Add a seek to next caption, time bookmark and other time-seek related feature to Udemy course page.
- Seek to next/previous caption start time.
- Medium/Long jump to jump 10 seconds and 1 minute.
- Go to next/previous lecture hotkey.
- Add temporary bookmark of video time, will be clear on load next lecture.
- Always show video controls, or show progress bar only when always show.
- Copy current caption, open translate page with current caption.
- Ctrl+→/⌘→: Seek to next caption
- Ctrl+←/⌘←: Seek to previous caption
- Ctrl+Shift+→/⌘⇧→: Medium forward jump
- Ctrl+Shift←/⌘⇧←: Medium backward jump
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+→/⌘⌃⇧→: Long forward jump
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+←/⌘⌃⇧←: Long backward jump
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+c/⌘⌥⇧c: Copy current caption
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+l/⌘⌥⇧l: Open translate page with current caption
- Shift+1~5: Jump to bookmark #1~5
- Ctrl+Shift+1~5/⌥⇧+15: Set bookmark #1~5