Bilibili video/live download, message notifications, info aggregation, and personalized tools.
This is a power-efficient software designed to enhance the browsing experience on Bilibili. It provides features such as video downloads, live stream recording, message notifications, keyboard shortcuts, and a standalone, highly customizable information aggregation popup.
In addition to dozens of free features, it also includes paid membership options. Subscribers can unlock 1080P high-frame-rate and higher-quality downloads, while the notification services offer more extensive customization options.
For any issues, please contact the Bilibili account "助手猫" or the developer's account "没睡醒的肉啊" for non-automated responses.
After logging in, most of your settings will be synced. Configuration will automatically download and apply when you log in on another device.
If you find it useful, don't forget to give it a 5-star rating! 🤘
2.8.8 - 2.8.9
1. Fixed the issue with the subtitle feature malfunctioning
2. Optimized the logic for automatic claiming of "VIP exclusive benefits"
1. Regarding the "Dynamic Page Content Filtering" feature, added the "Exclusive Charging Dynamic" option under "Settings Page - Web Content Filtering - Filter by Dynamic Category," and added the "Filter by Additional Dynamic Category" section under "Settings Page - Web Content Filtering - Dynamic Page Filtering Settings."
2. Fixed the issue where the default quality for the "Video Download" feature was not being saved.
3. Fixed the issue where the "Video Download" feature would sometimes prompt that the user is not a premium member.
4. Fixed the display issue in the "Live Room Chat Mode" due to changes in the page style.
5. Fixed the abnormal pause function in "Live Room Recording" during recording.
6. Fixed the issue where the "Dynamic Page Content Filtering" feature was not working.
7. Fixed the issue where the "Smart Autoplay for Main Site Videos" feature stopped working due to changes on the Bilibili website.
2.8.1 - 2.8.6
1. Added the option "Enable only on video playback page" under "Settings - Global - Style - Dark Mode," which is off by default. When enabled, a toggle button will appear in the top right corner of the floating ball interface, and the dark mode will only be effective on the playback page.
2. Fixed the issue where some videos might experience download errors.
3. Fix the issue where non-premium members cannot download XML format Danmaku properly
1. Listen to Video: This feature allows users to play video audio in the browser background by clicking the music icon on the "Extension Popup - Video Card".
2. Message Push: Added a new "Content Blacklist" option for dynamic message push settings, which is disabled by default. Once enabled and keywords are set, it will be used to filter push notifications.
3. Dark Mode: Added support for dark mode on sub-column pages and a scheduled activation feature.
4. Content Filtering: Added dynamic content filtering, comment filtering, username, and user level filtering, supporting regular expressions.
5. Live Room Incognito: Added an "Open Incognito" button on the "Extension Popup - Live Room Page - Live Room Card". This incognito mode is temporary and becomes invalid once the opened page is closed.
6. In-Site Message Notification: Added a setting for a "Do Not Disturb" time period for voice notifications.
7. Video Subtitle Download: Added support for downloading ASS subtitles.
Improvements: Optimized the options and effects on the settings page.
1. Video Download: Attempted to fix the issue where no options were available for download and the issue where sliced downloads could not select a time.
2. Threaded Chat Mode: Fixed functionality issues caused by changes on Bilibili.
3. Live Room Emoji: Fixed functionality issues caused by changes on Bilibili.
4. Live Room Incognito: Fixed the issue where short-number live rooms were not functioning.
5. Multiple Account Login: Fixed functionality issues on some pages.
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Latest reviews
- (2024-11-18) 小屋: 特别好用!感谢大大的插件!
- (2024-11-13) 文轩: 太实用了
- (2024-11-08) he: 一直是edge浏览器唯一保留频繁使用的插件了,真的很好用!
- (2024-11-08) 友晗: 视频播放页自动居中的功能怎么没了,好难受
- (2024-11-06) c: 真的非常好用的扩展
- (2024-11-04) lien: 是真的可以用,不像其他插件
- (2024-11-03) cy: 666真tm好用
- (2024-10-28) Luo: 好使
- (2024-10-23) 鹏程: 好用好用
- (2024-10-22) wendi: 牛的
- (2024-10-20) luyang: 非常好用!!!!!
- (2024-10-19) 子珺: 好用 :)
- (2024-10-14) Tao: 好用!很不错!好评!
- (2024-10-12) 十香: 好用哇,真的好用,一般免费的功能就可以满足绝大多数需求了
- (2024-10-11) yingfang: 非常好用的应用,功能多,下载顺利~
- (2024-10-09) Limbo: 不错
- (2024-10-07) 明轩: 太好用了!
