Description from extension meta
Tracking website updates, get instant alerts via notification, emails, webhook
Image from store
Description from store
- Conveniently select the areas you are interested in on any web page.
- Multiple notification methods (email/bark/discord/slack/telegram, etc).
- Very intuitive difference comparison .
- You can config filtering rules for the changes of the selected content.
- You can config the monitoring time period.
- You can contribute rules and add monitoring rules shared by others.
- Monitoring tasks can be shared
- Support import / export rules to facilitate sharing
- Support Cloud monitoring
- Support script preprocessing(Simulate operation and organize data)
- Support android devices (With kiwi-browser)
PS: If you have any questions or suggestions during use, please feel free to feedback via email([email protected] )
√[feat]: Support cron scheduling
√[factor]:Diff & filter
√[feat]: Templates
√[perf]: Iframe check
√[perf]: Optimize diff algorithm && rss parse
√[perf]: Force refresh
√[feat]: Support Dom capture
√[feat]: Download history records
√[perf]: Optimize content comparison
√[perf]: Optimize content filtering mechanism
√[perf]: Styles compute
√[fix]: Visualization preprocessing
√[feat]: Support text color check
√[perf]: Webhook message format
√[fix]: Fix webhook changes bug
√[feat]: Support for customized messages
√[feat]: Support increase/decrease condition
√[fix]: Fix bugs that cannot be saved in automatic mode
√[feat]: Dark mode following system canceled
√[feat]: Support dark mode
√[fix]: Post request for cURL
√[fix]: Fix number comparison
√[perf]: Notification refactoring & fix email html content for multi-selectors
√[fix]: Selector may disappear
√[feat]: Add duplicate update ignore option
√[perf]: Timeout notify & smart selector
√[feat]: Visual preprocessing supports automatic scrolling
√[feat]: Support automatically stop option when changes are detected
√[fix]: Some page check failures
√[feat]: Show update list in popup page
√[fix]: Unread count
√[fix]: Before notify preprocess
√[perf]: Silent mode & audio
√[BREAKING CHANGE]: Update to V3
√[perf]: Display link for Text compare && optimize feishu webhook display
√[feat]: Support random check interval
√[perf]: Diff algorithm refactoring, performance and display optimized
√[feat]: Independent control of multiple devices
√[fix]: Fix the bug of Telegram push
√[fix]: Fix the bug of regexp match
√[fix]: Performance mode
√[perf]: Optimize stability of selector
√[perf]: Optimize the selecting of nested iframe
√[feat]: Support add/remove task by preprocess code
√[fix]: Fix the bug that local audio not work after restart browser
√[feat]: Support multiple account monitoring for one website
√[feat]: Support screenshot/HTML/text/RSS automatic archiving
√[feat]: Support local audio upload & custom history record count
√ [fix]: Preprocess BUG
√ [fix]: Timeout & task sync bug
√ [perf]: Optimize the display of ding/WeChat/Telegram
√ [perf]: Visualization preprocessing
√ [fix]: Silence option sync failure
√ [perf]: Remove text highlighting not change
√ [feat]: Support custom push and contacts manage
√ [fix]: Tab may not close for failure task
√ [feat]: Support link for Ding&WeChat notification
√ [feat]: Support api monitoring
√ [feat]: Support link/image monitoring
√ [feat]: Visual editing preprocessing code
√ [feat]: Support run in background
√ [fix]: Fix the bug of official subscription failure
√ [perf]: Optimize the performance of storage
√ [fix]: The task list may be cleared due to synchronization failure
√ [feat]: Support script preprocessing after update
√ [feat]: Support voice broadcast
- [feat]: Support subscribe & force refresh & HiFlow
- [feat]: Support context menus
- [feat]: Support high performance mode
- [feat] Support batch add/remove keyword
- [fix] Task remove sync
- [feat]: Support multi region selecting
- [feat]: Support task sync & read all & error message not push
- [feat]: batch start / stop tasks & support slack notification
- [fix]: task list synchronization & tasks may not be stopped
- [fix] Whole page monitor add failure
- [pref]: Optimize highlighting keywords in all page
- [feat]: Support highlighting keywords in all page
- [feat]: Support highlighting new content in target page
- [feat]: Support script preprocessing before content extraction
- [feat]: Support RSS subscription and sharing
- [fix]: May jump when clicking in automatic mode
- [pref]: Remove error log & Optimize iframe nesting support
- [feat]: Support iframe nesting
- [feat]: Support schedule sending of daily reports through scripts
- [fix] Task may stop bug & support record error logs
- [fix] Compatible with QQ browser
