BookCat helps you bookmark, categorize and sort your favorite website links into custom categories.
The fastest and easiest way to bookmark, categorize, open-all, move, re-order and manage your favorite websites.
1) Create a new account to view your saved bookmarks in any chrome browser.
2) Easily create and delete categories and re-order them in seconds.
3) Click the BookCat icon to easily save a websites URL that you are visiting. You can edit the site name, description, select a category, and rank it from 1-5 stars.
4.) You can move, delete, edit URL's in seconds
For your security, BookCat does no collect any passwords of your saved websites. You can delete your account anytime.
Version 2.1 - Add a new search bar, better hosting and other improvements
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-02) Marcus Aurelius: Doesn't do anything. If it can't load your bookmarks, it's simply an email gathering extension.
- (2021-06-04) Taniya Website Design & Digital Marketing (Tree Advertisement): Easy to use and productive
3.0 (2 votes)
Last update / version
2022-12-15 / 2.1
Listing languages