extension ExtPose

MarkDownload - Markdown Web Clipper for Edge (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

This extension works like a web clipper, but it downloads articles in markdown format.

Image from store MarkDownload - Markdown Web Clipper
Description from store This is an extension to clip websites and download them into a readable markdown file. Please keep in mind that it is not guaranteed to work on all websites. To use this add-on, simply click the add-on icon while you are browsing the page you want to save offline. A popup will show the rendered markdown so you can make minor edits or copy the text, or you can click the download button to download an .md file. Selecting text will allow you to download just the selected text Context Menus You can also right-click on pages, images, links and selections to copy or download snippets of Markdown. You can also download all tabs in a window as Markdown files Obsidian Integration For integration with obsidian, you need to install and enable community plugins named "Advanced Obsidian URI". This plugin help us to bypass character limitation in URL. Because it's using clipboard as the source for creating new file. More information: https://vinzent03.github.io/obsidian-advanced-uri/ External Libraries It uses the following libraries: - Readability.js by Mozilla in version from commit 1fde3ac626bc4c2e5e54daa57c57d48b7ed9c574. This library is also used for the Firefox Reader View and it simplifies the page so that only the important parts are clipped. (Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0) - Turndown by Dom Christie in version 7.1.1 is used to convert the simplified HTML (from Readability.js) into markdown. (Licensed under MIT License) - Moment.js version 2.29.4 used to format dates in template variables Permissions - Data on all sites: used to enable "Download All Tabs" functionality - no other data is captured or sent online - Access tabs: used to access the website content when the icon in the browser bar is clicked. - Manage Downloads: necessary to be able to download the markdown file. - Storage: used to save extension options - Clipboard: used to copy Markdown to clipboard Pricing Huh? This is an open-source extension I made for fun. It's completely free. However, if you absolutely have to send me money because you like it that much, feel free to throw some coins in my hat via the following: - https://github.com/sponsors/deathau - https://paypal.me/deathau The Common Mark icon courtesy of https://github.com/dcurtis/markdown-mark