- [feat] Compatible with pages with automatic refresh
- [feat] Support batch modification of email address & webhook
- [feat] Support preprocess notify data by javascript
- [feat] Support automatic identification of selecting areas
- [feat] Support classify edit & fixed text summary bug
- [feat]: Support customized background color for added, removed, keyword
- [feat]: Support multiple selections for one page
- [pref]: Optimize preview & recommend frequency
- [pref]: Optimize interval display & fix timeout bug & display user type
- [pref]: Optimize enterprise wechat notify (support diff screenshot)
- [feat] Support number compare & add helper link
- [feat] Support Feishu Notify
- [feat] Notify api refactoring
- [feat] Highlight keyword
- [feat] Request Webhook from client
- [fix] Clear unread counter after open the monitor page
- [feat] Support classify labels
- [pref] Diff & Filter refactoring
- [pref] Webhook notify style & default config for filter
- [fix] Always failure bug for some website
- [pref]: Optimize content extraction timing and performance
- [feat]: Shortcut for monitor entire page
- [pref]: Email style & notify process & config inherit
- [fix]: Time range bug(reopen)
- [feat]: Support delay extract setting
- [feat]: Support android devices (based on kiwibrowser)
- [pref]: Share list notify only for enabled users
- [fix]: Watchlist may not update after status changed
- [fix]: Notify only once for local task
- [feat]: Support global email/webhook configure
- [fix]: Ruler status may not update
- [fix]: Filter not working bug
- [feat]: Notify for share list update
- [feat]: Support import / export rules
- [feat]: Support reset timer per-hour based on a base time
- [feat]: Do not close the page after detection, reuse it for the next time
- [pref] Tasks priority optimization
- [fix] Local limit can not update
- [feat] Classify watch list more refined
- [fix] The watch list auto fold when there is updates
- [feat] Support parallel request & custom audio configure
- [feat] Support markdown for webhook
- [feat] Add uninstall page & fix time ranges bug
- [pref] Strategy & opportunity optimization
- [fix] Title&content maybe mismatch
- [fix] Notify for failure
- [feat] Support en/fr/it/pl/ru
- [feat] Cloud task configure
- [docs] Support german
- [feat] Support unshare
- [feat] Optimize email title
- [fix] Shortcut polyfill
- [pref] Popup page optimization
- [feat] Support ping/pong
- [fix] Support older browser
- [docs] Update description
- [pref] Diff algorithm optimization
- [feat] Support webhook notify
- [feat] Support time range for monitor
- [feat] Recommend every 6 hours
- [feat] Mutual aid support
- [feat] Email support display diff view
- [pref] History list display optimize
- [fix] Content text may include courier helper text
- [fix] xpath exception
- [fix] Watch history style exception
- [fix] Watch history unfold exception
- [perf] Style extraction optimization
- [fix] Email notify
- [fix] Style extraction optimization
- [feat] Rename
- [fix] Content text may include courier helper text
- [feat] Mutual aid support
- [feat] Disabled share feature default
- [feat] Add helper & privacy pages
- [feat] Sharing feature refactoring
- [fix] Sharing list sort
- [feat] Support rule sharing
- [fix] Online/offline switch bug
- [feat] Get the target by circle the section
- [feat] Add helper/feedback entrance
- [fix] Cancel on config page
- [feat] Support japanese
- [fix] Date format
- [feat] Basic selecting
- [feat] Basic Text/html diff display
- [feat] Badge/desktop notify/voice/email notification
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-04) 王守林: 感谢作者!这个插件超级超级棒!超级好用!!!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧希望作者继续加油!!!!
- (2023-10-27) 宸: 全网同类软件和插件几乎全部体验过,这是最好用的一款。支持作者作品用户遍布全球。
- (2023-10-13) Joabe: A tela de opções aparece com o tema escuro. Eu não vejo um botão onde desativar o tema escuro. Isso está dificultando a leitura. Um tema escuro similar ao tema do "Tab Session Manager" ou "uBlock" seria melhor aos olhos.
- (2023-10-12) zhiqiang liu: 软件很好用,监测很及时,点赞!
- (2023-10-05) Raz S: The only one that actually works.
- (2023-10-03) Karz Tack: 中国製?のソフトだと思うのですが、一応日本語も使われているので、英文と合わせて解読していくと何とか操作できます。 私はショッピングサイトの更新確認に使用していますが、ブラウザを起動している限りはちゃんと通知がきます。ただ、windowsのデスクトップ通知が鳴る時と鳴らない時があって条件がわかりません。 監視対象にページごとだったりエレメントだけだったりと選べるので便利です。 しかもどこがどう変わったかの履歴も出るので非常に便利です! 有料だとクラウドやサーバー上で動かすこともできるそうですが、無料のローカル稼働だけでもかなり使えると思います。
- (2023-09-24) Fito Dar: 插件很好,解决了我的烦恼。只是早上我充了.99的短信,当网页更新,浏览器正常弹出提示,手机却没收到短信。如果不仅是我遇到这情况,如果是插件的问题,请知悉,期待解决。
- (2023-09-06) Jack Bell: very good! Buy VIP when have more money !
- (2023-07-02) 汶海洳: 很不错的插件,但是偶尔会清空数据,这就挺无语了…怀疑是这次更新然后给清空了?搞不懂什么意思……
- (2023-07-01) Luz Liah Vane: 不知道为什么一直显示检测失败?
