extension ExtPose

Mail और Calendar के साथ साइडबार — Google Calendar और Gmail के साथ सिंक करें

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अपने Gmail, Google Calendar, Drive, Keep आदि से mail, calendar, notes, tasks और अन्य तक एक क्लिक में पहुंचें। किसी भी टैब पर।

Image from store Mail और Calendar के साथ साइडबार — Google Calendar और Gmail के साथ सिंक करें
Description from store Manganum के साथ अपनी उत्पादकता बढ़ाएँ — एक ऑल-इन-वन साइडबार Chrome के लिए जो Gmail, Google Calendar, Drive, Keep और अन्य को एकीकृत करता है। किसी भी टैब पर एक क्लिक में mail, calendar, notes, tasks और AI टूल्स जैसे ChatGPT तक पहुँचें। मुख्य विशेषताएँ: — यूनिफाइड साइडबार: Gmail, Google Calendar, Drive, Keep और अन्य तक पहुँचें एक क्लिक में, सीधे साइडबार से। — Inbox App: अपने Gmail इनबॉक्स तक त्वरित पहुँच, जिससे आप Gmail को पूरी तरह से खोले बिना ईमेल चेक कर सकते हैं। — Calendar App: अपने Google Calendar शेड्यूल को देखें और आने वाले इवेंट्स के लिए रिमाइंडर्स प्राप्त करें। एक क्लिक में वीडियो कॉल्स में शामिल हों। — AI Integration: किसी भी टैब पर AI-सक्षम सहायता के लिए ChatGPT और Google Bard तक त्वरित पहुँच प्राप्त करें। — Drive Integration: अतिरिक्त टैब्स खोले बिना अपने Google Drive फाइल्स तक पहुँचें। — Translator: अपने ब्राउज़र में सीधे 100 से अधिक भाषाओं में टेक्स्ट का अनुवाद करें। — Tasks & Notes: Google Tasks या Todoist के साथ अपने टास्क्स को मैनेज करें और Google Keep या Manganum Notes में आइडियाज़ को नोट करें। — कस्टमाइज़ेबल नई टैब: प्रेरणादायक उद्धरण, शानदार बैकग्राउंड और प्रैक्टिकल विजेट्स के साथ अपने नए टैब पेज को पर्सनलाइज़ करें। — SMS सिंक: अपने Android फोन से सीधे साइडबार में SMS प्राप्त करें। — गेम्स और टूल्स: Pacman और 2048 जैसे क्लासिक आर्केड गेम्स के साथ ब्रेक लें, या कैलकुलेटर्स और अन्य टूल्स का उपयोग करें। कस्टमाइजेशन: — Dark Mode: Inbox, Translator और Tasks में डार्क इंटरफेस का आनंद लें। — Pin Mode: टैब्स के बीच स्विच करते समय साइडबार को हमेशा दिखाई देने दें। — Auto-Open: प्रत्येक नए टैब के साथ स्वचालित रूप से खुलने के लिए अपनी पसंदीदा साइडबार ऐप सेट करें। Manganum आपके डिजिटल जीवन को सरल बनाता है, सभी आवश्यक टूल्स को एक जगह लाकर। चाहे आप ईमेल मैनेज कर रहे हों, मीटिंग्स की योजना बना रहे हों, या AI का उपयोग कर रहे हों, Manganum सब कुछ एक क्लिक में उपलब्ध कराता है। अपनी दक्षता को अधिकतम करें और Manganum के साथ संगठित रहें। अभी इंस्टॉल करें और Gmail, Google Calendar और अन्य आवश्यक टूल्स के साथ अपने ब्राउज़िंग अनुभव को बदलें। शुरू करने के लिए ""Chrome में जोड़ें"" पर क्लिक करें! ❤️ के साथ बनाया गया।

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-14) Walter White: Недавно установил и не могу нарадоваться! Очень удобно, что все нужные приложения теперь всегда под рукой. Интерфейс очень красивый! Хотя всегда хочется больше — ещё бы интеграцию с аутлуком, нужно по работе. Но, в целом, повторюсь, отличное расширение!
