extension ExtPose

Microsoft Outlook

CRX id


Description from extension meta

አዲስ ትር ሳይከፍቱ ኢሜይል ይላኩ እና ይቀበሉ፣ የእርስዎ የቀን መቁጠሪያ፣ ተግባሮች እና ተጨማሪ ያስተዳድሩ።

Image from store Microsoft Outlook
Description from store የ Microsoft Outlook አሳሽ ቅጥያ የመልዕክት፣ ቀን መቁጠሪያ፣ እውቂያዎች እና ተግባሮች ኃይል በ Microsoft Edge ውስጥ ባለው አዶ ተጠቅሞ ያቀርብሎታል። የ Outlook የስራ መለያዎ ወይም የ Outlook.com ወይም Hotmail መለያዎ ወደ ሌላ ትር ወይም መተግበሪያ ሳይቀይሩ ይድረሱባቸው። ባህርያት - የስራ ወይም የግል መለያዎች ይድረሱባቸው - ኢሜይል ያንብቡ፣ ይላኩ እና ያስተዳድሩ እና አዲስ የኢሜይል ማሳወቂያዎችን ያግኙ - ክስተቶችን ይፍጠሩ፣ መጪዎቹን ይመልከቱ እና የመስመር ላይ ስብሰባዎችን ይቀላቀሉ - ተግባሮች ይፍጠሩ፣ ይከታተሉ እና ያስተዳድሩ - እውቂያዎችን ያስተዳድሩ ትር ወይም መተግበሪያ ሳይቀይሩ ይህንን ሁሉ ለማድረግ የሚመች - አስፈላጊ ኢሜይል በማንበብ ላይ - የእርስዎ የቀን መቁጠሪያ በመፈተሽ ላይ - ድር ላይ እያነበቡ ባሉት ላይ በመመስረት ተግባር ማከል - ፈጣን የእውቂያ የስልክ ቁጥር ፍለጋ - ኢሜይል እየፃፉ የድር ገጽ ላይ ያለውን መረጃ ማጣቀስ

