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Image from store Gmail重复发送邮件
Description from store 「Gmail 的重複郵件」是第一個注重隱私的 Chrome 擴充功能,讓您可以在 Gmail 上發送重複郵件。無追蹤、無廣告、無橫幅,也無預裝軟體。提供免費和付費方案。 💥超過 70,000 名專業人士在所有商店中將應用程式加入其瀏覽器以提升電子郵件效率。撰寫您的郵件,設定發送計劃,就完成了!您不必記得再次發送郵件! ☄️ 新功能:郵件合併及進階電子郵件連結功能,可以從任何試算表抓取資料到模板中,讓您輕鬆創建個性化且針對性的重複性郵件。只需連接您的 Google 試算表、CSV、XLS 或 ODS 檔案,即可自動化處理! 🗓️完整的計劃 通過設定未來日期一次或根據完全可自訂的重複計劃多次發送郵件。方便的排程,可以設定每天的時間、發送日期或發送次數。 ✍ 自動跟進 如果您的郵件沒有獲得任何回覆,設定一個自動跟進郵件進行發送。自動跟進有助於簡化流程,減少手動追蹤的需要,並促進及時回應,最終提高生產力並促進與客戶、同事或潛在客戶建立更強大的關係。 🛡️隱私問題?怎麼處理? 其他擴充功能需要您放棄郵件隱私,要求特定的 Gmail 權限。同意這些權限將使其能夠閱讀您的所有郵件。沒錯,所有的郵件!我們不會要求您同意這樣的權限,唯一需要的敏感權限是「代表您發送郵件」。 🆓免費嗎? Gmail 的重複郵件對個人、偶爾使用是免費的(最多 5 次自動發送)。如果您是公司或者只是需要更多功能,請查看付費的 PRO 方案。 ⌚方便使用 直接從 Gmail 接口中使用擴展的「稍後發送」按鈕或者從「我的郵件」頁面以簡單安全的方式撰寫郵件。可以從中央網頁界面或者擴展彈出窗口編輯郵件。 👥聯絡人管理和收件人集合 輕鬆導入您的 Google 聯絡人,並立即在功能強大的內嵌自動完成功能中使用它們。創建收件人集合,將聯絡人分組或分隊,以便直接選擇群組,而不是輸入地址。 🗂️文件夾 使用文件夾整理您的郵件庫,以更有效地管理郵件。創建檔案、垃圾、收件人文件夾或任何其他幫助您更好地組織重複郵件的文件夾類型。 🧠基於人工智能的搜尋 基於人工智能技術的強大搜尋功能,輕鬆訪問您的存儲庫,更輕鬆地訪問您的資料。 🔗整合 該擴展完全整合了 Gmail、Google Workspace 或您喜歡的使用 Android 或 iOS 的行動裝置。只需一次設定,並對您的工作流程干擾最小。 📄範本 使用電子郵件範本快速草擬新郵件。從現有郵件中複製任何狀態,創建新郵件。現有郵件兼做範本的角色。 🧾收據 在發送郵件後,直接在收件箱中收到通知,讓您更好地控制您的郵件,並保持與情況的同步。 🐾追蹤 電子郵件追蹤通知您已發送的郵件是否被收件人之一打開。您可以通過點擊「我的郵件」中的日誌圖標或打開擴展彈出窗口來查看這些事件。 🏷️發送别名 以您 Gmail 帳戶中所連接的任何電子郵件地址的身分發送郵件。在創建時,可以使用 Gmail 原生的撰寫彈出窗口選擇帳戶,或者直接在「我的郵件」中選擇。 ⏩跳過 通過點擊按鈕,簡單地跳過您的郵件的下次發送。您的郵件的下一次發送將自動跳過,但排程將正常繼續。 📦批量操作 一鍵暂停、取消或恢復所有郵件,立即節省更多時間。 🖱️手動發送 立即發送已保存的郵件,無需更改其計劃。只需點擊一下,即可為您的客戶創建通知!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-30) Niall Slater: Very simple and intuitive interface to solve a very necessary task!
  • (2023-10-28) Christine Bray: Great chrome extension. Recurring Emails for Gmails makes running my business much easier!
  • (2023-10-18) Mike Sanghvi: Exactly what I was looking for! Nice and simple
  • (2023-09-26) Ryan Hart: Great tool for self-reminders. Shout out to Costin for helping me troubleshoot something quickly and effectively.
