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Image from store DeepL:人工智能翻译器和写作助手
Description from store DeepL Chrome 扩展是轻松获得人工智能翻译和写作协助的不二之选,解锁更胜一筹的浏览体验。DeepL 备受全球数百万用户信赖,准确性和流畅性无与伦比,沟通无懈可击。无论是专业使用还是个人使用,我们的扩展都能顺利整合到日常工作中,无需在不同应用程序之间切换或复制粘贴。探索只需一键即可理解并使用多种语言的世界。 了解 DeepL 的核心功能 🌍DeepL 翻译器:通过 DeepL Pro 订阅,可翻译文本、完整页面,甚至自动翻译网站,立即理解 30 多种语言并进行交流。DeepL 的术语表功能可为企业内外部沟通提供大规模定制服务,确保所有译文的一致性和准确性。海量语种任选,包括英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、荷兰语、波兰语、俄语、葡萄牙语、日语等。 ✍️DeepL Write:让英语和德语写作更上一层楼(更多语言即将推出)。撰写重要的电子邮件、演示文稿、报告等内容时,可根据目标受众打造结构合理的文本,语法和清晰度无可挑剔。 🚀为专业人员提供强大集成 Google Workspace:通过 DeepL 的集成,可在 Gmail、Google 文档和 Google Slides 中直接翻译并获取写作帮助,重塑 Google Workspace 体验——Google Sheets 也即将支持! Zendesk:DeepL Pro 的 Advanced 和 Ultimate 订阅用户可将 DeepL 与 Zendesk 集成,翻译票单和即时聊天。 社交和通讯平台:在 Twitter、WhatsApp 和 LinkedIn 上扩大全球影响力。DeepL 可增强社交媒体的互动,确保信息与全球共鸣。 为何选择 DeepL? 无与伦比的准确性:依靠 DeepL 业界领先的人工智能语言技术,实现精准翻译和自信沟通。 化繁为简的全球沟通:一边阅读写作,一边即时翻译并润色文本——无需离开浏览器。 突飞猛进的工作效率:使用快捷键和自动翻译功能节省时间,专注于最重要的事情。 关键信息 🤝订阅:对我们的免费浏览器扩展小试牛刀,或使用 DeepL Pro 和 DeepL Write Pro 解锁全部功能。更多信息请访问 deepl.com/pro/zh。 🔐数据安全 数据安全是我们的首要任务。根据我们在 deepl.com/zh/pro-license 上的条款和条件,DeepL Pro 和 DeepL Write Pro 不会存储或使用你的译文和文本来增强我们的服务,可以安全地翻译和润色包含个人数据的内容。不过,我们的免费版服务可能使用已提交的文本为所有用户改进 DeepL 算法,但不会用于处理个人信息。进一步了解我们强大的安全措施和隐私保护承诺,请前往 deepl.com/zh/pro-data-security。 准备好打破语言障碍了吗?

Latest reviews

  • (2025-01-26) Nuri Kaylan: Bence harika bir uygulama, çeviri kalitesini henüz tam manasıyla test edemedim ama pratik kullanışlı. Başka çeviri araçlarını da denedim en iyisi deepL. Bazen diğerlerini de kullanıp çevirilerini karşılaştırıyorum gerçekten DeepL hepsinden daha düzgün çeviri yapıyor aptalca devrik cümleler de kurmuyor. Yalnız ben chrome da değil brave de kullanıyorum.
  • (2025-01-24) Victor Carroll: "К сожалению, мы не смогли перевести ваш текст. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже." Цензура
  • (2025-01-20) Channel: 🔵20.1.25: Hi, it's important to change the problem with ":"(punctuations), because when try to translate every phrase that has the ":" before that, every word after that, desappers and it continue after the dot the specific phrase. Thanks . 🟠22.2.24: Why it's not showing the ''Show the DeepL icon for reading'' in Reddit anymore? 🔴Update 30.11.23: The problem is fixed. Thanks 🔴Update 29.11.23: Hi, i want to ask if there is a problem with the chrome ext. because today when i tried to translate something, the result was: "Sorry, we couldn't translate your text. Please try again later." Why? Thanks Good. 🔴 1. Can you make a change to be able to edit the mini translation box instead of going to the main page of deepl? 🔴 2. Also can you make the extention to show the translation icon even when we edit text? Thanks
  • (2024-12-05) Mike Herman: Currently broken. Past review: The translations are far superior to google. Unfortunately you can't just turn it on and let it translate entire web-pages like the built-in google translate will. I've ended up using google translate for normal use, and when google makes a huge failure I'll turn it off and use DeepL for that section, then go back to google.