  • (2024-01-25) Josh “Suburban Beard”: so much potential.this is just my opinion Cons 1. I don't like that there is no option for your fav links to be on the main page just for speed and convenience of opening links. 2.the new links are too tiny with no setting for adjusting them. If i wanted them that small and to the side I would just use a generic sidebar. or even a chrome bookmark folder. 3. $60 a year? maybe if i had some guarantee none of my info was being shared anywhere then maybe but its overpriced for what it offers what it does. 4. Due to the fact is just sitting in the sidebar it's just not that convenient to utilize all it has to offer. , It really feels like it a lot of wasted space. **full disclosure i sit about 4ft away from my monitors so it just doesn't work right for me** PROS there is so much to love. 1.full integration with google products plus their products (notes etd) 2. I love the chat-gpt+ bard its pretty epic 3. would be a time-saver on a surface pro or tablet for sure, 1 page access everything! 4. even faster time saver for integration with google+ subsystem for android, faster file transfer with drive integration etc. It pretty close to amazing! I wish it fit my personal needs better a.k.a. more customizable options for the basic integration of the product and I would think about paying for it,
  • (2024-01-25) Τα Ράττι: perfect solution for SLIMJET browser. Love it!! 5stars BUT ads area taking too much of space. I am not mind for ADS and sure it could be as large as double search bar. Now its taking a half of launcher area, so two stars less that means total only 3stars. &_______________ slides down to the ZERO STARS.. because its ALL now ONLY paid and all of my saved and necessary links were blocked by the launcher and no more in the access for me. Nice application became a huge disappointment. Will be deleted. _____________ RE: Hleb Haiduk HOWEVER, ADS space is too large! Its 7 topics huge now although SPONSORED line was just 2.5 topics wide. An appropriate size of the banner would be UP to 4 topics/like a search bar with sponsored tiles in total/. ____________ RE: U.Y. Appreciate for your kind answer but I see you have no clue about market tools, customers psychology, business strategy and advertisement basics Thank you.
  • (2023-11-28) Darren Hiscock: It's quite good but definitely not worth 60 usd per year, uninstalling.
  • (2023-11-24) manu rodrigues: While I'm not typically inclined to write reviews, I felt compelled to share my thoughts on this extension. The annual cost of $60 USD is in my opinion a bit steep but I am convinced it can bring a lot of value. I decided to give it a try and subscribe for a year. My decision was based on how efficient customer support was when I was facing some technical hiccup and also because of the promotional price I discovered on Product Hunt (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/manganum-sidebar). Looking forward to use this product, I think it has a lot of potential and it will integrate nicely to my workflow. Cheers, Manu.
  • (2023-11-20) Todd Carruthers: Extremely disappointed that the only way you can use this now is to pay $10 a month after using it for over a year. I never needed all the bells and whistles that were added like chat GPT and dealing with ads was fine as it was just a useful app to use the FREE google apps but even at its best this extension is not worth even $10 a year. How can you demand a payment of $120 a year when all the apps on here are free or are not created by you. What a great way to destroy your existing user base.
  • (2023-11-14) Nick Dziubynskyi: Could have been 5 stars if it wasn't for the one-step switch to a fully paid extension with an inadequate price.
  • (2023-11-12) Hoang Pham: Required subscription. DO NOT INSTALL
  • (2023-11-12) Bryan Vadhin: I used to love this extension as i've been heavily integrated into the Google environment having an Android. The tasks tab and google calendar were super useful, but now that they force you to pay $5/month to use any of it. I'm uninstalling unless they still provide a free option.
  • (2023-11-10) Suthee Srisakulchawla: Rip off at this subscription rate. Lets everyone who feel the same come reviews and do not just uninstall. Review before uninstall if you feel the same as me
  • (2023-11-09) Artemii Stepankin: I've been using it every day at work for almost a year now. Can't imagine using Chrome without it anymore. Even though I have to pay now, it's totally worth the price because it makes my life easier. It would be nice if it had a Pomodoro technique implemented though.
  • (2023-11-08) Mark Sinitskiy: Use it for more than a year. Backgrounds are awesome! Can't imagine my browser withought email and calendar widgets any more. Best thing, I've seen in this store, 100% sure.
  • (2023-11-08) Julian Chan: It used to be a solid 5 star, even with the free trail version with the ads blocking most of the sidebar it was at least still usable. Now with the new Pro update, All functionaity has been pretty much disabled. I'm not talking about chatGPT tab, reminders and such, which is fine by me. But basic chrome bookmarks is also removed. There is literally no point of using this anymore, you will get hooked with the free trail, but as soon as that ends, you will regert getting use to it and have to pay a monthly subscription to keep on using it. The one time payment option is also removed as well and the developers doubled down with a subscription model. Im sorry but I'm not going to pay a subscription to use chrome, going to switch to Opera now as they literally have very similar system built-in their new brower for free. Switching over bookmarks and data are down automatically as well. What a shame...
