Description from extension meta
Dark Mode может установить для всех сайтов вашего браузера темный режим или приятные затемняющие режимы
Image from store
Description from store
С помощью Dark Mode вы может сделать цвета в браузере теплее, отрегулировать непрозрачность и выбрать нужный цвет из палитры. Для этого просто нажмите на значок приложения в выпадающем окне и включите темный режим.
Вы также можете включить темный режим. В этом режиме расширение пересчитывает цвета всего сайта, изменяя цвета фона, шрифта и других элементов на более темные. Чтобы отключить режим для определенного сайта, вы должны сначала открыть нужный сайт и выбрать «Отключить темный режим для этого сайта» из контекстного меню.
Когда вы активируете одновременно Night Shift и Dark Mode, вы можете добиться интересных цветовых схем для конечного результата. Приложение удобно для чтения книг и работы в Интернете. Выберите режимы, которые вам нужны для освещения.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-12) Eric Ketzer: not good.
- (2023-10-20) Murilo Meranca: This extension is good for reading stuff like PDFs and such, but it's broken and very bad to use on most sites. I really hate it and find it very annoying to have to turn it off every time I visit a different page. It would be a much better extension if it weren't turned on by default. Instead, you should be able to choose on which sites you want it on, instead of having to turn it off every single time.
- (2023-09-29) 确实好用
- (2023-09-12) Alice Noel Fitzgerald: I really want to like this extension, but it effects photos and puts this dark tint over photos on sites like ebay and every other website i tested!
- (2023-09-12) Moon Bay: 目前使用最好的扩展
- (2023-08-17) Bartosz Klepczarek: Works good good extension.
- (2023-08-01) Derek Kuang: Over all nice but I have to remove it since GitHub cannot redener ipynb with it installed.
- (2023-06-23) Катерина Мирошкина: A very handy app. I advise everyone
- (2023-06-18) Antony Massy: I really liked this extension. I also liked the fact that it is easy to download and install, the system does not freeze, the theme can be changed quickly and is very pleasing to the eye. Thank you developers!
- (2023-06-07) Pon tz: tried so many dark mode them but i love this because has many option, it working, it can turn to dark mode without sacrificing the readabilit of the site..
- (2023-05-23) TheOriginalBeanBoy: works, plus I like that i can change the opacity and toggle it, although ironically it doesnt work for this page im on right now writing this review..
- (2023-02-26) Andrey Nikonov: The best expansion, speed of work. There are a lot of dark colors for the convenience of working in the browser, the eyes do not strain from dark colors. A large selection for every taste. I recommend it.
- (2023-02-25) Like A Pops: Best extension!
- (2023-02-25) opel horhe: Thanks to this extension, my browser has changed beyond recognition
- (2023-02-24) Василий Петров: As for me, the best dark mode for the chrome browser is this app.
- (2023-02-24) Paul Fulwood: The effects were O....K.... but overall it seemed to make a lot of sites worse, particularly images and shading where the images were reversed but just turned out black or while silhouettes of the original or just looked bad. It seems to ignore the "only for specific sites" setting, and the "on click" setting, which would have overcome this for sites that it makes look terrible. Because of this I wanted to remove it, but cant. Even once "removed" the extension effects remain. I have tried everything to get rid of the horrible effects but cant: install/remove, install: set to single site, install: set to on demand/click site. If I leave installed by turn the extension off, you guessed it: the effects remain. I have reinstalled the extension and restarted Chrome so many times I am fatigued. Time to reinstall Chrome
- (2023-02-23) Karina Denise Marchi: En el modo oscuro, que era lo que me interesaba, no se ven las letras, es decir, cambia el fondo, pero no las letras del google drive, por ende no se puede leer, pero bueno, funciona
- (2023-02-21) Chris Vydas: Breaks Netflix website login oddly can't login with this extension enabled. 2nd, the dark mode doesn't run right on many bulletin board css style forums especially ones with several layers. Which obviously is a real disappointment. But for it to work on many websites it looks great. Just wish it worked everywhere.
- (2023-02-18) Elena Buh: Very cool and convenient extension, beautiful visual! The dark color is very suitable at night, just in time for the theme, so this extension is just in time, thanks to the developers!)
- (2023-02-17) Sandra: very good extension, I will continue to use it
- (2023-02-14) Peter Werner: One of the best of its kind. I tried quite a few analogues, but this one is quite fast and accurately adapts to each site.
