extension ExtPose

SingleFile for Edge

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Description from extension meta

Save a complete page into a single HTML file

Image from store SingleFile
Description from store SingleFile is an extension that helps you to save a complete page (with CSS, images, fonts, frames, etc.) as a single HTML file. Getting started Wait until the page is fully loaded. Click on the SingleFile button in the extension toolbar to process and save the page. You can click again on the button to cancel the action when processing a page. Additional notes Open the context menu by right-clicking the SingleFile button in the extension toolbar or on the webpage. It allows you to save: the current tab, the selected content, the selected frame, the selected link. Select "Annotate and save the page..." in the context menu to: Highlight text, add notes, remove content. You can also process multiple tabs in one click and save: the selected tabs, the unpinned tabs, all the tabs. The context menu also allows you to activate the auto-save (after pages are being loaded) of: the current tab, the unpinned tabs, all the tabs. Right-click on the SingleFile button and select "Manage extension" to open the options page. Enable the option "Misc. > save to Google Drive" to upload pages to Google Drive. Enable the option "Misc. > add proof of existence" to prove the existence of saved pages by linking the SHA256 of the pages into the blockchain. You can use the customizable shortkey Ctrl+Shift+Y to save the current tab or selected tabs. And more! More info See the extension help in the options page for more detailed information about the options. Project on GitHub: https://github.com/gildas-lormeau/SingleFile Suggestions are welcome :)

