extension ExtPose

智能清理 - 歷史記錄和緩存清理器

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Image from store 智能清理 - 歷史記錄和緩存清理器
Description from store 使用智慧清理器擴展程式來加快瀏覽器速度 *新增選項:熱鍵「清除」- Alt+C(適用於所有作業系統)。 智慧清理器是一個簡單的工具,可以清除瀏覽器資料、快取、Cookie、下載記錄,並提高整體瀏覽器速度。 點擊「新增至Chrome」按鈕,執行智慧清理器,輕鬆清除瀏覽器歷史紀錄。 我的Google Chrome變得太慢了。我該怎麼辦? 所有瀏覽器的問題都是一樣的,無論是Internet Explorer還是Google Chrome,在一段時間後都會變得緩慢和笨重。它們需要花費時間啟動、加載網站,以及開啟和關閉分頁。這時候就應該考慮清理瀏覽器,並且清除快取、歷史紀錄等。 智慧清理器是一個有用的瀏覽器擴展程式,可以幫助您快速清理瀏覽器。它可以幫助您刪除所有在線活動的痕跡,保護您的隱私。智慧清理器非常容易使用,速度也很快。 從使用者的本地檔案中清除瀏覽資料。 讓您的Chrome瀏覽器更快,保護您的個人資料! 一些主要功能: + 一鍵即可立即刪除 + 清除Chrome歷史紀錄 + 清除下載記錄 + 清空快取 + 自動刪除資料 + 刪除Cookie和其他網站和外掛程式資料 + 刪除歷史紀錄 + 移除密碼 + 清理已儲存的密碼 + 清理已儲存的表單資料 + 可以選擇時間段 + 暗黑模式 + 快速清除按鈕 這個輕量級的擴展程式可以讓您立即做到上述所有事情,只需點擊Chrome工具列中的橡皮擦圖示。 一鍵「關閉所有視窗和智慧清理器快取」。 通過Smart Clean -history&Cache Cleaner 您是否厭倦了以蝸牛的速度運行並永遠加載網站? 你不是一個人。 許多用戶在諸如Google Chrome和Internet Explorer等流行的瀏覽器中面臨此問題。 但是不用擔心,有一個簡單的解決方案 - 清理瀏覽器的歷史記錄和緩存。 借助Smart Clean-歷史和緩存清潔劑,現在比以往任何時候都容易。 什麼是智能清潔- 歷史和高速緩存清潔器? Smart Clean是一個方便的瀏覽器擴展程序清除瀏覽器的數據,包括緩存,cookie,下載等。 它不僅可以提高您的瀏覽速度,而且還可以通過刪除在線活動的所有痕跡來保護您的隱私。 它是如何工作的? 將Smart Clean添加到瀏覽器中就像單擊點擊一樣簡單“添加到Chrome”按鈕。 添加後,您可以通過單擊工具欄中的擴展名圖標或使用HotKey“ clear”(alt+c)來快速清除瀏覽數據。 為什麼我需要它?<<br > 隨著時間的流逝,瀏覽器積累了許多不必要的數據,例如緩存,cookie和瀏覽歷史記錄。 這種堆積可以大大減慢瀏覽器的性能並損害您的隱私。 使用Smart Clean,您只需單擊一鍵即可輕鬆擺脫所有這些混亂。 關鍵功能: - 一鍵式刪除:使用Smart Clean,您可以立即刪除所有不需要的數據只需單擊一鍵即可從您的瀏覽器中。 - 清潔的鉻歷史記錄:告別瀏覽歷史記錄。 - 清潔程序下載歷史記錄:輕鬆清除任何不必要的下載,佔據空間。 - 自動數據刪除:設置:設置提高自動清潔間隔以增加方便。 - 刪除cookie和其他站點和插件數據:通過刪除在線活動的所有痕跡來保護您的隱私。 - 刪除密碼:易於刪除保存的密碼以增加安全性。 - 保存形式的清潔劑數據:擺脫可能放慢瀏覽的任何不必要的表單數據。 - 選擇時間段的能力:通過選擇從特定的特定數據中清潔數據,可以對瀏覽歷史記錄進行更多控制時間段。 - 黑暗模式:對於那些喜歡深色界面的人,Smart Clean提供了一個暗模式選項。 - 快速清除按鈕:工具欄中的擴展名圖標也可以用作快速清除按鈕,以增加便利性。 其用戶友好的界面和一鍵清潔功能使其成為優化瀏覽器性能的必不可少的工具。 那為什麼要等呢? 立即將其添加到您的瀏覽器中,並開始享受更流暢的瀏覽體驗。 不要讓不必要的數據放慢速度 - 立即智能清潔! 使用Smart Clean提高瀏覽器速度和安全性 - 歷史記錄和高速緩存清潔器 您的瀏覽器運行緩慢嗎? 您是否厭倦了等待網頁加載? 你不是一個人。 許多用戶在諸如Google Chrome和Internet Explorer等流行的瀏覽器中面臨令人沮喪的問題。 但是請放心,有一個簡單的解決方案可以幫助您加快瀏覽體驗。 引入Smart Clean -History&Cache Cleaner,這是優化瀏覽器性能的終極工具。 什麼是Smart Clean -history&Cache Cleaner? Smart Clean是一個強大的瀏覽器擴展程序清理瀏覽器的緩存,cookie,下載等等。 通過消除不必要的數據,它不僅提高了瀏覽速度,而且還可以確保您的在線活動保持私密。 它如何工作? 安裝Smart Clean會輕而易舉。 只需單擊“添加到Chrome”按鈕,您就可以設置了。 添加後,只需單擊工具欄中的擴展名圖標即可立即清除瀏覽數據。 要更快地訪問,請使用熱鍵“ clear”(alt+c)。 為什麼我需要它? 隨著時間的流逝,瀏覽器會積累過多的數據,例如cache,cookie和瀏覽歷史可以放慢績效並損害隱私。 使用Smart Clean,您只需單擊一次即可輕鬆地刪除所有這些混亂。 關鍵功能: - 單擊刪除:單擊一單擊,告別不需要的數據。 - 更清潔的鉻歷史記錄:從瀏覽歷史記錄中消除混亂。 - 清潔器下載歷史記錄:輕鬆清除不必要的下載佔用空間。 - 自動數據刪除:設置自動清潔間隔以增加方便。 - - 刪除cookie和其他網站和插件數據:通過刪除在線活動的痕跡來保護您的隱私。 - 刪除密碼:通過刪除保存的密碼來增強安全性。 - 用於保存的表單數據的清潔器數據:刪除不必要的形成減慢瀏覽的數據。 - 選擇時間段的能力:通過選擇特定時間段清潔數據來控制您的瀏覽歷史記錄。 - 黑暗模式:享受與Smart Clean's的時尚,較深的接口暗模式選項。 - 快速清除按鈕:擴展名的工具欄圖標是一個方便的快速清除按鈕。 總而言之,如果您正在尋求更快,更安全的瀏覽體驗,那就無比智能清潔 - 歷史和緩存清潔器。 憑藉其用戶友好的界面和一鍵清潔功能,它是優化瀏覽器性能的最終解決方案。 不要再等待了- 今天將其添加到您的瀏覽器中,開始享受閃電般的瀏覽體驗。 改進建議: - 考慮添加有關每個鑰匙的好處的更多詳細信息功能。 - 包括統計或證明以支持提高速度和安全性的主張。 - 最後添加呼籲行動,以鼓勵讀者採取行動並安裝擴展名。 使用Smart Clean提高您的瀏覽器速度 - 歷史和高速緩存清潔劑:Chrome 的最佳免費清潔劑 您的瀏覽器運行緩慢並且會引起挫敗感嗎? 告別瀏覽的慢速瀏覽,並用智能清潔 - 歷史和緩存清潔器打招呼。 這個功能強大的瀏覽器擴展程序是優化您的瀏覽體驗的最終解決方案。 引入Smart Clean -History&Cache Cleaner Smart Clean是一種必備的工具,可以迅速清除所有混亂您的瀏覽器,包括緩存,cookie,下載等等。 通過消除不必要的數據,它不僅可以通過消除在線活動的任何痕跡來增強瀏覽器的性能。 輕鬆的功能 將Smart Clean添加到Chrome中是輕而易舉的- 簡單單擊“添加到Chrome”按鈕。 安裝後,您可以通過單擊工具欄中的圖標或使用熱鍵“清除”(alt+c)進行閃電般的清潔。 