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Cookies cleaner

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Boost your browsing experience with the best cleaner for chrome! Effortlessly remove clutter and improve performance by clearing…

Image from store Cookies cleaner
Description from store Kinnitage brauser nutika puhastuslaiendiga *Uus valik: kuum võti "Clear" - Alt+C (töötab kogu OS -i jaoks). Nutikas puhastusvahend on lihtne utiliit brauseri andmete puhastamiseks , küpsised, allalaadimised ja suurendage üldist brauseri kiirust. . Mida ma saan teha? Nad võtavad aega alustamiseks, veebisaitide laadimiseks ning vahekaartide avamiseks ja sulgemiseks. See on siis, kui tuleks kaaluda brauseri puhastamist ja vahemälust, ajaloost vabanemist jne. Ja see aitab kustutada kõik teie veebitegevuse jäljed teie privaatsuse kaitsmiseks. Chrome'i brauser kiiremini ja kaitske oma isikuandmeid !! >+ Tühjendage vahemälu + Automaatsed andmed Eemaldage + Kustutage küpsised ja muud saidi ja pistikprogrammi andmed + kustutage ajalugu + Eemaldage paroolid + koristaja salvestatud paroolide jaoks + Kohandaja salvestatud vormi andmete jaoks + võime valida ajaperioodi + tume režiim + kiire nupp See kerge laiendus võimaldab teil teha kõike, mida eespool mainitud, ühe klõpsuga Kroomitud tööriistariba kustutuskummiikoon. Suurendage oma brauseri jõudlust nutika puhtaga - ajalugu ja vahemälu puhastusvahend Kas olete väsinud oma brauserist, mis töötab tigu tempos ja võtate igaveseks veebisaitide laadimiseks? Sa ei ole üksi. Paljud kasutajad seisavad selle probleemiga silmitsi selliste populaarsete brauseritega nagu Google Chrome ja Internet Explorer. Kuid ärge muretsege, seal on lihtne lahendus - brauseri ajaloo ja vahemälu puhastamine. Ja nutika puhastuse - ajalugu ja vahemälu puhastusvahendi abil on see nüüd lihtsam kui kunagi varem. Mis on nutikas puhas - ajalugu ja vahemälu puhastusvahend? Kustutab brauseri andmed, sealhulgas vahemälu, küpsised, allalaadimised ja palju muud. See mitte ainult ei suurenda teie sirvimiskiirust, vaid kaitseb ka teie privaatsust, eemaldades kõik teie veebitegevuse jäljed. Kuidas see töötab? "Lisa Chrome'i" nupp. Pärast lisamist saate oma sirvimisandmeid kiiresti kustutada, klõpsates tööriistaribal oleval ikoonil või kasutades veelgi kiiremat juurdepääsu Hotkey "CLEAR" (ALT+C). Miks ma seda vaja on? <Br > Aja jooksul koguvad brauserid palju tarbetuid andmeid, nagu vahemälu, küpsised ja sirvimisajalugu. See kogunemine võib märkimisväärselt aeglustada teie brauseri jõudlust ja kahjustada teie privaatsust. Smart Clean'iga saate kogu sellest segadusest hõlpsalt lahti saada vaid ühe klõpsuga. oma brauserist, millel on vaid ühe klõpsuga. Up automaatne puhastusvahemikud lisaks mugavuse tagamiseks. - koristaja salvestatud vormi andmete jaoks: vabanege igasugustest tarbetutest vormi andmetest, mis võivad teie sirvimist aeglustada Ajavahemik. . Selle kasutajasõbralik liides ja ühe klõpsuga puhastusfunktsioon muudavad selle oluliseks tööriistaks teie brauseri jõudluse optimeerimiseks. Miks siis oodata? Lisage see täna oma brauserisse ja hakake nautima sujuvamat sirvimiskogemust. Ärge laske tarbetutel andmetel teid aeglustada - olge nüüd nutikas puhtaks! Suurendage brauseri kiirust ja turvalisust nutika puhtaga - ajalugu ja vahemälu puhastusvahend Kas teie brauser töötab loid? Kas olete väsinud veebilehtede laadimist ootamast? Sa ei ole üksi. Paljud kasutajad seisavad selle pettumust valmistava probleemiga silmitsi selliste populaarsete brauseritega nagu Google Chrome ja Internet Explorer. Kuid ärge muretsege, seal on lihtne lahendus, mis aitab teil sirvimiskogemust kiirendada. Tutvustame nutika puhastusvahendi ja vahemälu puhastajat, mis on ülim tööriist teie brauseri jõudluse optimeerimiseks. Mis on nutikas puhas - ajalugu ja vahemälu puhastusvahend? Puhastage brauseri vahemälu, küpsised, allalaadimised ja palju muud. Elistades tarbetuid andmeid, ei suurenda see mitte ainult sirvimiskiirust, vaid tagab ka teie veebitegevused privaatseks. Kuidas see töötab? Klõpsake lihtsalt nuppu "Lisa Chrome" ja olete kõik seatud. Pärast lisamist klõpsake sirvimisandmete kohese tühjendamiseks tööriistariba laienduse ikooni. Veelgi kiirema juurdepääsu saamiseks kasutage Hotkey "selge" (Alt+C). Miks ma seda vajan? Ajalugu, mis võib jõudlust aeglustada ja privaatsust kahjustada. Smart Clean'iga saate kogu selle segaduse vaevata eemaldada vaid ühe klõpsuga. - Puhastusvahend Chrome'i ajalugu: kõrvaldage sirvimisajaloo segadus. Kustutage küpsised ja muud saidi- ja pistikprogrammi andmed: kaitske oma privaatsust, kustutades oma veebitegevuse jäljed. - Eemaldage paroolid: täiustage turvalisust salvestatud paroolid. Vormi andmed, mis aeglustavad teie sirvimist. Tume režiimi variant. Nutikas puhas - ajalugu ja vahemälu puhastusvahend. Oma kasutajasõbraliku liidese ja ühe klõpsuga puhastusfunktsiooni abil on see ülim lahendus teie brauseri jõudluse optimeerimiseks. Ärge oodake enam- lisage see juba täna oma brauserisse ja hakake nautima välkkiire sirvimiskogemust. funktsioon. Suurendage oma brauseri kiirust nutika puhtaga - ajalugu ja vahemälu puhastusvahend: kroomi jaoks parim tasuta puhastusvahend Kas teie brauser töötab aeglaselt ja põhjustab pettumust? Öelge aeglase sirvimisega ja tere välkkiire kiirusega nutika puhtaga - ajalugu ja vahemälu puhastusvahend. See võimas brauseri laiendus on ülim lahendus teie sirvimiskogemuse optimeerimiseks. Teie brauser, sealhulgas vahemälu, küpsised, allalaadimised ja palju muud. Elistades tarbetuid andmeid, ei laadi see mitte ainult teie brauseri jõudlust, vaid suurendab ka teie privaatsust, kustutades teie veebitegevuse jäljed. Klõpsake nuppu "Lisa Chrome". Pärast installimist saate laiendile kohe juurde pääseda, klõpsates selle ikoonil tööriistaribal või kasutades välkkiire puhastamiseks Hotkey "CLEAR" (ALT+C). Miks vajate nutikat puhast < BR> Aja jooksul koguvad brauserid liigseid andmeid nagu vahemälu, küpsised ja sirvimisajalugu, mis võib märkimisväärselt aeglustada teie sirvimiskogemust ja kahjustada teie privaatsust. Smart Clean'iga saate kogu selle ebavajaliku pagasi vaevata kõrvaldada vaid ühe klõpsuga. Ühe klõpsu eemaldamine: tühjendage kõik teie brauseri soovimatud andmed koheselt. 2. Puhtama Chrome'i ajalugu: tehke hüvasti segaduses sirvimisajalooga. 3. Puhastaja allalaadimisajalugu: eemaldage hõlpsalt soovimatuid allalaadimisi, võttes väärtusliku ruumi. 4. Automaatne andmete eemaldamine: seadke automaatse puhastamise intervallid mugavuse lisamiseks. 5. Kustutage küpsised ja muud saidi- ja pistikprogrammi andmed: kaitske oma privaatsust, kustutades kõik veebitegevuse jäljed. 6. Eemaldage paroolid: täiustage turvalisust, kustutades salvestatud paroolid. 7. Kohandaja salvestatud vormi andmete jaoks: sujuvamaks sirvimine, kõrvaldades tarbetud vormi andmed. 8. Võimalus valida ajaperiood: võtke oma sirvimisajaloo üle kontrolli, valides andmete puhastamiseks konkreetne ajavahemiku. 9. Tume režiim: nautige klanitud, tumedamat liidest, millel on Smart Clean's tume režiim. 10. Kiire selge nupp: tööriistariba ikoon kahekordistub kiire nupuna vaevata mugavuse huvides. . Selle kasutajasõbralik liides ja ühe klõpsuga puhastusfunktsioon muudavad selle brauseri jõudluse optimeerimiseks ülimaks lahenduseks. Ärge oodake enam-lisage täna oma brauserile nutikas puhas ja nautige välkkiire sirvimiskogemust nagu kunagi varem. "Suurendage oma brauseri kiirust" või "Chrome'i jaoks parim tasuta puhastusvahend". " - lisage rohkem tegevusele orienteeritud fraase nagu" Öelge hüvasti aeglase sirvimisega "ja" Tehke hüvasti segaduses sirvimisajalooga ". tööriistariba ikoon või kuumkey. Täiustatud sirvimiskogemuse saamiseks nende brauserile nutikas puhas. cache cleaner, cookies cleaner, remove history, data cleaner, password cleaner, remover, clean chrome, downloads cleaner, Best cleaner, free cleaner for chrome , boost browser cache cleaner, cookies cleaner, remove history, data cleaner, password cleaner, remover, clean chrome, downloads cleaner, Best cleaner, free cleaner for chrome , boost browser cache cleaner, cookies cleaner, remove history, data cleaner, password cleaner, remover, clean chrome, downloads cleaner, Best cleaner, free cleaner for chrome , boost browser cache cleaner, cookies cleaner, remove history, data cleaner, password cleaner, remover, clean chrome, downloads cleaner, Best cleaner, free cleaner for chrome , boost browser cache cleaner, cookies cleaner, remove history, data cleaner, password cleaner, remover, clean chrome, downloads