Flash Math Built Into Your Browser!
5.30.2022 Update
- Bug Fixes
- New and Smoother UI
- Added Practice History
- Added Profile
- Added Options For Light and Dark Mode
BigBrainMath is a Chrome extension that uses flash anzan to enhance mental calculation. It helps those who have difficulty finding time to practice their math and is extremely easy to use:
➕ Click the Chrome extension in any tab to display a small popup window with a start button.
➕ Click the gear icon to edit your preferences to match your skill level. “Digits” represents how many digits are in each flashing number, “Speed” represents the time interval in between the flashing numbers, and “Quantity” represents how many numbers will display.
➕ Once done, click the “X” button to return to the main menu, click the start button, and add away!
➕ Input your answer at the end to see if you were successful. You can see the numbers that flashed as well as the correct answer at the ending screen.
➕ Practice as much as possible! Become a great mental mathematician!
Latest reviews
- (2022-09-21) Lionel Delmo: Great tool for mental match calculation. Very easy to use and fun!