Latest reviews

  • (2024-10-15) Based: Once great, now broken and abandoned completely. Hasn't been updated for over 2 years, still the same bugs for 2 years. Doesn't even download images like it's supposed to and there are threads complaining about this.
  • (2024-07-20) JiaHao: 很棒,不过对于代码里面的内容不能正常的换行,需要修复,谢谢
  • (2024-06-16) Frank: Kontextmenü funktioniert nicht, damit hat man dann auch keine Möglichkeit Notizen in Obsidian zu speichern.
  • (2024-06-14) terry: 插件很好。就是页面上有代码块的内容无法保存下来,是不支持吗?还是说要怎么配置?
  • (2024-05-07) 军: 同样下载的文件名是乱码,需要自己改名称和后缀名才能打开
  • (2024-02-23) 永刚: 下载的文件名是乱码一样,需要自己改后缀名才能打开
  • (2024-01-11) e46644: ilink网络加速器 免费解锁 Chatgpt/Google速度很流畅,应用商店就可以搜到 本人亲测可用
  • (2024-01-08) e38086: 发现一个好用的扩展 直接商店搜索 ilink网络加速器 看高清视频速度嘎嘎快.
  • (2024-01-07) e38227: 刚好你也看到了这里,茫茫人海相遇是缘。推荐一个好东西给你 ilink网路加速器 免费好用,看高清视频不卡 商店直接搜索就可以了
  • (2024-01-07) e38224: 终于找到一个可以免费看谷歌和youtube的扩展了 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 请叫我雷锋.
  • (2023-12-31) e38223: 终于找到一个可以免费看谷歌和youtube的扩展了 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 请叫我雷锋.
  • (2023-12-29) B23648: 发现一个免费好用的扩展 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 可以解锁谷歌、youtube等 我用了几个月了 一直很稳定
  • (2023-12-20) f: 用这个保存csdn博客 会自动把代码块全部都清空, 牛🍺
  • (2023-11-01) 先生: 麻烦更新到3.2.1呗,要不没办法同步到OB。
  • (2023-09-21) Chris: This is amazing, it is perfect for Obsidian. You can copy/save a page as markdown and when you open It in obsidian it automatically parses all of the html <meta> keywords as Obsidian file properties. File properties are a new feature in Obsidian and this extension seems to be made perfectly for using them together. I've been using this extension for a while, and it is actually perfect.
  • (2023-08-27) Jason: Love it. So flexible and meshes well with Obsidian.
  • (2023-06-16) HC: 不能生成frontmatter,不知道哪里出了问题。设置跟firefox上面是一样的。 对不起是我没有勾选include front/back template选项。这个选项在点击插件图标弹出的预览窗口的最上方,在其他浏览器里这个是默认勾选的。
  • (2023-06-06) HC: 不能生成frontmatter,不知道哪里出了问题。设置跟firefox上面是一样的
  • (2023-05-09) jinjiang: For recent days,there's a problem of clipper. It will show a bad name when downloading tabs, like: 3b5d76c6-6ac0-4433-91cf-88d22d7aeb3d.3b5d76c6-6ac0-4433-91cf-88d22d7aeb3d. Don't know why & how to fix it.
  • (2023-04-27) Daryl: Doesn't appear to work. Download shows a dialog but then does not download. Copy from menu doesn't copy. You can can highlight and copy the content in the download box but that's a pain. Great concept, I wish it worked.
  • (2023-03-10) Yucheng: 复制功能可以正常使用
  • (2023-03-08) 航: 挺好的,有个问题如果是代码的话会压缩,希望改进
  • (2023-01-19) Lee: Obsidian集成问题,需要升级到3.2.1
  • (2022-10-21) Io: 开了Obsidian相关功能,也开启了允许访问文件URL,但是Obsidian相关功能不生效。头大。
  • (2022-10-18) 利培: 刚测试,非常好用,暂无八哥。不过个人建议可以在MD文件首行添加该网页的网址以作参考,这样在MD无法根据网页排版显示时可以直接点击进入网页更加直观。
  • (2022-06-10) Damian: 非常实用。除了极少数网页显示文件名错误,基本都可以完整采录,方便!
  • (2022-05-23) 焕儿: 咦,不知道为啥我右键选中这款插件提供的下载功能,没反应呀。
  • (2022-05-23) Tuo: 挺好用的哈!特意登陆来五星鼓励~
  • (2022-05-18) 远: 希望后边可以加入选中区域转换为markdown的功能
  • (2022-04-16) 半拍: 挺好
  • (2022-04-03) jiadong: 发现一个缺点,也没找到提交反馈的地方,就在这儿写了。 下载markdown时,手动输入的公式有问题,会出现3份,且无$$符号,中间的是正常的markdown公式,但是多了转义符\
  • (2022-02-22) lin: 很好用,可以把一些需要的网页内容保存成md格式
  • (2022-02-17) blue: Very Good
  • (2021-11-01) R: bug report browser: windows edge on windows 10 When I use the selected text method, image style add some more web address before the real image address. For instance, the expected result is “[]https://www.sina.com/some.jpg”, but the real result is "[]https://www.sina.com.cn//www.sina.com.cn/some.jpg"
  • (2021-09-20) 懦夫: great work! hope the[ define the download folder myself] function
  • (2021-08-23) Лунев: В браузере Edge в поле где указывается папка для закачки, нельзя выбрать каталог. Само расширение очень хорошее.
  • (2021-07-22) web: 在chrome上选项显示正确,但是在edge上,无法完全显示所有选项,例如:Downlaod images alongside markdown files. ------------------ On chrome, the options are displayed correctly, but on edge, not all options are fully displayed, e.g. Downlaod images alongside markdown files.
  • (2021-06-12) cj: 在edge上不能离线图片
  • (2021-03-27) XJ: Could add copy butoom?
  • (2021-02-11) Ming: Copy Tab URL as markdown link not work at all
  • (2020-09-29) Chengxiang: Great addon! Would be better if I'm able to customize the default download location.
  • (2020-07-24) 国明: wrong filename.
  • (2020-06-17) Chad: absolutely love this extension for collecting web content in markdown format. i use this in conjunction with Obsidian markdown app.


40,362 history
4.3 (42 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-23 / 3.4.0
Listing languages
