extension ExtPose

AdBlock — block ads across the web for Edge

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Block ads on YouTube and your favorite sites for free

Image from store AdBlock — block ads across the web
Description from store Block pop-ups and intrusive ads effortlessly across YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and your favorite websites with AdBlock – the ad blocker trusted by over 60 million users worldwide. As the leading ad-blocking solution, AdBlock gives you a better browsing experience and more control over your online privacy. Key free features: Comprehensive ad-blocking: Say goodbye to disruptive pop-ups, banners, and video ads on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and more, enhancing your browsing experience while boosting productivity. Privacy protection: AdBlock can disable third-party tracking to make it more difficult for advertisers to track your behavior as you browse. Enhanced security: Browse safely when you reduce malicious ads containing malware and scams from compromising your device, providing peace of mind while exploring the web. Improved performance: Enjoy faster page load times and a smoother internet experience by eliminating bandwidth-consuming ads, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced data consumption. Customization options: Tailor your ad-blocking preferences with advanced filters, allowlists, and dark mode, empowering you to personalize your browsing environment and optimize your online experience. Friendly support: Get fast and reliable support from the dedicated AdBlock team and access a robust Help Center for assistance with any queries or issues, ensuring a hassle-free experience for users. Block more than just ads with additional premium features: Block additional distractions: Manage distracting elements on websites such as auto-play videos and animated GIFs, enabling focused browsing and enhanced productivity. Hide cookie banners: Automatically hide annoying cookie consent banners that clutter websites, providing a cleaner and more enjoyable browsing experience. Sync across devices: Backup and sync your whitelists and custom ad blocking rules seamlessly across multiple Chrome profiles and devices, ensuring a consistent browsing experience. Swap ads for fun images: Replace blocked ads with customizable images such as cats, dogs, or landscapes, adding a touch of personality to your browsing experience. Change your theme: Choose from a variety of colorful themes to customize the appearance of your ad blocking interface, matching your preferences and style. About Us: Download AdBlock for free and experience ad-free browsing on all your favorite websites. Rest assured, this extension prioritizes user privacy and security, ensuring that your browsing history and personal information remain confidential. The extension begins blocking annoying and intrusive ads the moment you install it - you can just set it and forget it. Or you can customize your ad experience further by choosing to see unobtrusive ads or block them entirely, giving you full control over your browsing journey. We believe in empowering users to dictate their online experience, which is why it participates in the Acceptable Ads program. This ensures that non-intrusive ads are not blocked by default, allowing users to opt-out easily within the extension’s settings. Changelogs: [Feb 2024 ] - Various bug fixes and added support in languages including Hungarian, Thai, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Bosnian, and more [Jan 2024] Released the ability to block cookie banners for Premium, better performance on YouTube and other sites across the web, added support for Japanese and Turkish languages [Dec 2024] Added new functionality that skips video ads while you stream, better functionality while you browse [Nov 2024] Various bug fixes including the toolbar icon incorrectly showing a site is allowlisted while the extension is still active [October 2023] Fixed a few bugs so that our users have a smoother experience using the extension, including a broken link in our help flow. [September 2023] Improved infrastructure that increases the functionality and longevity of the extension. [Spring 2023] Improved YouTube and Twitch channel allowlists as you can now allow ads on specific streaming channels, not just individual videos. [Fall 2022] Improved functionality, improved infrastructure for Manifest V3, various bug fixes including lags on websites [Spring 2022] Back end improvements, improved functionality

