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¡Dale a tu navegador un toque personal con barras de desplazamiento personalizadas!
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¡Dale a tu navegador un toque personalizado con las barras personalizables! Puedes seleccionar de una gran variedad de colores el que quieras y intercambiar entre el ancho por defecto y una barra fina... o quizás simplemente ocultarlo si ese es tu estilo.
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-18) Continental Nobleman: Seems to be working very well. Thanks and rgds.
- (2023-06-11) Your Name Here: Only just getting started with it. Using it on Chromium 114 on a touchscreen tablet running Debian linux. The first problem is, even when set to not allow sites to override, it does nothing on extension pages nor the Chrome Web store. Some others seem to have partial effect - the site the colors are different. It's not terrible but not working on extension / system pages is. When Chrome is set to dark mode the scrollbars are invisible - all dark. On this page for example they are two shades of grey and nearly impossible to see but my prefs are set to light grey with a light blue thumb tab. My home page is Speed Dials and the bars are also all black.
- (2023-02-12) Project Horizon remixboy: Works perfectly with most of the website. It will not work in Google related website, like or country specific sites. Although very customizable great extension.
- (2023-01-28) Grimmjow Jaggerjack: Me funciona muy bien
- (2023-01-18) essi: Recently started to no longer hide scrollbars that were hidden by sites, making scrollbars show up in places where they were intentionally (and for good reason) hidden by the developers. Previously only affected visible scrollbars. Disabling for now, but hoping that this can be solved in the future.
- (2023-01-01) Linh Lê Trọng: This extension is so useful. I love it. Thanks author so much!
- (2022-12-28) S K: This app makes my browser (Chrome) hang on most sites. If remove the app the problem stops.
- (2022-11-16) Алексей Полянский: Нереально полезная штука! Комфорт просмотра страниц вырос в разы! Чтобы было удобно пользоваться на светлых и темных сайтах - делаем Scrollbar thumb color прозрачным и серым на 50-60%, дальше разберетесь. Если бы скроллбар еще скрывался в инактиве - задонатил бы или купил лицуху, но бро не монетизирует это дело. Жду апдейт бтв)
- (2022-10-12) X JWill: Does not show buttons in gmail. Dark or light (or none), it makes no difference. No buttons in gmail. It changes the colors as expected, but for some reason, no buttons.
- (2022-10-09) 十宝: Good! Thanks.
- (2022-09-25) Quan Nguyen-Le-Minh: Good!!
- (2022-09-11) Nocturnal Owl Digitalist: STILL SAME ISSUES WITH OPERA, BRAVE, CHROME AND FIREFOX WHERE REDDIT AND YOUTUBE SITES STILL HAVE INVISIBLE SCROLL BARS. AND THERE IS HORRIBLE SCROLL BAR ON TELEGRAM WEB. RATING IT ON STAR. This review is for firefox and firefox based browsers and not for chrome and chromium based browsers because in the latter it works great with width control but not in the former. Please also look for google and google based sites like keep, docs, sheets, youtube this addon doesnt work. I want to increase the width and unfortunately your addon doesnt have this most needed thing. The normal default size is not visible at all despite changing colors. Please add this. The thin and hidden is actually blunder to why would one use your addon. I am using librewolf and waterfox browser and iceraven browser. Consider adding email support so that I can share you screenshots and elaborate the issue. Thanks.
- (2022-09-08) Michael Adrian: This also works on Youtube, unlike the more popular ones, Highly customizable. Looks awesome.
- (2022-09-03) Prokrastinator: Love it. Also, it will be best if you add transparency feature somehow.
- (2022-06-27) Gabriel Bárcenas: Best extension for customizing scrollbars I've found so far... It lets you make custom scrollbars for specific websites, as well as a global style for all websites. Don't know why it doesn't have more positive reviews, it's really great!
- (2022-05-21) Jasper Radford: Nice to get rid of the ugly white scrollbar with a dark theme.
- (2022-05-18) p0nyman: То, что было нужно. Спасибо
- (2022-04-09) 林澈: Good! but i hope it'll be able to stop on some website which has a good original scrollbar
- (2022-04-07) daniel hamilton: Best scrollbar customizer found. Wish images were allowed. Now for a way to do this to individual tabs! Thanks. Grace and peace thru Jesus the Lord.
- (2022-03-03) Noor Aldeen: هنالك مشكلة وهي أنه عندما أقوم بتعيين شريط تمرير تقوم الإضافة بتطبيق الشريط على المواقع وعلى الإضافات التي أستخدمها مثلاً : أستخدم إضافة ترجمة فتقوم الإضافة بالتعديل أيضاً على إضافة الترجمة .. أيضاً أرجو إضافة ميزة أن لا يكون شريط التمرير محاذياً تماماً لحدود الإطار .. وشكراً جزيلاً للمطور .. There is a problem that when I set a slider, the extension applies the tape to the sites and to the extensions I use, for example: I use a translation extension, and the extension also adjusts the addition of the translation.. Also, I hope to add a feature that the slider is not completely aligned with the frame borders.. Thank you very much for developer..
- (2022-01-02) Carl Williams: A brilliant extension for customization.
- (2021-09-04) Bac Nguyen: Thanks. But it would be better to add border radius
- (2021-08-19) George Burdell: Best solution I've found so far. By far. (And I have tried many.) Pros: - My main use case is that if I share a zoom window, it is highlighted in a green border. If the vertical scroll bar on the right is thin, the zoom green border obscures most of the scroll bar. I set this to a contrasting color (Tennessee orange) - problem solved! - The Thin/Wide responds immediately, don't even have to refresh the page - The settings interface is intuitive and super-easy to use. The Live preview is a nice touch. Cons: - it respects the width on the *vertical* scroll bars only, while the horizontal scroll bars don't change. (this is consistent on several different sites, e.g. yahoo) - (Wesley/Developer: I would love to see this as an enhancement) - I was unable to get the Custom width to work
- (2021-07-13) ILLuS_ION: hi, this seems to be the one to go for now, good work, two notes: - some sites like youtube have this rounded thumb on both ends, which when fully scrolled up or down leaves a little piece open of course so the track color shines through which looks a bit silly, would be cool to somehow make the "none override" option catch this as well - another good feature would be to make available the native/default dark scrollbar that is used on settings pages etc for all sites there is one small extension for firefox that i used like that, with the same none override capabilities of course cheers
- (2021-06-28) Lea Shadav: Thank you for this, the scrollbar annoyed lets you redesign the entire browser but not the issue however, this does great on the side scrollbar but it does not resize the bottom scrollbar, any chance on fixing that so it's not some big clunky thing as well...thank you.
- (2021-06-18) Vima Empty: Thanks. Up. Removes not bad.
- (2021-06-11) XFA-33 Fenrir: It's amazing but the color isn't changed when clicking the scrollbar.
- (2021-05-15) Elaine Walker: It's amazing and I love to customize it with many colors to choose from!
- (2021-05-05) Azizjon Akramov: I like it! Keep it up! Can you make it auto hideable? When I take the cursor on the right side it should appear and when I do not it should automatically hide! Can you?
- (2021-04-17) Legitti: Perfect!