為什麼需要智能清潔 隨著時間的流逝,瀏覽器會積累過多的數據,例如緩存,cookie和瀏覽歷史記錄,這可能會大大減慢您的瀏覽體驗並損害您的隱私。 憑藉Smart Clean,您只需單擊一次即可輕鬆消除所有這些不必要的行李。 關鍵功能使Smart Clean脫穎而出 1。 一單擊刪除:立即清除瀏覽器的所有不需要數據。 2。 更清潔的鉻歷史:告別雜交歷史。 3。 清潔程序下載歷史記錄:輕鬆刪除不需要的下載佔用寶貴的空間。 4。 自動數據刪除:設置自動清潔間隔以增加方便。 5。 刪除cookie和其他網站和插件數據:通過消除所有在線活動的痕跡來保護您的隱私。 6。 刪除密碼:通過刪除保存的密碼來增強安全性。 7。 保存表單數據的清潔器:通過消除不必要的表單數據來簡化瀏覽。 8。 能夠選擇時間段的能力:通過選擇清潔數據的特定時間段來控制您的瀏覽歷史記錄。 9。 黑暗模式:使用Smart Clean的“黑暗模式”選項享受時尚,較深的界面。 10。 快速清除按鈕:工具欄圖標可以用作快速清除按鈕,以便於輕鬆方便。 。 其用戶友好的界面和一鍵清潔功能使其成為優化瀏覽器性能的最終解決方案。 不要再等待了- 今天將Smart Clean添加到您的瀏覽器中,並享受以前從未有過的閃電瀏覽體驗。 校正和建議: - 標題可能會更引起人們的注意。 - 使用更多描述性語言來突出智能清潔的好處,例如“終極解決方案”,“功能強大”和“必備工具”,使用更多的描述性語言來突出顯示“提高瀏覽器速度”或“提高瀏覽器速度”或“最佳免費清潔劑”。 “ - 添加更多面向動作的短語,例如“說再見,瀏覽瀏覽”和“告別瀏覽歷史記錄” 。工具欄圖標或熱鍵。 - 通過提到智能清潔擦除所有在線活動的痕跡,突出顯示隱私的重要性。 - 考慮到最後添加呼叫聲,鼓勵讀者立即採取行動並添加添加智能清潔瀏覽器,以獲得增強的瀏覽體驗。 緩存清潔劑,餅乾清潔劑,刪除歷史記錄,數據清潔劑,密碼清潔劑,去除劑,清潔鉻,下載清潔劑,最佳清潔劑,免費清潔劑,用於Chrome的免費清潔劑,提升瀏覽器 緩存清潔劑,餅乾清潔劑,刪除歷史記錄,數據清潔劑,密碼清潔劑,去除劑,清潔鉻,下載清潔劑,最佳清潔劑,免費清潔劑,用於Chrome的免費清潔劑,提升瀏覽器 緩存清潔劑,餅乾清潔劑,刪除歷史記錄,數據清潔劑,密碼清潔劑,去除劑,清潔鉻,下載清潔劑,最佳清潔劑,免費清潔劑,用於Chrome的免費清潔劑,提升瀏覽器 緩存清潔劑,餅乾清潔劑,刪除歷史記錄,數據清潔劑,密碼清潔劑,去除劑,清潔鉻,下載清潔劑,最佳清潔劑,免費清潔劑,用於Chrome的免費清潔劑,提升瀏覽器 緩存清潔劑,餅乾清潔劑,刪除歷史記錄,數據清潔劑,密碼清潔劑,去除劑,清潔鉻,下載清潔劑,最佳清潔劑,免費清潔劑,用於Chrome的免費清潔劑,提升瀏覽器 緩存清潔劑,餅乾清潔劑,刪除歷史記錄,數據清潔劑,密碼清潔劑,去除劑,清潔鉻,下載清潔劑,最佳清潔劑,免費清潔劑,用於Chrome的免費清潔劑,提升瀏覽器 緩存清潔劑,餅乾清潔劑,刪除歷史記錄,數據清潔劑,密碼清潔劑,去除劑,清潔鉻,下載清潔劑,最佳清潔劑,免費清潔劑,用於Chrome的免費清潔劑,提升瀏覽器 緩存清潔劑,餅乾清潔劑,刪除歷史記錄,數據清潔劑,密碼清潔劑,去除劑,清潔鉻,下載清潔劑,最佳清潔劑,免費清潔劑,用於Chrome的免費清潔劑,提升瀏覽器 緩存清潔劑,餅乾清潔劑,刪除歷史記錄,數據清潔劑,密碼清潔劑,去除劑,清潔鉻,下載清潔劑,最佳清潔劑,免費清潔劑,用於Chrome的免費清潔劑,提升瀏覽器 Fasten Browser with Smart Cleaner extension *New Option: Hot key "Clear" - Alt+C (works for all OS). Smart Cleaner is a simple utility to clean browser data, cache, cookies, downloads and increase an overall browser speed. Click "add to chrome" button to run Smart Cleaner and flush the browser history without any efforts. My Google Chrome is getting too slow. What can I do? The problem with all the browsers, whether it’s internet explorer or Google Chrome, is that they become slow and clunky after a period of time. They take time to start up to, to load websites and to open and close tabs. This is when one should consider cleaning up the browser and getting rid of the cache, history etc. Smart Clean is a useful browser extension that helps you quickly clean up the browser. and It help to delete all traces of your online activity to protect your privacy. Smart Clean is very easy to use and fast. Clean up browsing data from a user's local profile. Make your Chrome browser more faster and Protect your personal data!! Few key features: + Instant removal with one-click + Cleaner Chrome history + Cleaner download history + Empty the cache + Automatic data remove + Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data + Delete History + Remove Passwords + Cleaner for saved passwords + Cleaner for saved form data + Ability to choose time period + Dark mode + Quick clear button This lightweight extension enables you to do all that mentioned above instantly, with one click on the Eraser icon in the Chrome toolbar. One-click "Close All Windows and Smart Cleaner Cache". Boost Your Browser's Performance with Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner Are you tired of your browser running at a snail's pace and taking forever to