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-20) Roman F: Hasn't been working for over a month - what a joke.
  • (2023-11-02) Shane Urban: Like everyone else I stared at an envelope for eternity, by the time it allowed me to sign in my wife & Children I found to have died centuries ago. The office I was working in was abandoned and overgrown . Humans no longer survived on this desolate planet. With the amount of people that use outlook you would think they would've fixed this stupid f@#$ing issue by now.
  • (2023-11-02) Luknight768: MSはWindows98時代からずっと客をなめてるとしか思えんww ログインできない拡張機能をいつまでもあたかも使えるみたいに置いとくんじゃねーよw 残骸は早く消せよ
  • (2023-11-01) Nasser Ali Karimi: doesn't work. CAN NOT LOGIN.
  • (2023-10-30) Mike Kudzin: Just doesn't work.
  • (2023-10-25) Ruslan Valuiskyi: It won't work. I couldn't sign in. I just see a spinner
  • (2023-10-21) Pedro Marin: No funciona, not working
  • (2023-10-16) Manuel: won't not work.
  • (2023-10-12) A. Ze.: Nach Eingabe der Mail-Adresse kommt das Lade-Symbol und dann passiert nichts mehr
  • (2023-10-11) Murat KARAOZ: Login not working.
  • (2023-10-11) Hassan Fayyaz: Not able to log in. screen keeps reloading.
  • (2023-10-08) Dimitri D: does not work.
  • (2023-10-04) Narender Bathija: Login not working, just keep loading... Microsoft Edge extension way faster and working perfectly.
  • (2023-10-03) chaya “Chaya” chaya: サインインできないため、何も出来ない。他のレビューと同じ。
  • (2023-09-27) Diego Faria: Login not working
  • (2023-09-19) Stephen Buzzelle: Like all the other recent reviews, it doesn't work. It shows the envelope opening and closing over and over. orThis site can’t be reachedlogin.live.com’s server IP address could not be found. Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy, firewall, and DNS configuration Running Connectivity Diagnostics ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
  • (2023-09-19) Семён Вершинин: не работает
  • (2023-09-15) Gary Bigger: pure garbage
  • (2023-09-14) Maciej Nawrocki: I does not work... I can't even log in..
  • (2023-09-13) Patrik: I would give zero stars. This extension would be so nice to have, at least to read the emails. However it is not possible to login and the app is not working. I have tried many times for last several months and nothing has changed.
  • (2023-09-07) Jun Yang: Can't log in
  • (2023-09-07) Muhammad Ahmed Fahad: inbox:60 Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://localhost:3001') does not match the recipient window's origin ('https://outlook.office.com').
  • (2023-09-05) Kabraxis Luvos: Nachdem der Account ausgewählt wurde, lädt sich das Outlook Pop-out zutode.
  • (2023-08-16) Craig Wayne Govender: Doesn't work, just hangs whilst trying to login
  • (2023-08-13) Josh Fenton: Typical Microsoft garbage. Doesn't even work.
  • (2023-08-08) John Carlson: Won't log in. Based on reviews looks like Microsoft has left it this way for 7 months with no comment or fix
  • (2023-08-08) Danni G: Not working on Edge
  • (2023-08-07) biggest bird (IM DA BIGGEST BIRD): works fine in microsoft edge but not in opera cant sign in 💀
  • (2023-08-03) Robin Song: Very badly, It's still not working.
  • (2023-08-02) Sergey: не работает
  • (2023-08-02) Toan Nguyen: I can't event login. What a shame product from MS.
  • (2023-07-31) Ben Finch: Doesn't work :(
  • (2023-07-31) Oliver Hemming: What a turd. Can't even log in
  • (2023-07-29) Pablo Iturralde: Can't log in
  • (2023-07-24) Adrián Navas Pedraza: No funciona, se queda cargando y no termina de iniciar sesión.
  • (2023-07-14) MM TT: バグでサインインできない。
  • (2023-07-13) Mário Neto: Não carrega a página onde não dá para acessar o e-mail.
  • (2023-07-11) Alexander: Не работает
  • (2023-07-10) Morgan Brown: Can't even log in
  • (2023-07-03) Dan Deancook: the login form is shown, but doesn't login after clicking login button
  • (2023-06-30) Yuriy Kazmirchuk: Does not work. Cannot even log in.
  • (2023-06-27) Yevhen Kuzmovych: Can't login. The console shows: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://localhost:3001') does not match the recipient window's origin ('https://outlook.office.com').
  • (2023-06-21) Parfait N'dri: Does not work, infinite login, 365 microsoft account
  • (2023-06-14) George: Crashed after a few weeks. For a few days it worked nicely but over several months already it just doesn't work.
  • (2023-06-12) Nicolás Mojarro Vega: Broken extension, just as previous reviews stated. Not able to log in at all.
  • (2023-06-12) Théophile Wallez: Doesn't work. Infinite login.
  • (2023-06-05) Jason Chen: 壞掉很久了
  • (2023-05-23) Neil Reed: Stilll not working after a few months - ironically works fine on MS Edge browser - all part of Microsoft's attempt to get us all to move across. Think I'll just port over to using gmail
  • (2023-05-23) igor cynober: C'est une perte de temps car cette extension ne marche pas, la fenêtre de connexion tourne et tourne et n'aboutit pas donc grosse déception
  • (2023-05-23) Helene Strømnes Dybedal: God i need this thing to start working again its so annoyinggg

