extension ExtPose

BookmarkHub - 书签同步

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Description from extension meta


Image from store BookmarkHub - 书签同步
Description from store BookmarkHub 是一款浏览器插件,可以在不同浏览器之间同步你的书签。 适用于各大主流浏览器,如 Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft Edge 等。 它使用 GitHub 的 Gist 记录来存储浏览器的书签,可以放心安全的使用。 首先,您必须拥有github帐户,并创建一个可以访问gist的令牌,然后创建gist。 打开bookmarkhub的设置面板,用github令牌和gist ID填充它们。 上传书签后,可以打开gist查看。 查看更多信息:https://github.com/dudor/BookmarkHub ## 功能 * 不需要注册特殊账号,只需要用你的 GitHub 账号的Token和Gist * 一键上传下载书签 * 一键清空本地所有书签 * 支持跨电脑跨浏览器同步书签 * 支持显示本地和远程书签的数量

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-04) Peter O'Toole: The best. Perfect for me.
  • (2023-06-01) Khuong Ho: Brilliant !! So f***ing Brilliant.
  • (2023-04-30) 1 conscience 0 dimension: nothing about how to create the gist. md file? apparently needs at least a content. "ID" the last part of the link? I'm not a medium so this is totally useless
  • (2023-04-23) Amin Omidi: very nice
  • (2023-02-12) Will Gao: 终于找到一个可以和yandex手机版同步的
  • (2023-02-09) fengji ling: 很好用!但有一个小建议,希望可以加一个自动同步功能,在其他端上传了书签后,当前端自动下载书签,有时候忘记下载书签又进行了上传,可能会漏掉一些书签。
  • (2023-02-04) Noam Korem: Just works!
  • (2023-01-31) YuYan Zhou: 跟着GIF一通操作后,点击上传书签,提示错误了,显示“错误:“Not Found”
  • (2023-01-25) Nicolas BESNARD: Perfect ! That what I was looking for a long time...
  • (2022-11-03) Davor Kosanović: It works like a charm! Just what i needed. Cant be better than this.
  • (2022-11-02) Romain EHRET: Simple and great
  • (2022-10-05) hf l: 很好用,解决了两个浏览器之间同步书签的痛点。
  • (2022-08-07) Jose Pro: Best simple manual upload/download bookmarks.A specific subfolder upload/download would be great
  • (2022-08-01) John Edward Matos: Best bookmarks sync
  • (2022-07-10) jy pan: 很好用,操作也还算简单,不太会搞的话去开发者的GitHub里面有个GIF,跟着步骤来就行
  • (2022-07-04) Alon Rotem: This extension saved me, working with 2 browser profiles (work and personal) in parallel, and trying to sync the bookmarks between them, this makes it super easy, whenever I update them on either profile. Just 2 things I'd like to point out- * The length of the bookmark, obviously has some limitation, because I had written some JavaScript bookmarklets, which got truncated, and now they don't work anymore. Not sure anything can be done about that, it may be a limitation of the JSON in the gist, but it may also be a bug in the implementation of the extension. * It would be really nice it the sync was automated (e.g. update the gist every time a bookmark is updted, and sync-update from the gist, every few minutes). Other than that, thank you very much for this extension!
  • (2022-05-09) qm yzl: 非常实用便捷的同步工具,完美解决了多浏览器同步的痛点,就是可能会导致GitHub账户被标记,尤其是新建的账号,这大概率被认为和机器人的行为类似,给GitHub发封邮件说明一下情况一般都可以解决,即使不处理也不会影响到扩展需要的功能。
  • (2022-04-20) 蔡志文: 非常好用的工具,解决了我的一个大麻烦。可以跨浏览器,可以解决网络不稳定。神器!
  • (2022-03-22) mkitclear: 太爱这个插件了,感谢作者!
  • (2022-03-10) Christoffer Brobäck: Works! supersimple, now you just need to add hashtags to highlight how extraordinary this extension is, took me years to stumble across this, wading through other more bloated cloudservices.
  • (2022-03-02) 五颜六色的五贰O: 牛掰啊这个插件,有了这个我第一时间关闭并删除了edge和Chrome的同步数据,以后只用这个,非常感谢作者,万分感谢!!!
