This extension allow you to key in Pāli characters using following keyboard shortcuts. This is an open source project.
Note: if this does not work well for you, you may use this online version notepad as well: https://mydhamma.github.io/pali-notepad
Currently it is working on textarea and input. However it is not working in Google Document and other Google drive products.
Tilde characters
ā : Ctrl + Alt + a
Ā : Ctrl + Alt + A
ī : Ctrl + Alt + i
Ī : Ctrl + Alt + I
ñ : Ctrl + Alt + n
Ñ : Ctrl + Alt + N
ū : Ctrl + Alt + u
Ū : Ctrl + Alt + U
// Ctrl + Alt + Y provided as some browsers has issue with Ctrl + Alt + U
Ū : Ctrl + Alt + Y
Underdot characters
ḍ : Alt + d
Ḍ : Alt + D
ḷ : Alt + l
Ḷ : Alt + L
ṃ : Alt + m
Ṃ : Alt + M
ŋ : Alt + g
ṇ : Alt + n
Ṇ : Alt + N
ṭ : Alt + t
Ṭ : Alt + T
Overdot characters
ṁ : Ctrl + m
ṅ : Ctrl + n
Ṅ : Ctrl + N
// Ctrl + , provided as some browsers has issue with Ctrl + N
ṅ : Ctrl + ,
// Ctrl + < provided as some browsers has issue with Ctrl + n
Ṅ : Ctrl + <
Source code available at https://github.com/mydhamma/pali-keyboard-browser-extension