Latest issues

  • (2024-01-24, v:1.0.4) Morgane Hanryon: No working
    Hello, i can't log in as all the others comments. Did you find any solution ?
  • (2023-11-02, v:1.0.4) Shane Urban: Not letting me sign in
    I can download the extension but I am unable to sign in reading the reviews this issue appears to have been going on for months FIX IT
  • (2023-10-18, v:1.0.4) Agent “Cheese” Phillips: cant get my outlook to refresh and get my emails again.
    plz help
  • (2023-09-13, v:1.0.4) Martyn: Unable to use Reply or Forwrd options in Junk Mail. Was working earlier but now failing why?
    The REPLY AND FORWARD are not able to be used on anything in the Junk Mail file. This has worked before August 2023 but now is failing?? Need a repair option for this problem NOW IMMEDIATELY NOW!!!!!
  • (2023-09-04, v:1.0.4) Mark Czappan: Login window stuck in a loop
    Same as with other users, when I click login the application is just loading for hours...
  • (2023-08-30, v:1.0.4) Bai Beera: Sign-in window is stuck in the loop
    After choosing my account in the sign-in window, the window is continuously stuck in a loop. It's the same even when I enter my ID/PW in the sign-in window; it's just stuck.
  • (2023-08-28, v:1.0.4) JC Graham: no login
    it will not allow me beyond where I choose the profile I wish to use in the extension. It just spins and spins.
  • (2023-08-28, v:1.0.4) Katie Schulz: Cannot log in
    screen just spins after adding in login information
  • (2023-08-23, v:1.0.4) Samuel Perez Sandoval: Don't working
    I can't to login.
  • (2023-08-17, v:1.0.4) Lissa Meade: Can't log in, stuck in loop
    After clicking to log in, the login window is stuck in a loop that never stops; it's been displaying the loading logo for 30 minutes now. Loading window displays one error in devtools: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://localhost:3001') does not match the recipient window's origin ('https://outlook.office.com'). One note: This account is locked down so you can't authenticate using third party software (such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.) so this wouldn't work for me anyway. It's just annoying that it doesn't fail at some point to let you know.
  • (2023-07-19, v:1.0.4) Alex V: Unable to contact [email protected] about issues
    When trying to send an email with issues and suggestions to [email protected] the following response is returned - The group BrowserExtensions only accepts messages from people in its organization or on its allowed senders list, and your email address isn't on the list.
  • (2023-07-19, v:1.0.4) Alex V: Microsoft Outlook extension does not work in latest Chrome
    When trying to use the plugin Microsoft Outlook version 1.0.4 in the latest Chrome Version 115.0.5790.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) and selecting my Office365 account in the popup window, the opening mail animation is displayed and nothing happens. The following error is returned in the popup console: inbox:511 Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://localhost:3001') does not match the recipient window's origin ('https://outlook.office.com').
  • (2023-07-17, v:1.0.4) Kesley DM: Doesn't work, can't log in
    After I log in, it keeps loading and nothing happens. Many people are having this issue and looks like it's not being addressed
  • (2023-07-13, v:1.0.4) Mário Neto: Não conecta, fica apenas carregando
    Quando realizo o login, a extensão Outlook do Google Chrome não carrega a tela do e-mail. Fica apenas mostrando o processo de login mas não abre nada.
  • (2023-07-10, v:1.0.4) Marcus Todd: Hangs when trying to login
    hangs after selecting username outlook plugin for chrome get DATAPOINT Error FromExtension Runtime {EventName: 'ErrorFromExtension Runtime', UserType: 'UNKNOWN', App: 'Mail', Host: 'outlookextension', HostedScenario: 'MiniView', …} {Session.Id: 'da7d02da-66e9-60a4-7cb7-890e6814bd84'} {message: 'A listener indicated an asynchronous response by r…age channel closed before a response was received'}
  • (2023-06-27, v:1.0.4) Roy van den Broek: Hangs after sign-in
    Outlook does not load after verifying credentials. It hangs on the enevelope.
  • (2023-06-26, v:1.0.4) 乾托山: Poor app
    Not even work on the first logon step
  • (2023-06-22, v:1.0.4) adam allcock: Does not work
    when I try to open this it just shows the image of an envelope opening over and over again and does nothing else
  • (2023-06-07, v:1.0.4) Carolyn: Doesn't Work Anymore.
    This extension used to work great. Now it don't work at all. I'm having the same problem as Martyn Butt, I can't sign in no matter what I do. I got this extension from the Microsoft Edge Add-on store and it works. Why does the version from the Microsoft Edge Add-on store work and this version from the Google Chrome Web Store don't?
  • (2023-06-02, v:1.0.4) Martyn Butt: not working
    will not let you log in in still, get this fixed
  • (2023-05-25, v:1.0.4) Lydia: hotmail/outlook
    it will not login, just keeps animating the outlook icon
  • (2023-05-24, v:1.0.4) James: PLugin does not work
    It will not log into outlook, just animates over and over and over
  • (2023-05-18, v:1.0.4) Savannah Stapleton: Too slow to Load Webpage in Full-Screen Window
    I was waiting so long for more than 30 minutes or longer several hours while Mail Animation is loading repeatedly when I try to check my Inbox emails everyday. PLEASE FIX IT!