load websites? You're not alone. Many users face this issue with popular browsers like Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. But don't worry, there's an easy solution – cleaning out your browser's history and cache. And with the help of Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner, it's now easier than ever. What is Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner? Smart Clean is a handy browser extension that efficiently clears out your browser's data, including cache, cookies, downloads, and more. It not only boosts your browsing speed but also protects your privacy by removing all traces of your online activity. How does it work? Adding Smart Clean to your browser is as simple as clicking the "add to chrome" button. Once added, you can quickly clear your browsing data by clicking on the extension's icon in the toolbar or using the hotkey "Clear" (Alt+C) for even faster access. Why do I need it? Over time, browsers accumulate a lot of unnecessary data like cache, cookies, and browsing history. This buildup can significantly slow down your browser's performance and compromise your privacy. With Smart Clean, you can easily get rid of all this clutter with just one click. Key Features: - One-click removal: With Smart Clean, you can instantly remove all unwanted data from your browser with just one click. - Cleaner Chrome history: Say goodbye to cluttered browsing history. - Cleaner download history: Easily clear out any unnecessary downloads taking up space. - Automatic data removal: Set up automatic cleaning intervals for added convenience. - Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data: Protect your privacy by removing all traces of your online activity. - Remove passwords: Easily delete saved passwords for added security. - Cleaner for saved form data: Get rid of any unnecessary form data that may be slowing down your browsing. - Ability to choose time period: Have more control over your browsing history by choosing to clean data from a specific time period. - Dark mode: For those who prefer a darker interface, Smart Clean offers a dark mode option. - Quick clear button: The extension's icon in the toolbar also serves as a quick clear button for added convenience. In conclusion, if you want a faster and more secure browsing experience, Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner is the perfect solution. Its user-friendly interface and one-click cleaning feature make it an essential tool for optimizing your browser's performance. So why wait? Add it to your browser today and start enjoying a smoother browsing experience. Don't let unnecessary data slow you down – get Smart Clean now!Boost Browser Speed and Security with Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner Is your browser running sluggish? Are you tired of waiting for webpages to load? You're not alone. Many users face this frustrating issue with popular browsers like Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. But don't worry, there's a simple solution that can help you speed up your browsing experience. Introducing Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner, the ultimate tool to optimize your browser's performance. What is Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner? Smart Clean is a powerful browser extension designed to swiftly clean up your browser's cache, cookies, downloads, and more. By eliminating unnecessary data, it not only boosts browsing speed but also ensures your online activities remain private. How does it work? Installing Smart Clean is a breeze. Just click the "add to chrome" button and you're all set. Once added, simply click on the extension's icon in the toolbar to instantly clear your browsing data. For even quicker access, use the hotkey "Clear" (Alt+C). Why do I need it? Over time, browsers accumulate excessive data such as cache, cookies, and browsing history that can slow down performance and compromise privacy. With Smart Clean, you can effortlessly remove all this clutter with just one click. Key Features: - One-click removal: Say goodbye to unwanted data with a single click. - Cleaner Chrome history: Eliminate clutter from your browsing history. - Cleaner download history: Easily clear out unnecessary downloads taking up space. - Automatic data removal: Set up automatic cleaning intervals for added convenience. - Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data: Protect your privacy by erasing traces of your online activity. - Remove passwords: Enhance security by deleting saved passwords. - Cleaner for saved form data: Get rid of unnecessary form data that slows down your browsing. - Ability to choose time period: Take control of your browsing history by selecting a specific time period for data cleaning. - Dark mode: Enjoy a sleek, darker interface with Smart Clean's dark mode option. - Quick clear button: The extension's toolbar icon serves as a convenient quick clear button. In conclusion, if you're seeking a faster and more secure browsing experience, look no further than Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner. With its user-friendly interface and one-click cleaning feature, it's the ultimate solution to optimize your browser's performance. Don't wait any longer – add it to your browser today and start enjoying a lightning-fast browsing experience. Suggestions for improvement: - Consider adding more details about the benefits of each key feature. - Include statistics or testimonials to support the claims of improved speed and security. - Add a call-to-action at the end to encourage readers to take action and install the extension.Boost Your Browser Speed with Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner: The Best Free Cleaner for Chrome Is your browser running slow and causing frustration? Say goodbye to sluggish browsing and hello to lightning-fast speed with Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner. This powerful browser extension is the ultimate solution for optimizing your browsing experience. Introducing Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner Smart Clean is a must-have tool that swiftly clears out all the clutter in your browser, including cache, cookies, downloads, and more. By eliminating unnecessary data, it not only supercharges your browser's performance but also enhances your privacy by erasing any traces of your online activity. Effortless Functionality Adding Smart