  • (2023-11-08) Da mian: Jest to najlepszy Speed Dial do Chroma, lecz przestał być darmowy. W nieco okrojonej wersji z zakładkami, czatem, keep i reklamami (której już i tak były), mogłoby dalej być darmowe. Ale twórcy wybrali inną drogę. Szkoda.
  • (2023-11-08) Michel G. Morin: I used this app with pleasure and low learning curve. Now, soddenly I get a captive screen that request me to buy. I don't want to buy, I don't have the money. They say that we are ''welcome to stick with the free version if it suits your preferences better''. I cannot find the way to do this. That is no way to treat your users without notice. Should be ashamed.
  • (2023-11-08) ABOSS 21 ONFIRE: Before they made the apps usable with subscription, the popup saying the alert of using the apps with premium was really annoying as it blocked half the view! Now you have to have premium in order to use the apps. I feel like they are doing this because I can't find any other extensions like this. For those of you new to this and about to install it, im telling you right now: DON'T INSTALL IT, YOU WILL REGRET IT TRUST ME.
  • (2023-11-08) Dabao Deng: It's very convenient with fast access to calendar, to-do list and other apps... but the monthly subscription is enough to drive ppl away to find other free solution
  • (2023-11-07) Bjoern Dennis Hinkel (XxGuardianAngel): Bisher war die App ganz toll, aber jetzt auf einmal alles gesperrt und man soll zahlen, vor allem so viel Geld dafür und dann noch nur über Kreditkarte (Hab keine). Somit leider Deinstallation, schade war super.
  • (2023-11-07) I have been using this extension for most of this year and it was really wonderful. Developers have now added a subscription model, which I completely understand - everyone wants to get paid for their work. However - I now have an extension that provides no value unless I pay for it. It's not just the sidebar apps that don't work anymore. None of the apps works even with a new browser window. They've just removed all functionality unless you pay for it. This is not the message that was communicated on the app, it was supposedly just the convenient sidebar that would cease to function, and my impressions (as I'm sure others had as well) was that a new browser window would still allow you to use the extension. However the entire extension no longer functions without the subscription. This extension should not be listed as free any longer, unless there is a free trial for a certain length of time, in which case that should be noted. Note to the developers - perhaps ad revenue would be a better pursuit than a mass exodus of users from introducing a subscription fee. Or even a one time payment would probably be more palatable. For me your extension was just quicker access to my work calendar, which I'm sure I can find another extension for.
  • (2023-11-07) Lindsey Cook: I started using this extension because its free, now the extension is unusable because of premium Uninstalled Bye
  • (2023-11-07) Alwin Vollmer: completely useless without pro. nice at first but after the testing phase this extension is completely useless. the whole sidebar is bound to a pro account!
  • (2023-11-07) Trần Khánh: okay, so I need to subscribe to use? guys, don't install this extension :< At first it was really helpful but now, you must pay to use it (almost everything) i recommended using uTab, Infinity New Tab, Tabrr Dashboard or Ultimate New Tab (similar to Manganum)
  • (2023-11-07) se lotfi: Dear Manganum.app Team, I am writing to you today to request assistance with my Manganum Plus subscription. Due to government and economic sanctions, I am unable to purchase a new subscription to continue using your app. I am a student, and I cannot afford to pay for a new subscription at this time. I have been a loyal user of Manganum.app for many years, and I have always been impressed with the quality of your app and the wide selection of manga that you offer. I have particularly enjoyed using the Manganum Plus subscription, as it allows me to read manga without any ads and with access to exclusive content. I understand that the current situation is difficult for everyone, but I would be very grateful if you could consider providing me with a temporary extension on my Manganum Plus subscription. I rely on Manganum.app to help me relax and de-stress after a long day of studying. I am also a big fan of manga, and I am eager to continue reading the latest chapters of my favorite series. I have attached a copy of my Manganum Plus account information to this email. I would be happy to provide any additional information that you may need. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soo
  • (2023-10-30) Darya Skarakhod: I came across Manganum around a month ago and didn't expect much, to be honest. Yet, it turned my life upside down as the extension is an actual game changer for those who want to boost productivity. With Manganum, I can now focus better on my daily tasks and organize my browsing the way I want it to be. I also don't forget any calls anymore, thanks to the calendar integration and soft color notifications that appear before every call. Thank you for this amazing tool 🙌
  • (2023-10-25) Christopher Greeley: i would rate higher, but I have limited my use of it. The keystroke logging makes me very nervous. The Developer responded (Thank you!). I have increased my rating. I still like it a lot, but the language in the Web Store (under Privacy Practices) includes keylogger data. Does this apply to this extension?
