An Extension by Miles Wiesenthal
This is a practice extension I made. To use it click the icon in the browser, near the top right corner. It should look like an M. There is a snake button which gives you snakes when you click.
Find out what happens when you press a key :)
Changelog V3.5:
Added garden snake.
Latest reviews
- (2016-12-08) Kyle Jarvis (snugnuggz): needs gender nuetriaityyy. also ur mom is too gay
- (2016-11-08) Zach Wiesenthal: Above average
- (2016-10-14) Daniel Harris: d the gender neutra;luityu ofd trhe pr9iosgramI really like d
- (2016-10-14) miles wiesenthal: Literally cured cancer.
- (2016-01-25) Max Franz: This is good stuff. Miles you're such snake.
- (2016-01-25) Gavin Zamanian: wow much style