Clean to Chrome is a breeze – simply click the "add to chrome" button. Once installed, you can instantly access the extension by clicking on its icon in the toolbar or using the hotkey "Clear" (Alt+C) for lightning-fast cleaning. Why You Need Smart Clean Over time, browsers accumulate excessive data like cache, cookies, and browsing history, which can significantly slow down your browsing experience and compromise your privacy. With Smart Clean, you can effortlessly eliminate all this unnecessary baggage with just one click. Key Features That Make Smart Clean Stand Out 1. One-click removal: Clear all unwanted data from your browser instantly. 2. Cleaner Chrome history: Bid farewell to cluttered browsing history. 3. Cleaner download history: Easily remove unwanted downloads taking up valuable space. 4. Automatic data removal: Set up automatic cleaning intervals for added convenience. 5. Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data: Safeguard your privacy by erasing all traces of online activity. 6. Remove passwords: Enhance security by deleting saved passwords. 7. Cleaner for saved form data: Streamline browsing by eliminating unnecessary form data. 8. Ability to choose time period: Take control of your browsing history by selecting a specific time period for data cleaning. 9. Dark mode: Enjoy a sleek, darker interface with Smart Clean's dark mode option. 10. Quick clear button: The toolbar icon doubles as a quick clear button for effortless convenience. In conclusion, if you're seeking a faster and more secure browsing experience, look no further than Smart Clean - History & Cache Cleaner. Its user-friendly interface and one-click cleaning feature make it the ultimate solution for optimizing your browser's performance. Don't wait any longer – add Smart Clean to your browser today and enjoy a lightning-fast browsing experience like never before. Corrections and suggestions: - The title could be more attention-grabbing by emphasizing "Boost Your Browser Speed" or "The Best Free Cleaner for Chrome." - Use more descriptive language to highlight the benefits of Smart Clean, such as "ultimate solution," "powerful," and "must-have tool." - Add more action-oriented phrases like "Say goodbye to sluggish browsing" and "Bid farewell to cluttered browsing history." - Emphasize the convenience of Smart Clean by mentioning the easy installation process and quick access through the toolbar icon or hotkey. - Highlight the importance of privacy by mentioning that Smart Clean erases all traces of online activity. - Consider adding a call-to-action at the end, encouraging readers to take immediate action and add Smart Clean to their browser for an enhanced browsing experience.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-05) Mikrobe88: Vraiment très bien cette extension... dommage de devoir mettre une extension pour cela alors que d'autres navigateurs le font tranquillement....
  • (2024-02-22) Dipak Jadhav: Easy to use. but my antivirus is always blocking it.
  • (2024-02-13) nice u: its good if ur too lazy to remove ur history manually or need an easier way, either way its pretty good and i especially like how u can remove cache as well
  • (2024-01-28) Jurek J: Perfekt!