  • (2023-09-26) Ahmed ALMamari: Finally! Been looking for such an app for ages. Amazing!
  • (2023-09-12) Zlatan Stankovic: This extension is easy to use and has a lot of great features. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who uses Chrome!
  • (2023-09-12) Zlatan Stankovic eBizAutos: Amazing product! Simple, does what its supposed to and never fails! Love it
  • (2023-09-12) Andrew Conrad: Seems to work just as I need it too! Still figuring out how to best use it.
  • (2023-09-12) Sophia H - Admin Assistant: Does exactly what I need it to with no frills. Thanks!
  • (2023-09-12) Alyson M. Mike: I have a number of recurring emails for weekly meetings with teachers. This extension has saved me a tremendous amount of time setting up a reminder email weekly. I have the ability to pause an email or modify things easily. In other tools I have tried, that is not always the case. The tracking of email receipts and what has been clicked on is also helping in gauging how the resources I am sharing are being used. The time saving ability is really top shelf.
  • (2023-09-12) Balázs Pintér: I use it quite often. I work during night hours but I do not want everyone to know about it, so I schedule some stuff for the next morning. I also use it for reminders (to others) to answer some unanswered e-mail. Once I get the answer I delete the scheduled e-mail(s). So, I really love it.
  • (2023-09-12) Kennon Jackson: I have used the 'Recurring Emails for Gmail' Chrome extension for two years - and I could not run my organization without it! From timesheet reminders, to Board meetings, to outreach and media - 'Recurring Emails for Gmail' allows my the flexibility and precision to schedule emails beyond the basic function offered through Gmail. I highly recommend this extension; it's a no brainer. :-)
  • (2023-08-31) Jako Bekker: Very easy to set up and use! One of very few recurring email options in Gmail, and by far the easiest I've tried so far.
  • (2023-08-29) Keila Tennent: While there is room for improvement -like syncing feature into the current gmail platform, I like this feature and it's the best available option!
  • (2023-08-21) K Zagnoli: You can only send 5 emails with the free trial. It would be nice if there was a free version for casual/non-business users who will send a low volume. Basically, I want this information written at the very beginning in the app description, so that I don't waste time downloading it and setting up and email.
  • (2023-08-17) accounts voyages Kerala: Best Software for credit follow up. Mark a cc to yourself so that you will also know the same and can call the customers. Value for money compared to other similar products in the market. OPtion for monthly billing also.
  • (2023-08-16) Voyages Kerala: Excellent product for sending reminders which will reduce our work load
  • (2023-08-15) Renuka Jaiman: Amazing extension, couldn't find the recurring feature anywhere other than this. Love it.
  • (2023-08-14) Plymouth County Hub: We finally have a way to make our meetings more healthy! Thank you for a way to remind our meeting attendees each week, so that zoom details won't accidentally get deleted/ changed.
  • (2023-08-01) Priit Loo: Easy to understand and plan to send repeating email if needed. No fuzz at all, do not add numerous buttons. Does what is promises and well.
  • (2023-07-28) My Hoai Ha Thi: This is awesome extension. The support team is working great to support users. I really recommend this extension to someone who is looking for a tool to send recurring email.
  • (2023-07-27) Alice Farrell-Pearlman: This extension is fantastic, and makes the interface work much more like Outlook. I was sad to see that there is a limit to the number of recurring emails you are able to schedule with a basic account. Yet another expense that we have to incur in order to be productive. But with such great functionality I hope that there will be a time when this feature can be incorporated into the basic plan. Thanks again for the innovation that Google will always be known for. Alice, Queens, NY
  • (2023-07-27) Jason Weaver: Great extension. I use it to send daily emails to a specific address. I wish they had a lower pay option than Pro, even with limited ~30 Max. Scheduled repeats per email would be with a few $ / year for me, but Pro is just too much.
  • (2023-07-06) J K: Great product. just what I was looking for to send recurring emails each month.
  • (2023-07-05) Irianto Petrus Binsardo: great and helpful extention
  • (2023-06-23) D01250 IN03: Love it! Just what I needed at work!