Latest reviews

  • (2024-11-19) 均杰: 能不能设置保存的文件夹呢
  • (2024-10-31) TEMPLE: This tool is very useful there are many ways to go about to doing this this type of task. Very few options are as quick and effiecient. OneNote is an example you can print to onenote its just 2clicks but y and mixed results. You can use the linked notes an ctrl A whole page ctrl v into the page but spend too much time editing
  • (2024-08-27) nta: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久流量的,流畅看小电影和直播!免费试用!专线GPT油管!节点多,又快又稳!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-08-25) haynl: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久流量的,流畅看小电影和直播!免费试用!专线GPT油管!节点多,又快又稳!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-08-23) qxa: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久流量的,流畅看小电影和直播!免费试用!专线GPT油管!节点多,又快又稳!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-08-19) 文: 保存微信公众号文章页面时,存在丢失图片的情况
  • (2024-08-11) 离: 难以置信的赞美,但是我应该如何下载网页上的可互动内容呢?比如计算器之类?
  • (2024-08-02) moran: 保存的页面再次打开浏览器出现假死现象
  • (2024-07-19) Jared: amazing tool.
  • (2024-04-24) 寒营: 如果在保存之前,可以通过弹窗自定义文件名就更好了
  • (2024-04-03) Fumin: 如果在杂项里,勾选了“在后台保存页面”选项,则文件名不一定能按模板设置,保存下来是一串唯一性的数字。 如设置的是网页名 + 日期, 实际保存下来变成f556b9f6-3384-4056-ae26-a579332ce352.htm 。 有使用网页名模板需求的,可以去掉杂项的该勾选 ✔ ,或许就是正确的选择。
  • (2024-01-07) e38226: 刚好你也看到了这里,茫茫人海相遇是缘。推荐一个好东西给你 ilink网路加速器 免费好用,看高清视频不卡 商店直接搜索就可以了
  • (2024-01-07) e38224: 今天一直在找可以看谷歌的 终于发现一个好用的 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 速度很快 你们也可以试试.
  • (2023-12-31) e38223: 一直在用 ilink网络加速器 中国人不骗中国人 看youtube的4K高清一点都不卡 直接在商店就可以搜到
  • (2023-12-29) B23648: 发现一个免费好用的扩展 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 可以解锁谷歌、youtube等 我用了几个月了 一直很稳定
  • (2023-12-14) Jinshun.Tao23: Excellent extension!!! Not a lot extensions are able to save websites as perfectly as this does. Thanks for your work!!!!!
  • (2023-11-14) 坤: 真好用
  • (2023-10-10) Doug: I've been using this add-on to save web pages locally for years. It does very well what is says it does and stays out of the way. If you don't prefer the default configuration (which I do like), you can fine tune how it works in the extension's options. Perfect.
  • (2023-09-06) 子逸: Very good. Easy to use. Convenient. & Long time keepings. Good contribute to the web. QQQ very much.
  • (2023-08-04) 招群: 非常好用,感谢!就是英文的不是很方便,能提供一下中文吗?
  • (2023-07-19) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2023-07-15) 亚欧: 非常好用,支持作者
  • (2023-07-11) 英: 为什么精简版本要把多语言精简掉了喂,这对我们不怎么会英语的中国用户很不友好的,而且,为什么只有edge浏览器精简了,chorme浏览器就是多语言,为什么要搞区别对待啊喂,我表示很不理解,只能给个差评,使用体验很不好,希望马上整改
  • (2023-06-09) 继兵: 精简版本,把多语言精简到只有英文了。需要其他语言的转chorme商店。 去年十月底我就提出来了缺少语言,现在还是单语言啊。问题出现在哪里啊
  • (2023-05-11) YOyo: 真实好用,可以去github下载最新版本后安装,就有中文版了。
  • (2023-05-05) 同: 很好用但是为什么edge版本只支持单语言呢? 希望和chrome一样支持多语言 It's easy to use, but why does the Edge version only support single language? Hope to support multiple languages like Chrome
  • (2023-04-16) lei: good
  • (2023-03-25) Du: Simple and easy to use, can be called a magic tool! Very helpful for my personal knowledge management!
  • (2023-03-12) breaker: 好用,别的插件不是慢就是信息丢失
  • (2023-03-05) Helios: 很好用的网页保存小工具
  • (2023-02-16) 嗝儿: 非常好用
  • (2023-02-11) 小豹: 保存时文件名称存在乱码问题
  • (2023-02-05) 翼飞: 确实非常好用,但确实存在edge打开保存的页面,存在标题有乱码的问题。
  • (2022-12-27) 孤鹰: 非常好用,但edge最新版有点问题,保存的页面不是网页标题了,而是一堆乱码
  • (2022-11-20) Saray: 真的太好用了 点赞
  • (2022-10-31) 继兵: 精简版本,把多语言精简到只有英文了。需要其他语言的转chorme商店。
  • (2022-09-22) 华彬: Great extension. It can save mathjax equations in web pages.
  • (2022-08-29) Anonym: thanks a lot, this extension is very helpful
  • (2022-08-11) 苓: 没有中文
  • (2022-06-12) Shu: A must-install extension. When will there be a version for safari extension, even a paid one?
  • (2022-04-22) 有晖: 很棒的扩展。 但是保存文件时文件名模板不起作用,总是生成uniq的数字串作为文件名。 同一扩展在Firefox没有这个问题,能够安装模板生成文件名。 Great extension. However, the file name template does not work when saving the file and always generates a uniq number string as the file name. The same extension in Firefox does not have this problem and is able to install templates to generate filenames.
  • (2022-03-12) 恒毅: Good Job
  • (2022-03-05) jianbin: 关于SingleFile 在edge安装后的中文使用如下 添加中文你需要在这个文件夹里C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\efnbkdcfmcmnhlkaijjjmhjjgladedno\你当前用的版本号\_locales里添加zh_CN文件夹然后新建一个txt文档,然后到https://github.com/gildas-lormeau/SingleFile/find/master复制zh_CN文件夹下messages.json的内容粘贴到新建文本里,然后改成一样的名字重启浏览器即可 --摘自知乎柚子香又甜
  • (2022-02-26) Fox: thank you,very nice!
  • (2022-02-14) 瑞鹏: Super super good and helpful addon, really appreciate the developer!
  • (2022-01-29) Shu: When will there be a version for safari extension?
  • (2021-11-21) Matt: 挺实用的,帮我解决了不少问题,谢谢作者。设置选项能支持中文就好了,英文看着费劲
  • (2021-11-18) Sun: github上添加的是中文
  • (2021-11-15) billion: 超级好用,保存网页html格式
  • (2021-07-13) buqun: 能不能添加简体中文,虽然英语也能知道怎么用,但是感觉不舒服,求个简体中文版。


109,109 history
4.8 (71 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-20 / 1.22.78
Listing languages
