KeePassXC integration for modern web browsers
Official browser plugin for the KeePassXC password manager (
The thing computers can do best is storing information.
You shouldn't waste your time trying to remember and type your passwords.
KeePassXC can store your passwords safely and auto-type them into your everyday websites and applications.
Latest reviews
- (2024-10-29) Robert: I use this in normal Firefox, Firefox Flatpaks (finally got that working) on Linux, Firefox on Windows, Google Chrome, MS Edge, WaterFox.
- (2024-09-03) Karawa: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com飞速跑道,注册就送永久流量的!流畅看小电影和直播!免费试用!节点多,又快又稳!专线油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-09-01) Kulane: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com飞速跑道,注册就送永久流量的!流畅看小电影和直播!免费试用!节点多,又快又稳!专线油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-08-15) pob: 非常棒的工具,方便管理众多账号密码 2.79升级后用不了。。咳咳
- (2024-06-19) Badde,: best tool and super integrated
- (2024-05-06) Daniel: Zuverlässig, man muss sich nur die Hotkeys etwas einprägen.
- (2024-03-05) Marget: I hope all is well with you. I'm currently exploring avenues to enhance my business portfolio through strategic investments in Chrome extensions, and I've been particularly impressed with yours. I believe there's a tremendous opportunity for growth and would love to discuss the possibility of acquisition. We can negotiate a fair price and ensure a secure transaction via trusted escrow services like or If you have any inquiries or if this aligns with your plans, feel free to reach out to us via Whatsapp: +1 6468971986 Skype: live:.cid.7ed1d897457692ce Telegram: @harryysandersonn
- (2023-12-31) e38223: 一直在用 ilink网络加速器 中国人不骗中国人 看youtube的4K高清一点都不卡 直接在商店就可以搜到.
- (2023-08-03) Tony: works perfectly on edge and firefox!
- (2023-07-11) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-07-09) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-07-09) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-07-08) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-07-07) Klaus: Gefällt mir sehr gut. Übersichtlich und gute Handhabung
- (2023-07-07) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-05-19) R: Stopped detecting most sites for filling in credentials.
- (2023-05-16) Matze: @Thomas You must allow access to file URLs in the extension options.
- (2023-04-21) 1: 2023.4.22:keepassXC-browser插件很好用,直接可以记录浏览器页面的账号密码到keepassXC数据库,也能在解锁数据库后一键填入,很方便,也很安全,推荐大家使用,比EDGE自带的记住密码功能安全很多!
- (2022-11-27) Thomas: I can install it, but can't connect. There is no pop-up for connect to keepassxc. In firefox is the the popup and connecting to keepassxc ok. System: newest zorinOS, newest Chrome Browser.
- (2022-11-17) jiaoyu: 开始用的http那个,但是很多功能都不太得劲,搜了一圈听大家说KeePassXC-Brower挺好用,刚开始一直无法连接数据库,以为必需要配合KeePassXC使用,但进入插件扩展选项里面的已连接数据库点一下连接就连上了,确实比之前的好用。遇到的问题是用这个插件锁定数据库后无法唤起解锁界面,还有本地客户端退出后需要重新连接
- (2022-07-15) Oleg: Solved all my problems. Great design. Comfortable. I advise.
- (2022-05-08) Edwin: 不错的插件,不过有时候注册后,没有新增按钮。
- (2021-11-19) 均波: 我是用keepasss的,但同时也装了KeePassXC才成功的,然后想卸载了KeePassXC,结果卸载了就用不了,所以现在两个都装着,不过不运行KeepassXC. 在KeePassNatMsg的选项里点击那个install***,安装后在第二页里的Advanced里选择你的Database,然后勾选最底下那个Use KeePassXC SettingKey 这样子,现在都是使用正常的..... 我有个问题,现在有些程序的窗口,用自动输入无法输入任何字符,也不接受复制粘贴,这个有没有好办法? 使用RDCAutoTypeAndTCATO也无法输入,只能点开显示密码可见后抄着手动输入。
- (2021-11-18) 江: 密钥交换未成功? 谁弄好了,请指教! 我按照官方文档配置了几次都没有成功。
- (2021-11-15) 江: 密钥交换未成功?
- (2021-10-19) Tim: Nutze KeePassXC nun seit einigen Monaten auf mehreren Geräten und unterschiedlichen Betriebssystemen. Funktioniert überall einwandfrei, auch in Android-Apps! Für mich der beste Passwort-Manager!
- (2021-08-06) Jürgen: sehr gut zu handeln
- (2021-04-26) Engelmann,: @dukemaster: Bei mir in einem vergleichbaren Szenario kein Problem. Vielleicht hilft es, in Datenbank -> Datenbank-Eigenschaften -> Browser-Integration den Schlüssel zu löschen oder schlicht einen anderen Schlüsselnamen zu probieren.
- (2021-03-27) lu: 可以的,好用免费
- (2021-02-14) privateeromally: Doesn't detect most sites for filling in credentials. Ebay and Paypal being the worst. Tried using custom login field setting, tried redetecting fields to no avail. Unfortunately will have to go back to defunct Keepass Tusk. Keepass is starting to become more cumbersome to use then lastpass
- (2021-02-09) @dukemaster: Ein sehr guter Passort-Manager und 5 Sterne wert! Eine Frage an die Entwickler: Nach einen Laptopwechsel (Windows 10 64bit am alten und neuen Laptop) kann ich die KeePassXC Microsoft Edge Erweiterung nicht mehr mit der Datenbank verbinden. Es kommt immer die Fehlermeldung "Schlüsselaustausch war nicht erfolgreich." Habt ihr eventuell eine Idee?
- (2020-09-15) Erik: Great extension. Works well on macOS Catalina with Edge, Chrome, and Firefox. Though, not an issue with the extension, the fact that KeepassXC locks the databases after some idle time makes it less convenient, but more secure. Not a big deal as I prefer the extra peace of mind that even if someone gets into my computer while I'm logged in, they will not be able to simply use my passwords until I unlock the keepass DB(s)
- (2020-05-12) weak_ptr: 稳定可靠的密码管理器插件
3.9 (79 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-26 / 1.9.4
Listing languages