  • (2023-06-19) Cris Fuhrman: The free plan is really just to see if it works (I wouldn't call it casual use). Don't waste your time here if you're looking to send just one (1) email as many times as you want. At most you can have one email sent three (3) times for free. Also, I have several gmail accounts, and it took quite a lot of clicking to make it work (reloading Gmail included). I realize much of this complexity is due to Google's extension infrastructure and security in Chrome, but it is worth mentioning that it's not as easy as the Youtube video makes it look.
  • (2023-06-07) Jack Labrecque Music: Awesome, worked better than others !
  • (2023-06-05) Michał Kuczek: This is one of the best extensions available in the store!
  • (2023-06-05) Isabel Platten: Reliable and helps me stay on top of my emails!
  • (2023-06-04) Jae: This product is solid and works. I like how it can integrate with my Gmail mobile app as well. Support is phenomenal! I had to reach out and they were swift and courteous 😁 I wish there was an option to purchase a lifetime subscription, but I am happy with supporting this developer with my annual Premium subscription. There are free trials, but this product is worth the cost.
  • (2023-06-02) Ma. Precious Abriol: I really love this tool! It saves me so much time and effort sending out emails for my job application. It's a life-saver!
  • (2023-05-24) Kenneth Gaudioso: I got this in order to create recurring emails for my loved ones after I have passed. I know, sounds morbid, but as I lose loved ones I realize how I just wished I could communicate with them one more time, get one more "Happy Birthday" or encouraging word of love. I use this for so many random things but this is the real purpose I have it. I am greatful that it exists and works so well. 5 stars 100%
  • (2023-05-23) Marie Hausner: This is exactly what I was looking to remind me of a few monthly tasks. Works great and is easy to setup.
  • (2023-05-09) Linda Moran: So far, it's working the way I want it to. Next I want to try out recurring emails. I've been wanting to add this kind of extension for a while, but extensions sometimes cause worry. I trust this one.
  • (2023-05-05) Caitlin Denman: Requires paid subscription to schedule more than 3 recurring emails.
  • (2023-05-05) Vicky van Dyk: Really helpful to have this, instead of having to draft an email, and try remember to send it in 4 days, you can just set it up to send when needed, and set it to recur as per the required, really helps on the long run to avoid forgetting emails that normally had to be manually sent at a certain time and day weekly or monthly. Would recommend this to anyone.
  • (2023-05-04) A Rathje: Using this extension to send a weekly email to our Pastor about what our congregation needs! Makes everything so simple!
  • (2023-05-03) Victoria Philpott: I'm self employed and returning to work from maternity leave. I've been looking for a way to let people know about my new working hours and this has been a life saver!
  • (2023-04-25) Josh Slusser: What a life saver! Having the ability to setup re-occuring e-mails is such a game changer and the at the price I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't see the value here. 10 out of 10 recommend for anyone using g-mail and need these types of e-mail functions. Super easy to use and user friendly.
  • (2023-04-21) Stefan Trbojevic: Awsome extention! The customer support is very good.
  • (2023-04-19) Bay Tech: Clever product and very responsive support
  • (2023-04-12) Dennis Bute: works great so far
  • (2023-04-11) Douglas Bromberg: The app does not work, the limited version posted here is useless it does not work and since they put this garbage on here I would then make a reasonable assumption that the full version is no better or they would not put a limited version on here that does not work so I would recommend don't bother with it.
  • (2023-03-21) Benjamin Dresser: This was super useful and it helped me automate a bunch of reminders that I sent to my team at predictable intervals. Freed up a bunch of time.
  • (2023-03-04) Siddarth Anand: This extension has been a life saver! I use it to schedule weekly orders for our local community food pantry, and it makes sure our community members don't go empty handed or hungry because someone forgot to send in an email one week!
  • (2023-02-28) Chris Busch: Extremely helpful and a very affordable option when it comes to gmail extensions. The extension is very user friendly and easy to learn in just a couple minutes. I really recommend trying it out!
  • (2023-02-18) Vinoth Sugunan: Does not work as advertised
  • (2023-02-15) Rob Muise: I ran into an issue with the extension conflicting with another extension I was using. They quickly started working on the issue and released an update within a week—excellent team, fantastic app.
  • (2023-02-13) Sherouk Saleh: As many above about spectical about whether it would be a good or bad application. But turned out to be an excellent application. it helped me especially in automating some emails. now I dont even check if its working or not cause it is for sure doing the work! Excellent Application and Highly recomended.


10,000 history
4.787 (216 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-04 / 1.6.0
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