extension ExtPose

Ojačevalec glasnosti - ojačevalec zvoka

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Ojačevalnik glasnosti, ki je preprost za uporabo, z nadzorom glasnosti in izenačevalnikom zvoka. Nadzor zvoka Youtube, Spotify z…

Image from store Ojačevalec glasnosti - ojačevalec zvoka
Description from store ojačevalec glasnosti vam omogoča izboljšanje kakovosti zvoka v brskalniku Chrome za več užitka ob poslušanju YouTube Music in gledanju videoposnetkov. polno ojačenje nizkih tonov. povečanje glasnosti za 600 %. Elegantno pojavno okno za ojačevalec zvoka s stikalom za glasnost s seznamom zavihkov, ki predvajajo zvočno vsebino. Samo regulirajte zvok v trenutnem spletnem zavihku z drsnikom. S to razširitvijo naj bo zvok iz vašega brskalnika resnično osupljiv. Uporabite njegov ojačevalec glasnosti na svojih priljubljenih spletnih mestih. Kako uporabljati razširitev za Chrome za povečanje glasnosti: 1. Namestite ojačevalnik glasnosti 2. Pripnite ga v orodno vrstico 3. Kliknite ikono razširitve Sound Booster in omogočite ojačevalnik glasnosti s preklopnim gumbom. 4. Nato kliknite ikono razširitve in izberite obseg povečave zvoka. Sound Booster je enostavno in priročno glasbeno orodje za briljantno zvenenje vaših najljubših pesmi. Samo poskusite izkoristiti ta izenačevalnik in uživajte v njegovih prednostih. ojačevalec nizkih tonov poskrbi, da bodo videoposnetki, pesmi, filmi in še več zvoki osupljivi, tako da okrepite zvočnike ali slušalke. ojačitev nizkih tonov je izenačevalnik zvoka, ki je preprost za uporabo in ima več nastavitev, da videoposnetki, glasba, filmi, igranje iger, anime in drugo zvenijo neverjetno s klikom na gumb. Kot bi imeli drage slušalke/zvočnike popolnoma brezplačno, zato ga prenesite zdaj! nadzor glasnosti Prevzemite nadzor nad vsem zvokom, ki ga potrebujete, orodje za prilagajanje glasnosti z možnostjo nastavitve individualnih nastavitev glasnosti za vsak zavihek. Za rešitev te naloge smo razvili razširitev za nadzor glasnosti zvoka. izenačevalnik Audio Equalizer je enostavna razširitev, ki vam omogoča enostavno prilagajanje zvočnih nastavitev (ravnovesje med frekvenčnimi komponentami v zvočni datoteki) v pojavnem oknu orodne vrstice. Izenačevalnik za Youtube. Celozaslonski način Chrome vam prepreči, da bi preklopili na celoten celozaslonski način, ko uporabljate katero koli razširitev, ki manipulira z zvokom, tako da lahko vedno vidite ikono modrega pravokotnika v vrstici z zavihki (da se zavedate, da se manipulira z zvokom). Tega ni mogoče zaobiti in navsezadnje je to dobra stvar, ki vas varuje. Vendar lahko situacijo nekoliko izboljšate s pritiskom na F11 (v sistemu Windows) ali Ctr+Cmd+F (v sistemu Mac). Upamo, da vam bo naše orodje koristilo! Čakamo na vaše povratne informacije in ocene! Če imate težave ali ne deluje naprej, se obrnite na nas. Volume Booster vam omogoča, da izboljšate kakovost zvoka v brskalniku Chrome, da dobite več užitka od poslušanja glasbe in gledanja videoposnetkov. Bass Boost do celotnega. Povečanje glasnosti za 600% Tu so razlogi, da izberete glasnost Booster: - Sound Booster lahko poveča količino predvajanja vsebine do 1000% - Volume Booster. Volume volumna do 500% povečanja. - stopnja povečanja basov - Izravnava 32Hz-16kHz - povečanje glasnosti - povečati glasnost na 400% standardne zvočne moči; - bas booster prednastavitev - zvočni učinek za povečanje nizkih frekvenc zvoka; Naredite zvok iz vašega brskalnika res super s tem zvočnim razširitvam. Uporabite ga na svojih najljubših spletnih mestih - YouTube, Spotify, VK, Deezer ... Volume Booster je enostavno in priročno glasbeno orodje za briljantno zvok vaših najljubših pesmi. Samo poskusite izkoristiti to izenačenje in uživajte v njegovih prednostih. Enakomerni program vam omogoča, da izboljšate kakovost zvoka vašega brskalnika Chrome, da boste bolj uživali v poslušanju glasbe in gledanju videoposnetkov. Volume Booster je enostavno in priročno glasbeno orodje za briljantno zvok vaših najljubših pesmi. Samo poskusite izkoristiti to izenačenje in uživajte v njegovih prednostih. Podaljšek glavnega volumna Optimizirajte zvok v skladu z žanrom, ki ga poslušate z izenačevalnim brskalnikom. Želite povečati bas ojačevalnik? Dostop do pojavnega menija in izberite novo prednastavitev. Privzeta nastavitev je namenjena nekoliko povečanju basa, zato lahko greste višje. Želite izklopiti bas booster? Dostop do pojavnega menija in onemogoči bas Boost. To bo onemogočilo povečanje basov na trenutnem zavihku, ne da bi pri tem vplivalo na kakršne koli druge zavihke. Podaljšek za krmiljenje glasnosti vam pomaga nastaviti želeno raven glasnosti zvočnika za vsak zavihek posameznega brskalnika. Spletna mesta se samo prepirajo z medijsko vsebino, kot so videoposnetki, glasba, pretoki, zvočni in video oglasi. Če želite prevzeti nadzor nad vsem zvokom, potrebujete orodje za prilagoditev glasnosti moči z možnostjo nastavitve posameznih nastavitev glasnosti za vsak zavihek. Za rešitev te naloge smo razvili razširitev nadzora zvoka. Upamo, da se vam zdi naš mojster glasnosti uporaben! Čakamo na vaše povratne informacije. Volume Booster is an extension that will allow you to increase the sound of your system. It can raise volume level up to 600%. Make a