  • (2023-10-24) Micah Chen: From loving it, to hating it. THANKS MANGANUM FOR SUCH AN ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCE! This is bombarded with ads, and after using it for a while, disables functionality? Like how bad can an extension get?
  • (2023-10-23) Jill Miesen: Hogs memory on a mac and you want me to pay for it? I loved this extension when it first came out. But then I upgraded to Catalina, and it took me over 6 months to figure out that this thing was completely messing up my Chrome. It bloated it beyond belief. When I finally had time to one by one go through each extension, this was the one that was the culprit f grinding my Chrome to a halt when using it. And you are charging now? It was great until Catalina, and the issue continues today with Sonoma. Somehow you need to look at your code with this.
  • (2023-10-23) Pedro Braga: I've using the free version, but now they've said that I need to pay this.
  • (2023-10-23) Rian Ahammed Rana: Hey, is it safe to give you google drive access?
  • (2023-10-23) গ্রাম বাংলার প্রতিভা: Good app!
  • (2023-10-23) Rian Ahammed Rana: Thank you!
  • (2023-10-23) Rian Ahammed Rana: No doubt that this is the best chrome useful extension. if you could add Google drive there it will be good. It will be too good that if you can allow us to add google service like mine(Like Favorites). I read most of the comments and you said you'll update the extension end of the November. I Can't wait to see the update! ❤️❤️❤️ All I want to say you are the best, like your extension. Take Love From Bangladesh 🇧🇩 ❤️
  • (2023-10-20) Sakamoto Mio: ~ according to Maganum I have been using the app for approximately 440 days! (thus far) ~ I like it and have used it aplenty (however) I would like to continue using it in the state I am currently using it = FREE! ~ and the reason for that, is I did consider paying for it, but the option for $2 - $5 (per month - billed monthly) is now missing and the $10 per month option only remains, this is not really a choice (rather a strong-arm tactic) and because of that (that $10) can go somewhere else more important. ~ Now don't get me wrong, I support apps when they show me that they have the customer/user interests in mind and it has different options/choices in a subscription available. ~ I was very, very (and I mean very close) to supporting the app further, but there's no choice now and only a $10 Monthly (and a supposed) $5 Monthly (which in reality is billed at $60 Yearly) and no other option is available. ~ if there were more tiers available besides the 2 (then) I would gladly pay for a subscription. ~ but as it is currently, its a subtle way of being sneaky (and) I am (personally) getting tired of being - "nickled and dimed" - on every app currently available everywhere now-a-days. UPDATE: ~ "Now I'm (literally) being threatened by this app by the statement that has changed now: ¬ "After Nov 1st, you need Maganum Plus to use the side bar apps." = = ~ welp, you lost a potential subscriber for this app, though (very useful) but the tactic being used to - "STRONG-ARM" - users (into a subscription) is not accepatble (and) because of the use of this tactic, I'll be ceasing use of the app. ~ good experiece from the start (nevertheless) it has gone downhill since then and it appears that it will continue on that course until (decency) prevails and the user doesn't have to experience - "Threats nor Strong-arm Tactics" - just to use a app.
  • (2023-10-13) Nibble ITSF: Very useful extension! The best out of all what I tried for € 5 euro, and actually even free version is totally enough to organise my work 😅 The only I would add more is time tracker - to full-fill remote working environment for 100%. thanks for the team, great job!
  • (2023-10-11) Sammuel Djomnang njipia: C'est simplement parfait... j'adore les intégrations google 😍😍😍
  • (2023-10-09) Extend Chrome: People that say this is a bad extension have never used it before, it is still free to use all of the features, you only get like some unnoticeable ads, it is a great extension.
