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ReadSpeaker TextAid Browser Extension
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Ascoltare il web è facile! Usa la sintesi vocale text-to-speech per leggere, scrivere e studiare.
Che si tratti di scuola, casa o lavoro, avere una voce text-to-speech dal timbro naturale che ti legge una pagina web ad alta voce con il testo evidenziato in sincrono con la lettura non solo migliora la tua comprensione testuale ma ti permette anche di gestire i contenuti web nel modo che preferisci. Con un solo clic l’estensione ReadSpeaker TextAid per Chrome™ ti consente di tradurre in voce le pagine web e i documenti di Google Docs e di Microsoft Word Online. Puoi perfino ascoltare quello che stai scrivendo!
L'estensione ReadSpeaker TextAid per Chrome abilita la barra degli strumenti* di ReadSpeaker TextAid offrendo avanzate funzionalità di text-to-speech quali:
- Ascolto di pagine web e di documenti di Google Docs e Microsoft Word Online.
- Ascolti potendo seguire con gli occhi il testo evidenziato in sincrono con la lettura
- Puoi far leggere a scelta l’intero documento o singole porzioni di documento
- Disponi di strumenti per l’assistenza alla scrittura
- Puoi definire delle impostazioni personalizzate per l'evidenziazione, la velocità della lettura e le combinazioni di colori
- Interfaccia facilissima da usare
- L’ascolto è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: inglese britannico, inglese americano, inglese australiano, olandese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo e svedese.
* Assicurati di aver prima effettuato l'accesso al tuo account di ReadSpeaker TextAid.
Non hai ancora un abbonamento a ReadSpeaker TextAid? Vai su e registrati per una prova gratuita!
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-05) ach ja: Leider nicht ohne Registrierung nutzbar.
- (2023-01-19) bangtanlovex: it doesn't work when i click on the extension. there is no dialogue box appearing on my screen.
- (2022-04-04) Walciley Vieira: Péssimo, não funciona e não tem Portugues.
- (2021-05-05) Justin Muller: Registrierung war nicht möglich nach Umleitung von dem Plugin, musste das separat im Internet suchen. Nach der Registrierung wollte ich mich anmelden aber sie Seite wurde fortan nicht mehr gefunden, wenn ich auf das Play Symbol des Plug-ins gedrückt habe wurde ich auch nicht mehr zum Login-screen geschickt sondern zur Registrierung, warum? Naja Log-in war nicht möglich und somit dieses Plug-in leider sinnlos
- (2021-01-13) Anna Votava: Will not let me log in to use! Very disappointed!
- (2021-01-12) Ilay's school account: Opent nog niet eens als ik op het icoontje klik!
- (2020-09-01) Manon O.: ça marche mais services PAYANT... Version d'essais disponible. Autrement c'est pas mal mais y a des trucs a amélioré.
- (2020-07-07) Jens Zimmermann: warum muß ich wieder erst "Login" ... gelöscht!
- (2020-04-12) Lega Cinq: Do not work
- (2020-04-07) Sébastien Martineau: ne fonctionne pas
- (2020-02-16) Larissa Neu2020: Funktioniert nicht. Sehr gut geht: ''Talkie: FREE text-to-speech, many languages!'' Allerdings mag ich die Frauenstimme nicht, deshalb habe ich nach Alternative gesucht
- (2020-01-07) Echnaton Der Gehörnte: Funktioniert einfach nicht auch nach Neustart ! Ich will meinen Reedit wieder zurück !!!!
- (2020-01-07) Laerte Batista Viana: Não funcionou na versão 79 do Chrome.
- (2019-12-10) blax888: ne fonctionne pas
- (2019-05-25) Mathys Imbert: Ne marche pas malgré avoir suivi toutes les étapes
- (2018-11-23) Kor Bras: Een onwijs handige plugin in combinatie met mijn TextAid abonnement. Ik kan eenvoudig websites, maar ook google docs voor laten lezen en nakijken. De stemmen zijn prettig om naar te luisteren. En ze geven goede support op de tool :)
- (2018-10-18) Nizar: Overall: Great product but unfortunately very limited. Text to speech: Very easy to listen to and has great flow. It doesn't seem to struggle much with reading punctuated acronyms as other available solutions. Utility: Works well with a all web pages and content types, as long as it is text of course, that I have tried. Registration: Requires an account to to use. Neither sign in with Google nor Microsoft accounts worked for me. The sign in page didn't link to any account registration page or form at the time of writing this. However, a quick Google search solved the issue and I was automatically logged in to the extension after confirming the email that I registered my new account with. Interaction: The utility becomes available as a small and movable dialog box overlay, after activating by clicking on the extension icon, and all the functionalities and configurations are placed within it. Limitations: The extension doesn't start reading out loud automatically upon activation, nor does it seem to remember it's last used position on the screen.The text to be read must be selected by the user before pressing the "Play" or "Listen" button. Once text is selected and the "Play" button is pressed, the extension takes a brief couple of seconds to load and start reading it. However, it only reads the first 130 words of the selected text, which is very unfortunate as I no intention of using it to read out tweets. Pricing: I was offered a free trial upon signing up for the service, October 18, to use it free of charge until November 1 or until I have used it 2000 times, which is a nice offer. Two package options are offered at reasonable prices. The basic package costs for € 49 for 12 months and the complete complete package costs € 89 for 12 months. The complete package adds extra features such as OCR conversion and the ability to download audio and choosing between a few additional voices.
- (2018-08-29) GamerMitch: GEHT NICHT!
- (2018-08-15) Jarno Aantjes: Great tool! I use it together with my ReadSpeaker TextAid license, and the TextAid for Chrome extension lets me listen to my Google Docs & WordOnline files with the click of a button, I love it!