sound from your browser really awesome with this Volume Booster extension. Volume Booster allows you to improve the sound quality in the Chrome browser to get more pleasure from listening to music and watching videos. Bass boost to the full. Volume boost by 600% Here are reasons to choose Volume Booster: - Our extension can increase the volume of the content being played up to 1000% - This can be used on current tab, current website, or any website - Enable/Disable with single click - Volume booster. Control volume up to 500% boost. - Bass boost level - Audio Limiter / Compressor. - Equalizer 32hz-16khz - Volume Booster - increase volume to 400% of the standard sound power; - Bass Booster preset - audio effect to amplify low frequencies of the sound; The Volume Master extension helps you set the desired speaker volume level for each individual tab in your browser. Websites are simply filled with multimedia content such as video, music, streams, audio and video ads. We made the interface of our Volume Booster as simple and intuitive as the volume control and volume sound, keeping all its functions in a lightweight case. Lightweight and stylish window with a volume switch with a list of tabs on which the current audio content is played. How to use Sound booster Chrome extension: 1. Install Volume Booster 2. Pin it in the toolbar 3. Click on the Volume Booster extension icon and enable the volume booster with toggle button. 4. Then, click on the extension icon and choose the Sound boost range. Make a sound from your browser really awesome with this Sound Booster extension. Use it on your favorite websites - Youtube, Spotify, VK, Deezer ... Volume Booster is an easy and convenient music tool for brilliant sounding of your favorite songs. Just try to take advantage of this Equalizer and enjoy its benefits. Volume booster extension Volume booster for Youtube that explodes your system! Boost audio in any tab including Youtube, Twitch, and others. Sound booster that really works! The first and only Volume booster, that works with Youtube, Soundcloud, Pandora, and so on. Extension Volume Booster Youtube includes: Sound Booster. Level up sound more than 600% from standard sound power. Sound Booster. Switch off automatically in normal mode. Volume Master - Change the volume for each individual tab with sound booster. Sound Booster - works great on all popular sites Volume Control. Remembers previous sound settings. Sound Booster. Simple and stylish popup window Sound Booster extension with volume control and list of tabs. Volume Manager will amplify your sound at a maximum and provide you with better sound quality wherever you are! Bass Booster - chrome extension that help you to set a desired speaker volume degree for each individual tab in your browser. Bass Booster have a simple interface of sound volume control switch as it just possible with keeping all of its power in a light design. Stylish popup Volume Master with a volume switch with a list of tabs that a now playing audio content. Volume booster and sound booter Volume Control Volume Control to take control over all that audio you need a power volume adjust tool with the ability to set individual volume settings for each tab. To solve that task we developed our audio volume control extension. Volume Control Optimize the sound according to the genre which you listening with equalizer for chrome browser. Equalizer allows you to improve sound quality of your Chrome browser to get more enjoy of listening music and watching videos. Audio Booster - chrome extension that help you to set a desired speaker volume degree for each individual tab in your browser. This app have a simple interface of sound volume control switch as it just possible with keeping all of its power in a light design. Stylish popup Volume Master with a volume switch with a list of tabs that a now playing audio content. Full screen Volume Master Chrome prevents you from going to a complete full-screen when using any extension manipulating with sound so you can always see the blue rectangle icon in the tab bar (to be aware of audio is being manipulated). There's no way to bypass it and after all it's a good thing that keeps you safe. However you can improve the situation a bit by pressing F11 (on Windows) or Ctr+Cmd+F (on Mac). Bass Booster - Sound effect to enhance the sound of low frequencies; - Preset Vocal Booster - boost the high frequencies of the sound. Volume Controller extension helps you to set a desired speaker volume level for each individual tab in your browser. Websites are just bursting with media content such as videos, music, streams, audio and video ads. To take control over all that audio you need a power volume adjust tool with the ability to set individual volume settings for each tab. To solve that task we developed our audio volume control extension. It helps you to get rid of high volume *auto-play* videos while browsing facebook, twitter, web.whatsapp, youtube and any other streaming sites (html5 videos) We hope you find our Volume Master useful! We are waiting for your feedback and ratings!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-01) Александр М: Не даёт ютьюбу войти в полноэкранный режим...