Latest reviews

  • (2024-07-25) ulpzr:注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,流畅看4K视频和直播!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-07-20) Joshua: Interferes with too many sites making them slow or unusable altogether. Example: doordash.com takes forever to load, disabling this extension makes it load immediately.
  • (2024-07-14) S: Doesn't work. Web site unblocked but continues to be blocked as if unblocking option doesn't work. Get a "sync manually" error message from Ad Bloc. So how does that happen?
  • (2024-07-14) A: Bei YouTube versagt AdBlock total ,der blockiert Garnichts mehr und sollte man Abo pro Jahr für Erweiterung von Adblocker bezahlen, wo ich net weiß ob es funktioniert . Scheint bei YouTube sind die Jungs schlauer !
  • (2024-07-12) 也川: 非常好的插件!!提高工作效率,特意登录上来给个5星好评~~~~~
  • (2024-07-12) lxquf:注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,流畅看4K视频和直播!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-07-11) Jereme: No longer works, YouTube blocks every video you try to watch after the latest update.
  • (2024-07-10) Starberry: july 10th. youtube has this blocked. i have to turn it off to watch anything on youtube, sad face.
  • (2024-07-10) qzss:注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,流畅看4K视频和直播!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-07-08) ioyir:注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-07-06) Starberry: youtube has this blocked currently. i look forward to the next update.
  • (2024-07-05) e9866: 推荐一个好用的插件给兄弟们,可以免费看谷歌、youtube、商店直接搜索 ilink网络加速器。
  • (2024-07-04) e9882: 发现一个好用的扩展,看谷歌、youtube、速度嘎嘎快,主要还免费,商店搜 ilink网络加速器
  • (2024-07-04) e9866: 推荐一个好用的插件给兄弟们,可以免费看谷歌、youtube、商店直接搜索 ilink网络加速器
  • (2024-07-02) e9881: 发现一个好用的扩展,看谷歌、youtube、速度嘎嘎快,主要还免费,商店搜 ilink网络加速器
  • (2024-07-02) e9867: 推荐一个好用的插件给兄弟们,可以免费看谷歌、youtube、商店直接搜索. ilink网络加速器
  • (2024-07-01) btdce: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-06-30) uhcnd: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com真的好用,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-06-28) Martin: Jetzt neu mit Abo System - dann halt ein anderes Tool
  • (2024-06-28) e9873: ilink网络加速器 最好用的看谷歌、youtube的免费扩展,在商店就可以搜索.
  • (2024-06-28) aksdv: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com真的好用,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-06-25) Brad: It was good while it lasted... But now YouTube blocks every video. :(
  • (2024-06-24) Youngsun: Doesn't work for Youtube music but works for regular Youtube
  • (2024-06-23) Sun: 保护您的上网隐私,五年老机场为您保驾护航,一键连接海外资源/原生支持ChatGPT 4o:https://new.91merry-5.top/auth/register?code=eda3f5a616
  • (2024-06-21) dnqdr: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com真的好用,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-06-18) Lucien: It can actually block youtube ads. Amazing!
  • (2024-06-17) shaha: 可以的
  • (2024-06-15) patrick: Thank you for keeping up the fight with YouTube. I am donating when I can.
  • (2024-06-12) srkfy: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com飞速跑道,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-06-12) larry: Sometimes it mutes the video. Doesn't always bypass youtube's "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service"
  • (2024-06-11) 文浩: 之前还能拦截搜索出来的广告,不知我动哪了,就不会拦截了
  • (2024-06-11) ugy: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com飞速跑道,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-06-11) Sun: 兄弟们,帮忙注册一下,互利互惠,五年老机场安全稳定可靠 https://new.91merry-5.top/auth/register?code=eda3f5a616
  • (2024-06-10) Sun: 原生支持Chatgpt,五年老机场,为您保驾护航,安全稳定可靠 https://new.91merry-5.top/auth/register?code=eda3f5a616
  • (2024-06-09) 澪: 不好用,占用过多内存 pretty bad,using too much ram
  • (2024-06-08) maic: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com亲测好用,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-06-08) Sun: 保护您的上网隐私,五年老机场为您保驾护航,支持ChatGPT 4o:https://new.91merry-5.top/auth/register?code=eda3f5a616
  • (2024-06-06) mwloc: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com飞速跑道,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-06-06) oedkm: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-06-05) 文浩: 我怀疑是这个插件跳转出广告页面的,有时出新网页时就跳出来,主要是关于天工广告的页面,真败坏印象
  • (2024-06-04) Stephen: FINALLY !!! An Ad blocker that stops the dreaded YouTube videos!!! I appreciate this app soo much
  • (2024-06-01) Sun: 保护您的上网隐私,五年老机场为您保驾护航,支持ChatGPT 4o:https://new.91merry-5.top/auth/register?code=eda3f5a616
  • (2024-06-01) zvfx: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com飞速跑道,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-05-30) ydred: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久免费流量!节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管等!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-05-30) Sun: 亲测好用,节点稳定,流量还多,原生支持ChatGPT 4o等互联网资源 https://new.91merry-5.top/auth/register?code=eda3f5a616
  • (2024-05-28) jwt: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久免费流量!节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管等!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-05-28) Sun: 原生解锁Chatgpt/Netflix/youtube等互联网资源,五年老机为您保驾护航 https://new.91merry-5.top/auth/register?code=eda3f5a616
  • (2024-05-28) jha: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久免费流量!节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管等!(手机电脑全平台互通)
  • (2024-05-26) nyop: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)


18,673,084+ history
4.1 (1,300 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-23 / 6.6.0
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