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TTV LOL removes livestream ads from your favorite streaming site.
TTV LOL removes livestream ads from without compromise in video quality or the plagued "purple screen of death"
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-18) Valentin V: Doesnt work anymore
- (2023-10-09) RVK: It used to work. Hasn't worked in a very long time.
- (2023-09-23) Jeffery Johnsson: As of my comments written date, does not block ads anymore.
- (2023-09-23) lonesoldier09: Doesn't work anymore and causes visual bugs on other websites, uninstall and avoid
- (2023-09-05) Leonardo: 05/09/2023 - Não funciona faz mais de uma semana...
- (2023-08-31) Solid Optimus: Does not work anymore as of this post
- (2023-08-22) J: Does not work anymore and no plan to update according to the discord
- (2023-08-18) Joshua Salles (omghax): RIP
- (2023-08-13) Shawn P: doesnt work anymore (8/13/23)
- (2023-08-10) Alberto Mariano da Silva Bittencourt: Doesn't work.
- (2023-08-08) Zachary Goodell: Currently isn't working. Twitch continues to beat adblockers to shove 50 ads down our throat at a time. Please work on updating this quickly
- (2023-08-08) Teng Wei Chin: sometimes it work, other times it doesnt.
- (2023-08-04) DrewK26: Twitch's greedy *ss is spending more time and money fighting against ad-blockers than actually supporting the streamers. This needs an update because this unfortunately does not work again.
- (2023-08-03) FatDidz: No longer works.
- (2023-08-02) DJ Zephyr: Needs an update fast. Twitch continues its idiotic war against ad-blockers, and is currently winning the fight.
- (2023-08-01) BZ Plasma: It used to work well many months ago, but now ads either get through 95% of the time or it causes a stream to infinitely buffer. Not even refreshing works anymore. This extension is completely useless unless it gets an update.
- (2023-08-01) starlitnight: It was working on Brave browser until today, streams are just black screens with the forever loading symbol spinning in the middle. Would use again if issues are addressed soon, but for now removing.
- (2023-08-01) Sodie: it either works or does not work lol
- (2023-07-28) Jana Hayes: It was ok but it seems out of date and doesn't work now (last updated in 2021?)
- (2023-07-04) Antoine Legros (Nano nV): Used to work correctly, now having the Error 2000 on twitch streams as soon as I enable the addon
- (2023-07-04) Dmitry: Ужасно оптимизированно, из за этого расширения возникает ошибка Error #2000
- (2023-07-02) Dev The Operator: Works inconsistently if at all by itself. As with others, it works more often than not *when using PIA desktop app w/ mace turned on.* I can't comment on other VPN's and your mileage may vary. Sometimes streams don't start and I just have to click play. Very rarely will I get ads and a simple refresh will fix it.
- (2023-06-19) Patrick Butz: Twitch doesnt load at all with this useless app. you get adds or you have to refresh like 20 times to start ANY stream. I guess they get paid from twitch to just do nothing.
- (2023-06-14) MAT: Worked perfectly until... just now? Twitch streams stopped loading for me (network error) when I have this extension on
- (2023-06-12) Clang: Does not work
- (2023-06-12) Enea Radu: Does not work, useless
- (2023-06-03) Kaori Sugahara: not working for me 6/3
- (2023-06-02) James S: Work great!!!
- (2023-06-01) WukongPanda: The extension worked for a couple of months for me. If an ad came through I can just reload it and then it would block it. But now it no longer works. The main website says that the .0.0.4 version just launched but the Chrome store still only has .0.0.3. Giving two stars until the store version is updated.
- (2023-06-01) 리플리에: 또 막혔네 ㅋ
- (2023-06-01) viralhysteria: Was great while it lasted but doesn't seem to be working at all for me as of today.
- (2023-06-01) Phillip: This extension is becoming increasingly less and less useful over the recent 2 months as more ads are continuing to get through and even refreshing the page is starting to not work anymore, what are some alternatives?
- (2023-05-24) 1:
- (2023-05-07) 양예원: 이미 터진 독을 지들이 우째 막을낀데 ? 백날 천날 막아봐라 그게 평생 막아지나 ... 항상 그래 왔듯이 우린 다시 답을 찿을 것이다
- (2023-04-17) Isaac Ch.: This extension is malware and will steal your passwords
- (2023-03-28) Eddie Krakower: This thing hasn't worked for months at this point
- (2023-03-22) Clang: Ads Worse now
- (2023-03-21) Graham Gibson: Past couple months it hasn't worked at all.
- (2023-03-01) Yianni Kougi: streams dont load while enabled
- (2023-02-27) Perry Klemanski: works 0% of the time
- (2023-02-19) Sunny Sparks: Works great. If it quits working, come back to this website and download the updated file. It does NOT update on its own, as other apps usually do.
- (2023-02-15) Eduardo Giordani: 15 feb - Working poorly. TTV make it broken for new big batch of feb ADS. Requires lots of refreshs and getting black loading screens after.
- (2023-02-11) Chao: 8/30/22 Nope, it's dead again. 9/5/22 Okay it's back up again, seriously this time! 9/16/22 Twitch has done something to where it causes the stream to buffer for about 2 seconds at intermittent intervals, and you can end up being 10 to 30 seconds behind depending on how long you've been watching. Hopefully this gets addressed by TTV LOL soon. 11/8/22 Borked again. Dec 2022: Oddly enough, using both Purple AND TTV LOL simultaneously seems to do the trick, but it can cause issues with the stream such as accumulating stream delay caused by buffering (as high as 20+ seconds in my experience) as well as sometimes getting the "ad in progress" screen (it's a dice roll whether it happens or not). Feb 2023: Twitch broke it again so using both extensions no longer works; you'll get hit with a permanent "{streamer} is taking an ad break" that requires a refresh.
- (2023-02-09) Cream Ale: usually 5 stars, but as of the start of feb, it no longer functions. will not drop it past 4 stars as this used to work and worked reallllllly well.
- (2023-02-08) Theagames10: It has been making streams I watch on Twitch load indefinitely, keeps annoying me. Please get this fixed if this extension isn't abandoned.
- (2023-02-06) 고양이네로: 2월 7일자 #2000에러로 실행안됨 쩝... 결국은 막히는건가
- (2023-02-04) 이르으라: 1080P 막혔지만 광고제거효과로 잘쓰고있습니다
- (2023-01-28) Oskar: it's not blocking any ads
- (2023-01-24) 김재민: 1월24일자 #오류2000로 1080 시청 안됌
- (2023-01-22) 권운기: 1080p 뜨긴한데 인터넷 아주 좋아도 버퍼링때문에 못볼지경 (막힌듯) 그냥 광고제거용으로 잘 쓰고 있어여..