  • (2024-11-27) Ali Mez: makes browser freeze because it tags every youtube comment with "translate" writing.
  • (2024-11-23) Специалист CNC: Бесподобное расширение и всегда под рукой. новый уровень по с сравнением с гугловским
  • (2024-08-08) Los Santos: Ótimo dei nota 5 poderia dar 10 estrelas tranquilamente.
  • (2024-08-06) qxmony: 我非常喜欢这个插件,真的还不错
  • (2024-07-12) Sergey Ibragimov: Не первый год пользуюсь данным переводчиком, отличный переводчик, переводит не только что вводишь, но и выделяешь если текст небольшой
  • (2024-07-09) Daniiar Sydykov: Самый лучший переводчик когда либо использовал
  • (2024-06-30) EYVIND YOHNSON SANGAY INFANTE: Las herramientas son las mejores en comparación con otros servicios.
  • (2024-05-23) EDUARDO OCAÑA: Excelente, es la mejor 100% recommended
  • (2024-05-23) 腐败: 在推特上阅读的时候,集成功能消失。阅读推文的时候,“DEEPL翻译”按钮已经消失不起作用,不能直接点击“DEEPL翻译”,只能通过选择文本,然后右键选择DEEPL翻译,比较麻烦。写作按钮还可以使用。
  • (2024-04-13) GianMarco Tavazzani: Given that the desktop 'app' 2.7.95892 (last High Sierra working one) is buggy like hell and not fixed (typically the upper line where you MUST choose the languages is simply not showing up without reasons and therefore the whole 'app' can't work at all!), this is a partial alternative with the online DeepL page for what the 'app' was intended for. HOPEFULLY it will keep working (at start it was not showing up but now, surprisingly, it started to work…) but I'm frankly doubious and, alerted by the scarse developers skills and disrespect of the users showing very evidently by the desktop 'add', I will test it longer and correct my rate in case. 2024-04-13: done: downrated 1 star for the not working desktop app and I'm going to downrate it even further if I'll keep seeing unacceptable (till to be even no more ridiculous) translations. Bu it's a matter of fact that it seems to translate often more 'context-correctly' than other tools like Reverso or Mate.
  • (2024-02-27) Mauro Berton: DeepL è noto per produrre traduzioni di alta qualità, spesso più fluide e naturali rispetto ad altre soluzioni di traduzione automatica. Questo è dovuto alla sua tecnologia basata su reti neurali artificiali, che permette di comprendere il contesto e produrre traduzioni più precise. L'estensione supporta un'ampia gamma di lingue, consentendo agli utenti di tradurre testi da e verso molte lingue diverse. DeepL offre un'interfaccia intuitiva e semplice da utilizzare, con la possibilità di tradurre testi direttamente nella finestra del browser senza dover aprire un'altra pagina o applicazione. Le traduzioni vengono prodotte rapidamente, consentendo agli utenti di ottenere risultati istantanei senza dover aspettare a lungo.
  • (2024-02-01) Александр Осинин: УДобно! Поудобнее, чем от гугла переводчик. И переводит точнее. Продолжаю пользоваться;)
  • (2024-01-30) FN-2814: Me parece genial para chatear con amigos de otros paises
  • (2024-01-30) Igor: Very cool! It's number 1!
  • (2024-01-28) Caio Alborghete (Calborghete): There are many sites where the translation function doesn't work, forcing me to enter the site with the copied text to get the translation.
  • (2024-01-19) Eduards Radionovs: Very good extension and thank you for your hard work!
  • (2024-01-09) Jakub Jahl (Světová náboženství): Mega skvělej nástroj, používám ho na překlad svých knížek do angličtiny.
  • (2024-01-04) Alan Green: Excellent.The most powerful translate tool I've ever used.
  • (2023-12-28) 전홍엽: 문제된 오류: 웹 번역이 갑자기 안되요. "텍스트를 번역할 수 없습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하세요."라는 팝업창이 뜨고요. 해결했어요. 해결방법: 크롬에서 디플을 쓰고 있는데, 크롬의 오류였어요. 구체적으로 말하면, 크롬이 자주 업데이트를 하고 업데이트 항목 중에 개짜증 나는 게 있어서, 그걸 비활성화시킨 이후부터 디플이 오류가 발생했어요. 이같은 디플 오류로 구글링을 아무리해도 해결되지 않던 차에, 크롬 업데이트 오류(크롬 설명서)에 대해 검색하니 "크롬 삭제 후 재설치"를 권장하더군요. 해서 그리 했더니 디플 오류가 없어졌어요.