cleaner, Best cleaner, free cleaner for chrome , boost browser cache cleaner, cookies cleaner, remove history, data cleaner, password cleaner, remover, clean chrome, downloads cleaner, Best cleaner, free cleaner for chrome , boost browser cache cleaner, cookies cleaner, remove history, data cleaner, password cleaner, remover, clean chrome, downloads cleaner, Best cleaner, free cleaner for chrome , boost browser cache cleaner, cookies cleaner, remove history, data cleaner, password cleaner, remover, clean chrome, downloads cleaner, Best cleaner, free cleaner for chrome , boost browser cache cleaner, cookies cleaner, remove history, data cleaner, password cleaner, remover, clean chrome, downloads cleaner, Best cleaner, free cleaner for chrome , boost browser Fasten Browser with Smart Cleaner extension *New Option: Hot key "Clear" - Alt+C (works for all OS). Smart Cleaner is a simple utility to clean browser data, cache, cookies, downloads and increase an overall browser speed. Click "add to chrome" button to run Smart Cleaner and flush the browser history without any efforts. My Google Chrome is getting too slow. What can I do? The problem with all the browsers, whether it’s internet explorer or Google Chrome, is that they become slow and clunky after a period of time. They take time to start up to, to load websites and to open and close tabs. This is when one should consider cleaning up the browser and getting rid of the cache, history etc. Smart Clean is a useful browser extension that helps you quickly clean up the browser. and It help to delete all traces of your online activity to protect your privacy. Smart Clean is very easy to use and fast. Clean up browsing data from a user's local profile. Make your Chrome browser more faster and Protect your personal data!! Few key features: + Instant removal with one-click + Cleaner Chrome history + Cleaner download history + Empty the cache + Automatic data remove + Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data + Delete History + Remove Passwords + Cleaner for saved passwords + Cleaner for saved form data + Ability to choose time period + Dark mode + Quick clear button This lightweight extension enables you to do all that mentioned above instantly, with one click on the Eraser icon in the Chrome toolbar. One-click "Close All Windows and Smart Cleaner Cache". Boost Your Browser's Performance with Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner Are you tired of your browser running at a snail's pace and taking forever to load websites? You're not alone. Many users face this issue with popular browsers like Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. But don't worry, there's an easy solution – cleaning out your browser's history and cache. And with the help of Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner, it's now easier than ever. What is Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner? Smart Clean is a handy browser extension that efficiently clears out your browser's data, including cache, cookies, downloads, and more. It not only boosts your browsing speed but also protects your privacy by removing all traces of your online activity. How does it work? Adding Smart Clean to your browser is as simple as clicking the "add to chrome" button. Once added, you can quickly clear your browsing data by clicking on the extension's icon in the toolbar or using the hotkey "Clear" (Alt+C) for even faster access. Why do I need it? Over time, browsers accumulate a lot of unnecessary data like cache, cookies, and browsing history. This buildup can significantly slow down your browser's performance and compromise your privacy. With Smart Clean, you can easily get rid of all this clutter with just one click. Key Features: - One-click removal: With Smart Clean, you can instantly remove all unwanted data from your browser with just one click. - Cleaner Chrome history: Say goodbye to cluttered browsing history. - Cleaner download history: Easily clear out any unnecessary downloads taking up space. - Automatic data removal: Set up automatic cleaning intervals for added convenience. - Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data: Protect your privacy by removing all traces of your online