- (2023-06-25) Om Prakash: you have developed an amazing extension. please please please could you provide a pc software of your extension
- (2023-06-07) Ритуал TV: Обновлений на сайте нет а уведомления в браузере идут каждые 5 минут что они есть. Проверка у меня настроена на 5 минут, проверяет хорошо но уведомляет что на сайте произошли изменения но они не происходили
- (2023-06-06) Hao Wang: 软件很好用,监测的很快
- (2023-05-27) Mister Bowfy: Hi, I would like to know if you can monitor images with your software like the Beyonce map on Thank you
- (2023-05-14) Groove Mimosa: 很好用,但是用了一天之后发现不少网页的排版都崩坏了,排查了一圈问题,最后关掉此扩展才恢复正常,不知道是什么问题
- (2023-04-22) reza nikkhah: This tool is fantastic. Thanks for this great tool
- (2023-03-16) 非常好用,检测的非常准确,也能同步微信,宝藏软件
- (2023-03-08) Yaya Ya: 超级喜欢这个软件,又可以云端,又可以提醒,抢东西很方便,通知也很及时
- (2023-03-06) Z Xuan: 好用免费还支持云端,我哭了
- (2023-02-25) Boy MOTO: 远超同类插件,作者很有互联网精神,赚钱有道。
- (2023-02-03) Green Lu: 很喜欢这个软件,之前总是要是不是看一下网站,现在有变化直接通知,不用盯着网站了
- (2022-12-02) BX W: 大佬,语音可以换成微软的吗,现在的语音太诡异了
- (2022-11-18) guanei li: 用了几次非常好用,而且响应很快,没有错过信息,非常赞,推荐推荐
- (2022-11-17) hook社工库: 很有用,支持作者
- (2022-11-10) billy Mr: Maximum number of local monitoring tasks is 25
- (2022-10-28) dd x: 用了几次非常好用,而且响应很快,没有错过信息,非常赞,推荐推荐
- (2022-10-27) feng chen: 这个对我来说 就是个神器,可以监控网站公告的发布 太牛批啦
- (2022-10-27) 黄先生: 实在是太方便实用了,感谢作者的辛勤劳作。网页变化检测最牛工具
- (2022-10-21) jf guan: 感谢作者!这个插件超级超级棒!超级好用!!!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧希望作者继续加油!!!!
- (2022-10-12) K: 很实用的工具,非常给力,再也不会错过重要更新
- (2022-09-04) ya tian (二珂): 最新版本有个逻辑问题。现在同一个地址网页新建任务会覆盖或者合并进原来的任务,可实际上有一个情况就是 我今天只需要监控页面page的a区域更新,明天监控同一页面的b区域更新,现在强行覆盖后导致我只需要看a区域是否更新的时候,却被b区域更新给打扰了。 希望即使是同一地址也能提供独立的新建任务 避免合并或覆盖。
- (2022-08-24) 刘显荣: 绝对的要好评,操作简单,功能实用,最重要的是免费使用,你没看错,是完全免费,作者人很好,能耐心回答问题。绝对的要支持一波,软件更新及时,能理解用户的需求。国产的插件,绝对不会令你失望。
- (2022-08-21) Beta Alpha: 推送功能很好用
- (2022-08-20) hong sun: 感谢开发者大大!!!这个功能巨好用!!解决了我的一个难题!加鸡腿!!
- (2022-08-20) 花开陌路: 感谢作者!这个插件超级超级棒!超级好用!!!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧希望作者继续加油!!!!
- (2022-08-20) 吴浩: 感谢作者,这个插件对于一些需要保持活跃的论坛太有用了
- (2022-07-22) Alfred Cheung: 同类插件Distill无法在旧版的Chrome运行,此款却可以完美运行,五星好评。目前只用到邮件提醒服务,非常好用。希望此款插件做大做强,超越Distill。
- (2022-06-21) 张轻舟: 感谢作者!这个插件超级超级棒!超级好用!!!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧希望作者继续加油!!!!
- (2022-06-19) XY Destiny: 非常非常好用,极力推荐,省时省心,感谢开发者。
- (2022-06-14) HY li: 太好用了,大大的推荐!!!!!!!!!!
- (2022-03-14) dick chen: 共亯沒有開啟卻一直在提醒更新
- (2022-03-10) Hugo Kofler: 伟大的工具 - 恭维! 翻译(英语,德语)将是可取的。 持续成功!
- (2022-03-07) 非常好用,我想要的的钉钉提醒也有,而且还免费!强烈推荐!
- (2022-02-12) Kou Ro: 非常感谢,简单,实用,散发着人性的光芒。爱了。
- (2022-01-20) KnightEmperor: 忘记删数据把扩展删了,现在还在往我邮箱里发更新
- (2022-01-18) yamii255 BoBo: 总是监控失效
- (2022-01-13) im sotiredoflovesong: 云端监控功能失效,webhook也不能用了
- (2021-09-23) Ningyuan Huang: 期待改进,毕竟几乎找不到同类型又方便的插件了
- (2021-08-03) Fulme Chen: 功能有用,细节需要优化
- (2021-08-03) nokia5300 cshit: 能不能添加对url或者ip地址,域名的监控