- (2023-01-28) jylia Kanarski: Very cool and interesting extension, you can customize the desired color and font.
- (2023-01-27) telgou delou: A good extension for people who love dark modes, it works great for white pages but unfortunetly it has negative impact on pages that are already dark. I'd hope you include an option to disable the effect on pages with already grey to black backgrounds.
- (2023-01-13) Julia Samyk: Nice extension, works great!
- (2023-01-11) Fabian Alberto Nunziato Silvero: Totalmente estable y practico. Con opciones de color y graduacion de opacidad.
- (2023-01-08) Tederic Uilks: Very handy for night work.
- (2022-12-31) anonymous man (YT_GamingWithRaf): Should have been off first and dark mode can be turned on
- (2022-12-21) Jozef Gajdos: It was best looking dark mode extension, but unfortunately doesn't work after Dec 20, 2022 update. Even when it's still ON it doesn't change newly opened sites and must be disabled and enabled for each individual browser tab to work again and again.
- (2022-12-02) robert greesy: Thank you for such a great app, I've been looking for it for a long time
- (2022-12-01) Sadik: Virus, Even when remvoed it keeps opening its storepage
- (2022-12-01) leroy von: It is a very good extension, fast, light and works perfectly
- (2022-12-01) Olga Minulich: The extension helps to set the appropriate color in the browser. My eyes love it, thanks for the extension!
- (2022-12-01) Nicole Smith: Good extension. Now my browser is dark, just like I wanted. I recommend.
- (2022-11-29) Elena Maerova: The extension is very convenient, I liked it. There are no difficulties in application. I will use it, it's cool)))
- (2022-11-29) FiReStReaM: Cool extension, I've been looking for this for a long time. Some sites don't have dark themes, but this extension does a great job!
- (2022-11-22) Matteo Fernando: I liked the extension, capacious and concise. Nothing superfluous, does not distract from work. I love dark colors. This extension is perfect for me. Just great, I'm very happy
- (2022-03-07) tomoe: Nice app, but how can I close this option when I click right mouse button?
- (2022-02-25) Sergo Uvash: A very good extension. Everything works perfectly. thanks a lot
- (2022-02-22) Anastasiya Solovey: I like this extension. It's very convenient, I work at night, and my eyes don't hurt much and don't get tired. Founded fast, works super. Everything suits me. Thanks.
- (2022-02-22) Olga Morozova: Great app. Thanks to him, it became much more comfortable for me to work on a laptop. I am very glad that I downloaded it. I recommend it.
- (2022-02-22) Олена Бухалюк: I love this extension! You can set all your browser sites to dark mode or nice dimming modes. Choose to your taste! It's very cool that at night you can change to dark mode. to Recommend
- (2022-02-22) Tommaso Massaro: after uninstalling, the banner-ad continues to appear on some sites. I also uninstalled the app but it keeps appearing. This is very annoying and done in bad faith by the programmer. Reported.
- (2022-02-21) Vyacheslav Andreevich Dyachkov: It's a great extension. At first I thought it's like the other extensions and won't work. But it's working pretty well. And the best option of it is that I can change the color of the sites. I really like it, my eyes feels much better when I am reading long pages.
- (2022-02-21) kris ostanina: cool application, I like it, very simple and easy to use, I have long wanted to put a dark mode, otherwise my eyes are already tired of white
- (2022-02-20) Inlike Flynn: access to all sites and your information, I would not recommend ... In addition, it adds ads to sites on its other applications. VERY GORGEOUS THING
- (2022-01-18) Bayram Sasmaz: çok kasıyor buraya bile zor yazdım..
- (2021-12-09) Anton W: Die ganze zeit werbung....
- (2021-11-30) Настя Мельник: так как я люблю очень тёмные цвета то для меня это расширение находка, думаю как я раньше без него работала ,теперь вдвойне приятные работать,в кайф. Главное что не тупит,и отлично все.Спасибо,могу смело рекомендовать.
- (2021-11-29) Inna Kucheriava: Очень прикольное и удобное расширение, приятный визуал! Мне в последнее время больше нравятся тёмные темы, поэтому данное расширение как раз к стати, спасибо автору!)
- (2021-11-28) Дмитрий Пучков: Рад что нашел такое расширение. отличное расширение. работает на всех сайтах. Мне очень понравилась функция выбора непрозрачности и цвета. Было бы неплохо, если бы разработчик мог добавить тайминг, чтобы расширение включалось само в темный режим.