activity. - Remove passwords: Easily delete saved passwords for added security. - Cleaner for saved form data: Get rid of any unnecessary form data that may be slowing down your browsing. - Ability to choose time period: Have more control over your browsing history by choosing to clean data from a specific time period. - Dark mode: For those who prefer a darker interface, Smart Clean offers a dark mode option. - Quick clear button: The extension's icon in the toolbar also serves as a quick clear button for added convenience. In conclusion, if you want a faster and more secure browsing experience, Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner is the perfect solution. Its user-friendly interface and one-click cleaning feature make it an essential tool for optimizing your browser's performance. So why wait? Add it to your browser today and start enjoying a smoother browsing experience. Don't let unnecessary data slow you down – get Smart Clean now!Boost Browser Speed and Security with Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner Is your browser running sluggish? Are you tired of waiting for webpages to load? You're not alone. Many users face this frustrating issue with popular browsers like Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. But don't worry, there's a simple solution that can help you speed up your browsing experience. Introducing Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner, the ultimate tool to optimize your browser's performance. What is Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner? Smart Clean is a powerful browser extension designed to swiftly clean up your browser's cache, cookies, downloads, and more. By eliminating unnecessary data, it not only boosts browsing speed but also ensures your online activities remain private. How does it work? Installing Smart Clean is a breeze. Just click the "add to chrome" button and you're all set. Once added, simply click on the extension's icon in the toolbar to instantly clear your browsing data. For even quicker access, use the hotkey "Clear" (Alt+C). Why do I need it? Over time, browsers accumulate excessive data such as cache, cookies, and browsing history that can slow down performance and compromise privacy. With Smart Clean, you can effortlessly remove all this clutter with just one click. Key Features: - One-click removal: Say goodbye to unwanted data with a single click. - Cleaner Chrome history: Eliminate clutter from your browsing history. - Cleaner download history: Easily clear out unnecessary downloads taking up space. - Automatic data removal: Set up automatic cleaning intervals for added convenience. - Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data: Protect your privacy by erasing traces of your online activity. - Remove passwords: Enhance security by deleting saved passwords. - Cleaner for saved form data: Get rid of unnecessary form data that slows down your browsing. - Ability to choose time period: Take control of your browsing history by selecting a specific time period for data cleaning. - Dark mode: Enjoy a sleek, darker interface with Smart Clean's dark mode option. - Quick clear button: The extension's toolbar icon serves as a convenient quick clear button. In conclusion, if you're seeking a faster and more secure browsing experience, look no further than Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner. With its user-friendly interface and one-click cleaning feature, it's the ultimate solution to optimize your browser's performance. Don't wait any longer – add it to your browser today and start enjoying a ligh

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-05) Emmanuel: Nice extension!
  • (2024-05-18) XD Wu: Nice extension
  • (2024-05-13) Ing. Agr. Adolfo E. Cifuentes E.: Me es util la aplicacion realmente
  • (2024-05-09) Micah Mondestin: Nice extension W
  • (2024-05-07) Aya alomre: جيد جدا
  • (2024-05-06) Emma Zhang: This is great but I have to do it twice for it to work :(
  • (2024-03-05) David M!kr0be: Vraiment très bien cette extension... dommage de devoir mettre une extension pour cela alors que d'autres navigateurs le font tranquillement....
  • (2024-02-22) Dipak Jadhav: Easy to use. but my antivirus is always blocking it.
