Đánh giá / nhận xét / xếp hạng độc lập về mọi thứ! Không bao giờ phải lo lắng về việc bị xóa / bóp méo / giả mạo / bị giám sát nữa!
HiJury is an independent extension that everybody could review/comment/rank an homepage online. It is trustable. "True, Fair, Objective" is the principle of the platform. You could comment on a homepage which lacks the module of review/comment or can’t be reviewed/commented freely. You don’t need to worry about being deleted//distorted/tampered/supervised anymore! On the other hand, HiJury could help an independent business owners or content creaters get objective review/credit/reputation, because it can’t be modified/limited by the websites themselves.It’s much more trustable based on a set of algorithms. It could also help people speak out online freely. Install it now!
Latest reviews
- (2021-11-12) jury im: Amazing chrome extension!