  • (2024-01-02) Archimede Pazzi: Estensione da aggiornare. Con le ultime versioni di Chrome non funziona più la cancellazione automatica dei dati all'avvio del browser. Bisogna per forza farla a mano ogni volta. Se si reimposta l'opzione, al successivo riavvio viene comunque disattivata. Così l'estensione è inutile. Si può tranquillamente sostituire coi tasti Ctrl+Maiusc+Canc di Chrome da premere però ogni santa volta che si apre il browser.
  • (2023-12-27) robert orioles: It worked well and was very fast for quite a while but now it doesn't seem to do anything and I have to clean with other aps. The fast/slow choices are a bit confusing as I didn't tweek them before when it was working; it just cleaned up everything. Now it wants specific websites for history cleaning and it doesn't work in either fast or slow option (these, not these). Oh well, can't complain, it's free.
  • (2023-12-15) Edward Liu: Very good extension. Just don't push me to leave a review would be even better.
  • (2023-12-01) rp bel: It a great program
  • (2023-11-14) stobbo dumy: good
  • (2023-11-08) zou sizhe: No need to clean all cookies
  • (2023-11-08) jeremy delhaye: Fonctionne pas, n'y en manuel n'y en auto !!
  • (2023-10-28) marisa iscool: i love using this chome extension because it gets rid of EVERYTHING if you want it too!
  • (2023-10-24) Ketchup: does what it has to do, simple interface
  • (2023-10-24) Cally Beattie: ok
  • (2023-10-18) N G: Only complaint is auto delete "on start" is not working for me
  • (2023-10-17) Darrel Sautner: 🤞 Does not want to automatic, needs to be restarted manually. 😊
  • (2023-10-14) Two2fiveO w1x9y7z3: Doet wat het moet doen
  • (2023-10-11) allhailalona: well done!
  • (2023-10-04) Clark Williams: This app has done its intended functions well so far haven hd any trouble and it does what is supposed to do.
  • (2023-10-04) B Goutham: test good thanks bye
  • (2023-09-10) Enoch Li: good
  • (2023-09-03) ѕαмυlι ναlтσиєи: works fine on Opera GX latest version.
  • (2023-08-29) Yohannes Francis: it is the best mostly helps me
  • (2023-08-28) hajjan bina: nicw
  • (2023-08-27) Augustinho Manoel filho: otima
  • (2023-08-23) 존다이크: The download list is not deleted from the operating options when Chrome is started. It is not just this extension, but most are.
  • (2023-08-20) Akhilessh Akhilessh: so good
  • (2023-08-15) Yohannes Francis: is so nicee
  • (2023-08-13) Raminder Hundal: does not automatically clean on startup.
  • (2023-08-10) Freddy Lippstick: I realy liked this extension, because it cleared absolute everything .. Even settings such as zoom level on certain sites.. But errm.. but now, it doesn't seems to work anymore !! Settings somehow aren't cleared at chrome start !! Iam on Chrome Version 115.0.5790.171 (Official Build) (64-bit) atm ! cheers,
  • (2023-08-09) Adeniyi: pixel sonic is sneaking
  • (2023-08-08) Laser Tubby: its quite nice
  • (2023-08-03) myknives: how nice and perfect do you want it to be ? the author: YES ( btw the best extention ever made by a human)
  • (2023-08-02) skttmf: love it really good extension, reccomend
  • (2023-07-24) Marlon Parker: Nice, So far .... :)
  • (2023-07-18) Christine: Very Good, works well x
  • (2023-07-17) Joaquim Mendes: ^Too good they give what they promise.I like it.My browser now is to fast.
  • (2023-07-08) ruff 65y: its good
  • (2023-06-29) Anahi Magallon: its alright
  • (2023-06-17) 니코로빈: 좋아요
  • (2023-06-16) 07. Phạm Hoàng Bách: pretty good
  • (2023-06-14) Denis K.: Антивирус стал удалять scripts/background.js. и блокировать адрес http://smartdeaner.online
  • (2023-06-14) Germλn Life: I recommend trying this extension its very good for cleaning useless data
  • (2023-06-12) Giovanni Sullivan: Best working history cleaner.
  • (2023-06-11) Bac Mai: Very good.
  • (2023-06-09) Ben Riordan: very good
  • (2023-06-05) Touseef Khan: Good
  • (2023-06-04) Aya Brahmi: This is very good!... I recommend it
  • (2023-06-04) bao luu quoc: nice
  • (2023-05-27) Muhammad Qasim: does not fail to clean!


212,370 history
4.8068 (968 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-24 / 1.1.31
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