Shoppsie notifies you of the latest coupons and product deals while you shop online.
Save money at your favorite stores with the latest coupons and discounts!
How it works: Simply shop online as you normally would. Shoppsie notifies you when there are coupons available for the websites you are shopping on. Select the coupon that will save you the most money on your purchase and enjoy your savings.
Never miss out on coupons again. Install Shoppsie today and see how fun online shopping can be!
5 reasons to use Shoppsie:
🎉 Because it’s Easy!
Shoppsie lights up when coupons are available. No searching required.
đź’µ Thousands of Coupons
Shoppsie offers thousands of up-to-date coupons and our promotions are updated added daily. We scour the web for the best offers so you don’t have to.
👉 You Pick the Promos
Select the coupons and deals that save you the most on your order. We don’t “automatically apply” coupons because that next-day shipping code may be more valuable than 20% off. Only you know what's most valuable to you.
🤫 Non-intrusive
Shop uninterrupted. Shoppsie only notifies you by lighting up when there are offers available. If you want to hide the notification tab, just pin the extension and the icon lights up!
By using this extension, you agree to the Shoppsie Terms and Conditions:
Privacy Policy:
Questions or concerns, email us directly at:
FCC Disclosure:
Shoppsie may receive compensation for visitors we refer to our advertisers or sales made by the customers we refer.
Latest reviews
- (2021-07-27) tosign a1: This app is simple it's fast and gets the best discounts that you could ever find when using such apps as this kind.
- (2021-07-27) tosin Akintoyeje: amazing service I'm so happy I know about!
- (2021-07-27) johnson exchange: Awesome, love it!
- (2021-07-27) johnson exchange: Wowza! Shoppsie does just what it says, saves me money! Almost every-time I apply this app, I find success! Thanks for making this available! I want to help keep Shoppsie free! does just what it says, saves me money! Almost every-time I apply this app, I find success! Thanks for making this available! I want to help keep Shoppsie free!
- (2021-07-27) Johnson Exchange: Saved me almost 10% on my order! Awesome!
- (2021-07-27) mercy amrae: Shoppsie always saves me money. LOVE IT !!!! You never know it's there but, it is always watching your purchases and counting your discounts for you.
- (2021-07-27) Aatami Abdul: does what is says. Convenient and simple.
- (2021-07-27) don tosign: Just install app, one click and it saves you money by searching best price!
- (2021-07-27) Akintoyeje Tosign: First time using, and was able to save.
- (2021-07-27) Akintoyeje Oluwatosin: I loved this chrome extension, I didn't realize it was running in background and suddenly it popped up at checkout page and saved me couple of dollars at the order submission page. Kudos....