  • (2024-02-13) nice u: its good if ur too lazy to remove ur history manually or need an easier way, either way its pretty good and i especially like how u can remove cache as well
  • (2024-01-28) Jurek J: Perfekt!
  • (2024-01-02) Archimede Pazzi: Estensione da aggiornare. Con le ultime versioni di Chrome non funziona più la cancellazione automatica dei dati all'avvio del browser. Bisogna per forza farla a mano ogni volta. Se si reimposta l'opzione, al successivo riavvio viene comunque disattivata. Così l'estensione è inutile. Si può tranquillamente sostituire coi tasti Ctrl+Maiusc+Canc di Chrome da premere però ogni santa volta che si apre il browser.
  • (2023-12-27) robert orioles: It worked well and was very fast for quite a while but now it doesn't seem to do anything and I have to clean with other aps. The fast/slow choices are a bit confusing as I didn't tweek them before when it was working; it just cleaned up everything. Now it wants specific websites for history cleaning and it doesn't work in either fast or slow option (these, not these). Oh well, can't complain, it's free.
  • (2023-12-15) Henry Liu: Very good extension. Just don't push me to leave a review would be even better.
  • (2023-12-01) rp bel: It a great program
  • (2023-11-14) stobbo dumy: good
  • (2023-11-08) zou sizhe: No need to clean all cookies
  • (2023-11-08) Jeremy Delhaye: Fonctionne pas, n'y en manuel n'y en auto !!
  • (2023-10-28) marisa iscool: i love using this chome extension because it gets rid of EVERYTHING if you want it too!
  • (2023-10-24) Ketchup: does what it has to do, simple interface
  • (2023-10-24) Cally Beattie: ok
  • (2023-10-18) N G: Only complaint is auto delete "on start" is not working for me
  • (2023-10-17) Darrel Sautner: 🤞 Does not want to automatic, needs to be restarted manually. 😊
  • (2023-10-14) Just Me Seventies: Doet wat het moet doen
  • (2023-10-11) allhailalona: well done!
  • (2023-10-04) Clark Williams: This app has done its intended functions well so far haven hd any trouble and it does what is supposed to do.
  • (2023-10-04) B Goutham: test good thanks bye
  • (2023-09-10) Enoch Li: good
  • (2023-09-03) ѕαмυlι ναlтσиєи: works fine on Opera GX latest version.
  • (2023-08-29) Yohannes Francis: it is the best mostly helps me
  • (2023-08-28) hajjan bina: nicw
  • (2023-08-27) Augustinho Manoel filho: otima
  • (2023-08-23) 존다이크: The download list is not deleted from the operating options when Chrome is started. It is not just this extension, but most are.
  • (2023-08-20) Akhilessh Akhilessh: so good
  • (2023-08-15) Yohannes Francis: is so nicee
  • (2023-08-13) Raminder Hundal: does not automatically clean on startup.
  • (2023-08-10) Freddy Lippstick: I realy liked this extension, because it cleared absolute everything .. Even settings such as zoom level on certain sites.. But errm.. but now, it doesn't seems to work anymore !! Settings somehow aren't cleared at chrome start !! Iam on Chrome Version 115.0.5790.171 (Official Build) (64-bit) atm ! cheers,
  • (2023-08-09) Adeniyi: pixel sonic is sneaking
  • (2023-08-08) Laser Tubby: its quite nice
  • (2023-08-03) myknives: how nice and perfect do you want it to be ? the author: YES ( btw the best extention ever made by a human)
  • (2023-08-02) skttmf: love it really good extension, reccomend
  • (2023-07-24) Marlon Parker: Nice, So far .... :)
  • (2023-07-18) Christine: Very Good, works well x
  • (2023-07-17) Joaquim Mendes: ^Too good they give what they promise.I like it.My browser now is to fast.
  • (2023-07-08) ruff 65y: its good
  • (2023-06-29) Anahi Magallon: its alright
  • (2023-06-17) 니코로빈: 좋아요
  • (2023-06-16) 07. Phạm Hoàng Bách: pretty good
  • (2023-06-14) Denis K.: Антивирус стал удалять scripts/background.js. и блокировать адрес http://smartdeaner.online
  • (2023-06-14) Germλn Life: I recommend trying this extension its very good for cleaning useless data
  • (2023-06-12) Giovanni Sullivan: Best working history cleaner.


100,000 history
4.8088 (1,067 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-09 / 1.1.31
Listing languages