- (2024-10-06) 子健: 好用
- (2024-09-30) aq: 好用
- (2024-09-28) d: 用了好久了
- (2024-09-27) Kaimo: 偶然发现的神仙扩展! 用了好多好多年了,虽然功能越来越多,常用的功能可能要找,但主要的痛点都覆盖到了:右键搜索,视频下载,弹幕查询…… 最重要的是那个扩展弹窗真的特别方便,在高中关了3个星期的我放假回到家,用扩展弹窗的静默打开,一次打开300个想看的视频,然后用仅有的1.5天的假期慢慢看完,也可以快速点进消息里看,随时都不会错过别人给我的点赞回复评论,比翻动态列表那些的方便多了。
- (2024-09-26) yu: 可以
- (2024-09-23) つロ: 不错不错,很好用
- (2024-09-23) Jayden: 厉害
- (2024-09-21) 旭: 好厉害!
- (2024-09-20) Firefly: 好用
- (2024-09-18) ^3^: 没法下载视频了?显示出错
- (2024-09-17) cyacya: 依靠挂载下载4k视频都要钱,想钱想疯咯。B站助手差点比大会员都贵,要点脸不。直接用其他插件把你本来该干点内容全覆盖了。再见了您嘞
- (2024-09-09) Yuting: 越来越臃肿,无爱了。。。
- (2024-09-04) Roy: hapi玩意,留着你就是为了你的右键用b站搜功能,结果给右键按钮套了一层壳,还得多点一次才能搜
- (2024-08-17) 墨鸢: 我刚开了年会,他突然不在页面上显示了,也调不出来,怎么回事。。。
- (2024-08-16) Andony: 一直在用的B站插件,非常好用,装机必备
- (2024-08-06) 浩龙: 为啥我登录不上,显示未注册啊?
- (2024-08-06) 锦书: 非常好软件,使我b站旋转
- (2024-07-14) tgo:亲测好用,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!流畅看4K视频和直播!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-07-12) lxquf:注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,流畅看4K视频和直播!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-07-12) ncati:注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,流畅看4K视频和直播!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-07-10) Hans: 问题非常非常严重,你这个插件是好用,但是一旦开启,我看直播就发不出弹幕了,或者打出来东西发出去,要过好久才能看见弹幕,。。,导致重复刷弹幕,别人以为我是复读机。
- (2024-07-10) qzss:真的好用,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!流畅看4K视频和直播!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-06-29) M2001: 挺好用的,但是**没教过你弹一次窗少一个🐎?
- (2024-06-11) 亮: edge今天怎么提示无法正确加载扩展。它可能无法截获网络请求
- (2024-03-15) Marget: In my search, I came across your Chrome extension, and I've been thoroughly impressed by its functionality, user interface, and the value it adds to the Chrome ecosystem. I am reaching out to express my genuine interest in discussing the possibility of acquiring your Chrome extension. I believe that with the right investment and strategic direction, we can unlock even greater potential and reach a wider audience, benefiting both of us in the long run. To ensure a smooth, secure, and transparent transaction, I propose we utilize reputable escrow services, such as or, which offer protection and peace of mind for both parties involved. If you have any inquiries or if this aligns with your plans, feel free to reach out to us via Whatsapp: +1 6468971986 Skype: live:.cid.7ed1d897457692ce Telegram: @harryysandersonn Twitter: @Sanderson3Harry
- (2024-03-13) Z: 最近因为这个插件被判定具有刷单等被系统风控了,结果禁用就没事了。这能解释下?
- (2024-02-10) 晨峰: ipad 的上下载的edge浏览器可以用吗 ACG吗下载视频吗
- (2024-01-13) e46645: 一直在用 ilink网络加速器 中国人不骗中国人 看youtube的4K高清一点都不卡 直接在商店就可以搜到
- (2024-01-13) e46646: 发现一个好用的扩展 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 免费解锁chatgpt,google,youtube.特别好用.
- (2024-01-11) e46642: 一直在用 ilink网络加速器 中国人不骗中国人 看youtube的4K高清一点都不卡 直接在商店就可以搜到.
- (2024-01-09) e46640: 刚好你也看到了这里,茫茫人海相遇是缘。推荐一个好东西给你 ilink网路加速器 免费好用,看高清视频不卡 商店直接搜索就可以了
- (2024-01-09) e38112: 今天一直在找可以看谷歌的 终于发现一个好用的 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 速度很快 你们也可以试试.
- (2024-01-07) e38226: ilink网络加速器 免费解锁 Chatgpt/Google速度很流畅,应用商店就可以搜到 本人亲测可用
4.4 (381 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-22 / 2.8.9(Official)
Listing languages