Description from extension meta
ELL: Enjoy Learning Languages with Netflix and Youtube
Image from store
Description from store
Enjoy Learning Languages with Youtube and Netflix.
A faster way to learn a language.
★ Say goodbye to textbook language, and embrace real-life conversations.
★ Transform content you love into a lesson, keep entertaining and learning languages at the same time.
★ Practice listening, speaking, and vocabulary with real-life videos.
※ Dual subtitles
With this free extension you can simultaneously compare each sentence with your native language.
※ Hover for pop-up dictionary
Quickly get the meaning of any word on the subtitle and learn them in the context.
※ Shortcut keys for easy control
These shortcuts make it a lot easier to watch and learn on Netflix. You can find all of them in the setting of the extension
※ Word pronounciation
Increase your listening and speaking skills with the correct pronunciation of any words in the movie.
※ Phrase translation
Click on the words you are interested in , we will show you the meaning of phrase combined by what you clicked ( For premium users ).
※ Save words, phrases and sentences
Keep the movie's catchy phrases and vocabularies with yourself. Your saved words will be highlighted in subtitles so that you learn them faster.
※ Sync across devicess
Feel free to learn anywhere, we will sync your data automatically ( For premium users ).
※ Smart auto pause
Don't miss interesting moments of a movie when you don't know the vocabulary, just hover the mouse on that word, we will hold the movie for you.
※ Powerful sidebar
You can see the whole subtitle of the movie on the sidebar to understand the context of current sentence. And take advantage of all the features above.
Release Notes:
Version 1.1.0:
1. Add Romaji and Hiragana transliteration for Japanese
2. Add Pinyin transliteration for Chinese
3. Detailed Translation (available for English subtitle or English translation at the moment)
4. You can now hide the sidebar by clicking the button on the upper right corner of videos
5. Improve word segmentation for Chinese and Japanese
6. Improve UI for better user-friendly
7. You can now change location of subtitles by dragging it
Language Learning with Netflix
Language Learning with YouTube
( abbreviations LLN + LLY )
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-03) Baili Zhong: This app used to work perfectly but for some reason it loads multiple times now and stopped working.
- (2023-08-05) Timon JK: 打开视频之后, 视频下方的设置栏, 自己会消失. 你都来不及找到对应的语言
- (2023-07-24) aya shen: 视频中途插入广告之后,插件会翻译广告中的语音文本,广告结束后无法再继续翻译原视频语音文本
- (2023-04-08) jason fan: 很不错,刚安装可以使用!
- (2023-03-01) ai luoy: 好用 好用
- (2023-01-31) 贾欢: 白搞 彻底不能用了
- (2022-10-28) VĂN TUẤN: Còn nhiều lỗi Khi tắt tính năng chuyển qua video khác thì không thể bật lại ,phải thoát ra vào lại và 1 số tính năng mong sớm khắc phục
- (2022-07-19) Ray Mr: 花钱订阅了却不能翻译 = =绝了
- (2022-06-28) 百豪张: 好像不能用了,有其它推荐吗
- (2022-06-24) XUE SAO: 个人用了一下 感觉非常的好用
- (2022-06-11) Ya Amily: 好像不能用啦,
- (2022-05-21) 王甲: 扎不能用了
- (2022-05-16) Jack W: 之前非常好用,现在已经无法使用了
- (2022-05-08) YUK TUNG CHOI: 不能正常使用
- (2022-03-14) Amazon Customer Service: Good job. Thank you very much.
- (2022-02-19) Leo: 这个不错
- (2022-01-29) top red: 确实好用
- (2022-01-29) Ian Chen: 找了好几个类似的,测试完,发现这个是有用的。
- (2022-01-16) Сергей Taрзан: Отличное расширение! Мне понравилось больше чем Language Reactor и проц не грузит. Молодцы!
- (2021-08-26) Vermi Kararn: Good job! However, everything is a fake copy of other extensions. All the features, descriptions, the design of the website or even the Name of this extension is a fake copy of sth else! I hope you have more creativity in the future.
3.4815 (27 votes)
Last update / version
2021-06-01 / 1.1.0
Listing languages