  • (2023-05-18, v:1.0.4) Casey Larkin: Can't Log In
    Hello, The extension does not work! Every time I try to log in, it won't let me. The sign-in window lets me pick my account but it just keeps loading and loading and doesn't ever complete. I've tried everything to troubleshoot but to no avail. It seems like others are having the same problem too. Please fix the extension! It'd be really helpful and I'd love to use it, but I can't Thank you!
  • (2023-05-14, v:1.0.4) Carol Pacheco: connection problem
    extension does not work, it is not possible to connect. I have tried all possible methods but it doesn't go, it loops and doesn't connect, please review this.
  • (2023-05-12, v:1.0.4) Diego Wilfredo Agnes: App outlook no funciona.
    App outlook no funciona.
  • (2023-05-11, v:1.0.4) Alexey Roslyakov: Login
    Login problem still persist
  • (2023-05-10, v:1.0.4) Reuben Quek: Unable to Login
    Unable to login outlook email. It's constantly trying to login.
  • (2023-05-01, v:1.0.4) Amy Morello (US): STILL NOT WORKING!!!
    Can't login - has not worked for weeks! Please fix, NOW!
  • (2023-04-30, v:1.0.4) Michelle Doyle: Won't login
    Please for the love of god fix this plugin.
  • (2023-04-05, v:1.0.4) Dario Trbović: Cannot login
    I cannot login, I get the error message: "Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://localhost:3001') does not match the recipient window's origin ('https://outlook.office.com')."
  • (2023-04-04, v:1.0.4) Josh B.: Extension doesnt work
    Extension doesnt work
  • (2023-03-29, v:1.0.4) Zdravko Mavkov: The extension no longer works
    It is stuck at the login step.
  • (2023-03-15, v:1.0.4) Jesus Henao: No logra iniciar sesión
    Hola, al momento de ingresar los datos de usuario y contraseña, la pagina que abre queda con el sobre de correo azul y ahí queda.
  • (2023-03-13, v:1.0.4) Mohammed Al-Raimi: I cannot use outlook in chromebook
    I cannot use outlook in chromebook
  • (2023-03-13, v:1.0.4) Mohammed Al-Raimi: how to use outlook in chromebook
    how to use outlook in chromebook
  • (2023-03-10, v:1.0.4) Rade Ilic: Login bug
    Login is still not working. Is it ever going to be fixed?
  • (2023-03-10, v:1.0.4) max frank: n/a
  • (2022-03-17, v:1.0.3) Lukáš Drahník: Login popup
    Dear developers, i would like use the same login popup in my developing extension as you use in Google Chrome extension Microsoft Outlook. Is it possible? Can you refer me to doc? Best Lukas
  • (2022-03-13, v:1.0.3) Bill McLain: hotmail account
    why can't I get into my hotmail.com account..contact me at [email protected]
  • (2022-03-06, v:1.0.3) Joanne Webb: Outlook doesn't open on Chrome or Edge browsers.
    This error message comes up each time I try to login on Chrome or Edge to Outlook bookmark link or any other login way on web UTC Date: 2022-03-06T05:24:35.830Z BootResult: network Client Id: 880424238AD347AD8DA9936075086D9B Session Id: aa1d2b38-961b-4a60-8778-d93ff1b0edc7 Client Version: 20220225004.03 err: Error: NetworkResponseError esrc: StartupData et: ServerError estack: Error: NetworkResponseError at i (https://outlook.live.com/mail/0/inbox:604:221152) at https://outlook.live.com/mail/0/inbox:604:156169
  • (2022-03-01, v:1.0.3) David Grater: not getting any emails
    It has been since July since I have received any emails in my hotmail account an I am getting highly pissed about [email protected]
  • (2022-02-23, v:1.0.3) Gloria Stoner: How do I access my hotmail email account on Chromebook
    How do I access my hotmail email account on Chromebook
  • (2022-02-16, v:1.0.3) אריאל בן לולו: אני לא מצליח להתחבר
    אני מנסה לפתוח את אפליקציית דואר ולא מצליח
  • (2022-02-11, v:1.0.2) d s: outlook extension not working
    Would appreciate it if you would answer why clicking on Outlook extension no longer opens the Outlook app but just brings me to this page on chrome web store?????
  • (2022-02-11, v:1.0.2) carrol thornby: How do I access my email
    You supposedly solved my issue and allowed me access to my email after being locked out but I still can't access it. I NEED TO GET INTO MY EMAIL.
  • (2022-02-10, v:1.0.2) Pauline Mcconnell: outlook
    I do not want Microsoft, why have you changed this ???
  • (2022-02-09, v:1.0.2) carrol thornby: I DO NOT WANT MICROSOFT!!!!!!!!
    GET RID OF THIS! My email is totally screwed up because of this program!!!! Now I can't get into it for 2 days. I don't want to have to sign in to Microsoft every time I want to use my email!!!!!!!! I don't want to sign in at all. I never did until you took over my email. LEAVE
  • (2022-02-09, v:1.0.2) carrol thornby: How in the H..... do I cancel this S......
    This Microsoft program has totally F........d up my email!!!!!!! I DON'T WANT THIS. GET RID OF IT NOW! I want my old email back as it was, not F........d up.
  • (2022-02-09, v:1.0.2) sandra Lekan: Chromebook
    Rec'd Chromebook as gift. Seems is not compatible with this Microsoft environment, Plus tell me what support I need to continue with my MSN access frequently and easily. I am not technically savvy therefore pls take that into consideration. Email access is of great importance. I get home page but no place to choose email . I


200,000 history
1.8619 (210 votes)
Last update / version
2023-11-08 / 1.0.4
Listing languages
