15) ayanami REI: 这真是一个相当不错的插件,有相当高的编辑自由度和简洁度,占位块的考虑也是相当周到的。真是各种花里胡哨的新标签页里的一股清流
  • (2023-09-05) Gros Gros: please make it when we hover the wallpaper credit, it unblur
  • (2023-06-15) Tibor Viskovic: Is there a way to have links pull icons from sites? For example, I want Google Docs, Sheets and Keep links listed as icons but they are just white circles, for some reason the extension cannot insert icons from those sites.
  • (2023-05-05) Prime Optimus: GOAT
  • (2023-03-10) 顶针真猪: I like it the best in all new tab extension.
  • (2023-02-25) Leo Li (66Leo66): Best New Tab Page! Appreciate the work!! Suggestion: 1) Add text label for year progress widget; 2) Allow some sort of text display from custom API endpoint (say, I've got a "daily poem" api which response as json or maybe raw html)
  • (2022-11-22) Pioneer Valley: excellent extension!
  • (2022-10-18) Y. Zhuo Chen: Best new tab extension that I've ever used. I meets so many of my expectations, including a truely free layout and custom widget embedding! Since I work with people from other countries, I do wish that I can select different timezones in the clock widget so that I can put a bunch of clocks showing the time of different countries.
  • (2022-10-14) Xx: 尝试过很多支持RSS的新标签扩展,这款是最后符合个人需求的,简洁漂亮,支持自定义小插件。但也存在一些需要改善的问题,比如名人名言插件缺少本地化支持,链接插件缺少自动换行等。 I have tried many new tag extensions that support RSS, and this one is the last one that meets my personal needs. It is simple and beautiful, and supports custom widgets. But there are also some problems that need to be improved, such as the lack of localization support for the quotes plugin, and the lack of word wrapping for the link plugin.
  • (2022-08-21) Баранка Гну: This is the best customizable extention for new page with bookmarks and bookmark groups
  • (2022-08-17) MAGNETAR: I love the "focus" option. It's very elegant, and yet minimalistic. Thank you for spicing up my browser. :)
  • (2022-07-27) Andrew Xavier (BombchuLink): Super customizable, free, easy to use, and lots of great widgets for any homepage you would need.
  • (2022-04-19) Auri: A beautifully customizable new tab experience. My favorite feature is the random background images, it never fails to make me happy when I browse.
  • (2022-04-06) alan zirpoli: The Notion equivalent of a new tab page. Amazingly good. It got the best personalization system i've seen so far. I would obly wish to be able to sync autamatically across different computers. Other than that it's perfect, great job
  • (2022-02-26) Koen Cosyns: Finally found the new tab extention I was looking for. Simple to use yet fully customizable. Great job
  • (2022-02-11) Clara Oswin: I've been using this for a few months now and really like it. Customizable and stable. I'd like to make an occasional donation, but I don't like Patreon, nor do I wish to do a subscription type payment. Any chance you could add a Paypal option to your donations options?
  • (2022-01-16) Saiteja P: Thankyou
  • (2021-11-08) Bojiang Zhang (paopao): 好用也特别喜欢,满满的设计感,自由度很高的排列组合,功能丰富的小组件。 但是无法自动同步有些遗憾。公司和家里两台电脑,在公司做了改变后回家不能显示,虽然有设置文件导入导出,但每天都得导入导出四次实在过于繁琐。希望下一次更新会有云端储存功能,或者跟随Google账号一起同步。谢谢 Good to use and especially like, full of design, a high degree of freedom of permutation, feature-rich widgets. However, it is a pity that it cannot be automatically synchronized. I have two computers in the company and at home, after making changes in the company can not be displayed at home, although there are settings for file import and export, but every day have to import and export four times is too tedious. I hope the next update will have a cloud storage function, or sync with Google account. Thank you!
  • (2021-10-28) 田猪猪: 好用,平时用Chrome很多,Rss可以及时看很多消息!
  • (2021-10-22) 王大拿: 这就很优秀!希望未来能添加中文语言支持。建议添加一个选项,在新建标签页面的时候,自动显示顶部书签栏,点开网页新页面之后,顶栏书签页自动隐藏。就像Google原生的标签页那样。
  • (2021-09-29) 永永YongYong: 慕名而来 试一试效果
  • (2021-09-18) Thib “AirSThib” AirS: Very useful and customizable, and still in development with regular updates. Interesting features and beautiful images.
  • (2021-04-26) HyperionOS: hi i love this extension sorry i forgot to leave a review but u posted this on the firefox subreddit remeber? u might not emeber me but usename is u/Loverfellafan1 now do u remeber me?
  • (2021-04-23) Doğucan Gelbal: Easy to use, has a whole bunch of useful, customizable widgets, and a few great ways to customize the background. For example, have you ever searched for an Art Deco theme on the Chrome Web Store and found a whole bunch of nothing? Renewed Tab+Unsplash is your friend now. Plus, if you ever have a problem; the dev responds on Discord within seconds, and fixes it within a few more seconds.
  • (2021-04-23) J45 Minetest: productive and looks nice, 10/10 from me


3,000 history
4.95 (80 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-08 / 1.19.2
Listing languages