  • (2022-02-13) Daniel Rykheer: My notes as I go through the setup process. Hope it helps someone else. OPTIONAL: IN YOUR BROWSER: - Got your bookmark manager in settings. Find the export feature and export to a specific folder. - Go to the specific folder on your computer. Open the newly exported file in Notepad. Copy all of the contents. IN GITHUB: Create the GIST TO GET THE GIST-ID - Navigate to https://github.com/ - Log in ..or.. Create a GitHub account for youreself if you don't have one. - Click the +Plus sign top right next you your account/profile icon. Select "Create new Gist" - You'll be redirected to https://gist.github.com/ - Type a description for you Gist. Like "BookmarkHub_SyncedBookmarks" - Paste the contents of teh exported bookmarks into the large textbox. - Click [Create Secret Gist] - Copy the URL in your browser Address bar. - The Gist ID is the everything following the very last forward-slash in that URL (everything following your Github account/user name). IN GITHUB: CREATE THE GIST TOKEN: - Browse to >> https://github.com/settings/tokens/new - Type a description to Git that this is for the use of syncing bookmarks sith BookMarkHub. - Click >> "Gist" - Create gists... (GitHub defines a Gist as a simple way to share snippets and pastes with others. All Gists are Git repositories) - Click >> [Generate Token] - Immediately copy the newly generated toke. You won’t be able to do it later. IN THE BOOKMARKHUB EXTENSION'S SETUP: - Left-click on the BookmarkHub extension's icon in your browser's top bar. Click Settings. - Past the Gist-ID and the Gist Token you just generated. Close the pop-up with the "x". - Test the extension with an upload: Left-Click the extension icon. Select Upload. - Test the extension with an Download on a different browser of on a different computer that hasn't auto synced via your browser-account: Left-Click the extension icon. Select Upload. - If there are no errors, it is working.
  • (2022-01-21) Yoko: работает отлично! works fine!
  • (2022-01-11) haruhadj: this is the one that is really works for me, very useful and very satisfied with it thanks.
  • (2022-01-10) AntHo: Doesn't work!!!!!!!!!! big minus, because there is no setup video!
  • (2021-12-02) Metin Emiroglu: Been waiting for something like this for ages. Simple, yet perfect. Only auto-sync lacking, one has to push/pull manually. Kudos to developer!
  • (2021-10-25) Eillel Chen: 用了一段时间了,是一个实用便捷的同步工具,就是不能自动同步,有时候新增书签忘了先点击下载,直接点击上传会导致书签覆盖。
  • (2021-10-14) nan Mei: 之前安装之后,设置好了,一运行同步github账号就被封了,现在可以用吗?
  • (2021-09-05) Brayan Medina: I love it
  • (2021-08-06) Kaiming Zhu: 简约不简单,同步的利器!
  • (2021-07-14) M秘书: 很好用,并且导致我的github账户被封了。。。
  • (2021-07-13) Eagle Shen: Best sync extension.
  • (2021-07-07) Jay Jinx: 门槛太高了,什么 Github Token Gist ID Gist文件名,都在哪里啊,看不懂
  • (2021-07-03) 陈墨秋: 很好用,
  • (2021-06-18) Qisong He: 简单、实用!我在测试的时候发现一个小小的问题,就是删除本地标签、上传后,远程的标签数量未同步,其他都挺好,期待完善。
  • (2021-06-12) Michael Harris: Agree with previous review (maybe a youtube video would be more helpful) but once set up, it just works. Thank you for releasing this :)
  • (2021-05-13) Samuel: Simple and it just works. Install instructions can be more concise but it works beautifully


7,000 history
4.7119 (59 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-10 / 0.0.6
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