Description from extension meta
View ePUB files right in your browser.
Description from store
Our FREE ePUB Reader allows you to view ePUB files right in your browser!
ePub Reader is a simple and powerful application that can open any document with ".epub" file extension.
★ Main Features of ePUB Reader:
✔ Read any of size epub files
✔ Upload epub files from your device
✔ Upload epub files from your Google drive using our web-site ui
✔ Download epub files on your device or Google drive
✔ Dark mode for more comfortable using in night time
✔ Swipe, Spreads, Archived, Scrolled, Highlights, Spreads Continuous modes of reading
✔ Change font size of epub document
This software is 100% free and does not require you to pay.
Latest reviews
- (2025-01-16) WENBING: Simple one but useful. Thanks bro.
- (2024-12-04) xinru: 很多本地epub格式文件无法打开,大声朗读不能连续
- (2024-10-18) Sam: 入门级的阅读器,简单到只能打开epub的文本。连搜索功能、翻页、跳页都没有,很不方便。不太好用。
- (2024-09-03) 涧: 简单好用
- (2024-08-22) .: 用过最好的 EPUB 插件,没有之一。
- (2024-04-12) 轩: 不错,可以改变字体大小。
- (2024-03-15) Marget: Hello developer I trust you're doing well! Currently, I'm exploring opportunities to grow my business by investing in Chrome extensions. Your extension has caught my attention, and I am genuinely interested in discussing the possibility of acquiring it. We can discuss the price and complete the transaction securely through a reputable escrow services ( or Google supports the smooth transfer of extension ownership from one account to another, ensuring your gmail account remains unaffected. If you have any inquiries or if this aligns with your plans, feel free to reach out to us via : Facebook: Whatsapp: +1 6468971986 Skype: live:.cid.7ed1d897457692ce Telegram: @harryysandersonn Twitter: @Sanderson3Harry Looking forward to hearing from you!
- (2024-01-31) 静: 特别棒,免费方便,良心推荐!
- (2024-01-28) Y.R.: 很好,很流畅。由于背靠浏览器,比桌面端的epub阅读器对css的支持还要好。很棒。(能打开100多M的epub漫画)
- (2024-01-13) e46644: ilink网络加速器 免费解锁 Chatgpt/Google速度很流畅,应用商店就可以搜到 本人亲测可用
- (2024-01-13) e46645: 今天一直在找可以看谷歌的 终于发现一个好用的 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 速度很快 你们也可以试试.
- (2024-01-11) e46644: 刚好你也看到了这里,茫茫人海相遇是缘。推荐一个好东西给你 ilink网路加速器 免费好用,看高清视频不卡 商店直接搜索就可以了
- (2024-01-09) e46639: 推荐一个好东西给大家, ilink网络加速器 免费解锁Chatgpt、google、youtube、等各种资源,应用商店可以搜索到
- (2024-01-09) e38112: 终于找到一个可以免费看谷歌和youtube的扩展了 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 请叫我雷锋.
- (2024-01-08) e38086: 发现一个好用的扩展 直接商店搜索 ilink网络加速器 看高清视频速度嘎嘎快.
- (2024-01-07) e38227: 推荐一个好东西给大家, ilink网络加速器 免费解锁Chatgpt、google、youtube、等各种资源,应用商店可以搜索到
- (2024-01-07) e38224: 今天一直在找可以看谷歌的 终于发现一个好用的 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 速度很快 你们也可以试试.
- (2023-12-31) e38223: 一直在用 ilink网络加速器 中国人不骗中国人 看youtube的4K高清一点都不卡 直接在商店就可以搜到.
- (2023-12-31) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久免费流量!节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管等!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-12-29) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久免费流量!节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管等!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-12-11) 加提: 很流畅,不像其他插件那么卡
- (2023-11-17) KANG: works perfectly for epub! 蛮好用的。 看epub无障碍。 另外一个高分的扩展根本看不了。。。
- (2023-10-14) CX: 中文排版很原生态
- (2023-10-06) 涛: 不错
- (2023-09-26) 志晨: great
- (2023-09-01) Yvonne: 超好用,全球互联,多设备使用,注册送流量:
- (2023-08-26) Yvonne: 好用免费,全球多设备互联,注册送流量:
- (2023-08-24) Yvonne: 超级好用不付费,全球稳定互联,注册送流量:
- (2023-07-06) 聪: 界面不友好,不支持从中听书
- (2023-01-03) tong: great
- (2022-08-05) Korean: Needs an option to show the page number
- (2022-06-29) Petr: It is a constant struggle with this addon. Every little action, like changing windows size or scrolling to a specific chapter and it scrolling you to some other place.
- (2022-06-09) 博元: 插件形式在便捷性上来说非常棒,但是对中文支持不好,字体、行间距、段落间距都是最简单的样式,阅读体验不佳。
- (2022-05-20) Toni: It would be nice if the reader showed the page count, and the current page number.
- (2022-03-23) 鱼酱: 各方面都挺好,要是能有个进度存档就更好了,可能有这个功能只是我没找到?
- (2022-03-15) Chunlong: 打开epub速度倒是挺快的,但是对中文支持一般,不能选择字体,仅可以调节字号,也无法显示目录。
- (2022-03-11) 令曜: 很不错
- (2022-02-22) Ryogo: Mixed feelings. Most epub readers are only just satisfactory, and this add-on is definitely not worth a 1 star based on this standard. But reading using this add-on isn't much different from reading html. In comparison, Edge provides a way better PDF reading service. It's also quite unfriendly to readers of different languages as well. Say I want to read a Japanese book: the html design would make most symbols very, very screwed up, and reading them would be a misery. The same probably goes with Israeli books...
- (2022-02-01) Monica: No way to page down. Jumps every time a new section is loaded. No way to download/save. Many more problems that I don't have time to enumerate on
- (2022-01-29) Noelle: No ability to bookmark and the graphics don't resize to fit the page if you want to not read across your entire wide screen. Very frustrating and not user friendly. If i didn't have to use this to read a college textbook, I would uninstall.
- (2022-01-21) Stas: like all is stinks
- (2021-12-26) Zewei: 还不错,让浏览器简单滴方法打开epub文件,随edge的插件同步,哪怕在不同电脑或者重装系统以后也不用重新搜集安装软件,性能也没什么问题,可以迅速打开充满图片的巨大文件。
- (2021-12-07) K: 免费 浏览器 阅读软件,支持epub,确实 蟀
- (2021-12-07) 科: Unexpectedly good and does what I needed/ wanted to see-great and simple (epub) reader!
- (2021-11-23) 和珏: 没目录
- (2021-09-14) L: If I could give it NO stars I would. I hate this app. This app sucks. It jumps around as it loads, don't try scrolling up you will never get there. I have a college textbook in this app and I am reporting it to the college as one of the worst apps I have ever used for a textbook. The only good thing is it has hyperlinks to the chapters because scrolling in this app is horrible. The book will reload when I do anything other than scroll down. There is no way to convert this file into something else or I would have. I would rather use Adobe or Microsoft Word, anything other than this.
- (2021-09-12) rbt: keine Suche möglich. Wozu "upload" lokaler Dateien?
- (2021-09-06) Ashley: Everytime I try zooming in or out it brings me back to the first page even though the page count says it's on the page I was on. Trying to navigate back didn't do anything.
- (2021-08-22) Bird: 目录在哪显示呢?
- (2021-07-23) Zheng: 挺好的,方便
3.9 (95 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-02 / 3.0.0
Listing languages