extension ExtPose

Web-asiakas Instagram™:lle

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Käytä web-asiakasta Instagram™:lle aivan kuten suosikki mobiilisovelluksesi. Lataa videoita ja kuvia, lataa omia sisältöjä ja…

Image from store Web-asiakas Instagram™:lle
Description from store Sidegram | Web Client for Instagram™ on hyödyllinen Chrome-laajennus, jonka avulla käyttäjät voivat kokea suosittua sosiaalisen median alustaa. Tämä on yksinkertainen ja tehokas työkalu, jossa on monia ominaisuuksia, jotka tekevät sosiaalisesta käyttäjäkokemuksestasi entistä paremman. Yhdellä napsautuksella selaimessasi pääset suosittuun sosiaaliseen verkostoon - Instagramiin, jossa voit jakaa valokuvia ja videoita, katsella uutissyötettä ja keskustella ystävien kanssa. On useita syitä, miksi saatat haluta käyttää verkkoasiakasohjelmaa Instagram™-sovelluksessa: 1. Videoiden ja kuvien lataaminen: Laajennuksen avulla voit ladata videoita ja kuvia Instagramista suoraan tietokoneellesi. Tästä voi olla apua, jos haluat tallentaa sisältöä myöhempää käyttöä varten tai jakaa sitä muilla sosiaalisen median alustoilla. 2. Sisällön lataaminen: Jos luot sisältöä, laajennuksen avulla voit lähettää viestejä suoraan työpöydältäsi. Tämä voi olla kätevämpää kuin tiedostojen siirtäminen puhelimesta tietokoneeseen. 3. DM-viestien lähettäminen: Laajennuksen avulla voit lähettää suoria viestejä seuraajillesi ja ystävillesi Instagramissa. 4. Kätevä selailu: Sidegram-laajennuksen avulla voit selata Instagramia työpöydälläsi aivan kuten mobiililaitteellasi. Tästä voi olla apua, jos haluat käyttää suurempaa näyttöä tai jos työskentelet jonkin asian parissa, joka edellyttää vaihtamista useiden välilehtien välillä. Kaikki nämä ominaisuudet tekevät Sidegramista pakollisen työkalun kaikille, jotka rakastavat Instagramia ja haluavat saada siitä kaiken irti. Se ei ole vain joustava ja helppokäyttöinen, vaan se toimii myös mobiilisovelluksena. Olitpa siis vaikuttaja, markkinoija tai vain Instagramin selaamisesta nauttiva henkilö, Sidegramin avulla voit tehdä enemmän pöytätietokoneen ääressä.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-10) Johnny B.: Questa estensione ha diversi BUG. Se installata mostra il sito di Facebook in modalità "mobile". Inoltre causa problemi di visualizzazione del sito Instagram.
  • (2023-09-26) Johnny B.: Ottima
  • (2023-08-04) Breaking Bad: Bad. Add option to make it full screen or resize it.
  • (2023-07-23) Rizky Ramadhan: bagus
  • (2023-07-02) Piotr Jarosz: i have to unmute every single god damn video... but the download works
  • (2023-06-25) Makkufurai: I use Opera with its IG sidebar-extension but wanted to be able to DL stuff for sharing purposes. This extension gave me what I was seeking immediately and smoothly, even on top of another IG-extension! I don't usually write reviews but felt I had to as this ex. worked for me exactly when I needed it; recommended :)
  • (2023-05-31) zeki gungor: It is a great App! Gives so much even for the free version.
  • (2023-05-31) C K: 目前相关应用程序,这是最棒的一款程序,非常优秀,非常酷
  • (2023-05-30) Gabriel Lino: Well worth the money for the premium version, so easy for content creation and to upload things from your PC! Love what they are doing here, thank you!
  • (2023-05-29) Renata Santos: Its makes everything so much super easy for me since I work on my laptop, Its my go to extension for everything. Bless y'all
  • (2023-05-28) Active Brain: i love it!!! you can post VIDEOS + photos, view dm's and even post storiesni dont have a phone right now so this app is the only thing allowing me to use ignand its so simple ;-; i love itnIt solved my many problems thanks for it :)
  • (2023-05-28) Mike Lu: Great App. Just using the free version but extremely tempted to upgrade to Pro. Very user friendly and helpful. Get it !!
  • (2023-05-27) Daphne Rodrigues: Finally a simple extension that brings to the table all the features (and more coming soon) that anyone would ever want.nLooking forward to testing future developments!
  • (2023-05-27) Joanna Daniluk: I'm impressed.. The best thing about this extension is that it won't need your username and password.. So Instagram won't be bothered..
  • (2023-05-26) Jan Havranek: does just what it says it does, most useful extension hands down.
  • (2023-05-24) Luc lev: I love this app man it helped me when my phone got taken off!
  • (2023-05-24) emanuelle: Love being able to easily upload from desktop instead of transferring to phone
  • (2023-05-24) Rodrigo Lemos: The only thing I could want is to be able to use it, without needing a Facebook account. nSince I don't have a Facebook account, but would still want to use this.
  • (2023-05-22) Fernando Bellini: This is an amazing tool for my Digital Marketing Business!
  • (2023-05-22) Henrique Laignier: its so good honestly it helped me so much its a big multi tool i actually enjoyed it
  • (2023-05-20) Daniella: its good to use .some more things can be introduced in ading story.any way i like it
  • (2023-05-19) DarkenRa 2.0: This is by far one of the best extensions out there. It combines what all of the competitors do, and the competitors don't do anything well, into one streamlined extension plus they do a way better job at it. Top shelf, guys!
  • (2023-05-17) RICHARD JUNIOR: Love it, it's very helpful and I use it instead of the Instagram website now coz of how user-friendly it is compared to the website. Only problem is you can't view reels which is available even on the instagram website so I hope we'll get that feature soon, otherwise it's perfect
  • (2023-05-17) bernard reboux: Great App Overall Just Make Reels And Story Free !
  • (2023-05-16) My Sesion: Hey Guys it is so much easy to post my pics through your app , I am totally in love with it , I think you have done a wonderful job ....................Just love it .
  • (2023-05-13) Neide Policarpo: Absolutely love this for my purposes. I intended to purchase it thinking it was a month, and was disappointed that it was much more, but it has been so worth it. It is still such a small price to pay for this functionality. It is so user friendly.
  • (2023-05-12) كل أخبار السعودية 1: Loved it, its so easy and handy to use Instagram on pc.Thanks.
  • (2023-05-12) paulo camilo: It hadn't been working for a couple days and I realized how much I used it, especially to read DMs without opening them. One of the best extensions out there.
  • (2023-03-31) Denis Morozsi: Good
  • (2023-02-01) william brown: very helpful
  • (2022-11-10) EXTREME REPORTER - Andiamo al Sodo!: A VOLTE FUNZIONA E A VOLTE NO.


200,000 history
4.6404 (203 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-20 / 2.0.9
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