  • (2023-08-25) Jacek Graczykowski: Simply doesn't work
  • (2023-08-22) рустам жаббаров: только одно минус расшерение не делает полноэкраный режим
  • (2023-08-14) u 6: Super annoying undocumented feature: You can no longer maximise Youtube videos to full screen. The menu bar is forced always visible. Super bizarre. Makes this extension unusable. Why is a VOLUME booster interfering with totally unrelated normal functioning of the browser?
  • (2023-07-20) Douglop2: aumenta D+
  • (2023-06-05) dimonus66: Прекрастное расширение! Изменять можно не по 10, а по 1 еденице!!
  • (2023-06-03) Tidus: This is what i was looking for... one with a on/off button. 😊
  • (2023-04-25) andi davidson: MANTAP,JOSS
  • (2023-03-26) 梅澤聖: loud and clear when I canot hear properly the people speaking in google meet
  • (2023-03-25) Tainara Luara Bragatto: I got this laptop Lenovo idealpad. great laptop only issue is its so freakin low the sound on here beyond trash. I legit have to carry around a speaker to make it loud. I was messing around on chrome and Saw this and was like DOUBT ITS GOING TO WORK but what do i have to lose. AND ARE U KIDDING ME IDK how yall did this but THANK YOU SO MUCH. AND ITS LOUD LOUD its like yall upgraded my speakers what is this magiccc
  • (2023-03-24) Mateus Cesar: After a Windows update ruined my computer sound (only 50% volume), the extension fixed it and more! Since I view all of my TV and movies from a desktop, this has been a big plus to my day to day life. Thank you!
  • (2023-03-24) Adilson Jandir kollet kollet (corucha): Great app. Is it possible to make it work on any music site?
  • (2023-03-24) Pablo Alves: It's very good for online classes because google meets are ear piercingly loud sometimes, I really want them to add a more accurate slider so I can go below 10% without hitting 0%
  • (2023-03-21) Mariana Oliveira: Awesome extension! Works very well and easy to use!
  • (2023-03-19) Edilson Junior: It help in my online study as we can hear a loud voice and can understand easily.
  • (2023-03-17) Ruy Richard: what a best gadget i've ever seen
  • (2023-03-16) Bruno: It's the perfect Extension ,not only it can control each taps own volume but also it can Boost AND mute it ,it's simple and not buggy .njust love it
  • (2023-03-15) DARTZ (ORIGINAL VIOLENCE): I Love this app, cant get it, why have you got to fix it at every song you play, cant there be an auto switch ?.
  • (2023-03-14) 김장윤: works as advertised. easy to use. great extension!
  • (2023-03-12) Ana Martins: Amazing extension - does exactly what you need it to do. Thanks for making it :)
  • (2023-03-12) stan. SDK: I love the simplicity of this app. It's meant to do one thing, and it does it well. Would recommend. IGN rating 10/10. I genuinely had no bad experiences with this extension and if possible, it should be made into a full desktop app where you can control different apps' individual volumes (like the app called Background Music). Make it available to mac users too (I am using mac).
  • (2023-03-11) Diogo Mansur: Absolutely brilliant! Works exactly as it should. Thank you so much for creating it!
  • (2023-03-10) Lorena R.: It's amazing, there is one problem but that's only because I'm not used to it. It works perfectly and I use it all the time. The only minor issue is that if you use it, the mute button on the tab doesn't work.
  • (2023-03-07) Sophia (alex): Great for having music in the background while watching another video or playing a video game.nnI would recommend this
  • (2023-03-06) Victor Hugo S.: this extension is best for my studies
  • (2023-02-28) Felipe Magalhães: My computer speakers don't work well even with my headphones that are expensive. I would die without my music. This extension has helped me enjoy my music....if I didn't have a restricted income from being disabled.... I am so incredibly grateful for this extension. None of the other sound volume extensions have worked. Thank you so much.
  • (2023-02-27) Lary Schu: Really good to make the Sound be Loud and Clear for some videos and headphones that are Low on Volume.
  • (2022-12-12) MIGUEL ANGEL GUTIERREZ BARRETO: facil manejo, claro y preciso. <3


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4.7138 (283 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-23 / 2.65
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