  • (2023-12-17) Hamza Simsek: Çok başarılı.
  • (2023-12-01) MARCUS CAMPOS: O melhor tradutor que utilizei
  • (2023-11-28) Eduardo Fernandez: awesome!! it really works as described
  • (2023-11-27) Ilham Amirullah: it very helpful, please keep improve the performance that can be more accurate
  • (2023-11-24) Andy Saputra: Bagus, Sangat Bermanfaat.
  • (2023-11-23) Patrick Burgoyne: extrêmement utile, qui fait gagner beaucoup de temps !
  • (2023-11-22) Артем Олегович Говоруха: Дуже крутий, краже за гугл перекладач !
  • (2023-11-22) 도성민: 최고입니다.
  • (2023-11-17) 김도윤: 좋기는 한데 왼쪽 아래나 오른쪽 아래로 위치 좀 바꿨으면 좋겠습니다. 현재 있는 위치 때문에 매번 닫아야 합니다. 모든 사람이 무조건 딥엘 번역기로 번역부터 하는 것은 아닙니다. 일단 원문부터 보고 이해가 안가는 부분이 있으면 그때 가서 번역하기를 누르는 사람도 있는 겁니다. 프로그래밍과 같은 전문적인 분야이거나 비꼬는 말, 말장난 등과 같은 부분은 해석 안하고 발음나는 대로 번역을 하는데... 그런 건 번역이 아니니까 그냥 원문 그대로 입력하는 것이 낫다고 생각합니다.
  • (2023-11-17) Bharath Balakrishnan (B2): SSO login not supported in Chrome extension? I have a DeepL Pro account but not able to login using SSO in chrome extension. It supports only direct authentication. Am I missing anything here? I tried logging in with Pro account in Chrome browser and DeepL macos app. SSO works in these cases but could not see this option in Chrome extension.
  • (2023-11-16) GREEN JOBS: Would like to add YouTube comment translation buttons, similar to twitter!
  • (2023-11-16) коля шевчук: Зручно користуватись. Хороший результат.
  • (2023-11-15) gello bdg: aplikasi nya sangat bagus dan friendly
  • (2023-11-15) Julian David Carrillo Galvez: I love it
  • (2023-11-15) Анна: Дуже подобається цей перекладач. Найточніший з усіх, якими користувалась раніше. Круто, що є розширення для Chrome, зручно.
  • (2023-11-15) 스토롤베리: 다른나라와 관련된 일을 할때 유용하네요. 외국 사이트도 글자를 드래그만 하면 되고 개사기니까 다운로드 하세요
  • (2023-11-15) biladi fashion: really useful, love it
  • (2023-11-15) Ted Jang: 번역도 잘 되고 다 좋은데 좀 더 많은 나라의 언어가 번역되었으면 좋겠어요
  • (2023-11-14) Екатерина: Делает отличный перевод
  • (2023-11-14) katu lus: facilita mucho el trabajo, rápido y eficaz. ya no puedo pasar sin el
  • (2023-11-14) Eli Aslanov: Accurate than many others
  • (2023-11-14) Efrain G. Challco Mamani (Efra): Excelente apoyo con la traducción gratuita, muchas gracias.
  • (2023-11-14) Sinan Arnaut: The USP for me is that it is a free tool, still. Especially chrome plugin. The way it translates is a bit more structured and humanized as the one from the the google translate. Of course, native speakers will catch quickly that is does sound a bit too high but still the best translator at the moment.
  • (2023-11-14) Ricky Ho: 目前翻译口语化最准确的软件!!!
  • (2023-11-13) Valentina Herrera: Sirve muchísimo y tiene una muy buena calidad de traducción :)
  • (2023-11-13) Willem Rabbeljee: I used, for decades, translation tools. All of them. I can say that, without any doubt, that DeepL out there is the best one available, doing an almost perfect job. The amount of questionable translations -let alone straight errors- is very low. Of course you always have to check and, it's even more useful if you have a certain level of knowledge of the language you're translating from. But, if not -you can pretty well trust the translations deliverd by DeepL!
  • (2023-11-13) Ladislav Šulc: Best translation platform and extension out there. Period.


4,000,000 history
4.7687 (10,778 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-17 / 1.38.0
Listing languages