  • (2023-10-07) Max Lange: Edit: I turned on ads voluntarily in the beginning, latter it was required. I was not too happy when it was moved to the launchpad, but is was okay. But now it is everywhere? I am not willing to pay for an extension was many alternatives. Great extension to maximize productivity. One thing that would be a nice thing to add would be saving notes into google keep. Other than that, great extension.
  • (2023-09-22) Sergei Karpovich: Интересный функционал, но браузер стал ужасно тормозить... Пришлось выключить расширение.
  • (2023-09-20) Viktoria Dunker: Instantly infintely more productive. I don't mind paying for this at all. Thank you for helping me manage my life and giving me more breathing room to play!
  • (2023-09-15) Rei SHIN: I really like it's it's a great tool integrating all chrome components quickly. HOWEVER, performance issue, pleaes fix! -- notice that chrome becomes very slow using Slack, Reddits etc --> noticed that Manganum Google Translate side bar is stealing what I type from the keyboard and sending the text in for translation, I moved the Google Translate tab to "Image" instaed of "Text" and the lag is stopped immediatedly. **** PLEASE FIX **** - please allow user to chose if Google Translate is enabled or not, currently it's enabled by default, found no way to stop it.
  • (2023-09-12) Sasha Riniolo: This has changed my life forever
  • (2023-09-12) Xavier Arpa: brutal Edit: Luego de probarla por mas de 1 mes se siente la diferencia. Muy recomendable
  • (2023-09-03) Kirolos Matta: PEEEAAARRRFFEEECTTTT !!!!!!
  • (2023-08-25) Moubrey Osmodia: Take your hands off the main screen and workspace, you can put your wallpaper in chrome, you can do something like G App Launcher or individual widgets, but in general you do not need to touch the main page, there are many examples, Yandex, Edge, Atom, Opera, Vivaldi, there was also a great panel for chrome, but it was also broken by the developers themselves https://chromestores.com/extension/sidebar-extension-download/ A great idea implemented just in no way.It is also very slow, and with a non-removable banner at the bottom. Such a peculiar shame for developers. I hope they will finalize it or remove it altogether. But the idea itself is worthy of being implemented into the browser itself.
  • (2023-08-23) Cindy Bahl (Cindy): WHY DO THEY SAY THIS IS FREE? I checked out the website listed for this extension and could not find ANYWHERE anything about pricing. At all. And on that website, they say this is free. False. You get a 2 week trial and then have to pay. It isn't a lot of money but what bothers me (and many others users - see their reviews) is the total lack of pricing transparency by this company. That's insane! Most users are feeling betrayed by their flat out lies on this product. It instantly makes any user wonder how honest they are about how they use your data and other aspects when they go out of their way to hide that there is even ANY cost until after you've basically signed up. Or what the cost is itself. Strongly suggest not trusting this developer. This extension or anything they have done or will do in the future. Again, it isn't the actual price itself that is worrying. It is the lengths they went to in order to lie to potential users on price. It's the dishonesty that ultimately will make me uninstall this. You know what is kind of funny? The monthly subscription price isn't bad. I might have actually considered trying it out more and possibly paying for it. But if they lie about this, there are far worse things with your data they are probably lying about.
  • (2023-08-21) Floki 47: I really love the part where I have to pay. Perhaps you guys can charge hourly.
  • (2023-08-19) Prasad Bankar: Extensions should mention clearly whether they are paid or subscription based. I hate that I had to add one more download count just to realise that it is just another paid extension like several others
  • (2023-08-15) Nicole Ahmed: Nice looking extension with a bit of development yet to go. I was primarily interested in the new tab page and sadly this is the least developed aspect of the extension. The side bar is where the focus is - with access to a few google appliations (but not gmail yet). To use sms you need to dowload the manganum app for android - but not sure why as there is a web interface for Google messages. Calendar tasks and notes integration is good. I didn't see todoist. Everything looks slick and professional. The backgrounds are vibrant. But I was looking for more of a dashboard set up for my new tab page - not for all the action to be confined to the side bar. Ideally calendar, mail, tasks would be available to view (like in other extensions such as Anori). I am personally looking to embed my own widgets too. Noticed that this is subject to a free trial. Will see how the extension does after that is complete. Will update!
  • (2023-08-15) Shashikant K: why you guys taking (name, address, email address, age, or identification number ) this kind of when it is not necessary. even you if you are taking you should ask for consent first
  • (2023-08-14) Jacq Be: Spam


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2024-11-14 / 24.11.12
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